.. I V .?"'-- ? Slit nrKcMfciaag gaojc: Jfatutttag ComfttgHfifwt 22f 18911 and left and a fine ld filly be-J IMITATES A. BIUD longing to Fred Lewis received a temnc ;iCHisof, TcrrcKA kanta r no. blow from the mad beast which sent one NORTH AND EAST. of its horns almost full length into the WICHITA WHOLESALE horse's side back of the shoulder and rrlve Arrive Arrive Y0UUG OKLAHOMA MAN HAS over No. Wichita. Wichita. Kar City. Chicago the lungs. The horse was still alive 4 OS KhiOp m 10:40 p.ra f50 a.m 1050 p. m. SCHEME WHICH HE WILL PLY. when Cast ieard from but is almost ica 10:46 n.ni 10:46 a.m 0:00 p.ra 9:43 a. m. sure to die. A Winchester rifle was se- S pm 4:00 p m TjochI cured and mad beast fell already 458 3:10 pmiEngl' wood Express the -- MANUFACTUrING marksmanship HOUSES 40S 10:40 p m'Panhantlle Express Machine Is Being: Constructed on the prin- victim to the superior of one of the men. The supposition is SOUTH AND WEST. ciples of the Feathered Creatures of the that the animal had been bitten by the Jhe Houses given below are Representative Ones in their Line and are Thoroughly Reliable. They Arrive Lca-r- Arrive' Arrlv Air, HaTinff In all Sixteen Pinions Which mad dog which passed through'the corall tor. ready South Generally, City No. Worth. Galveston, ire furnished thus reference for the as well as for and Suburban Wichita Wichita Ft .Razor Through the Air Alternately and several months ago. - . Buyers- Dealers and Inquirers correspond tlircctlyrith Names and Addresses given. 9 should 407 7:00 am am 0:iapmJ PtSiam Bear np the Ship Made of Tubular OM.Y ONE OT AN HEIRESS 403 p m iH0 pm P:15pm Steel-Expe- cts 417 12:15 p m 1:10 pm Local Freight. to 'Have it Finished in Gertrude Vanderbllt Will Have Kleh L. 10:15 Freight. W.D.Mowe. EitablliheUlSSS. G. Mood p m in:4o pm Local Dajrs-J- Array of Bridesmaid 7iT0 EDlewood ExpreWJ Ninety ail Break at Oklahoma' ivvMrr am - Aug. 21. N 407 7:00 am Panhandle Expres- City. New York, The bridemaids PROFESSIONALS. Wichita Stove and Iron Works. selected by ZMiss Gertrude "Vanderbilt, WEST. gaiBpR Guttaie, O. T., Augr. 21. Tlie Oklaho- who is to be married to Henry Payne Iste Manufacturers of rrivc mvc "Whitney at Newport next Tuesday, are IiATVYEKS. L. Angeles ma City Journal has the following: Mr. X.U.31Cj:DOCK. ? !..31UKnoC5v. No. Denver. with one exception great heiresses. The I BlTSU.Ti-S.Jt'G- IDEAL COOK and HEATING STOVES B. R. Harfrngton, who clerks for Street-e- r l.DlTon. 11:50 ml 6:05 p. m prespective fortunes represent millions. IPA3IS & AHAilS, 406!l0:45am 10:50 a ml a & K. W STTJRDofcK & BBO. Bepairs, Ircaitectan! Iron Work, Swb Weigkts Blanklnship, has, he claims, in It is expected Jiiss Gladys vander publishers and Proprietor.- - Store 6.rrho:irs to Los Anceles. flying- ma- younger Hauls, Grate Par?, Castings ef lueds. 'Daily except Sundav. vented a new and practical bilt, the sister of the bride, will LAWYERa Post ill chine. He is an Inventor and has been attend her as a flower maiden. She is Eagle Block. "Wichita Pull- p'erUdnlng to the business of MOORE BROS. of WlIlBioa. Free chair cars on all trains. studying- question of aerial navi- heiress to at least $15,000,000. and will All letters rrr. rrrly man sleepers to Kansas City the the nrintirr deoartment. bindery, sub J. JS1YATT, Palace gation for thirteen years. He says that probably have double that amount. scription r for advertising should be ad- nnd Chicago without change. Also to Miss Emily Vanderbilt Sloane and dressed to the business manager. AH problem navigation is and ATTORNEY-AT-LA- CJCDZj-c.T- Fort "Worth and Galveston. Connects the of aerial Miss Lila Sloane are first cousins of the other communications to the editor. O IE? T Newton Vestibule limited hav- has been already soUved by the birds, The only dally paper in Southwestern 09 Main at with bride. They are the daughters of 2Ir. recevlng the com- North St WICHITA POULTRY CO., ing chair cars. Pullman Palace and bees and bugs that flit majestically and Mrs. "William Douglas Sloane, Kansas or Oklahoma dining cars the plete Associated Press report. & FERGUSON, WUcieaIc Buyer of compartment sleepers and throug-- tihe atmosphere and that can latter a sister of Mr. Cornelius Vander- TERMS OF SDBSCRIPTION-DAXL- T. iTUiY through to Los Anjreles and San Diego; te just as easily construct a machine on bilt. The .Misses Sloane are extreme- (In advance, postage prepaid). LAWYERS, also with train carrying chair cars. ly pifbllc spirited. Miss Emily Vander- Dally, one copy one year. tf-- to the same principal as that on which our 3.w lipoma 405 & 405 A, Sed-wi- ck Bldj POULTRY, EGGS AND BUTTER. Pullman and Tourist sleepers El bilt Sloane is president A. B. Daily, one copy six months.. Pkso, Los Angeles and San Francisco. feathered friends operate to keep their the of the Dally, one copy three months.- - i.j C, or nt H. BROOKS, 904-90- 6 EAST DOUGLAS AVE. Through steamship tick- upon prin Circle, a charita- Daily, one ccpy one month pHAS. railroad and bodies in the air.. Acting this ble organization. likewise a week, any days destrea. Day. ets sold to all Her sister Three times 3.95 t3TRemittnces M4e Each points. ciple Mr. Harrington has invented a contributes work and money to the A. jer year. ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOP.TVEY. Th,a Mmcic. o na,l ttnV HnM flPSlr&d. W. machine which is in the shape of a tri- B. Cs. Mrs. William Douglas Sloane in- Office iu Zinimerly Building Ticket Asent angle with wings which strike the air six months VV Established: Cincinnati. 1S75. Wlch!ta.lS90. herited from her father, the late Will- Two times a week, any day desired, CAMPBELL & DYER, tViCIII-'- A much in the same manner that a bird iam H. Vandefbllt, 510,000,000, and the per year. strikes the air with Its wings. The ma-chri- ne fortune is said to enor- WEEKLY EAGLE. CO., have increased AITORNEYS-AT-LaW- C. E. POTTS nnivr nmr avftt. pinions part One copy one year 5 50 , THE DRUG o. Pratt arcl Kinsman p.ien has sixteen and of mously. It will be divided between the (rlpUvfxrept. TtOO them are all times striking the ET CARPJERS-Dally- , 1WN. 3fam St. South flain Street, rer 5nnlal am at air five children some day, as will the sub- No. 4 Pratt nn T'ineman accom- and propelling- delivered In 'Wichita anJ SOOpra the marine. wealth of the head of the family. It is urbs, per 5 15 TJEXRY HUTTMAN, modation. Tum.. Tnurs. and Sat.. machine win De propelled by a week nrrtriT wrrr. The quite safe to put the Misses Sloane Daily, delivered In "Wichita and sub- 1 bicycle pedal arrangement attached to a. down $3,000,(500. per 5 DRUGGISTS "n. TOnemnn nnd Prnlt as heiress each to urbs, month ATTORNEY-AT-La- W. WHOLESALE 5:40 p m Htimhiv) very light steel frame, or by a powerful Miss Amy Bend, who has been the TO ADVERTISERS. Offer to Trade at bottom prices a complete line of Druss. Medicine. No. SKInirmnn and Pratt but light engine manufactured and pa- guest Rates of advertising made known upon Office in Government Building the Wedn. and Fri.. a m for some time of the Sloanes at application. Chemicals. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Druggists and Stationer' Sundries tented in this city and called the Nap-th- a Elm Court, will be a hridemaid. Miss The proprietors reserve the richt to re- D. HOUSTON, EtcEtc. infifKHNiiusriscnit n. engine. Bend Is not an heiress. She is one of ject and discontinue any advertisements or J. EAT. The secrett of the success of this ma- two children of Mr. and Mrs. George H. contracted for either by themselves ATTORNEY-AT-LA- chine is in the speed of the pinions and Bend. 'Miss their agents. WICHITA UNION STOCK YARDS CO., rrs IXrrire Bend is a favorite niece of Entered in th postofflce at Wichita as Over Fourth National Bank. w,cft'AT,&AS ir the manner in which they are thrown, a rich bachelor, second-clas- "Irl.H t Smith r. LonK Isaac Townsend, and s matter and entered for trans- T A. to alternately catch the air and then and an elderly 6pinister sister of his, mission through the mails as such. BRUBACHER, CAPACITY: 1888 S&gg iien pn P" ?en a m 7T a m fold or turn sideways and cut through Miss Amy Townsend. Eastern Business Office, "The Tribune" M' 10 40 11 15 CSO pm nm p m a'Ti' tihe air justras bird does with its wings The impression .Building. New York City: Western Busi- LAWYER, Private Yards for Texans. ''VS I 8.r.aiii a m 'Loral Ficjght a is that there are no ness Offlce, "Th Cookery." Chicago; The when flying. greater heiresses America S. C. Special Agency, Sol 211 N. Slain St Perfect Sewerage and City Water. "WEST. in than the Beckwith The machine rtfr. Harrington Is now Misses Gerry. Their parents, Mr. and jrents Foreign Advertising. a NAFTZGER. All Pens CoTered. rrlve Vrrivp working- on is twenty-fou- r feet and six Mrs. Elbridge T. Gerry, Readers of the Eagle when in Now York r are said to be L.
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