Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1897 10-28-1897 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner October 28, 1897 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/banner1897 Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner October 28, 1897" (1897). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1897. 5. https://digital.kenyon.edu/banner1897/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1897 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL LXI. NO. 26. MOUNT VERNON, OHIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1897. $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. BLUE. INHIDK. Royal makes the food pure, I If any stranger un- wholesome and delicious. SHERIFF'S IWUllTIOL Why I’nvnlopro Va«l« That Way are in IN manti. (lertakes to vote next U/ State and County Election £ Tuesday c h a 11 enge [Wa-hii g'on S ar.] ill to he Held “Why are these envelopes made blue his right to vote. The on (lie insidf?’’ Hfkfd a Star reporter, Politic al. TIKSIHY, NOVEMBER 2,1807. looking at a epecimen which a whole­ £ Hanna program is to Ayer’s Argument sale stitioner held in his hand. bring outsiders into HEREAS, by the lawaof Ohio, regulat- "For a very simple reason,’’ was the W Ina electlona, It In required by the Hanna Gives Hla Case Away. Sheriff of hln county to give notice before reply. “Cne of the most important That Consarned Deficit. the close counties. the time of holding a general election bv In a speech at Marietta. Mark Hanna roctarnation throughout the county, of the results in making envelopes is to pre­ The Dingley deficit is growing like a fIme at which Much election nhall Im- holden. quarter horne. As a revenue getter it had the grace to make one exception to Contrary Widows In purNuance of Much requlHltlon. 1. JUS­ vent transparency. M-ny whitepapers TUS D. SMOOTS. Sheriff of Knox county. ara so transparent that by careful scrut­ it is a howling farce. Uncle Sam’s lace his geueral policy of claiming,in regard [Naw Orleans Picayune.] Ohio, do hereby piocl.ilm and m that the iny the coutents of envelopes, made of is getting longer evert' (lay and no won­ to every natural and political event The eminent widow# of France seem If there is any reason why you should use under the sun, that “I did it,” says the to he an unusually contrary lot. Mine. First Tuesday such material, may he determined. For der. The other day when the old gen­ POWDER any sarsaparilla, there is every reason why you instance, let us put a sheet of paper tleman went to his btnk to draw a Press Post. At last we have found some­ Alexander Dumas refuses to permit the Absolutely Puro After the F’lrnt Monday, being the thing for which Mark admits he is not with priming on it into this envelope check he threw up his hands as though publication of any of her husband's he was suddenly stricken with heart responsible. He said: manuscripts, and Mmc. Gounod steadi­ Second day of November 1897. should use Ayer’s. W hen you take sarsaparilla Let us also insert a bauk check. We “I did not discover the gold in the ly opposes the performance of any In by the Conotltulion and Statutes of Ohio will now seal it and hold it to the light disease. When he had recovered by the »ov*i OAMi.a powotn co., mw vork. appointed the day on which the qualified you take it to cure disease; you want to be cured aid of smelling tails he was able to ex­ Klondyke, hut it is there and it is com­ the composer’s early works. Mme. Mc­ electors Of Knox county. Ohio, nhall meet In thus. There, you can not only see the their respective townships or Wards, ^tl bank check, hut you can also read many plain his sudden attack. It appears ing out. It will take the place and till Mahon and Mme. Carnot have both de­ their usual or proper place of holding elec­ as quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible. A receiver is wanted for the Lexing­ tions, In their resis-.tive townships or of the words on the sheet of paper. that just as he was drawing his check that vacuum occasioned by the retire­ clined the pensions offered by the state. ton Hotel Building company in Chi­ Wards between the hours of ft::«» o’clock a. to pay his interest and some other odd ment of silver.” in. and ft:«> o'clock p. m., of said day, and This can he prevented either by getting SOME POTENT FACTS cago. |>r • „ red to ballot for: That is why you should use Ayer’s; it cures trifles amounting to a few paltry mil­ While the last sentence is as un- One iierNoii for Governor for the State of a very thick And high-priced envelope, Ohio. which is not transparent, nor scarcely lions he was politely called to the office gramatical and obscure as most of That the Reader will do Well to Care­ ree Pills. One person for Lieutenant Governor for quickly and cheaply—and it cures to stay. Many the State of Ohio. transparent, or by taking a cheaper of the president of the hank where he Maik’s public observations, it is never­ fully Ponder Over. Send your sddresH to H. E. Bucklen A Co. One person for Judge of the Supreme was told as delicately as the nature of theless clear enough to show that the Chicago, and get a free nample box of Dr. Court for the State of tinlo. people write us: “I would sooner have one grade of paper which is blue on It was kept a secret for years in a King's New Life Pills. A trial willconvine One person for Attorney General for the one side. We sell thoustr.ds of pack­ the case would permit that his account hoodling senator has given the whole g(8»d old Quaker family. The neighbors you of their merits. These pills are easy in State of Ohio. all knew about it, and many had reason action and are particularly effective in the One person for Treasurer for the State of ages yearly of blue envelopes—that is, was not only overdrawn, hut that he gold standard case away. bottle of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla than three of any to he thankful for its existence. Its cure of Constipation and Bick Headache. Ohio. had been checking out every day of the The gold from the Klondyke, he as­ For Malaria and Liver troubles they have One person for Member of the Board of which are blue on the outside, hut most fame sprei d, and strangers who heard Public Works for the State of Ohio. month S320,000 over and above the sures us, “will fill the vacuum occasion­ been proved Invaluable. They are guaran­ One person for School Commissioner for other kind.” A druggist writes that “one bottle people do not like them on account of about it wrote for information concern­ teed to be perfectly free from every deleteri­ the state of Ohio. their color. So to get over the difficul­ amount he was putting in. In fact the ed by the retirement of silver.” But ing it, eomttimes tried its virtues and ous substance and to be purely vegetable. one person for State Senator for the 17th- bauk officials assured him that he was that gold had not been discovered when sometimes put a trial ofl for a more They do not weaken by their action, but by 2ath Joint Senatorial District of the State of of Ayer’s will give more benefit than six of any ty, and still make an envelope that giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly Ohio. , the St. Louis gold standard platform was convenient season. To tell how it was One person for Representative for the will hide the contents and not be high- even then “kiting” his check when he draggl'd from an obscure country vil­ Invigorate th* system. Regular siZe 25c County of Knox. State of Ohio. other kind.” If one bottle of Ayer’s will do the priced, the manufacturer uses pajier had no money in the hank at all. The framed; nor when the silver purchasing per box. Sold by O. R. Baker & Son Drug One |M*rson for Commissioner for the lage and placed before the general pub gist. 4 County of Knox. State of Ohio. which is blue on one si le and white on old gentleman, who was somewhat old- clause of the Sherman act was repealed. lie would he interesting reading, but One person for Treasurer for the County of Knox. State of Ohio. work of three it must have the strength of three the other. One factory in New York fashioned in bis not’ons of honesty and Why, then, was this “vacuum" created, lack of space compels us to withhold Coaating steamer Triton was wrecked One person for Recorder for the County of the particulars. It is sufficient to know fair dealing, was terribly shocked and when there was no prospect in sight of oil Havana, and all on hoard perished. Knox, State of Ohio. turns out over 1,006,000 of such envel­ that over a year ago it came to Marion.
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