193& . ...-- .... ....- ....- ... _. - .... _- :::: Increwing Cloudinen George Schmidt Die, JOWA-lncreulna' cloudiness, lo­ Lon, Illness Results In Death Of cal thundershowers in northwest y Manufacturer and north-central portions today; See Story, Pa,e 6 unseUled tonl,ht; lair tomorrow. -t1 y , , , J o CJ c M 0 , n • n , N • p p • I 'th • • • • FIVE CENTS The Associated Press lOW A CITY, lOW A SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1938 The AAoclated Press VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER= 331 ~t. was ~ day ilntil ,up's I. lani .. lbe PaUl lUff. = ----------------------------------~--------------------------------.------- ..---------- • Gaffney Seeks DeIllocratic NOIllination Death Mounts Death Ends 6 In Holy Land Year Term On James P . Gaffney, judge of the COlllress from the flrst coo - cial district in 1932, taking office · · · · · .. · · .. R St I ,resslonal district of Iowa to in 1933. In 1936 he was re- ace rugg e eighth judicial district, last night abide the verdict of the coo- elected for another four - year Highest Bench became the 10th democrat to an- ,resslonal convention and will term. r nounce his candidacy for the nom- wholeheartedly support the Besides Judge Gaffney, . 0 the r lnation as first district congress- nominee of that convention." candidates expected to be in the 44 Arabs, 14 Jews 68· Year Old Judge At the Iowa county convention convention race for Eicher's place Dead as Sabotage, man. last Saturday a suggestion was on the ticket are: Had Beeo Staunch Congressman Edward C. Eicher made that Gaffney be endorsed J. O. Boyd and Mrs. Zoe Na- Gunfire Feed Rage Roosevelt Supporter withdrew from the race last Fri- as a candidate but, because of his bors, both oJ Keokuk; Ray Bax­ day night, and congressional com- office as convention chairman, ter, Max Conrad and James Bell, JERUSALEM, July 9 (AP) PORT CHESTER, N. Y., July 9 = mltteemen will meet in Washing- Gaffney would not aUow the en- all of Burlington; M. V. Staple­ The seething Holy Land presented (AP)-Associate Judge Beniamin ton, la., tomorrow morning to set dorsement. He is a resident of ton of Muscatine; Curtis McKin­ a black picture of hate and mount­ N. Cardozo of the United States the date for the congressional WilIJamsburg in Iowa county. Inon of New Londoni LeMar Fos­ ing death tonight. supreme court died at 6:40 p.m. - Gunfire and new incidents of convention - where one of the 10 At the democratic congressional ter o( West Branch, speaker of today at the home of Justice Ir­ sabotage (ed the fla mes of rage will be chosen as the democratic II convention at Mt. Pleasant in 1932 the Iowa house of representatives, vi ng Lehman of the New York standard bearer. Gaffney was both temporary and and Attorney William R. Hart of Iand the despair of two races each I determined to preserve its home­ court of appeals. Judge Gaffney, who announced permanent chairman. Iowa City, cndorsed by the John- At his bedside were members his candidacy in a telegram to Judge Gaffney is a graduate of son county democratic convention. r land in Palestine. of the household and his Secre­ The Daily Iowan, stated: the law school of Creighton col- The convention is expected to l Sharp warning of the spreading tary Joseph Raugh, who an­ "I do hereby announce my lege and has served as county at- be held beforc the state demo­ enmity belween Arab and Jew nounced the death. h candidacy .for nominallon tor torney of Iowa county. He was cratic convention in Des Moines came from over Trans-Jordan's borders, tile eastern part of Brit­ Cardozo had been ill with heart the office of representative In elected judge of the eighth judi- July 27. trouble since last winter. In the ain's Palestine mandate where an last .few weeks he had spent Arab administration rules. Death Toll much time in an oxygen tent. Missouri Flood Howard Hughes F.D.R. Extends The death loU (rom bombing, Justice Cardozo was 68 last JAMES P. GAFFNEY snJ pi ng, rioting and armed clasbes May 24. He had long been a Warms Motors A·d t Th since July 5 stood at 58--44 Arabs friend of President Roosevelt and Waters Cover I 0 omas and 14 Jews. only today the pl\esident and Mrs. For Long Hop Summer-Long The number of injured m .....ted Roosevelt sent flowers to him. to 189- 143 Arabs and 46 Jews. He came to Justice Lehman's Great Acreage NEW YORK, July 9 (AP) - Makes Fre h Plea Inquiry Faced More than a score of the dead home from Washington in June to spend the summer, after being Howard Hughes began warming For Liberalism In were Arab victims of the Haifa By Committee market place Dombing Wednesday. forced by his illness to miss all Bartlett Residents the mot6rs of his specially built Oklahoma City Talk To stamp out disorders British the spring sessions of the court. Cardozo had served on the su­ transport plane tonight, apparently KNOXVILLE, Tenn., July 9 protectors ordered into the bleed­ See Hope for Town OKLAHOMA CITY, July 9 (AP) JUSTICE BENJAMIN N. CARDOZO preme court since 1932, when he determined in spite of delays due (AP) - A summer-long investi­ ing land the fleet of swift armored to motor trouble to hop within a -PI'esident Roosevelt made a new cars of the 11th Hussars regiment was appointed by President Hoo­ As River Recedes plea for liberalism today and by gation of the Tennessee Valley ver. few hours for Paris on the. first ftom Egypt. ,. friendly word and gesture, gave authority, packed with explosive Already the hills and rocks san­ Long celebrated as a liberal, he By The Associated Press Kraschel Names Arbitration f leg of a round-the-world flight to Oklahoma voters an Indication that possibilities, faccd 10 members of ctiJied by Jesus' touch echoed to went to the court as successor to The muddy ravaging flood wa­ beat the record of the late Wiley he would like to sec Sen. Elmer a congressional committee today. Oliver WendeU Holmes, famed as ' ters of the Missouri river marked stamp of hobnailed boots of 8,500 Post. Thomas renominated. Committee Chairman Vic Dona­ British regulars, who reinforced Board to Attempt Settlement "the great dissenter." time Saturday a [iernoon, as bot­ The president, speaking at the hey (D-Ohio) said hearings would 1,500 potice and who were them­ Before that, Cardozo had been tomland farmers on both sides be­ The start had bcen scheduled for state fairgorunds here, asserted: be thrown open to everyone selves reinforced by 1,700 marines on the New York court of ap­ tween Omaha and White Cloud: late loday but, as time wore on "America needs a government of "from the highest utility execu­ and sailors. Besides, 1,500 troops Will Meet, Organize peals since 1917. Kan., viewed thousands of acres of while mechanics worked feverish- constant progress along liberal tive to the humblest eltiten" who were ordered from Egypt. Strike A staunch supportcr of the new inundated farm land and counted ly to iron out all difficulties, the lines. might want to give any "germane British Marines In Governor's Office deal philosophy, he upheld 22 of crop losses at thousands of doUars. take-off was postponed from hour America requires that this facts" for or against the vast fed­ Sturdy marines from H.M.S. Re­ 27 laws brought before the su­ At the Florence pumping sta­ to hours. progress be sane and honest. eral agency. pu Ise, the 32-000 cruiser ordered In Study of Strike preme court in the historic period tion ill Omaha, observers reported As midnight approached, rain I "America caUs for a government He promisep tl1.e investigation, AtA.Glance from 1934 to 1937. no rise or fall since noon, when the from Mediterranean patrol duty at DES MOINES, July 9 (AP)­ started falling on hundreds of per- with a soul." opening Monday, would be an Malta, replaced ~atrolling com­ His death ended more than a reading was 23.1 feet, a bout 2 SOilS Gov. Nelson G. Kraschel tonJght gathered to watch the start of The president men t ion e d "honest, lair and unprejudiced" rades from t~e departing cruiser AT DES MOINES week's fight to overcome are·· above flood stage. At Nebraska the Jlight. Thomas' name twice during his ad- effort to gd Information on­ C,I.O. tlnion 86ks federal court named an arbitration bOard to Emerald. Sweating soldiers and attempt a peaccful settlement of lapse trolf\. the bId heart aibnent. City, the stage was 17.1 at noon, Hughes seemed in better spirits dress, but some obJervers thought cerning thc administration of the for ruling on injunction issued Mrs. Rauh, the secretary's wife, the same as Friday', and about a sallors at the Haifa quay landed the May tag washing machine than when he arrived at the Cield thc words hc chose were less em­ valley project. emergency rations. against union June 21 by Jasper said private Luneral sen'ices foot above flood level. Bartlett, Ia., around 7:30 p.m. Then, a stiff phalic than the ones he used yes­ county district court. factory strike. t=============~. The cruiser Enterprise also was would be held Monday at 2 p.m. residents who earlier in the day south wind was blowing which terday to tell Kentucky voters of Governor announces national Named to the board were: at the Lehman home. Rabbi feared inuhdation of the town's I.' C I at Haifa. Frank Wilson, Albia, president would have necessi tated using the the abillty of Sen. Alben W.
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