Westmeath PPN What is the aim of Westmeath PPN? Public Our aim is to support community Participation groups & co-ordinate how the community Network in Westmeath is represented. VOLUME1, ISSUE 4 SEPTEMBER 2018 We also aim to: Make our members stronger: and keep our members The Voice of the Community informed about local developments What does PPN - What’s in it for my Group? Westmeath PPN do? Networking Representation website and in our newsletter. We have more than 46 repre- We empower our When you are a member of Consultation sentatives on 16 various member groups to Westmeath PPN, you can: Members can take part in and influence policy county committees & struc- be consulted on issues, strate- * Meet similar groups across tures, with this number rising makers. the country gies and programmes that are all the time. This gives mem- relevant to you, such as the: * Collaborate on projects bers eyes, ears and a voice in * Exchange skills & local decision making. * PPN work plan knowledge Westmeath PPN Representa- * County Development Plan *Learn more about one tives are democratically * Town & Village Plans another and * Share ex- elected by PPN members at * Climate change strategy I N S I D E periences county plenary. * County Heritage Plan T H I S * Joint Policing Committee Funding ISSUE: * Westmeath Heritage Plan Information We keep members up to date * Heritage Forum We keep informed about with the latest funding Heritage Week Survey 2 * Active Retirement Ireland Pride of Place 3 community supports and we supports available to your * * Age Friendly Strategy act as an information hub for organisation. * Town & village Renewal All Ireland U18 Title 5 our members. We: Scheme Local Link 5 Publicity * Mobile coverage Survey *Publish a monthly newsletter Members can advertise their Volunteerism- 6 events for free on our web- * Water Framework Directive Share Stories * Maintain a website; which site and include news in our * Youth Work Ireland Biodiversity Autumn 6 is a treasure of information * National Broadband Plan Programme on everything from events to monthly newsletter. We also highlight the work of our * River Basin Local History Cert 6 funding to learning opportu- * Future of Policing in Ireland nities. members through our Mem- Greening the Urban 7 ber Spotlight’ initiative. * Library Strategy Environment Each month, we hope to pub- * Arts, Creative Ireland & Interactive map 7 It is also a free marketing tool Libraries Historic Graveyards for Westmeath PPN groups lish a short biography of one * Suicide Prevention Action Samaritans seek 7 of our member groups on our Volunteers Rural Development 8 Programme LEADER 2014-2020 Information is POWER; is your Proposed bye-laws on Old Rail Trail Greenway 9 Group Getting Information? Seeking Culture Night 10 Events Free Computer Classes 11 One of Westmeath PPN newsletters and make direct that information to group €300,000 Creative Youth 12 main purposes is to keep contact with PPN members. members. Partnership groups informed of what is We send out information happening, locally and about, events, grants, consul- If you wish to be on our nationally. tation, plans etc; which is mailing list or if Group only useful if it is going to Contact details need In order to do this we the correct group contacts updating; please send to update our website, create who are then distributing [email protected] P A G E 2 Heritage Week Survey-win €90 €90) h t t p s : / / www.heritageweek.ie/get- for you all!! involved/audience-survey The Heritage Council are conducting a feedback The Heritage Council are survey. looking for Ireland's Heritage Hero They would like to know: 2 0 1 8 . h t t p s : / / What did you enjoy about www.heritageweek.ie/ Heritage Week 2018? heritage-week-awards What would you change? Do you know someone Let us know in this short who always goes the extra survey and be included in a mile for heritage? Nomi- draw for (one of five) nate an individual or OPW Ireland Family Heri- organisation who makes an tage Cards (worth outstanding contribution to 1950’s Irish Childhood the protection and promo- time when motor cars and tion of heritage in Ireland. public telephones had wind This delightful collection The closing date for entries -up handles, when boys of memories will appeal to is Friday 14 September wore short trousers and all who grew up in 1950s 2018 girls wore ribbons, when Ireland and will jog nuns wore white bonnets memories about all aspects 1950s Ireland was the age and priests wore black hats of life as it was. th of De Valera and John in church. To the young Wed 5 Sept. Charles McQuaid. people of today, the 1950s Book Launch seem like another age. But ‘1950s Irish It was the age before tele- for those who played, vision, Vatican II, and learned and worked at this Childhood’ home central heating. A time, this era feels like just by yesterday. An Evening of Poetry Ruth Illingworth 7:30pm in the Arts Centre, Mullingar. All welcome Fri 7th Sept. 7:30pm Kilbixy Church, An evening of poetry organised WESTMEATH PPN SEPTEM B E R 2 0 1 8 VOLUME1, ISSUE 4 P A G E 3 Pride of Place - Westmeath Entrants Westmeath County Council county manager from Northern Each of the three Westmeath invites Community & Volun- Ireland and they will view each entrant swill be judged in tary groups to apply for differ- group separately. separate categories. ent awards and grants each year under the Cathaoirleach Ballinalack Tidy Towns, The Judging took place on ‘‘We wish every Awards and Grant Scheme. 22nd & 23rd of August; results Killucan Rathwire Tidy will be announced at National Success to One of the schemes that they Towns and Westmeath Final in November 2018 advertise is the Westmeath Age Friendly Council Westmeath’s three Pride of Place Competition applied for and were successful which is linked to a national in winning in their own county Westmeath PPN Wish county competition. The all Island categories in Pride of Place representative in Pride of Place competition was competition and have now Ballinalack Tidy Towns created to support the Local been nominated by Westmeath All Island National Authorities in Ireland both County Council to represent Killucan Rathwire North and South to recognise the county in the All Island Tidy Towns Pride of Place communities who are proud to National Pride of Place Com- live in their locality, it gives petition 2018. Competition’’ Westmeath communities and interest Age Friendly Council groups an opportunity to show- The Pride of Place Initiative case the work they carry out gives communities and interest together, to explain whey their groups an opportunity to show- area is the best and most won- case the work they carry out Every success; derful place to live in. together, to explain why their work is important and how it Judges come in a team of two affects their target group and we are rooting people comprising of an ex communities. county manager from the Re- public of Ireland and an ex Pride of Place - What is it! Co-operation Ireland, its local work being done every day by presentation, exhibitions of authority partners and its communities all over the is- community activities and cul- headline sponsor IPB Insur- land of Ireland. Since the ture and a tour of the area ance are proud that the pres- competition commenced highlighting the aspects of tigious Pride of Place Compe- Pride of Place judges have which they are particularly tition is in its 16th consecu- met hundreds of thousands of proud. tive year. The competition has people, all of whom are proud enjoyed tremendous success of their place. It is also important that the and continues to grow in community demonstrates real terms of prestige and popular- The competition is based on partnership with their local ity. communities demonstrating council and shows that all directly to the judges their sectors of the community are The purpose of the competi- pride in their place by oral included. Keep up to Date: www.westmeathppn.ie P A G E 4 EMERALD LAKES TTC GROUP –Cruinniu Trad Fest 2018 EMERALD LAKES TTC Co Co, RTE & Creative own creations of song, GROUP – Cruinniu Trad Ireland and Department dance or music. Fest 2018 of Heritage & the The weather was EMERALD LAKES THEATRI- Gealteacht and West- exceptionally hot and CAL IRISH DANCE, TEAMS meath PPN for what was sunny for the 7.45pm & COMMUNITY GROUP to become a most enjoy- event and we hosted a On Saturday 23rd of June able and memorable Cruinniu Barbeque outside evening at the Parish Hall. the Emerald Lakes TTC of the hall which gave ease Group held an amazing The evening was focused of access to those attend- day of youthful creativity around Irish Culture with ing for some nice bites and in St. Josephs Hall, the involvement of 80 treats while they watched Rochfortbridge, Co. West- local performers per- the local talent unfold on meath. For this event a formed various dance the stage. Tea, Coffee, special stage, set and back pieces, including theatrical juices and snacks were drop was constructed Irish Dance, Drama, Tradi- also served to al the along with ambient light- tional Music, Traditional attendees & performer to ing and to excellent sound and Modern Song and what was a Day of to give a very professional Modern Dance. Local Youthful Creativity in image and visual effect to musicians also came along Rochfortbridge. our Cruinniu na nOg event for the open stage event A day of great positivity in the Community Hall, to showcase all what is was created with great Rochfortbridge.
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