1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 513 SENATE. Society, of Beverly, Tenn., and a petition.of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of Cincinnati. Ohio, THURSDAY, January 7, 1901,.. praying for an investigation of the charges made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; whiCh were Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EnwA.RD EVERETT HALE, D. D. referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Mr. STONE presented a petition of sundry merchants and ceedings, when, on request of Mr. PENROSE, and by unanimous manufacturers of St. Louis, Mo., praying that an appropriation consent the further reading was dispensed with. be made for the extermination of the boll weevil in Texas and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap­ other Southern States; which was referred to the Committee on proved. Agriculture and Forestry. RENJ.'AL OF BUILDINGS. He also presented a memorial of sundry merchants and manu­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before ~he Senate a commu­ facturers of St. Louis, Mo., remonstrating against the passage of nication from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting: in re­ the so-called parcels-post bill; which was referred to the Com­ sponse to are olution of the 17th ultimo, a statement of quarters mittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. 1·ented by the United States Department of Agriculture in the Mr. STEWART presented a petition of 89 citizens of the Indian District of Columbia, and in the various States and Territories; Territory, praying for the enactment of legislation providing for which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the COm­ the continued protection from the sale of intoxicating liquors and mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and orde1·ed to be also for a separate statehood for that Tenitory; which was re­ printed. ferred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Mr. BURNHAM presented petitions of the congregations of St. DEPENDENT CIDLDREN IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.. Luke's Methodist Episcopal Church, of Derry; the Methodist The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu­ Episcopal Church of Penacook; St. John's Methodist Episcopal nication from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Church, of Dover, and of the Washington Street Free Baptist transmitting, pursuant to·law, a general plan for the future care Church, of Dover, all in the State of New Hampshire, praying for of delinquent and dependent children in the District of Colum­ an investigation of the charges made and filed against Hon. REED bia; which, with the accompanying paper, wa~ referred to the SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; which were referred to Committee on the District of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Mr. FOSTER of Washington presented a petition of David Ford BRIGANTINE NANCY. Post, ~ o. lt, Department of Washington, Grand Army of the Re­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu'" public, of Ellensburg, Wash., praying for the enactment Of a nication from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans­ service-pension law; which was referred to the Committee on mitting the conclusions of fact and of law filed under the act of .Pensions. January 20, 1885, in the French spoliation claims set out in the Mr. NELSON presented a petition of John A. Logan Post, No. findings by the court relating to the vessel brigantine Nancy, 64, Department of Minnesota, Grand Army of the Republic, of James Brown, master; which, with the accompanying paper, was St. James, Minn., praying for the enactment of a service-pension referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. law; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Winona, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Minn., praying for the enactment of legislation to reorganize the Mr. PENROSE presented petitions of sundry citizens of West consular service; which was referred to the Committee on For­ Beesport; of the congregation of the United Presbyterian Church eign Relations. of Dayton; of the congregation of the Presbyterian Church of He also presented a petition of the American Hoist and Derrick Dayton; of the Christian Endeavor Society of Nottingham; of Company, of St. Paul, Minn., praying for the enactment of legis­ sundry citizens of Clifton Heights; of sundry citizens of Aldan; lation to regulate the interstate transportation of freight; which of the Home Missionary Society of Miffiinburg; of tbe West Park was referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. · Mothers' Club, of Philadelphia, and of the congregation of the He also presented petitions of the congregation of the Metho­ First Presbyterian Church of McKeesport, all in the State of dist Episcopal Church of Lake Crystal, of sundry citizens of St. Pennsylvania, p:r;aying for an investigation of the charges made Paul and Montevideo, and of the congregation of the First Meth­ and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of odist Episcopal Church of Little Falls, all in the State of Minne­ Utah; which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and sota, praying for an investigation of the charges made and filed Elections. against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; Mr. PLATT of New York presented a petition of the Manu­ which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. factm·ers' Association of New York City, praying that an appro­ Mr. ELKINS presented petitions of sundry citizens of Manning­ priation be made to continue and extend the improvement of the ton, of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Belleville, harbor channels of the Brooklyn water front; which was referred and of the Woman's Literary Club of Wheeling, all in the State to the Committee on Commerce. of West Virginia, praying for an investigation of the charges He also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the ance Union of Utica, of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society State of Utah; which were referred to the Committee on Privi­ of Dansville, and of the Woman's Missionary Society of Roches­ leges and Elections. ter, all in the State of New York1 praying for an investigation of Mr. QUARLES presented memorials of the Sailors' Union of the charges made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator Port Townsend, Wash.; of the·sailors' Union of Seattle, Wash.; from the State of Utah; which were referred to the Committee on of the Sailors' Union of Portland, Oreg., and of the Sailors' Union Privileges and Elections. of San Francisco, Cal., Temonstrating against the enactment of He also presented a memorial of the State Trop~cal Develop­ legislation to authorize the payment of allotment in the coastwise ment Company, of New York, remonstrating against the ratifica­ trade; which were refened to the Committee on Commerce. tion of the Cuban reciprocity treaty; which was referred to the He also presented a memorial of the Grain Dealers' National Committee on Foreign Relations. Association, remonstrating against the enactment of legislation He also presented petitions of S. T. Bartle Post, No. 183, of providing for the inspection of grain by the National Government Cuba; of John McKee Post, No. 309, of Cambridge; of U. S. at terminal markets; which was referred to the Cominittee on Grant Post, No. 327, of Brooklyn; of Cushing Post, No. 231, of Agriculture and Forestry. Brooklyn; of Gibbs Post, No. 130, of Warsaw; of Post No. 200, He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Polk Connty, of Angola; of Bm-nside Post, No. 237, of Rossburgi of Hartwell T. Wis., praying for the enactment of legislation to increase the com­ Martyn Post, No. 346, of Canton; of John P. Buckley Post, No. pensation of letter caniers in the rural free-delivery mail service; 633, of Belleville; of General Lyon Post, No. 266, of Middletown; which was referred t<l the Committee on Post-Offices and Post­ of Captain Gibson Post, No. 421, of Winthrop, and of General Roads. John B. Murray Post, No. 597, of Phelps, all of the Department Mr. ALGER prese:rtted a petition of the Ladies~ Aid Society of of New York, Grand Army of the Republic, in the State of New the Second Memorial Presbyterian Church, of Detroit, Mich., York, praying for the enactment of a service-pension law; which praying for an investigation of the charges made and filed against were refened to the Committee on Pensions. • the Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; which Mr. BERRY presented a petition of the Woman's Christian was refen·ed to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Temperance Union of Gillett, Ark., praying for an in~estigation He also presented a memorial of the Lake Seamen's Union of of the charges made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Sena­ Detroit. Mich., remonstrating against the passage of Senate bill tor from the State of Utah; which was referred to the Commit­ No. 2463, entitled "An act to amend the act of December 21,1898, tee on Privileges and Elections. entitled 'An act to amend the laws relating to American seamen, Mr. BATE pr~sented a petition of the Shannondale Missionary for the protection of such seamen, and to promote commerce,' in xxxvrn--aa 514 .CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATE. J .ANU.A.RY 7, respect to allotments; " which was referred to the Committee on tual Fire Insurance Association, of Muenster, Tex., remonstrat­ Commerce. · ing against the enactment of legislation to regulate the interstate He also presented a petition of the Detroit Branch of the N a­ transportation of intoxicating liquors; which was referred to the tiona! League of Commission Merchants of the United States, of Committee on the Judiciary.
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