Man-in-Street Proud. Exultant at Space Flight Success RED BANK — Nobody in Wash- Mrs. John A. Keane, 38 Marion St., world that we have what it takes to do even greater things in the future," ington, at Cape Canaveral, or in the Red Bank, head.of the children's de- Robert E. Lyon, 31 Monmouth Ct, heart of this nation could have been partment at Yanko's Department Store. "It was one of the most wonderful Applebrook Farm,. Middletown, a life ntore projid of Marine Lt. Col. John things that ever has happened. I insurance agent, said: "There never Glenn and his flight three times around heard It on the radio in the store. It has been anything more carefully the world in Capsule Friendship 7 than makes one feel mighty proud to live thought out or more carefully executed. the people of the Red' Bank area. and be a part of America1. Now we can I have nothing but fullest admiration do anything." for those who took part in this. We Here is' what some representative Richard H. Hammill, Middlelown have shown that we can achieve top citizens had to say about the success of Township, vice president of the Mon- success in our way of doing things." Project Mercury's "American in Orbit" mouth .County National Bank, said: Esaw Williams, 12 Westside Ave., feat: "This certainly is something of which Red Bank, a dishwasher at Riverview Mayor George A. Gray of Red Bank a]l Americans should be proud ... I Hospital: "Sure now, this a grand said shortly after the capsule was re- hope it is an indication that we are thing to have happened to and for the covered: "I'm as proud as Punch. His narrowing the space gap between United States. Believe 'me, I am proud accomplishment does not quite equal America and Russia." today to be an American ... all the that of the Russians yet and I don't John Rice, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. way." think we ought to indulge in the old •John G. Rice, 157 Prospect Ave., a Mrs. Hugh J. McGee, 46 Raynor American custom of just patting our- junior at Red Bank Catholic High Ave., East Keansburg, waitress at the selves on the back. From where I School, said: "This is fabulous! It is Old Union House: "Somehow, I still. a big factor in our history. If we had cannot quite believe this. It shows stand, the Russians still seem to be Mayor George A. Gray Mrs. John A. Keane ahead of us. We should not become blown this one we would have been out. that patience wins out. Stay with it too elated." '. .Proud As Punch' We now have proved to the rest of the '. .Most Wonderful Thing' (See REACTION, Page 2) Distribution Weather 7 a.m. temperature, 25. Cloudy Today today. Snow tonight possibly RED BANK changing to rain and continuing 18,625 tomorrow. Temperatures for the iPYiAp'nt JlniJii i next 24 hours in the 30s. See THROUGH rnittAY-EST. IB* J weather, page 2. Dial SH I -0010 Issued dally, Monday through Friday. Becond Ctaxi Postage VOL. 84, NO. 167 Paid at Red Bank and at Additional Mailing Offices. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Glenn Relaxes/TellsTrip Details to Space Experts -An Editovial- Khrush Congratulates U.S., A Page in History The whole world rode yesterday on ths his- Asks 2-Nation Space Effort toric journey of the Friendship 7 space capsule. The United States held back no secrets. From the CAPE CANAVERAL (AP) — Astronaut John H. Glenn, Jr., relax- moment of the pre-takeoff countdown at Cape ing after his fantastic space voyage, today began to tell experts about Canaveral, Fla., to that happy moment when the round-the-world trip and prepared to receive the nation's thanks from President Kennedy on Friday. Marine Lt. Col. John Glenn and his space ship The President planned to come to Cape Canaveral to greet Ameri- were recovered in the Atlantic, mankind was the ca's first orbiting space guest of this mission. Nothing was make-believe. pilot on his return here SKETCH OF MAN IN ORBIT — Drawing by AP Artist John Carlton shows In five languages, including Russian, the United from his post-flight isola- Astronaut John Glenn rode his spacecraft—riding upright and backwards at ho sat States made sure that everything about the flight tion on Grand Turk Is- land in the Bahamas. In the Mercury capsule manipulating its controls. (AP Wirephotol was told. Kennedy, millions of The U.S. has earned the right to be proud of its men of science, of the proved valor of a Marine Bulletin Corps officer, of the thousands of minds and MOSCOW (AP) - NUdla Meeting Set to Air hands which worked in unison toward a common Khrushchev congratulated America today on Lt. Col. objective, of gains in communications which made John H. Glenn, Jr's orbital it possible to keep in constant touch with a man in flight and suggested that the United States and the Soviet space despite the intense speed of his vehicle. It Union pool their resources to must be remembered that, while the mission ended explore outer space. WOODBRIDGE - The pro- and the authority's general engi- it was announced last Novenv in full victory, disaster might have met the experi- The Soviet Premier made hla posed Garden State Parkway in- neering consultants. ber — have restated their support proposal In a message to terchange at Red Hill Rd., Holm- The mayors of Holmdel and of the project. ment. Even knowing that, our nation wanted a President Kennedy quoted by del, is getting some support from Middletown — who voiced ap- "I'm disappointed in the view- true story told. the official news agency Tass. the municipalities which would proval of the Interchange when (See PARKWAY, Page 2) Khrushchev said such a be directly affected by it. And that story was told magnificently. joint effort "would be very ThB New Jersey Highway Au Television pictures gave viewers the feeling they beneficial to the advance of thority plans a special meeting science and would be ac- Wednesday', March 7, at 2 p.m. Decisions of Boards were right there. Lighted charts traced the prog- claimed by all peoples who to reappraise the project with would like to see scientific interested parties, ress of each orbit. Carefully trained commenta- achievements benefit man and not be used for cold war pur- D, Louis Tonti, executive direc- tors and newsmen, as well as the scientists, Called Shortsighted poses and the armi race." tor of the authority, announced related the thrilling drama, from beginning to Sunday that the three author- EATONTOWN - The Sewerage Mr. Nestler said he planned to ity commissioners had agreed to Authority chairman, Theodore E. be present at the next meeting of end. Glenn's countrymen and shelve the project. Nestler, said last night the Plan- the Planning Board Monday to Their action came after the ning Board and Board of Adjust- discuss the matter. Prayers were said in many lands and in many millions more around the Red Bank Community Chamber ment have been shortsighted in languages in behalf of Colonel Glenn. Up there, globe hailed the new con- turning down recent requests to of Commerce protested the new Stores Feature he knew it. One of his moments of glory surely queror of the Cosmos, who interchange, and also a five-cent build apartments and other dwel- yesterday whipped three toll increase — to 15 cents — at lings in the borough. Special Sales must have been when the citizens of Perth, the Red Bank interchange in Lin "Every dwelling unit built here times around the world in croft. means money for the Sewerage RED BANK—Scares of mem- Australia, turned on all lights for him to see. But hours 56 minutes m his Authority," he pointed out. ber merchants of the Retail Decision March 8 Trade Board and other stores this officer was not out after glory. He had a job two-ton Friendship 7 space- The plans for construction of Their final decision, be said will mark I he birthday of the ATLAS ROCKET blasts from the launch pad at Caps a sewer system for the borough, that somebody had to do for his country, and he craft, yesterday, will come at the reg- "Founder of our Country" to- he said, were based on a pre- Canaveral missile test center carrying the Mercury cap- ular authority meeting March. 8, morrow with bargains for shop- did it in modesty and with great honor. He was Glenn was flown to a spe- diction that there would be 2,275 lulo with Astronaut John Glenn inside for the three-orbit .- following the meeting with rep- pers today and tomorrow cial hospital on Grand Turk resentatives from Holmdel and dwelling units honked in to the "go" all the way. trip around th« earth. (AP Wirephoto) Many automobile dealers will Middletown Townships, Mon- sewer by ths end of 1961, and ate yesterday after he was remain open tomorrow to pro- Like any pioneer, Colonel Glenn will be fol- mouth County, Bell Laboratories 2,350 by'the end of 1962. recovered by the U.S. de- vide persons whose offices mo in Holmdel, the Red Bank Com- Increased Rates lowed. Indeed, his accomplishment may stand closed an opportunity to 'low stroyer Noa 22 minutes aft- munity Chamber of Commerce "The growth has not been as up as small in comparison to feats of greater fast as planned," he stated. "As 1962 vehicles In showrooms.
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