AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND Language: English Original: French DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO NSELE-LUFIMI AND KWANGO-KENGE ROADS REHABILITATION PROJECT APPRAISAL REPORT INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT OCIN CENTRAL AND WEST REGIONS SEPTEMBER 2005 SCCD: G .G. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PROJECT BRIEF, CURRENCY AND MEASURES, LIS TOF ABREVIATIONS, (i-ix) LIST OF TABLES, LIST OF ANNEXES, PROJET LOGICAL FRAMEWORK, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE PROJECT 1 2. THE TRANSPORT SECTOR 2 2.1 Generalities 2 2.2 Overview of the transport sector 2 2.3 Transport policy, planning and coordination 4 3. THE ROAD SUB-SECTOR 5 3.1 The Road Network 5 3.2 The Vehicle Fleet and Road Traffic 6 3.3 The Road Transport Industry 6 3.4 Road Engineering and Construction Industry 6 3.5 Road Network Administration and Staff Training 7 3.6 Road Maintenance 8 3.7 Road Sub-Sector Financing 8 4. THE PROJECT 9 4.1 Project Design and Rationale 9 4.2 Project Impact Area and Beneficiaries 11 4.3 Strategic Context 12 4.4 Project Objectives 12 4.5 Project Description 12 4.6 Environmental Impact 15 4.7 Project Costs 16 4.8 Sources of Financing and Expenditure Schedule 17 5. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 18 5.1 Executing Agency 18 5.2 Institutional Arrangements 19 5.3 Proposed Supervision and Implementation Schedule 19 5.4 Goods, Works and Services Procurement Arrangements 20 5.5 Disbursement Arrangements 22 5.6 Monitoring and Evaluation 22 5.7 Financial and Audit Reports 23 5.8 Aid Coordination 23 6. PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY AND RISKS 24 6.1 Recurrent Costs 24 6.2 Project Sustainability 24 6.3 Critical Risks and Mitigating Measures 24 7. PROJECT BENEFITS 25 7.1 Economic Analysis 25 7.2 Social Impact Analysis 25 7.3 Sensitivity analysis 27 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 27 8.1 Conclusions 27 8.2 Recommendations 27 This report was prepared by Mr. M. SOUARE, Civil Engineer (Ext. 36 22), Mr L. JOOTTUN, Environmentalist (Ext. 2256) and Mrs. N. SENOU, Transport Economist (Ext. 26 32), following their appraisal mission to DRC in September 2005. Further information may be obtained from: Mr A. KIES, Division Manager (Ext. 2282), Mr. G. MBESHERUBUSA, Director (Ext. 2034). i AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND ATR-TUNIS B.P. 323 – 1002 TUNIS Belvédère Tel.: (216) 71 10 20 34 Fax.: (216) 71 33 26 95 PROJECT BRIEF Date: September 2005 The information given hereunder is meant to provide some guidance to suppliers, contractors, consultants and any other persons interested in the procurement of goods and services for projects approved by the Boards of Directors of the Bank Group. More detailed information may be obtained from the Executing Agency of the donnee. 1. COUNTRY AND PROJECT TITLE : Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Nsele- Lufimi and Kwango-Kenge Roads Rehabilitation Project 2. LOCATION : Kinshasa, Bandundu, West Kasai and East Kasai Provinces 3. DONNEE : Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 4. EXECUTING AGENCY : Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure (MTPI) through the Infrastructure Unit (CI) 71, Avenue du Roi Baudouin, Kinshasa - DRC 5. PROJET DESCRIPTION : The project consists of the following four (4) components: A - Road works and their supervision covering: (a.1) Lot n°1: Rehabilitation of the Nsele-Lufimi Road (94.58 km) ; (a.2) Lot n°2: Rehabilitation of the Kwango-Kenge Road (72.8 km) and upgrading of existing feeder roads (140 km), as well as environmental protection works; (a.3) Control and Supervision of Works in lot n° 1; (a.4) Control and Supervision of Works in lot n° 2; B - Institutional Support; C - Loange-Mbuji Mayi road (601 km) upgrading study; and D - Audit of project accounts. 6. TOTAL COST (net of taxes and customs duties) : UA 58.28 million i) In Foreign exchange : UA 45.56 million ii) In Local currency : UA 12.72 million 7. BANK GROUP GRANT ADF (African Development Fund) : UA 52.45 million ii 8. OTHER SOURCES OF FINANCING Congolese Government : UA 5.83 million 9. DATE OF APPROVAL OF ADF GRANT : December 2005 10 ESTIMATED PROJECT COMMENCEMENT DATE : February 2006 11. PROJECT DURATION : 35 months 12. PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND WORKS : Goods shall be procured through local shopping at the national level (ii) Works shall be procured through international competitive bidding, preceded by pre-selection of firms for: • Lot 1 - Nsele-Lufimi Road rehabilitation works; and • Lot 2 – Project for the Rehabilitation of the Kwango-Kenge Road and repair of the connected feeder roads 13. CONSULTANCY SERVICES REQUIRED : Consultancy services will be contracted through competition on the basis of a short-list: A) of consultancy firms for: (a.1) the control and supervision of road construction works, preceded by a pre-selection; (a.2) Technical Assistance; (a.3) Loange- Mbuji Mayi road improvement study, preceded by a pre-selection; a.4) Training; B) NGOs for public awareness campaigns; and C) Audit Firms to audit the project accounts. 14. ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: 2 1 UA = 1 SDR iii CURRENCY AND MEASURES Currency Equivalents (September 2005) 1 UA = US$ 1.45984 US$ 1 = UA 0.68500658 1 UA = Euro 1.19678 Euro 1 = UA 0.83557546 1 UA = CDF 740.341 CDF 1 = UA 0.001351 Weights and Measures: Metric System Fiscal Year : 1st January - 31 December ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADF = African Development Fund BCECO = Central Coordination Office CDF = Congolese Franc CE = Environmental Unit CI /IU = Infrastructure Unit CLER = Local Road Maintenance Committee) CSP = Country Strategy Paper DFID = Department for International Development DRC = Democratic Republic of Congo DVDA = Direction des voies de desserte agricole (Agricultural Feeder Roads Department) EDF = European Development Fund ESIA = Environmental and Social Impact Assessment EU = European Union FE = Foreign Exchange FER = Road Maintenance Fund GDP = Gross Domestic Product GVT = Government ICB = International Competitive Bidding LC = Local Currency MDC = Control Mission MDR = Ministry of Rural Development MOD = Delegating Contracting Authority MTPI = Ministry of Works and Infrastructure NGO = Non-Governmental Organisation NOT = Net of Taxes ONATRA = National Transport Authority OR = Roads Authority OVD = Road Network and Drainage Authority PARSAR = (Agricultural and Rural Sector Rehabilitation Support Programme) PGES/ESMP = Environmental and Social Management Plan PIA = Project Impact Area PMPTR = Minimum Partnership Programme for Transition and Recovery) PRSP = Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper RN = National Trunk Roads RSP = Rehabilitation Support Programme SME = Small and Medium-sized Enterprises SNCC = Congolese National Railways Corporation) STI = Sexually Transmissible Infections TD = Tender documents TMJA / AADT = Annual Average Daily Traffic UA = Unit of Account US$ = United States Dollar USA = United States of America V/pd = Vehicles per Day VOC = Vehicles Operating Ccosts iv LIST OF TABLES N° Title 2.1 Financing requirements in the transport sector for the 2004-2007 period 3.1 PMPTR road component financing 4.1 Summary of Project Costs per Component 4.2 Summary of Cost Estimates per Category of Project Expenditure 4.3 Project financing sources 4.4 Expenditure Schedule per component 4.5 Expenditure Schedule per source of financing 5.1 Proposed Project Implementation Schedule 5.2 Proposed Project Supervision Schedule 5.3 Goods, Works and Services Procurement Arrangements LIST OF ANNEXS N° Title Number of pages 1 Country Map and Project Impact Area 1 2 Organisational Chart of the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure 1 3 Breakdown of Categories of Expenditure per Sources of Financing 1 4 Summary Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) 4 5 Project Implementation Schedule 1 6 Terms of reference for technical assistance 1 7 Training Programme 1 8 Terms of reference for Loange-Mbuji Mayi Road Rehabilitation Study 2 9 Summary economic analysis 4 10 Bank Group operations in DRC 1 11 Project Implementation Schedule 1 12 List of Project Implementation Documents 1 v DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Nsele-Lufimi and Kwango-Kenge Roads Rehabilitation Project Logical Project Framework Starting Date February 2006 Completion Date December 2008 Design Team Messrs. M. SOUARE, ONIN.3; L. JOOTTUN, ONIN and Mrs. N. SENOU, ONIN.3 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET INDICATORS AND ASSUMPTIONS AND HIERARCHY OF OBJECTIVES EXPECTED RESULTS per sector IMPACT / Beneficiary Source and Method SCHEDULE RISKS and per corresponding theme III LONG-TERM IMPACTS SECTORAL OBJECTIVES - Increase the contribution of the Political and social situation 1. Contribute to opening up the DRC National territory of DRC Rate of serviceable national roads 1. Major trunk roads reopened sector to GDP, from 3.2% in 2003 to appeased from the internal and external Source : - Ministry of Works and 6.5% by 2015 standpoints by re-establishing access Infrastructure (MTPI) to the main urban centres, densely - Increase the road network in good populated areas, major economic Methods : PMPTR Implementation condition from 17% in 2004 to 27% activity centres and countries of the Reports by 2015 sub-region. II MEDIUM-TERM ACCOMPLISHMENTS PROJECT OBJECTIVES 1. Open up the Bandundu, West 1. Roads on National Highway 1 1. Bandundu, West Kasaï, 1. *Roads in good condition in 1. - 1082,38 km of rehabilitated roads in - PMPTR priority investment Kasaï and East Kasaï provinces as between Matadi and Loange are East Kasaï and Kinshasa NH1 2008 ; - Roads in good condition increase programme pursued well as the City-Province of rehabilitated and connected feeder provinces * Travel time on NH1, between from 17% in 2005 to 23% in 2008 ; - Kinshasa and improve the living roads are improved Matadi and Loange Health conditions improved in 2008 -. FER put into service conditions of the populations , through the upgrading of spaces for - Mobilisation of counterpart potable water points; - Travel time : Trip funds length reduced from 9 hours in 2005 to 2 hours in 2008 on the Kwango-Kenge road and from 2 hours in 2005 to 1 hour in 2008 between Nsele and Lufimi ; - Transport availability increased by about 15% in 2008 ; Agricultural production losses reduced from 30% in 2005 to 20% in 2008 2.Build the technical and operational 2.
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