Telephone News Items To The Flat Hat Campus Office - Phone 157 Associated Print Shop (Monday's) 192 Editor ... 279 THE FLAT HAT Press Reports COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY VOL. XXVI.—NO. I. Entered as Second class mail matter at the post office WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1936 at Williamsburg, Virginia PREFERENTIAL PARTIES ON W. and M. President Greets Incoming Students BRYAN REPRESENTS FRIDAY TO END RUSHING W-M AT HARVARD'S Rushees to Return Bids On Sun day, Closing Two-Week Rush¬ NOTICE Asserts Confirmation of Faith ing Period Under Pan-Hellenic Is Found In the Purpose of Rules. There will be a meeting of the en¬ Harvard and In Its Influence. tire student body in Phi Beta Kap¬ SILENCE DAY SATURDAY pa Hall at 7:15 tonight. Charles President John Stewart Bryan re¬ J. Duke, Jr., assistant to the presi¬ presented the College of William and dent will speak. Mary at the Tercentenary celebration First Parties Given Last Sunday of the founding of Harvard College Included Formal Receptions, on September 16th. President Bryan Skits, Teas, and Costume Mo¬ occupied a prominent position on this tifs. occasion as the date of founding of FALL CONVOCATION William and Mary is second only to On Saturday, September 19, campus Harvard. His address delivered at sorority rushing began, having been Cambridge follows: delayed a day because of the storm OFFICIALLY OPENS on Friday. Through the following To the President, Fellows and Over¬ Thursday, rushing was conducted in W-M'S 244th YEAR seers of Harvard University. On the the dormitories, at fixed hours and Tercentenary of the Founding of Har¬ under rigidly enforced rules. These New Faculty Members Intro¬ vard College. rules were set up by the Pan-Hellenic duced, Departmental Heads The President, Rector and Visitors Council, consisting of two representa¬ Presented; President Bryan of the College of William and Mary in tives from each sorority, with Clover Delivers Main Address. Virginia gratefully recall the historic Johnson as president. tablishment of the two institutions is In conjunction with the freshman The 244th session of the College fact that the interval between the es- orientation program, all the sororities was officially opened last Tuesday substantially that which separates held open house on Sunday afternoon, with the regular Autumn Convocation New students registering at the College of Will iam and Mary are shown being greeted by President Hampden's protest against the levy of September 20 for the new women. held in Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall Johr' Stewart Bryan on the opening day of the 244 th session of the Williamsburg institution. They are ship-money from the Declaration of at noon. (lefi to right) Emmy Lu Chester, Keswick; Maxine Hines, Jane Carrington and Lois Griffin, all of Wll- Right. Themselves the children of They were conducted from one house liani:;burg; President Bryan, Russell Cox, Portsmouth; Hoames Beale, The Hague; Howard Caplan, Ports¬ to another in groups of about fifteen, Following the academic procession mouth, and Vance Fowler, of Norfolk. revolution in England, these colleges under the Y. W. C. A. Freshman spon¬ which included members of the faculty became the foster mothers of wider sors. and the Class of '37, Blake T. New¬ revolution in America. William and Miss Helen Weeks, Pan-Hellenic ton, Jr., Chief Aide to the president, Mary thus has had the longest oppor¬ faculty advisor, spoke to the new wo¬ inducted the new aides for the current Record Enrollment Of 1,236 Announced; tunity of surveying the labors men on Wednesday night, September session. of an elder sister in Massachusetts 23, on rushing practices and rules, Dr. K. J. Hoke, Dean of the Col¬ Undergraduate Group Largest In History and of appraising her service in the explaining the preferential system-of lege, introduced the nine new mem¬ emancipation and enrichment of the rushing which is in effect here. The bers of the faculty and presented the mind. In a time when men's hearts heads of the departments. The of¬ Freshman Orientation Includes Gymnasium, where the Sponsors for fail them for fear, most strong con¬ following Friday, rushing began in Introductory Banquet In Re¬ NOTICE TO SENIORS the sorority houses, during the same ficers of administration were present¬ the freshmen women assisted as host¬ firmation of faith is found in the pur¬ ed by Mr. Charles J. Duke, Jr., bur¬ fectory, Picnics, Tours With pose of Harvard and in her influence hours and under the same rules as in esses. The men's student body was All students who are candidates sar and assistant to the president. Sponsors, Student Govern¬ not less on the nation than on her own dormitory rushing. The first rushing invited to the dance, and introduced for degrees in February or June, President John Stewart Bryan was ment Lectures. sons. Here are manifested the appeal parties were held on Sunday, Septem¬ to the freshmen women by the hosts 1937, or at the end of the 1937 introduced by Dr. Donald W. Davis, and the mastery of the spirit. Here ber 27, from 2:30 to 6. The various and hostesses. come to the Registrar's Office on senior member of the faculty. Dr. WOMEN HEAR MISS WEEKS are projected the horizons of hum¬ houses differed widely in the enter¬ Under the women's freshman orien¬ or before October 15 to file formal Bryan stated that the important thing anity. Here in the realm of the tffsh- tainment provided. Official registration figures for the tation, the girls in the class were degree applications. for each student to remember was tory is the certitude of the/^rd and Gamma Phi Beta was decorated as divided into twenty groups under the that he came to William and Mary 244th session of the College had Kathleen Als"^' able For these gifts o^ wi}liara a Rustic Inn, with corn-cob pipes as junior sponsors. In these groups the "to find the best within you, develop reached 1236 this morning, according Registrar. for the assurance^ and takes cour. favors. Two skits were given in cos • women had four meetings in which and use it. The student wishes to lift and Mary th?-" tume, and cakes and punch were to Miss Kathleen Alsop, registrar. they received instruction on the social his or her self above that self—find age. served. Each guest was also present¬ The number of women is 708 and rules, the Honor System, and the Con- ^>ne at Williamsburg, Virginia, this his or her best, lodge it and beautify ed with wax-coated leaves bearing a men 528. Combined advance enroll¬ ttitution of the Women Students Co¬ sixteenth day of September, in the it. This College can't do anything SATURDAY'S GAME crescent and the girl's name. ment of both men and women ran operative Government Association. year of our Lord, 1936, of the Decla¬ but help you to choose." Phi Mu gave a formal tea, with old nearly 100 per cent ahead of last year, ration of American Independence, the "You cannot grow spiritually by The examination on Student Govern¬ fashioned nosegays as favors and with July having the largest enroll¬ TO DEDICATE MW just acquiring information," Dr. Bryan ment was given oi Tuesday night, one hundred and sixty-first and of punch and cakes for refreshments. ment of any single month. told the student body. "The men who September 22, a grade of ninety or this Foundation, the two hundred and Kappa Gamma had its dining room The selective system of enrollment guided this nation, who built the better being required f^r passing, N0RF0U[STADI11 forty-fourth. decorated as a garden of blue where inaugurated last year under the di¬ foundation on which your peace,, pros¬ The sponsors for Qrigntatiqii were: John Stewart Bryan, punch and cakes were served. The rection of President Bryan, has been perity, and freedom are based—those Nancy Adams, Beverly Bridge, Anna¬ Governor F,^ Dr- *P**> Billy President. girls were dressed in summer formal rigidly followed owing to the large men had trained themselves by wis¬ bel Brubaker, May Fielder, Jean Gor¬ l11 s eak in evening dress. number of applicants for admission. Goocb ™ P Opening James Hardy Dillard, Rector. dom and self-control." don, Greta Grason, Constance Graves, ~ises Before Contest. Alpha Chi Omega gave a formal This year the group of undergradu¬ Exe President Bryan told his audience Frapceg Jenkins, Miki Herzberg, reception using flower decorations. ates is one of the largest in the his¬ that William and Mary has had a re¬ Charlotte Johnson, Phyllis King, Carol xany outstanding citizens of Vir¬ The refreshments were ice cream and tory of the college. markable and significant history, that McCoy, Ruth Merkel, Harriett Mor- ginia, headed, by Governor George C. cakes bearing the Greek letters Alph i NINE NEW MEMBERS it is m'o'rg than ^ fr^meBOrk of build¬ Under a Freshman Orientation Pro¬ den, Billie Nenzel, Jean Pollard, Loi' Peery, will participate in the cere- Chi Opiega. Small figures of animals p e ings and physical facilities. "I covet gram a formal banquet and dance Shepherd, Jane Speakman, and ' pionies attendant to the dedication of were given as favorg. for William and Mary," he said, "a were given for the new class on Thompson. Foreman Field this Saturday when ADDED TO FACULTY Chi Omega's decoration scheme was l,er 20, world wide reputation for learning, a Thursday night, September 17. The On Sunday afternoon, Septr' William and Mary and University of that of white carnations. These flow¬ <)use from leadership in the fields of equipment. banquet was held in the College din¬ all the sororities held open' Virginia football teams play in Nor¬ FOR PRESENT YEAR ers served as favors, and decorated That reputation can be re-acquired to¬ ing hall, with members of Mortar¬ 2:09 te 6:00 for the fre?*"311 women- folk.
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