Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 1-15-2004 Arbiter, January 15 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. STUDENT NEW SPA P E K SIN C E 19 J J B 0 I S E STATE'S I ND t; PEN DEN T CELEBRATING THURSDAY 70 YEARs JANUARY 15, 2004 Those other WAC Champs Track Nada BSU Gymnastics team season. Brahma proving football isn't the preview Revisited only powerhouse Sports-7 Sports- 6 A&E-9 .vOLUME 16 ISSUE 35 FIRST COPY FREE WWW.ARBITERONLlNE.COM Long-awaited climbing gym opens Friday BY MONICA PIDCE skeleton holding it in place, News Reporter it isn't likely to crumble any- The Arbiter time soon. A plywood skin covers the steel and an outer Soon BSU students will concrete layer was buffed on, have a new opportunity to giving the wall a natural rock hang from the rafters. On feel. Friday, Jan. 16 at 5:30 p.m. Famed climber Fred Becky the ribbons wrapping the will be at The REC on the new climbing wall will be cut, opening day from 4 p.m, to opening 7, 000 square feet of 7 p.rn. to share his climb- climbing area to the Boise ing exploits. While he does State community. qualify for the senior citizen With 30 rope stations, 4,000 discount, don't be fooled-- handholds, and the afore- this 80-something year-old mentioned square footage, has been scaling mountains the half million-dollar proj- for 50 years and will be com- ect is a wonderful addition to ing from a New Mexico climb The REC center. when he arrives at BSU. Completed over On Saturday, Jan. 17 the Thanksgiving break, the wall inaugural fun will continue was added after The REC was with the Boise State Buck Off built in order to secure a con- climbing competition from 9 tract from a specialty climb- a.m, to 6 p.m. There are cat- ing wall builder. egories for every skill level "Most of the funding for and competitors are graded the project was in reserve on technique and speed. from the original [The REC Already a climber? Then Center] building cost," Geoff come on down - all you have Harrison assistant director to do is show you know how to for BSU's Outdoor program climb and belay your buddy. said. "We require people to Most of the equipment was demonstrate climbing confi- purchased with money from dence," Harrison said. the Outdoor Program. Students can climb for free The wall looks and feels like See Wall page 2 sandstone, but with a steel acti -tie In• onda Chuck Knippen, MosteLcom Wednesday, Jan. 21 available at the Student Union Monday, Jan. 19 Studenl Union farnsworth Room BY GRETAKRANZ JAO p.m- 5.00p.m News Editor Information Desk. There will Pre-march activities & March 10the Globalilalionand Human Rights Idaho Stale Capilol Ross Burkh3ft. Boise State Univursily The Arbiter be a reception with Tutu Student Union food Court Milrtin Orr, Boise State University Civil Rit:hts Movtlmunt: immediately following the 9am.-10:30a.m. L40pm-1JOpm II New Riding for Freedom and Justice for January 19 marks the begin- event., Hernan Righl'Rol~1004 GayRlghlsin 1004,"WholliesAhcad Immigrants l6ir ~lrra:ii:;, :j<ih: ~mm:.:dy ~.=t.i~!! ning of a weeklong celebra- "Different and the Same" State Capilol Steps After aYcarol uroreceeemed Gains?~ Network and Latinc Vote PlOjcct CO-chair Justin Terry ex- IU5,m. Shannon Minter, Natl. Center fClf tion in honor of Dr. Martin Student Union Farnsworth Room pressed his enthusiasm for lesbjanRights Luther King, Jr./Human 'It', A O,y On, Nol A O,y 011' StudenlUnion FarnsworttJ Room roOpm.-7JOp.m. Rights Day here at Boise the celebration. Stale Capitol Rotllnda lJOp.m. State. BSU will be hosting a "It is important for us to 11 pm. The History of Hale in America (video Friday. Jan. 23 series of events through Jan. bring our message to the CommunityVolunleerProjects presentation) The Oldest Haired: Understanding 23 designed to promote hu- community. That is the whole SludentUnion Jim Tibbs, Ada Count Human and Combating Anti·Semilism, Past, Rights Task force, Boise Ctly Police man rights awareness, com- point of a college campus-to LOOpm. Present and Futum Department teach people to be tolerant." Rabbi Daniel Fink, Ahavelh Beth l;>rael passion and understanding. Jill Gill, Ada Counly Human Rights .loward Berger, Alber1son C<lllcge The theme of the week's ac- Terry also stressed the im- Tuesday, Jan. 20 Task Force, Boise Stale UnivelSily 01 Idaho Studenl Union FarnswotiliRoom Student Union Harch Ballroom ~A~ tivities is "Different and the portance of attending at least ThllWorid Irade Drganizafion: fair, l.I5p.m.-6JOpm. lAO p.m.-1JO p.m. Same: Today, Tomorrow and one of the many scheduled free m Foul Trades? Mark Buchanan, Boise Stale events, adding, "If people The Realities of Racism Today; What Refugees in Boise Forever:' University "Color-bljndSociety~? Caml Merbach. Communily The week begins at 9 a.m, can get out to just one event 140p.m.-1c30p.m. Sam Blair, Idaho Community Action lnlerru'tural Cenler Monday with a march to the it would be very beneficial; it Network Women's Work: Today, Tomorrow. Student Union Farnsworth Room Idaho State Capitol and cul- would give them a different Student Union farnsworth Room 1,40pm.-HOpm. Forever? roo pm.-8JO p.m. Sandra Schackel. Boise State minates with keynote speak- outlook that they're not going TheRoleofMulticulturalliteralureifl University to find in their classrooms, Idaho Schouls er Nontombi Naomi Tutu AtinaPitmen, Boise State University Thursday. Jan. 22 Stan Stciner,Ooise Stale Universify on Friday, Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. that they're not going to find Student llniun Farnsworlh f100m Student Union Hatch Ballroom ·A~ 115-00 p.m. faIr Trade and liumafl Rights Tutu is the daughter of South anywhere else:' 3.40pm. -00 p.m. Keziah Sullivan, Ten Thousand Villages African Nobel Peace Prize Following is a complete list- Or. Martin Lulher King. Jr. and the sabine Klahr, Boise State Uni~rsity Nontombi Naomi Ttltu Power of Non-cooperali\ln wilh Slud!lnt Union Famsworth Room winner Desmond 1\1tu and ing of the scheduled events. Slrivingror Justice; $earthing for Injustice 1.40 p.m. -1JO p.m. will be giving a speech en- For further information visit Common Ground liz Paul, Id,ho Co,lition 1\),,, StudentiJnionJordanClIUroom titled, "Striving for Justice: http://union.boisestate.edu Student Union Farnsworth Room CreatingChangtlandWorkin£for 7.00pm. PHOTO BY KRISTA ADAMS/THE ARBITER Searching for Common or call 426-INFO. roo p.m.-BelO p.m. D~rsily Chris Schofelld a volunteer at the BSURec. center climbs the long awaited Ground". Tickets are free and rock wall that opens Friday. INTERNATIONAL Suicide bomber kills four, injures 13 tial reports from Israeli and tack, according to the Hamas BY MOLLY MOORE Palestinian security officials. Web site. The groups said the The Washington Post The attack occurred at about 9: bombing, carried_out by a Gaza 35 a.m., well after the morning woman, was retribution for the rush hour when several hun- attempted assassination of a JERUSALEM - A female sui- dred workers transit through militant leader of the al-Aqsa cide bomber detonated ex- the checkpoint. Martyrs Brigades in the north- plosives inside a laborers' pe- "The terminal was com- ern West Bank. The bomber destrian crossing between pletely destroyed," said Boris was identified as Reem Saleh- the Gaza Strip and Israel Wednesday morning, killing Shor, an Israeli rescue worker Rishi, 21. Israel Radio said she interviewed by the Israeli Y- was an activist in Palestinian at least four Israelis and injur- ing at least 13 people including Net Web site. "Everything was leader Yasser Arafat'sFatah four Palestinian workers, ac- shattered, glass was every- Movement. where, we saw body parts scat-In a video made before the cording to officials. The Palestinian attacker, a tered there:' . bombing, the woman, wearing mother of two small children, Israeli officials said that a traditional h~ad covering, was believed to be the first fe- three of the four Israelis killed spoke of her <iJ:eam of becom- male suicide bomber to be sent in the incident were soldiers lng a suicide bomber as she on a mission by the Islamic or border security guards. The cradled an assault rifle while militant group, Ham!1s. _ fourth was identified as a pri-standlng . before two green . The eXpl~ji_ugh vate guard. .Harnas flags: , a corrugated metal enclo- The mihtant wmgs"or-ttm-at--'-..,.ut-always .Waliledto--be:- sure used by Palestinian 'day .Aqsa Martyrs Brigadesandthe firstwomahtoc;myoutamar-,.. ..... .....:' . .'.. ... KRT~evAlAA~Fl.ASH9O workers· at the Erez Crossing Islamic Resistance Movement. tyr attack. where parts of mY MABLUS,WEsT BANK-hlestinlaos walkovertl1edebrihf bClUses tilalwerede~ 1I,ISriIelimij$llesdic\l$li1,~ city - between the Gaza Strip known as Hamas,. claimed body can Or allover," she said .of NalliusIiithe West BankIllS!spring.WsielJlly's suclde bomband Imlll attIck$ contln~etb. bl~"'~tbe .- joint responsibility fortheat- .., . .. '., age2:~n" and Israel. according to ini- -_........_---.... - THURSDAY, JANUARY -15. 2004 PAGE 2 NEWS sa BUSINESS&TECHNOLOGY Seeing red: Exploring the Martian ~ver Teelinology as sweet music from Apple Spirit is ready to go exploring.
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