6 CITY OF VICTORIA Governance and PrioritiesPriorities Committee Report For the MeetingMeeting of May 7, 20152015 To: Governance and Priorities Committee Date: April 21, 2015 From: Jocelyn Jenkyns, General Manager, VCC Subject: C.H.I.L.D.C.H.|.L.D. /Snowbirds requestrequest for inin kindkind support for August 12,12, 20152015 showshow Executive Summary On April 16,16, 2015 Randy Wright of Harbour Air presented to Council regarding to seek in kind support from the City for the proposed August 12,12, 2015 Snowbirds performance benefitting CC.H.|.L.D..H.I.L.D. Based on previous shows, staff has estimated the costs of the inin kind support at approximately $12,000. A detailed breakdown of these costs as well as the neighbourhood considerations isis contained inin Appendix A. There isis one 2015 FestivalFestival InvestmentInvestment Grant which will notnot be expended as the group "Creatively United for the Planet"Planet” has moved to Esquimalt. The value of this grant isis $6,000. ' Recommendation: That CouncilCouncil receivereceive thisthis reportreport forfor informationinformation and provide direction toto staffstaff on whether to redirectredirect the excess 2015 FIGFIG funds toto support thisthis event.event. .. I <j;C"'(/r",C(/Res ectfully submitted, Joce|y:Je yns Genera anager,VCC Report accepted and recommended by the City Manager: Date: Q¢{.\ Zfg‘‘lots’ Governance and Priorities Committee Report April 21, 2015 Snowbirds/C.H.I.L.D.Snowbirds/C H.|.L.D. InIn Kind Request "Spirit“Spirit inin the Sky”Sky" -- Snowbirds 20082008 The previous SnowbirdsSnowbirds Air showshow took place off Clover Point on Sunday, SeptemberSeptember 21,21, 2008 from 1:50pm1:50pm to 2:30pm. Seaside festival activities alongalong DallasDallas RoadRoad startedstarted atat noon. Approximately 25,000 spectators attended.attended. Dallas RoadRoad was closed to vehicular traffic from CookCook Street east to MemorialMemorial Crescent from noon until 3:30pm. TrafficTraffic was controlled on DallasDallas fromfrom MileMile Zero to Cook Street. Transit ranran a continuouscontinuous busbus looploop (2(2 busses)busses) along Cook, May, Memorial and Fairfield.Fairfield. A marine "show“show box"box” ofof 11 nautical mile X .5.5 nauticalnautical milemile was enforced off thethe shore of Clover Point, extending west. The CanadianCanadian CoastCoast Guard Auxiliary (Units 33 andand 35)35) were on scene and placedplaced buoys toto markmark thethe perimeter,perimeter, whichwhich was securedsecured byby VCP MRU,MRU, alongalong with boats from the RCMP. The "Fire“Fire Brand" and the Victoria Fire vessel were on scene to sitsit onon thethe centercenter lineline and provide the aircraft with orientationorientation pointspoints insideinside thethe show box.box. Background This event was held at this locationlocation inin 2003 and was hostedhosted inin Oak BayBay inin 2005. ItIt has drawn tens of thousandsthousands of viewers to thesethese areas.areas. TheThe exclusionaryexclusionary zone employedemployed inin 2003 was duplicated inin 2008 asas it worked to mitigate thethe traffictraffic gridlock experienced atat this same locationlocation inin 2002. The Spirit Committee, inin cooperation with aa contract event organizerorganizer (Alice Bacon -— Spirit Coordinator COV), collaboratedcollaborated with Community LivingLiving (and their contract event liaisonliaison Heidi Barlow-Lee) to manage event relatedrelated site infrastructureinfrastructure (tents,(tents, toiletstoilets andand sound etc) raisedraised fundsfunds mainlymainly through concession sales, andand coordinatedcoordinated rovingroving performers, hands-onhands—on activities for kids,kids, face paintingpainting andand a musical simulcast. Snowbirds show coordinatorcoordinator Capt.Capt. Steve Thompson, Bruce Carter,Carter, John MillerMiller (was instrumentalinstrumental inin organizing the Snowbirds /I DNDDND endend of things) worked closely with Jeff Day, Alice Bacon and HeidiHeidi Barlow-Lee to plan and execute the event. The show was one of aa seriesseries of events celebrating the provincial capital'scapitals 150150“.th. City Service impactsImpacts 2015 Estimated $12,000 - $14,000 for an event of similarsimilar scope at this venue. IncludesIncludes Police,Police, Public Works, Traffic Control for the exclusionary zone and thethe fire boat.boat. This estimate does not_r1o_t includeinclude event relatedrelated infrastructure,infrastructure, sound,sound, coordination, volunteers, waste, toilets, VIP area infrastructureinfrastructure and coordination, transit, ambulance,ambulance, communicationscommunications and admin. City Services requiredrequired toto facilitate thisthis event were notnot anticipatedanticipated inin thethe 2015 City ServicesServices business unit (BU5270).(BU5270). 2008 $10,035 —- 4 call out MRU members (not availableavailable for 2015), 8 Police,Police, 1616 ReservesReserves (no(no charge) and 20 Volunteers (provided(provided throughthrough Spirit CommitteeCommittee and Community Living)Living)- - $1,800$1 ,80O covered byby PolicePolice Board,Board, balancebalance coveredcovered byby City ServicesServices budgetbudget (BU5270)(BU5270) includedincluded Fireboat, Traffic Control, Public Works, Parks staff and sign shop charges. 2003 (evening(evening show) $8,432 1717 police officers and 26 reservesreserves -— $3,500 inin City Services and $4,932 police.police. Policing cost covered byby PolicePolice Board. 2002 (evening(evening show) "Fraught with issuesissues -— traffic plan poorly executed" -— police costs covered by PolicePolice Board. Issues:Issues: Environmental impact,impact, Noise, widespread traffic delays andand parkingparking impacts for FairfieldFairfield residents,residents, handicappedhandicapped parking, BFIPBHP impactimpact andand cleanup, budgetbudget impactsimpacts for CityCity and BC Transit Additional logisticslogistics and costscosts toto behe considered: Power, water, tents, toilets,toilets, sound, garbage,garbage, vending, animal control issues,issues, volunteer recruitment and management, VIP area secured at CloverClover Point,Point, SpecialSpecial OccasionOccasion License if required,required. towingtowing where needed,needed, additional parking at BHPBHP all-weather field, BC Ambulance placement andand bikebike patrols,patrols, mediamedia placements,placements, TransitTransit extraextra buses, City communications and communitycommunity engagementengagement /I notification.notification. Child Victoria 2015 Service Request: There were a fewfew thingsthings listedlisted inin Child's letterletter of requestrequest thatthat we don'tdon’! havehave or services we don't do. •- Power & cable at show center for AV (they(they will needneed toto rentrent their own whisper generator -— we don't have sufficientsufficient powerpower on site) •- Porta-pottiesPorta—potties (we don'tdont havehave any -— they will needneed to rent.rent. We can advise on placement, numbers etc) • AV set upup andand tear-downtear~down (not(not available through the City) • EHS related infrastructureinfrastructure requiredrequired for the mandatorymandatory safe andand securesecure showshow "box"“box" area,area. (the(the show-box on water sideside of the event isis outout of ourourjurisdiction) jurisdiction) IfIf directed by Council, we could provide:provide: •. Equipment could bebe mademade availableavailable throughthrough ourourfestival festival equipmentequipment program.program. We could also arrange for setset up of tentstents andand stage units where necessary.necessary. Underwriting the equipment costscosts isis not currently factored intointo thethe costcost estimate.estimate. • Special Event PermittingPermitting • Noise bylaw exemptionexemption • City services relatedrelated to traffic control, PublicPublic Works signage andand traffictraffic control equipment, VicPD and ParksParks labourlabour where availableavailable Site Plan Site Plan ‘ ~ INTHESKY:SNOWBIRDS FESTIVAL SITE _ SHRIT .“ "AF “"5 T‘* i 1 KIDS ACTIVITY AREA INFORMATION TENTS FOOD VENDORS PORTABLE TOILETS % COMMUNITY LIVING FEDEX SPONSOR ACTIVATION SITES ||| SNOWBIRDS LOCATION • PERFORMERS S MASCOTS % # VIP RECEPTION AREA i. I cm Show Box:Box: Police and Reserves Placements -— to secure the venue and residentsresidents onlyonly access to Fairfield:Fairfieldz E ".7. .2 E In E E o > z.u ...o.. K.. SNOWBIRDS - P \a. ekuQR!H January 22,201522.20l5 The Honourable Mayor Lisa Helps ofol"/ictoriu Victoria and City Council letterletter hand delivered City of Victoria Victoria,Victoria. B40.B.C. RL:RE: Snowbi?Snowbirds 11Flyvfor for CH.1.L.DCH.l.L.D inin VictoriaVictoria20IS20l5 We wish to formallyFormally ask the City of Victoria for integralintegral support items,items. permission torfor the show, and permissionpemiission to flyfly below 1,0001.000 ftIt AGLAOL required for the Snowbird'sSnowbird‘: air demonstrationdemonslmlion performanceperformance scheduled for August 12I2"',h ,2015.20l5 over Victoria's waterfront. As expressed this show isis unique. It is one of only two shows thatthat thethe Snowbirds performperfonn for charity. InIn the west thethe Snowbirds are Ambassadors forfor thethe CH.l.L.DCH.I.L.D Foundation. The free event isis for thetile residents and tourists ofof‘ Victoria to enjoy and will be a huge draw forfor tourists,tourists. and residents and familiesfamilies toto visit Victoria and assist the CHILD Foundation'sFoundation‘: quest to capture and revitalize a new audience that will appreciate the Foundation'sFoundation‘: mission to raise funds forfor medicalmedical research into Crohn'sCrohn‘s Disease,Disease. ulcerative
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