THE UWM POST Vol XIII, No. 3 The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Friday, September 27,1968 CCHE axes anthro phd Inside L> FLEE THE FLU Virologists are predicting that an As­ ian influenza epidemic will sweep the buries it for two years nation this fall. For $1, you can save yourself from all that sniffling and MADISON, WIS. — UWM lost its bid The anthropology department nas "We should be judging on need and tearfulness. See page 4. for a new anthropology Ph.D. program maintained that the anthropology pro­ cost and not on what a legislative reac­ Thursday when the coordinating council gram is an important part of the Uni­ tion is going to be," he said. HECKLE IN HYDE' for higher education upheld the recom­ Joseph Noll, a council member from mendation of its staff to kill the Ph.D. versity's development into a major ur­ ban" university and the anthropology pro­ Kenosha, said. "We are not trying to A County Supervisor proposes a "Hyde proposal. second guess the legislature. Some of park" where you can speak to your The council said it would refuse to gram would have an urban emphasis, heart's content. Audiences not guaran­ thought not be exclusively urban. us have our own opinions on the budget." even consider the Ph.D. proposal for The CCHE staff said that it recom­ teed. See page 3. another two years. The 2 year moratorium on the Ph.D. proposal drew a critical reaction from mended denial for the program because FACE THE MUSIC But Walter Kohler, CCHE chairman, of low student demand and the high cost put a crack in the moratorium by saying Philip E. Lerman, a council member from Milwaukee. of such a program. On page 4, F.L. Evers tells how the Stu­ that the program could be considered At a special meeting Wednesday, about "It looks like we are making deci­ dent Life and Interests committee sent a earlier. "If a program specifically 200 faculty members here voted unani­ warning to the music department. aimed at urban affairs is developed, sions based -on political reasons rather mously in favor of the anthropology then it might be appropriate to reopen Ph.D. this matter at that time," he said. than on educational ones," he said. Nancy Lurie, head of the anthropology department, has insisted repeatedly that there is no such thing as an urban anthro­ Gregory socks it to LBJ pology Ph.D. She said Monday that the CCHE's de­ mand for such a strictly urban program showed the ignorance of the council mem­ riots, South Africa, Daley bers about anthropology. Charles Gelatt, UW regent president by Angela Reale orial hall, Marquette university, Wed­ "I dig LBJ because he's been con­ and CCHE member, attempted to get the nesday night. sistent. He didn't change during his council to spell out the standards by Whipping into everything from LBJ Gregory is a write in candidate for administration. He was common at the which progress would be judged, but to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Negro president. His name appears on the beginning and he's common now." failed to get the council to agree to dis­ comedian Dick Gregory tore up the ballot in six states. "A friend of mine called me from close the qualifications. crowd of nearly L400 at Brooks Mem- Gregory's attacks centered on these London after LBJ's operation and asked targets: 'what kind of president do you have who IF ELECTED . shows his gut on television?' I said, 'Smile-in' set for Sunday well, we'd better thank God he didn't Previously the admission was only a the group. "A lot of people ask me what is the have a hemorrhoid operation." smile, but this time people are asked The first "bridging", the Family Re­ first thing I would do if elected Presi­ ON TRANSPLANTS. to bring old (or new) toys, roller skates, union, was held in Lake park for about dent. First, I would paint the White and sporting goods for needy Milwaukee 800 people. At the second get-together, House black. Second, I would bring the Regarding the use of the heart of a area children. The East Side Toy Loan at Washington park, the attendance rose boys home from the War and send LBJ black Southafrican in the first heart will repair and distribute the contribu­ to 1200. 77 with nothing but a barbeque gun. And transplant, Gregory said: tions. Love Phase 3 will be held Sunday, have Eartha Kitt call him every morn­ "We knew there wasn't really any­ "Smile-ins" were started by a group Sept. 29 in Washington park picnic areas ing saying 'Hey, baby, we're still send­ thing wrong with white folk that a change of friends who decided to show to Mil­ 2, 3, and 4 at 1:00 p.m. ing out those peace feelers for you!'" of heart wouldn't fix." waukee residents that the generation As at the previous two "smile-ins", "I'm against all kinds of transplants gap could be bridged with a smile, there will be donated entertainment by ON LBJ... that you can hide. Let a white man get said James Jurewicz, a spokesman for 15 to 20 Milwaukee area bands. a black foot and then go to the beach." After speaking before an estimated ty's Brooks Memorial union, Dick didate, led a march to the safety ory was detained over an alleged yr.- Gregory, Presidential write-in can­ building in support of The Milwau­ old parking violation, but was later crowd Of 2.000 at Marquette Universi­ kee 14. At the safety building, Greg­ released. ^ Muelver's Mullings Post Comment CCHE lives f program dies Can't condone Long time observers of the university scene were not the least bit surprised when the University's bid for a high priority, high status program was turned down by the CCHE (Confused Council or condemn on Higher Education) subcommittee on turning things down. I was surprised, though — mostly because I do all my long time v observing by focusing my somewhat blurry hindsight through the bottom of a beer bottle, which means that by the time I catch on The selective service administration offices dramatic protest, a revolutionary protest, is to what's happening, it's already happened and over with. downtown were invaded Tuesday. Fourteen necessary, then I agree with them." Nevertheless, I know how eager Post readers are to "get the men were arrested for breaking, entering, and "Most people in this country care more about whole truth," so I toddled down to dig up the facts, Larry Fogg, seizing and burning draft files. the burning of a few draft records —which can the chairman of the subcommittee in question, was kind (or We can neither condone, nor condemn, the be replaced anyway -- than they do about the stupid, take your pick) enough to grant me an interview* men accused of doing it. Breaking and enter­ killing that is going on in Vietnam. The big­ "Mister Fogg, what are the details of the program your group ing, burglary, and the willful destruction of gest tragedy is that some very valuable people turned down?" property are all clearly against the law. Com­ are probably going to spend a lot of time in menting on a criminal act is easy — no one jail," Braun is quoted as saying. "We turned down all the details of the program," could take a stand in favor of crime. Braun speaks with courage and insight. "What I meant was, just what was the program all about?" But this situation is not that clear cut. There The point is that a crime was committed. "Oh, I see. Well, the University administration wanted to add is a moral, as well as a legal, aspect to consider. If the men charged with that crime are guilty, another degree. They wanted a fourth degree maintenance engi­ they will be punished. They knew that, and neer, just like the one at Madison." Afd. Warren Braun came up with what we accepted it. "Didn't this proposal fit in with the overall plan to raise the think is probably the most accurate appraisal, So do we. University to the major urban university class?" and the most reasonable interpretation, of what But it is also important that their motiva­ "Sure -it did. At least, that's what they tried to tell us. But happened Tuesday. Braun makes two points: tion be understood and accepted. we're not dummies, you know. -We know afloombazzlewhenwe "Tnese are some of the bravest men in the Property, whether it is private, public, or see one." community, regardless of what you think of whatever, is quite plainly not sacred. Human "I'm sure you do. By the way, the word is "flamboozle',' their stand. They certainly realized what they lives are. "Anyhow, we know one when we see one. So we tuned'em were doing and that they faced the prospect of Those who burned the files placed a good down flat." spending a long time in jail. They may have portion of their lives, their entire future, in '"Turned them down.' On what grounds?" been naive in thinking that their actions could jeopardy to drive home to all of us the human­ "On the grounds of, first, the program was too expensive, affect decision makers or disrupt the draft istic axiom that lives are more sacred than and second, there is very little call for fourth degree mainte­ process. But if what they're saying is that a property can ever be.
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