Top Competitor Amongst Producer African Nations Bishop T.D. Jakes Speaks About Remake Sports Page B6 Entertainment Page A6 One Dollar Voted the Number One Black Newspaper in Tennessee Online at: TnTribune.com www.TnTribune.com One Dollar Rosetta Miller-Perry – Tennessee’s First Black Female Publisher V. 23, N. 1Volume1, Three 23 Sections, No. 33 • August April 165 -- 122,1, 20122012 Tribune Radio: wtntrib.com American Women Dominate Olympics By Ron Wynn The London Olympics marked the fi rst time in Ameri- can history that there were more women on the squad than men. But few expected this to become the Olympics where women wouldn’t just be important but critical in terms of overall Amer- ican team success. With Ameri- can men shut out of previous fa- vorite categories like boxing and the 400 meters, the women saved the day. Gabby Douglas made history last week, while also becoming one of the A prime example was in world’s premiere gymnasts. The 16-year-old phenom won two gold medals Gymnastics, a sport that usu- at the Olympics. In the process, she became the fi rst Black gymnast, male ally garners big ratings, but or female, to win the all-round. doesn’t always include topfl ight American participation. The it so can I. Hundreds of offers nastics tour with Douglas and as- women only won fi ve gold med- have now come rolling in for sorted members. als, the fewest at any Olympics Douglas, even though she’s also Former UT standout Candace since 2000. But one of those was been the victim of classic tabloid Parker helped the women’s bas- Gabby Douglas’ spectacular all- reporting regarding family trou- ketball team continue an amaz- round title. She became the fi rst bles. Still, Douglas and the rest ing run of Olympic victories. Black women to win that award of her teammates (dubbed the They haven’t lost a game since and later talked about its impor- “Fab Five”) captivated audiences 1992, and their 86-50 win over tance. throughout the opening week. France was their 41st straight “There’s not a lot of African- Aly Raisman won two med- in Olympic competition. Parker Americans in this sport, so I’m als on the fi nal day of competi- Former Tennessee Volunteer All-American Candace Parker paced chipped in with 21 points and 11 the United States women’s team to its fi fth straight gold medal last glad to bring it up,” Douglas told tion, taking the fi rst US gold on rebounds, thoroughly outplay- week. They routed Spain 86-50, and she had 21 points and 11 re- the Associated Press. “I want fl oor exercise in history,. There bounds. The American women have won 41 straight Olympic games. them to think, “if Gabby can do are also plans for a 40-city gym- See WOMEN Page 10A Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Church Music Director Honored NASHVILLE, TN — Fif- of these incredible musicians, teenth Avenue Baptist Church they music ministry have pre- has been known for its variety served the spirituals, anthems, and commitment to excellence traditional and contemporary in the area of Black Sacred Mu- gospel music. sic for over 127 years. The his- He moved to Nashville as a tory of the church’s music min- transfer student from Bethune- istry has always been lead by Cookman University to attend incredibly gifted musicians such Tennessee State University. He as Rev. E. W. D. Issacs, Jr, Ms. has served the congregation Harpist Jeff Majors since August 2006. He remem- Birdie Rhea Mosely, Mr. John bers going directly to Fifteenth Woodard, Mr. Floyd Thompson, Avenue Baptist on the eve- Acclaimed Harpist at Prof. James Scandrick, Mrs. Di- ning for a choir rehearsal at the Les Gemmes Event Saturday ana K. Poe assisted by Mr. Wil- church in preparation for their liam G. Crimm and Mrs. Nita annual “Choir Day” celebra- By Janice Malone musician Melvin “Maestro” M. Smith, and currently Mr. Lightford, along with Lavestia Brandon A. Boyd Brandon A. Boyd. Under each See BOYD Page 2A NASHVILLE, TN — It’s Gaston Miller, former backup only a few more days before singer for Al Green fl ying in one of summer’s most antici- from Memphis and Nashville’s pated event — Summer’s Last popular featured jazz artist At- Relations Commission Partners Fling. The upcoming August torney Jonathan Richardson. 18th event (3 – 7pm) will take Guest will view the artwork of place at 635 West Nocturne award-winning artists Michael With Prominent Graduate School Drive. It will be an evening of McBride, James Threalkill and fi ne cuisine, art and jazz, to say NASHVILLE, TN — The groups, schools, and business Michael Mucker for purchase/ bon voyage to those sizzling hot auction; fl ying in from Atlanta Metro Human Relations Com- settings. temperatures of summer 2012. will be Stacey Diltz, a Wine mission has partnered with the The Commission will host The event will not only be an Educator and President of Sta- International Institute for Re- the IIRP, an accredited gradu- event of fun-fi lled elegance, but ceywines.com, hosting in an storative Practices (IIRP), to ate school, in conducting Basic it’s also a fundraiser for Light- elegant setting with best-selling lead restorative practices initia- Restorative Practices. The four- ing the Path for Girls a signature author Alice Randall. tives in Nashville and the sur- day training event takes place program for Les Gemmes. “A Another VIP attending the rounding region. The two orga- September 18-21, at the Mar- Culinary Taste of Nashville” event is internationally ac- nizations are joining forces to tin Professional Development will feature cuisine from some claimed master harpist and jazz/ help professionals learn effec- Center, 2400 Fairfax Avenue, in of the city’s top caterers. To gospel producer Jeff Majors tive ways to reduce unproduc- Nashville, TN. This workshop further speak of sizzling, the (www.jeffmajors.com). tive tension and violence and imparts practical knowledge atmosphere for this event will The melodious harp music of increase mutually-respectful sizzle to the melodious jazz engagement in communities, Caroline G. Blackwell See RELATIONS Page 9A sounds from special pop/jazz See MAJORS Page 9A INDEX NAACP Concerned Over Lack of Full Classifi eds .....................1C Diversity in Presidential Debate Moderators Editorial .........................4A LOS ANGELES, CA From NAACP Presi- Todd Jealous, President Americans specifi cally Entertainment ...............6A — The NAACP released dent and CEO Benjamin and CEO of the NAACP. - are strikingly underrep- the following statement Todd Jealous: “Whether it’s as pri- Health .............................3B regarding the Commis- “The lack of diversity metime news anchors, resented.” Religion .........................4B sion on Presidential De- among this year’s debate debate moderators, or bates’ announcement that moderators is represen- commentators on the in- Sports .............................6B no persons of color would tative of the overall lack fl uential Sunday morning be moderating this year’s of diversity in news me- political talk shows, peo- Benjamin Todd Jealous presidential debates: dia,” stated Benjamin ple of color - and African THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 - 22, 2012 The Tennessee Tribune 9A Opening Celebration for Simon Youth Academy NASHVILLE, TN — The Simon Youth Academy at Opry Mills will reopen in its Opry Mills mall home for the first time on Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012 10 a.m. since the May 2010 flood that closed the mall for nearly two years. The school ini- tially opened in Opry Mills Oak Hill School’s new head chef, Ishmael Simmons in August 2009 with the support of the Simon Youth Foundation (SYF). It is one Oak Hill School Hires of a growing network of schools established by SYF across the country, with most New Head Chef located in malls owned by the Simon Property Group. NASHVILLE, TN — Oak Hill new things, and Ishmael’s imagina- Following the flood, the has hired Ishmael Simmons as the tion inspires picky eaters to explore school relocated to Hickory school’s new head chef. Simmons, healthier food options.” Hollow. who worked in the food prep in- Simmons received his bachelor’s The Academy’s reopen- dustry for the Nashville Predators, degree in mass communication from ing expands the number of Dr. Michael Durnil Bridgestone Arena, and Gaylord Alcorn State University, and studied Opryland Hotel and Convention these non-traditional high Center, brings an array of experi- baking and pastry creation at The Art school programs to three, a high school diploma. mon Brown and Academy ence and knowledge that aligns with Institute of Tennessee in Nashville. all serving students at risk Participating in the cer- at Old Cockrill Principal Oak Hill’s healthy eating plan for Simmons has spent time as a prep of dropping out for multi- emony will be Dr. Michael Elaine Fahrner for the rib- students. chef, kitchen supervisor, and bak- ple reasons. Along with the Durnil from the Simon bon cutting. “Serving as Oak Hill’s new head ery and pastry creator for all outlets Academy at Old Cockrill Youth Foundation; Dr. Jesse Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012 10 a.m. chef is so exciting for me,” Sim- within Bridgestone Arena. and the Academy at Hickory Register, Director of Metro Hollow, these three schools Nashville Public Schools; The Simon Youth Acad- mons said. “I’m given the freedom “The dynamic at Oak Hill School to explore healthy options for the have graduated more than and Nashville Mayor Karl emy at Opry Mills located is unlike any other place I’ve been,” 1,040 students who might Dean. They will be joined near the Mall Offices at students, and getting their input on Simmons said. “Staff members are what choices they prefer will be in- not otherwise have received by Opry Mills Principal Car- Opry Mills.
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