MINING PLAN FOR COLEROON RIVER SAND QUARRY (Prepared underRules, amendment 3S-A Tarnilnadu N4nor l\,{ineralConcession Rules.19S9 ard V Dr.l nor i,trt.erdl Consenralol and Develoome,I Ru "s. 20-OJ Period: [Two) 2 ycars Onty /.! LOCATION OF THE QUARRY LEASE APPLIED AREA EXTENT r 12,00.0 Ha S.F.No | 177 ll(Paft) vILI,lIGE : MBLUR TALUK : SRJMNGAM DISTRICT : TIRUCHIMPPALLI STATE : TAMIL NADU 5O1t APPLICANT THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEE& Public Works DepartDnent, WRD, MiDes and Monitoring Division, CE's Region Compounq Subramaniapuram, Tiruchirappalli - 20. PREPARED BY S.UTKSHMII(ANTHAN, M.Sc., Recognised Qualifi ed Person thir" 6EiLn;"r l.I irl;ilA THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER. Public Works Department, 6$ WRD, Mines and Monitoring Division, ts $h\ CE's Region Compound, Subramaniapuram, Tiruchirappalli - 20. CONSENT LETTER FROM THE APPLICANT The Mining Plan in respect of Sand quarry over an extent of 12.00.0 Ha of Government land [River Co]eroonl in S.F.No,177/1 (Part) of Melur Village, Srirangam Taluk, Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu State has been prepared by Thiru. S.Lakshmikanthan,M.Sc., Recognised Qualified Person, Registration Number RQP /MAS/262/2014/A I request the Assistant Director, Department of Geo)ogy and Mining, Tiruchirappalli District to make further correspondence regarding of the Mining plan with the said Recognised Qualified Person on this following address. S.LAKSHMIKANTHAN, M.Sc., Recognised Qualified Person Reg.No.RQP/MAS/2 62 / 2Ot4 / A SAI RAM MINING & GEOLOGY CONSULTANCY Regd.0ffi ce:4/193.A,Gokula Krishna Street, Advaidha Ashramam Road, Alagapuram, Salem-636004. qq04 Ph : 0 42? - 42661 b1 I Celi- 466685 [email protected] I hereby undertake that all modifications so made in the Mining plan by the Recognised Qualified Person may be deemed to have been made with my knowledge and consent and shall be acceptable to me and binding on me in all respects. /w10., Division cant Place : Tiruchirappalli Date: i ! THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, ;)'-or"' '"' Public ,\N' Works Department, 4i#tNr$\$ - WRD, Mines and Monitoring Division, it( * no"$tit '"'" CE's Region Compound, Subramaniapuram, '''tq 'tt Tiruchirappalli - 20. DECLARATION The Mining Plan in respect of Sand quarry oyer an extent of 12.00.0 Ha of Government land fRiver Coleroon) in S.F.No.I77 /7 (part) of Melur Village, Srirangam Taluk, Tiruchirappalli District, TamilNadu State has been prepared with my consultation and I have understood the contents and agree to implement the same in accordance with the Mining Laws. Place : Tiruchirappalli Date : / tl:' .' S.LAKSHMIKANTHAN, M.Sc., ' Recognised Qualified Person ' Lr'o Reg.No.RQP/MAS/262 /2074 / A vN SAI RAM MINING & GEOLOGY CONSULTANCY \10 Regd,0ffi ce:4/193.A, Cokula Krishna StreeL Advaidha Ashramam Road, Alagapuram, Salem-636004. CERTIF]CATE This is to certii/ that, the provisions of Rule 12 of Draft Minor Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2010 & as per amendment rules 41 & 42 under Tamil Nadu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1959 have been observed in the preparation of Mining Plan for the grant of Sand quarry lease over an extent of 12.00.0 Ha of Government land (River ColeroonJ in S.F.No. 177/1(Part) of Melur Village, Srirangam Talul! Tiruchirappalli District and Tamilnadu State has been prepared for THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEE& Public Works Department, WRD, Mines and Monitoring Division, CE's Region Compound, Subramaniapuram, Tiruchirappalli - 20. Whenever specific permission / exemptions / relaxations and approvals are required, the applicant will approach the concerned authorities of State and Central Govemments for granting such permissions etc., It is also certified that information furnished in the above mining plan are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge. Certified Signature of Recognised Qualified Person S. LAKSHMIIGNTHAN,, Recognised Qualified Person f!|lt r1d Loo&,t'tO,,Et Reg.No. RQP/MAS/262 I 2014 I A Idq - 020 o0 / \ ,,' {",,,"" .'l,to' r\\$ " LIST OF COI{TENTS .\ t' t'ul Executive Summarv Geology and Mineral Resewes Mine Drainage Other Permanent Stuctures Employment Potentials & Welfare lr4easure" Envimnm€nt Management Plan Mine Closure Pla:t Any Other Details Intend to furnish @ thilffiiarii it\ he"*n"' 0*ktr,]e'*6t"iffiJl-[,,, erd u,inirr.he Dt.,ir,l!.. .- fridw - 620 02O 4 ',t---l'-<3'o\ LIST OF AN EXURES ,\\t" \H' . ,. to* lei \ -/.e,'// Sl. No. Description l Precise Area Communication LEerlilsued from the I District Collector 2 FMB Sketch (along $,irh measurerrents) II l Land Documents ( Adangal, a.Register, etcJ III 4 Copy ofRQP Certiflcate IV 5 Reserve Estimation LIST OF PLATES Sl. No, Desc ption Plate No Scale I Location Plan I Not to scale t 2 Kev Plan II Not to scale Iopo Sketch of Qual._v Lease u.ea lbiloKm 3 NI I il00000 Radius. ' ' 1 Satellite i Imagery IV 1r10000 a I 5 EnvironmentalManagimeniFlan- I:10000 I i 6 Quarry Lease and Surface Plan VI Plan-1:2000 Topography, Geological Plan & Section year VII, Plan l:2000 7 plan wise Derelopment. Production & Sections & Scc Hor-1:2000; VI1-A VeFl:200 ' ,r,-k;d&,*^.o., ' Ihltledutltitg oivrEl --tts!.020 oo --- MINING PLIIN FOR SAND OVERAN EXTENT OF 12.OO.O HEC GOVERNMENT LAND (COLEROON RTVER) IN S.F.NO. L77 /1(pa METUR 1S\I VILLAGE, SRIMNGAM TALUI{, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI D I q \\ur TAMIL NADU STATE. periodr (Two) Z years as per annendment rute 41 & 42 undcr Tamil Nailu Minor Milleral Co cession Rules.:1959] 1.0 INRODUCTION: The present 1. Mining plan & Enyironmental Management plan is prepared for The public Executive Engineer, Works Department, WRD, Mines and Monitoring Division, CE's Region Compound, Subramaniapuram, Tiruchirappalli _ 20. 2. Tamilnadu Public works department establish periodical maintenance including desalting of Sand shoals of the river is caried out to maintain the functional efficienry and carying capacity of the river, desilting was never carried out flowing problem caused in the riverbed top floor level increased and decrease the river carrying capacity as result River flow direction diverted leads to loss properties many and lives. To prevent above problem is desilting of shoals of River Coleroon to remove, it is not economical viable altemately option is to mine sand and remove the Sand shoals is reasonable. per 3. As c.O No. 46/industries (MMCI) Departmen! dated 2S.Og.2OO2, committee had been constituted to conduct a survey of rivers and river beds in the state with reference to sand quarry. The committee concluded tha! Even though several rules on sand mining exist, illegal quarrying of sand is out of control. Authority for regulating sand mining is vested with different organization such as, State Geolo$./ and Mining Departmen! Revenue Department and public Works Department. Hence, implementation and monitoring of rules and regulation regarding sand quarrying are not effective. This important task of sand mining tlerefore, should be entrusted to a Single Agency. 4. The Government issued an order vide G.O.Ms.No. 95, industries (MMC1) Departmen! Dt.01.10.2003 to operate sand quarries in Tamil Nadu by public Works department. Accordingly, sand quarrying operations are being carried out from October 2003 in Districts of the Tamil Nadu. Hence this project of removing ofsand for maintains the functional efficiency of River Coleroon and its carrying capacity. $ 5, The Government issued the G.O. (D) No. 67/tndustries (MMC dated 11.03.2011, the Dist ct Collectors have been authori permission for usage of Machinaries in sand quarry operation Tamirabarani Rivers. 6. The covernment has issued an order in G.O. No. (2D) 21 Indust es Department Dated. 02.06.2017 in which the Government had removed the powers to grant the deploy.rnent ofmachineries in sand quarry operations and the competent authority ie.,SEIM will decide the sufficient number of machineries in sand quarry operations after the Minisfy of Environment and Forest, Notification Dated 15.01.2016 under Sec 3(2J ofthe Environment protection AcL 7. The applicant proposed to quarry Sand in Government land (River Coleroon) survey field No. 177/1(Partl in Melur Village of Srirangam Taluk, Tiruchirappalli District for a period of (Two) 2 years only, The excavated Sand is used for domestic construction purpose and other infrastructure development work in and around the district, 8. The application was processed by the District Collector Tiruchirappalli and passed an order vide Rc.No.27t/2077 /Mines, Dated 20.06.2017 to obtain an approved Mining Plan and Environmental Clearance from the State Level Environment ImpactAssessmentAuthority [SEIM], Chennai. 9. Geological Resources is estimated at 5,11,793m3 and Mineable Reserves is estimated at 2,35,783mt of Sand as indicated in the precise area lefter and relevant mining laws in force. proposed 10. The quantity of reserves estimated at 1,S1,783m3 of Sand Shoals and 1,20,000mr of Sand upto a depth of 1.0m below theoretical bed level for the period of (TwoJ 2 years only. 11. Environmental parameters, I The area does not attract the Forest Conservation Act 19g0 as there is no forest around 10 Km radius. There is no Interstate boundary around 10 Km Radius. There is no wild life animal sanctuary within 10 Km radius form the project site area under the Wildlife (protectiot\) Act" tg7Z. Therefore the project seeks clearance only from State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAAI, under B2 Category. E*t.rn Ln5rhg DivLfn \ Tddry . 020 020 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYI i\\$ The area applied for lease is a Government iand (River Coleroon] in 177/1(Part) in Melur Village, Srirangam Taluk Tiruchirappalli District. i.\ r;{N'" l.s"\ . Village Panchayat = Melur \\3 . PanchaFt Union = Srirangam . The proposed total Mineable reserves = 1,15,783m3 ofSand shoals and 1,20,000m3 ofSand. The proposed quantity of Recoverable reserves (level of production) to be mined 1,51,783m3 of Sand shoals and 1,20,000m3 of Sand for a period of [Two) 2 years only.
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