Fauquier County, Virginia Tombstone Inscriptions, Volume 1 & 2 http://innopac.fauquiercounty.gov/record=b1090877 Index courtesy of Fauquier County Public Library (http://fauquierlibrary.org) Last Name Maiden Name First Name Middle Name Volume Page(s) Notes ? Henry 2ndVol 84 ? Liza 2ndVol 83 ? Lottie M. 2ndVol 36 ? Masieth 2ndVol 153 child ? Antonia W. 1stVol 73 ? Bushrod J. 2ndVol 120 No last name ? Wines Elizabeth 1stVol 81 ? Elizabeth 1stVol 39 In Walker-Holmes Plot ? Horace 1stVol 76 1902 ? Lottie M 2ndVol 32 No last name ? Martha 2ndVol 105 Martha Carter? ? Pee Wee 1stVol 108 ? Will T 2ndVol 122 No last name Abel Ida A. 1stVol 124 Abel James Rodney 2ndVol 193 Abel Abell Neta F. 2ndVol 193 Abel Walter A. 2ndVol 193 Abelle Cora E. 2ndVol 130 Abelle Joseph P. 2ndVol 130 Abernathy Joseph H. 1stVol 35 Abernathy Wilbur Joe 2ndVol 36 Abrams Marion E. 1stVol 199 Abribat Tinsman Clarice 2ndVol 103 Abribat Mary Joseph 2ndVol 103 Acheson Jean C. 2ndVol 197 Action Lloyd P. 2ndVol 79 Action Louse A. 2ndVol 79 Louise? Adams Abner 1stVol 69 WWII Adams Abraham 1stVol 221 Adams Abraham 2ndVol 208 Adams Adaline H. 2ndVol 1 Adams Agnes Lee 2ndVol 25 Adams Alwylda 2ndVol 40 Adams Ann R. 2ndVol 25 Adams Anna R. 2ndVol 1 Adams Harrison Anna 2ndVol 25 Last Name Maiden Name First Name Middle Name Volume Page(s) Notes Adams Anna Mae 2ndVol 95 Adams Anne Alexander 1stVol 200 Adams Arthur Henry 2ndVol 114 III Adams Arthur Henry 2ndVol 114 Adams Bertha E. 2ndVol 25 Adams Bessie L. 1stVol 69 Adams Baron Bettie Kelly 2ndVol 122 Adams Carroll S. 2ndVol 97 Adams Thompson Daisie 1stVol 101 Adams Dora Louise 2ndVol 31 Adams Doris H. 1stVol 101 Adams Edith Lloyd 2ndVol 95 Adams Edmonia 2ndVol 201 Adams Edwin T. 2ndVol 25 Adams Ellen D. 2ndVol 1 Adams Ethel R. 2ndVol 21 Adams George 2ndVol 1 Adams George L. 2ndVol 1 Adams George L. 2ndVol 21 Adams Harved M. 2ndVol 95 Adams Hazel B. 2ndVol 97 Adams James Thompson 1stVol 101 Adams John F. 1stVol 151 Adams John F. 2ndVol 25 Adams John Thompson 2ndVol 40 Adams John Edgar 2ndVol 40 Adams John Buchanan Floyd 2ndVol 40 Adams Laura Lyde Thompson 2ndVol 41 Adams Lewis Lyde Thompson 2ndVol 40 Adams Lillian 2ndVol 182 Adams Lily 2ndVol 112 Adams Louise S. 2ndVol 95 Adams Coleman M Frances 1stVol 101 Adams Marie Thompson 2ndVol 40 Adams Mary I. 1stVol 75 Adams Mary W. 2ndVol 1 Adams May 1stVol 75 Adams Mildred D. 2ndVol 1 Adams Minnie Lee 2ndVol 41 Adams Nanie C. 1stVol 154 Adams Nicholas Floyd 1stVol 101 Adams Nicholas Floyd 1stVol 101 Jr. M.D. Adams Oscar T. 2ndVol 95 Adams Robert 1stVol 69 Page 2 of 462 Last Name Maiden Name First Name Middle Name Volume Page(s) Notes Adams Robert E. 1stVol 75 Adams Robert 1stVol 75 Adams Ruth E. T. 1stVol 220 Adams Samuel Thompson 1stVol 200 Maj US Army WWII Adams Sarah W. 1stVol 134 Adams Sidney Ann 1stVol 151 Adams Teddy R. 2ndVol 41 daughter of Dr. John A. Adams Virginia J. 1stVol 107 & Mary E. Adams Adams Virginia W. 2ndVol 25 Adams Virginia W. 2ndVol 25 Addison Childs J. 2ndVol 164 Addison Dawson Elizabeth 2ndVol 161 Addison Brown Estelle M. 2ndVol 52 Addison Mabel 2ndVol 164 Addison Mamie C. 2ndVol 162 Addison Mamie A. 2ndVol 163 Addison Sadie L. 2ndVol 164 Adkins Jane Edna 2ndVol 119 Aiken Micklley Mary 2ndVol 170 Ailstock Elizabeth I. 1stVol 26 Ainsworth Brown Bertha 1stVol 54 Ainsworth Bessie B. 2ndVol 5 Ainsworth George Raymond 1stVol 54 Ainsworth Jonah Quaintance 1stVol 54 Ainsworth Wilbert R. 1stVol 54 Ait Benjamin F. 1stVol 7 Alderton Lois B. 2ndVol 198 Aldridge Margaret 1stVol 42 Alexander John 1stVol 176 Amer. Legion marker Alexander ? George H. 1stVol 48 Allan David M. 2ndVol 1 Allan Edward S. 2ndVol 1 Allan J W. 2ndVol 1 Allan Jennie 2ndVol 1 Allan Josephine T. 2ndVol 1 Allan Landon Tyack 2ndVol 1 Allan Landon 2ndVol 1 Capt. Allan Martha R. 2ndVol 1 Allan Susan 2ndVol 1 Allania Sarah 2ndVol 142 Allen Charles M. 2ndVol 195 died in the cyclone Allen Dessie May 2ndVol 195 Allen Edmund 1stVol 115 Allen Edna 1stVol 127 infant Page 3 of 462 Last Name Maiden Name First Name Middle Name Volume Page(s) Notes Allen Edward Stewart 1stVol 222 Allen Edward Rankin 2ndVol 195 Jr. Allen Edward 2ndVol 195 Allen Edward 2ndVol 208 Allen Edwin Forrest 1stVol 39 Allen Eleanor Henderson 1stVol 39 Allen Davis Eliza 1stVol 39 Allen Elizabeth Gertrude 1stVol 115 Allen Ella S. 1stVol 223 Allen Elsie 1stVol 127 infant Allen Emma F. 2ndVol 195 Allen Emma E. 2ndVol 195 Allen Emma C. 2ndVol 195 Allen Eugene W. 1stVol 108 Allen Eugene C. 1stVol 203 Allen Davis Eugene 2ndVol 199 Allen George W. 1stVol 223 Allen George Richards 2ndVol 41 Allen George Tavenner 1stVol 39 Allen Gladys 2ndVol 195 Allen Hallie G. 1stVol 203 Allen Harry D. 2ndVol 196 Allen Harry D. 2ndVol 197 Allen Hazel S. 2ndVol 119 Allen James P. 2ndVol 195 Allen Jesse E. 2ndVol 195 WWII Allen Jeter R. 1stVol 49 Allen John W. 1stVol 115 Allen Juliet W. 2ndVol 43 Allen Kathryn B. 1stVol 49 Allen Lawson Ira 2ndVol 41 Allen Lucy Davis 1stVol 39 Allen Thornton Lucy Ellen 1stVol 108 Allen Luther E. 2ndVol 195 Allen Margaret B. 1stVol 115 Allen Margie L. 2ndVol 192 Allen Mary Caroline 1stVol 39 Allen Mary Elizabeth 2ndVol 195 infant Allen Mary Evelyn 2ndVol 195 Allen Melvin L. 2ndVol 192 Allen Myra M. 2ndVol 195 Allen Brock Myrtle 1stVol 49 Allen Peggy Lee 1stVol 222 infant Allen Peggy Lee 2ndVol 208 Page 4 of 462 Last Name Maiden Name First Name Middle Name Volume Page(s) Notes Allen Ruby Isabelle 2ndVol 195 Allen Rueben E. 2ndVol 195 Allen Ruth 1stVol 127 infant Allen Madison Sarah 1stVol 115 Allen Thomas 1stVol 39 Allen Thomas C. 1stVol 39 Allen Thomas Edward 2ndVol 195 Allen Thomas E. 2ndVol 195 Allen Virginia V. 2ndVol 53 Allen William F. 1stVol 223 Allen William H. 2ndVol 53 Sr. Allison A B. 1stVol 32 Allison Albert E. 1stVol 206 Allison Carroll Jennings 2ndVol 178 Allison D Alexander 1stVol 202 Allison Davenport B. 1stVol 92 Allison Dewy J. 1stVol 55 Allison Donald Trow 1stVol 206 US Army Allison Edith M. 1stVol 202 Allison Edward M. 1stVol 94 Allison Ernestine C. 1stVol 206 Allison George B. 1stVol 151 Allison Gilbert W. 1stVol 164 Allison Harry A. 1stVol 151 Allison Helen R. 1stVol 206 Allison Herman D. 1stVol 209 Allison J Edward 1stVol 202 Jr Allison J W. 2ndVol 11 Allison J Adrian 2ndVol 125 Allison James E. 1stVol 151 Allison Jas. 1stVol 32 Allison John T. 1stVol 55 Allison John P. 2ndVol 1 Allison Joseph E. 1stVol 94 Allison Julia Ann 1stVol 92 Allison Katie 1stVol 133 Allison Lee T. 1stVol 34 Jr.; Amer. Legion Allison Luther Lee 1stVol 200 marker Allison Luther L. 1stVol 200 Sr. Allison Luther Martin 2ndVol 178 Allison Hodgkin Marian 1stVol 200 Allison Mary C. 1stVol 45 Allison Mary I. 1stVol 151 Allison Mary Y. 2ndVol 125 Page 5 of 462 Last Name Maiden Name First Name Middle Name Volume Page(s) Notes Allison Mildred E. 1stVol 34 son of E.M. & S.A. Allison Penny C. 1stVol 94 Allison; age 18 months Allison Richard A. 1stVol 92 Allison Richard S. 1stVol 127 Virginia Inf. Allison Richard V. 1stVol 34 WWII Allison Robert Layetteu 2ndVol 178 infant Allison Roberta V. 1stVol 164 Allison Ruth L. 1stVol 164 Allison Susan K. 1stVol 94 Allison Vivian M. 1stVol 209 Allison Wallace G. 1stVol 164 WWII Allport Daisy B. 2ndVol 71 Allport Dora Bell 2ndVol 71 Allport James Crammond 2ndVol 71 Allport Morrison Mary Jane 2ndVol 71 Alman Dwight Milton 2ndVol 210 infant son of Wallace Almond Junior A. 2ndVol 197 W. and Lizzie C. Almond Lizzie C. 2ndVol 197 infant daughter of Wallace W. and Lizzie Almond Mary Jane 2ndVol 197 C. Almond Almond Russell 2ndVol 197 Almond Wallace W. 2ndVol 197 Almquist Florence 1stVol 47 Almquist Harold 1stVol 47 Alport James Cammina 2ndVol 70 Alport Martin Winifred Emily 2ndVol 70 born Bristol, England Altman Cedonia D. O. 1stVol 54 Altmann Lillian F. 2ndVol 41 Altmann Rozier B. 2ndVol 41 Jr. Ambler Anne P. 1stVol 19 Ambler Lyon Bessie 1stVol 23 Ambler Willis Daisy Elizabeth 1stVol 19 Ambler Marshall Edward 1stVol 23 Ambler Edward 1stVol 23 Ambler Johnston Elisabeth S. 1stVol 19 Ambler Colston Elizabeth 1stVol 23 Ambler Carter Elsie 1stVol 23 Ambler Kendrick Evelyn 1stVol 24 Ambler J Markham 1stVol 19 surgeon on the ill-fated Ambler James M. 1stVol 23 Jeanette Ambler James Markham 1stVol 23 Page 6 of 462 Last Name Maiden Name First Name Middle Name Volume Page(s) Notes Ambler James Markham 1stVol 24 Ambler John 1stVol 18 Maj. CSA Ambler John 1stVol 23 Ambler L L. 1stVol 19 daughter Ambler Johnston Lucy Hopkins 1stVol 19 Ambler Mary Morris 1stVol 23 Ambler DeButts Nancy 1stVol 23 Ambler Philip St. George 1stVol 24 Ambler Richard Jaqueline 1stVol 19 Ambler Richard Cary 1stVol 23 III Ambler Richard Cary 1stVol 23 Jr. Ambler Bush Richard Cary 1stVol 23 Ambler Marshall Susan 1stVol 23 Ambler Thomas Marshall 1stVol 19 infant son of James Ambler 1stVol 23 and Agnes Ambler Ames Neal Lola 1stVol 213 Ames Robertson 2ndVol 142 Anderson Alberta 2ndVol 200 Anderson Andie F. 2ndVol 148 Anderson Annie E. 1stVol 172 Anderson Archie S. 2ndVol 76 Anderson Arthur R. 1stVol 87 Anderson Avalenel 2ndVol 47 Anderson Barbara 2ndVol 201 Anderson Belle 2ndVol 16 Anderson Benjamin Hiter 2ndVol 148 Anderson Bessie 2ndVol 207 Anderson C H. 2ndVol 200 Jr. Anderson Carl Turner 2ndVol 41 Anderson Carol E.
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