December 27,1945 -. S ~ S I Jews In Sports By HASKELL COHEN Madison Square Garden basketball can't do that, the fighters will murder fans are seeing heart-throbbing bas- you." ketball every week. The way New York "I would rather face those monkeys University plays it will be a wonder if than face my Bertha without a cent in a couple of hundred spectators don't my kick," was his usual rejoinder. drop over from cardiac failures. Twice * * * in their last two times out the N.Y.U. Hoopla: Lou Eisenstein, the collegi- quintet has come from behind in the ate basketball referee, leaves the Navy final twenty seconds to win. January 1st. Last Saturday evening, Arkansas led Red Holzman, who was starring for the home club all the way. With 6 Rochester in the National Pro League, With A Mah Jongg Set minutes to go, the Southwesterners has signed with the New York Gothams. were in the van, 57-48. With time run- He rejoins Sonny Hertzberg, his City ning out the score was whittled down College mate. This pair served as co- to 62-61. Just before the final gun, captains under Nat Holman. Holz- Sid Tannenbaum was fouled in the act man's addition to the Gotham crew It Is A Happy New Year of shooting. gives Coach Barney Sedran a star per- The biggest all time crowd looked former who may turn the tide in New on as Sid calmly walked to the foul York's favor. Hand-made, Hand-carved, Hand-colored, Imported line and dropped in the tying and After dropping three straight, the and Domestic, Beautiful Tiles and Katlin Racks. winning shots. Later Coach Howard Philly Sphas dumped Paterson twice Cann remarked, "I think that Sid did- over the past week-end to regain the JUST THE THING FOR A PERFECT GIFT n't miss more than three foul shots all American League lead. Eddie Gottlieb last year." Sid led the scoring with still needs another sparkplug player to At the 22 points. Right now he and Jackie successfully defend the loop title. Following Prices: Goldsmith of Long Island U. appear to Moe Goldman, former C.C.N.Y. and be the highest scorers in the Met area. Spha center, will be out of the Navy $18.95 * * * soon. The Ensign doesn't expect to re- turn to the game. Small for $25.00 At the U.J.A. dinner recently Aldo a center, Moe really had the ability. With Moe, "Buff" Donelli told us he was surprised Shikey Gotthafer, and Cy Kasselman $26.50 that no one ever mentioned Albie in the lineup, the Sphas were unbeat- Reisz, $29.00 the Cleveland Ram halfback, was able. These kids (they aren't kids any Jewish. Buff should know, of course, longer, unfortunately for Ed Gottlieb), $34.50 since he coached Reisz last year. Don- could run all night. elli is very high on the boy and main- $39.00 tains if Albie could add twenty or National B.B. Bowling Assn. thirty pounds to his spare frame no- $45.00 body would touch him. Reisz spelled Resumes Tournament Play Waterfield against the Redskins and did Sets Complete With extra Tiles and Mah Jongg Money yeoman duty running back punts and Chicago will be the host city in the In fine lined, two-lock alligator cases kickoffs on the slippery terrain. weekend of February 23 and 24, 1946, * * * to approximately 2,000 members of Make ROBINSON'S Your B'nai B'rith who will participate in the Another fight figure has gone to his Fifth Annuel Tournament in various Gift Shopping Headquarters reward. Lew Diamond, "The honest alleys throughout Chicago. brakeman," so called because he never These bowlers will come in from the sud- ACCESSORIES stole a freight car, passed away states of New York, Pennsylvania, denly in Hot Springs, Ark. Lew was Extra Mah Jongg Tiles - 20c - Set of non-skid Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Money - 69c down South Table Pad for Mah Jongg - Plain 69c, Quilted 89c supervising the training of Kentucky, Missouri, Texas, Iowa, Illi- his light heavy champ, Gus Lesnevich, nois, Minnesota, Canada and others and who was returning after a long tenure will be the largest event of its kind held * Hurricane Lamps * Table Lamps * Crystalware in the Coast Guard. in B'nai B'rith history. Lew was a witty fellow who told a On Sunday evening, February 24, Imported and Domestic Chinaware raft of stories. He could take the floor the concluding part of the program is Linens - Sheets - Pillowcases - Bath Towels and speak continuously for an hour on a Banquet held for all the bowlers at different aspects of the fight game. A the Stevens Hotel. Also A Large Selection of big, burly man, he spoke with an East Side accent. YOUTH ROUNDUP Imported And Domestic Rugs We first ran into him five years ago (Continued from page 26) in Pittsburgh. He had shipped in a Americans that Jews are responsible The Most Complete Selection whole fight card to Fritzie Zivic's Arena for their unemployment. 3. A higher, and came down from New York to healthier standard of living for all of Gifts count the shekels. The card was a poor Americans means greater educational Available! one and the crowd poorer. As the fans opportunities, and more leisure time stayed away in droves, Lew walked up for participation in cultural activities and down in front of the box office mut- which promote racial understanding. tering to himself. Later, he entered 4. In the struggle to attain that better the Arena and watched the bouts. The world where the dignity and rights of wind up was such a mismatch that even all men will be recognized, and for Holiday Greetings this hardened fight promoter couldn't which millions of our people died, how stand much of the battle. He walked to much easier will it be to promote un- HARRY J. LIEBLING & SONS the rear of the Arena, puffing on a weed. derstanding and appreciation of the Finally he turned to me and said, "Boy, various cultures which make up Amer- Photographers I've been in the game a long time but ica, to extend democracy to those who PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION never saw anything as bad as this are now deprived of it; to throw our fight. Those guys are stinking the joint efforts behind a movement to really 3403 N. Broadway GRAceland 7727 out, one of 'em is bleeding like a stuck democratize our schools; to educate pig, and for what. If they get fifty people to the need for strengthening bucks apiece they'll be lucky." the U.N.O., and to the just demands Later over a sandwich and a bottle of the Jewish people ... how much of beer, Lew regaled us with funny tales easier will it be to do these things, about his experience in the ring. He when our internal economic problems lived a colorful life among colorful are taken care of and people have time characters. However, his affection for to think of things other than their daily PALMOLIVE his wife was touching. If a fight he bread 5. And precisely because of our promoted wasn't drawing well, Lew Jewishness, does it behoove us to par- OPERATED BY KLANCNIK BROS. would go to the till and withdraw sev- ticipate in those activities which tend eral bills. to bring a greater measure 949 W. DA KIN STREET Phones: LAKEVIEW 5255 3913 SHERIDAN ROAD of justice, Onlookers would yell, "Hey Lew, you decency, and Godliness to all men!.
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