APPENDIX T REFERENCES *Document contains confidential information. Not for release under FOIA. *ALL Consulting. 2004. Old North Trail and Ethnographic Investigation for the Blackleaf Gas Field. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management Montana State Office (contract). Tulsa, Oklahoma. 117 p. (plus appendices) Andryk, T.A. 1983. Ecology of bighorn sheep in relation to oil and gas development along the east slope of the Rocky Mountains, Northcentral Montana. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. 100 pp. Archer, V. 2003. USDA Forest Service, Lewis and Clark National Forest. P.O. Box 869, Great Falls, MT. Unpublished Soil Resource Field Report. 12 p. Banci, V. 1994. Chapter 5 – Wolverine. pp. 99-127 in Ruggiero, L.F., K.B. Aubry, S.W. Buskirk, L.J. Lyon, and W. J. Zielinski, eds. The Scientific Basis for Conserving Forest Carnivores – American Marten, Fisher, Lynx, and Wolverine in the Western United States. General Technical Report RM-254. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO. 184 pp. Beidl, Jacqueline. 1992. The Blackfeet and the Badger-Two Medicine: An Evaluation of Potential Traditional Cultural Significance Drawn From Archival Sources. Lewis and Clark National Forest. Great Falls, Montana. 62 p. Belsky, A.J., A. Matzke, and S. Uselman. 1999. Survey of Livestock Influences on Stream and Riparian Ecosystems in the Western United States. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 54(1):419-431. Betz, Carter, D. English, and H.K. Cordell. 1999 “Outdoor Recreation Resources”, Multiple- Use Agencies, pgs 44-49, IN: Outdoor Recreation in American Life: A National Assessment of Demand and Supply Trends, H. Ken Cordell, Principal Investigator, Sagamore Publishing, Champaign, IL. 449 p. Boner, F.C. and F. Stermitz. 1967. Floods of June 1964 in Northwestern Montana. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1840-B. p.98, 116-118. Burroughs, E.R., F.J. Watts and D.F. Haber. 1984. Surfacing to Reduce Erosion of Forest Roads Built in Granitic Soils. In: O’Loughline, C.L. and A.J. Pearce eds. Symposium on Effects of Forest Land Use on Erosion and Slope Stability. May 1984, Honolulu, HI. University of Hawaii, East-West Center, Environment and Policy Institute. p.255-264 Burroughs, E.R. and J.G. King. 1989. Reduction of Soil Erosion on Forest Roads. USDA Forest Service. Intermountain Research Station, Ogden, UT. General Technical Report INT- 264. p. 1-2. RMRD Travel Plan 515 FEIS-Appendix T-References *Campbell, Gregory R. and Thomas A. Foor. 2001. An Ethnohistorical and Ethnographic Evaluation of Blackfeet Religious and Traditional Cultural Practices in East Glacier National Park and the Surrounding Mountains. Prepared for Glacier National Park. University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. 207 p. (plus appendices) Canfield, J.E., L.J. Lyon, J.M. Hillis, and M.J. Thompson. 1999. Ungulates. Pages 6.1-6.25 in G. Joslin and H. Youmans, coordinators. 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Research Report 68: Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research, School of Forestry, Univ. of Mont., Missoula, MT. Elliot, W.J. and L.M. Tysdal. 1999. Understanding and Reducing Erosion from Insloping Roads. Journal of Forestry. Vol. 97, No.8. p. 30-34. English, Donald B. K., H. Ken Cordell, and J. M. Bowker. 1999. “Implications of this Assessment”, pgs. 433-440, IN: Outdoor Recreation in American Life: A National Assessment of Demand and Supply Trends, H. Ken Cordell, Prin. Investigator, Sagamore Publ., Champaign, IL. 449 p. English, Donald B. K., and D. Marcoullier. 1999. “Local Jobs and Income from Outdoor Recreation”, pgs. 290-294, IN: Outdoor Recreation in American Life: A National Assessment of Demand and Supply Trends, H. Ken Cordell, Principal Investigator, Sagamore Publishing, Champaign, IL. 449 p. Ewert, Alan. 1995. “Current Trends in Risk Recreation: The Impacts of Technology, Demographics, and Related Variables, pgs. 60-64, IN: Proceedings of 4th International Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trends Symposium, compiled by Jerrilyn Thompson and others, Dept. of Forest Resources, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. 640 p. Finklin, Arnold I. 1986. A Climatic Handbook for Glacier National Park-With Data for Waterton Lakes National Park: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research station, Ogden, UT. General Technical Report INT-204. p. 37-41. RMRD Travel Plan 517 FEIS-Appendix T-References Flora, Gloria and Jim Kennedy (signatories). 1998. Memorandum of Understanding Between The Lewis and Clark National Forest and The Blackfeet Natural Resources Department. On file with USDA Forest Service and Blackfeet Tribe. Great Falls and Browning, Montana. 2 p. Foltz, R.B. and E.R. Burroughs. 1990. Sediment Production from Forest Roads with Wheel Ruts. Watershed Planning and Analysis in Action Symposium Proceedings of IR Conference. Durango, CO. p. 266-275. Forman, Richard and M. Godron. 1986. Landscape Ecology. Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. 619 p. *Frandrich, Blaine and Sherri Deaver. 1996. National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form for the Badger-Two Medicine Blackfoot Traditional Cultural District. Prepared for the Lewis and Clark National Forest (contract). Ethnosciences Inc. Billings, MT (numbered by section). Frederick, G.P. 1991. Effects of forest roads on grizzly bears, elk, and gray wolves: a literature review. USDA Forest Service Publication No. R1-91-73. Kootenai National Forest, Libby, MT. 53 pp. *French, Sandra. 2001. Second amended Submission: National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form for the Badger-Two Medicine Blackfoot Traditional Cultural District. Lewis and Clark National Forest. Great Falls, Montana. (numbered by section) *French, Sandra. 2002. Historic Context and Boundary Definition for the (discontiguous) Sun River Canyon Historic
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