Latin Modern fonts at eleventh hour Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski aaa aaa aaa Latin Modern fonts: what are they? aaa A collection of fonts (currently 69) aaa in the POSTSCRIPT Type 1 and OTF formats, aaa based on the Computer Modern fonts, equipped with a rich repertoire of diacritical characters ccc eee Availability—CTAN, for example: eee ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archives/fonts/lm eee eee current version: 0.99.3 eee number of glyphs: 46849 (ca 680 per font) gg licence: openware, LPPL-based g maintainers: B. Jackowski and J. M. Nowacki, GUST yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts at eleventh hour áaa aaa aaa Latin Modern fonts: what are they for? aaa The Latin Modern project, launched by aaa local TEX users groups in Spring 2002, aaa aimed at the collection of multilingual Latin-based fonts that could be used as a default font family ccc in the realm of TEX. eee Moreover, being distributed in both eee POSTSCRIPT Type 1 and OTF formats, eee the Latin Modern fonts can be used in any system eee that supports these formats. eee ggg yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsá at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳa aaa Why Latin Modern fonts? aaa Other possibilities: aaa aaa • Computer Modern fonts (D. E. Knuth, 1982) ccc obsolete because of the lack of diacritical characters eee • EC fonts (J. Knappen and N. Schwartz, 1997) eee obsolete because of the lack of outline fonts eee • CM-Super family (V. Volovich, 2002) eee very large and difficult to maintain eee ggg yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsẳ at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ aaa The Latin Modern distribution aaa • POSTSCRIPT Type 1 fonts, produced by aaa METATYPE1 (METAPOST engine plus a a bunch of AWK scripts) aa • OpenType fonts, prepared using Adobe Font ccc Development Kit for OpenType (implemented eee features: liga, onum, cpsp, dlig, frac) eee • Support for TEX (∗.tfm files) ee • Support for dvips and pdfTEX (∗.map and ∗.enc files) e • ∗ ∗ eee Support for LATEX ( .fd and .sty files) • Substitutions (partial, of course) for CM, PL, CS, VN; eee the idea: to use the original TFM files with the relevant ggg Latin Modern PFB files and dvips requisites yyy • METATYPE1 sources yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts atâ eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ The Latin Modern distribution: the collection of fonts ầaa aaa • Fonts occurring both in LMs and CMs (50) lmb10lmbx5lmbx6lmbx7lmbx8lmbx9lmbx10lmbx12lmbxi10lmbxo10 aaa lmcsc10lmr5lmr6lmr7lmr8lmr9lmr10lmr12lmr17 lmri7lmri8lmri9lmri10lmri12lmro8lmro9lmro10lmro12 ccc lmss8lmss9lmss10lmss12lmss17lmsso8lmsso9lmsso10lmsso12lmsso17 eee lmssbx10lmssdc10lmssq8lmssqo8 eee lmtcsc10lmtt8lmtt9lmtt10lmtt12lmtti10lmtto10lmvtt10 • Fonts present in LMs and absent from CMs (19) eee lmbo10lmcsco10lmro17lmssbo10lmssdo10lmssqbx8lmssqbo8 e lmtcso10lmtk10lmtko10lmtl10lmtlo10lmtlc10lmtlco10 ee lmvtk10lmvtko10lmvtl10lmvtlo10lmvtto10 eee • Fonts absent from LMs and present in CMs ggg mathcompanion(!) yyy cmdunh10cmff10cmfi10cmfib8cminchcmtex8cmtex9cmtex10 cmu10 yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsầ at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ Latin Modern distribution: dark and light typewriter fonts ầàa aaa • lmtl10 (light): abcdefABCDEF012345 aaa • lmtt10 (normal): abcdefABCDEF012345 ccc • lmtk10 (dark): abcdefABCDEF012345 eee • lmtlc10 (light condensed): abcdefABCDEF012345 eee • lmvtl10 (light): abcdefABCDEF012345 eee • lmvtt10 (normal): abcdefABCDEF012345 ee e • lmvtk10 (dark): abcdefABCDEF012345 eee • plus all oblique variants ggg yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsà at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ The Latin Modern distribution: encodings ầàȁ aaa The LM package provides TEX font metric files for: aaa • EC (Cork) encoding (ec-∗.tfm) ccc • EL (European Letters aka dense) encoding, el-∗.tfm eee (originally introduced by the ConTEXt fraternity) eee • QX (GUST) encoding, qx-∗.tfm eee • Y&Y’s TEX’n’ANSI aka LY1 encoding, texnansi-∗.tfm eee • T5 (Vietnamese) encoding, t5-∗.tfm eee • Text Companion for EC fonts aka TS1, ts1-∗.tfm ggg yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts atȁ eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ The Latin Modern distribution: the collection of glyphs ầàȁ äaa AaÁáĂăẮắẶặẰằẲẳẴẵÂâẤấẬậẦ aaa ầẨẩẪẫ´ ȀȁÄäẠạÆæǼǽÀàẢả ccc 1Āā&5〈〉Ąą:;ÅåǺǻ↓←→↑^~*∗ eee @ÃãBb\N|PQR{}[]W˘YZ[\]¦•C eee cĆćˇfČčÇçĈĉĊċ¸¢r℃uˆxyz{: eee ₡,©¤ Dd†‡‖ĎďĐđ°∆ eee ¨÷ đ$¢₫¥˙§ıªEeÉéĔĕĚěÊ eee êẾếỆệỀềỂểỄễȄȅËëĖėẸẹÈÈẺẻ8Ì ggg ÍÎ…Ēē—–ŊŋĘęÙÚ=℮ÐðẼẽ€!¡Ff yyy æffffifflfi5ìíîflƒ4óôõ⁄ø GgǴǵΓĞğ yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsä at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ The Latin Modern distribution: the collection of glyphs ầàȁ äąa ǦǧĢĜĝĢģĠġ ß >`>«»‹›H aaa hĦħĤĥ˝ !-#$%&IiÍíĬĭÎîȈȉÏïİỊị ccc ÌìỈỉIJijĪīĮįABĨĩJjGHĴĵKkĶķĶķLlĹ eee ĺΛĽľĻļĻļĿŀ^<₤¬bcŁłMm¯kl eee m−µ×♪NnŃńv ŇňŅņŅņ9 eee Ññ#OoÓóŎŏÔôỐốỘộỒồỔổ Ỗ ỗ Ȍ eee ȍÖöỌọŒœ˛Òò¦ỎỏƠơỚớỢợỜờỞ eee ởỠỡŐőŌōΩ1»¼½½¼¹ǪǫÄÅ◦ªºØ ggg øǾǿÕõPp¶Ô().·%‰ÚÜÝΦΠ+±ą yyy ΨãQq?¿èé"„ìíî“ð”òó‘’‚ù'ûRrŔŕ yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ The Latin Modern distribution: the collection of glyphs ầàȁ äą; √ŘřŖŗŖŗȐȑṘṙ ※®˚SsŚś aaa ŠšŞşŜŝȘș§; !7#$%­ Σ6*+,/£ ccc 0TtŤťŢţŢţΘÞþ3=>?¾³D EF G eee H˜KL™N2PQR²UuÚúŬŭÛûȔȕÜ eee üỤụÙùỦủƯưỨứỰựỪừỬửỮữŰ eee űŪū_ŲųΥŮůŨũVvWwẂ eee ẃŴŵẄẅẀẁ₩XxΞY yÝýŶŷŸ eee ÿỴỵ¥ỲỳỶỷỸỹZzŹźŽ žŻż0°±² ggg ; yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ Who is to be blamed for the plentitude of diacritical characters? ầàȁ äą; Six hundred years ago people tried to avoid them: āaa ccc eee ee Ztyechto kuSow myey nauczenye kterak maS zyw e byty aſwey duSy proſpyety / eee Prwy kuS zlaty / ktoz da geden halerz eee Z tˇechto kusóv mˇej nauˇcenie, kterak m´aˇsˇziv ee b´yti a svej duˇsi prospˇeti. e Prv´ykus zlat´y: Ktoˇzd´ajeden hal´eˇr. g g g Jan Hus (1371–1415), Devˇet zlat´ych kus˚u yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsā at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ Who is to be blamed for the plentitude of diacritical characters? ầàȁ äą; Mistr Jan Hus āãa ccc Orthographia Bohemica eee eee eee eee Alois Vojtˇech Sembera,ˇ Mistra Jana Husi eee ortografie ˇcesk´a. Vyd´al Alois Vojtˇech Sembera.ˇ ggg Ve Vidni 1857, s. 48 (v Arch´ıvu hl. m. Prahy?) yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsã at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ What can be found in the Internet about haˇcek? ầàȁ äą; • It was introduced by Jan Hus (probably) āãå • HACEK can be acute to your heart... ccc The acronym HACEK refers to a grouping ee of gram-negative bacilli: e Haemophilus species, eee Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, eee Cardiobacterium hominis, eee Eikenella corrodens, Kingella species. eee These organisms are responsible for acute ggg heart diseases. yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts atå eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ What can be found in the Internet about haˇcek? ầàȁ äą; • It was introduced by Jan Hus (probably) āãa • HACEK can be acute to your heart... ccc • Which, in a way, agrees with D. E. Knuth’s eee anticipation: Type design can be hazardous [...] Once you get eee hooked, you will develop intense feelings about eee letterforms; the medium will intrude eee on the messages that you read. And you will perpetually be thinking of improvements eee to the fonts that you see everywhere, especially ggg those of your own design. yyy Isn’t it a heart disease? yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts ata eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ How the Latin Modern family was created? ầàȁ METATYPE1 METATYPE1 äą; source source ãå (and report) ā METAPOST ćcc eee METAPOST eee Gawk output T1Utils eee (tfm, eps, aux) ee Gawk e T1Utils eee ggg PostScript PostScript yyy Type 1 font Type 1 font yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsć at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ The structure of a Latin Modern source: a driver file (lmr10) ầàȁ äą; 1. % LATIN MODERN font: a driver file for lmr10 āãå 2. input fontbase; 3. vardef cm_pal = "cmr10" enddef; ćčc 4. input comm_mac; % common defs, CM params 5. input comm_mph; % common header eee 6. input lmr10.mpm; % metric data 7. input lmr10.mph; % PS-oriented header eee 8. beginfont 9. input lmr10.mpg; % ‘‘frozen’’ glyphs eee 10. input comm_mpg; % common glyphs (mainly diacritics) 11. if known generating: % optimize proofing time eee 12. input lmr10.mpl; % ligatures and kerns 13. fi eee 14. endfont ggg 15. %%%% EOF yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modernč fonts at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ The structure of a Latin Modern source: a boring excerpt from the file comm_mpg.mp ầàȁ (“common glyphs”) äą; . āãå %% \vb\- Aacute:\- \PICT{Aacute}\- čç acc_glyph(_A)(_Acute)(_Aacute); ć %% \vb\- aacute:\- \PICT{aacute}\- eee acc_glyph(_a)(_acute)(_aacute); %% \vb\- Abreve:\- \PICT{Abreve}\- eee acc_glyph(_A)(_Breve)(_Abreve); eee %% \vb\- abreve:\- \PICT{abreve}\- acc_glyph(_a)(_breve)(_abreve); eee %% \vb\- Abreveacute:\- \PICT{Abreveacute}\- eee acc_glyph(_A)(_breveacute)(_Abreveacute); %% \vb\- abreveacute:\- \PICT{abreveacute}\- ggg acc_glyph(_a)(_breveacute)(_abreveacute); . ç yyy yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fonts at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ A few examples of less boring accented characters ầàȁ äą; āãå ćčç éee eee ďģBľ eee eee eee ggg yyy Ľťỵ yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski Latin Modern fontsé at eleventh hour áăắ ằẳâ ảẩấ A few examples of less boring accented characters ầàȁ äą; āãå ćčç éĕe eee ďģBľĽ eee eee eee ggg yyy ťỵ yyy Brno, 26 November, 2005 Bogusław Jackowski
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