CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-16 MIZORAM PROVIS'IONAL POPULATION \ \ TOTALS Rural-Urban Distribution of Population Paper-2 of 2001 P.K. BHATTACHARJEE of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Mizoram CONTENTS Page No. 1. INTRODUCTORY NOTE v 2. FIGURE AT A GLANCE FOR MIZORAM vi 3. FIGURE AT A GLANCE FOR INDIA VII 4. ANALYTICAL NOTES Population, child population in the age group 0-6 years arid literates by residence and sex - State, District, Cityrrown-2001 Population, child population in the age group 0:6 years and literates by residence and sex - State, District and R. D. Blocks-200t 7 Percentage decadal growth, percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 years by residence and percentage of urban population to total population-200 1 13 Sex ratio of population and sex ratio of children in age group 0-6 years - State, District-2001 15 Literacy rates by residence and sex - State, District-200t 17 Population, percentage decadal growth 1991-2001, sex ratio, literacy by sex - Cities and Towns by size class in the State-200l 20 Towns of 1991 declassified in 2001 23 Appendix III to Table 6 24 Growth of urban population 25 Statement - 1 Percentage of Urban Population to total population and decadal percentage increase - Mizoram and India 1951-2001 26 Statement - 2 Rural Urban distribution of Population - India and States/Union Territories-200 1 27 Provisional Population Totals of Capital - City - Aizawl 31 Statutory and Census Towns, 1991 and 2001 32 Ranking of districts by percentage of urban population, 1991 and 2001 33 Trends in urbanisation, 1991-2001 34 5. MAPS 1. Position of Mizoram in India, 2001 ix 2. Administrative Divisions, 2001 xi III 3. Districtwise decadal growth rate of rural population 1991-2001 37 4. Districtwise decadal growth rate of urban population 199 t -200 1 39 5. Districtwise percentage of urban population, 2001 41 6. CHARTS AND GRAPHS Fig. J Distribution of rural-urban population 1951-2001 45 Fig.2 Percentage decadal growth in urban population 1941-51 to 1991-2001 47 Fig.3 Distribution of population of cities/towns in different size classes, 1951-2001 (Class I to Class VI) 49 FigA Distribution of rural-urban pqpulation in -districts, 2001 51 Fig.5 Decadal increase in literacy, 1901;·2001 53 7. ANNEXURES I. Provisional Population, persons in the age-group 0-6 and Number of Jiterates for State and Districts 57 2. Total Population, population in the age group 0-6 and Literates of State/Union Territory and districts, 1991 Census as per the jurisdiction of 2001 Census 58 3. List of Officers/Officials engaged for publication of Paper 2 of 2001 59 4. List of State Govt. Officers associated with the conduct of 2001 Census 60 iv INTRODUCTORY NOTE The Provisional Population Totals of Census of India 2001, Series 16 - Mizoram, in the form of th Paper 1 of 2001 was released at Aizawl at a Press Conference at the Press Club on the 28 March 2001 immediately after the Provisional Population Totals and related data of the country as well as those of all other States and Union Territories were announced by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India at New Delhi. Paper 1 0[2001 ofMizoram mainly contained the total provisional figures of population of the state of Mizoram, male and female break up, sex ratio, density of population and literacy as well as total provisional population of children in 0 to 6 years of age in Mizoram as on 00:00 Hrs of 0 1 March 2001 which was fixed as Census moment and reference date respectively. Certain figures on the aforementioned items at District level were also incorporated in Paper-I. In addition to brief analytical notes on salient points, maps and graphs etc. were also prepared in support of and to explain the subject matter more elaborately. The Paper-l was, therefore, the first publication of the Census of India 2001 pertaining to Mizoram. In the present publication, which is also called Paper 2 of200 1, details of certain additional information on Rural-Urban Distribution of population of Mizoram upto mral development block level based on provisional figures and supported by various tables, statements and maps has been incorporated. For this reason the present publication is entitled "Provisional Population Totals - Paper 2 of2001, Rural-Urban I Distribution of Population - Series 16 - Mizoram." As we do not have any slum areas and urban agglomerates in Mizoram no such data could be compiled and included in this Paper. It may be noted that details regarding all other information collected by the census enumerators during field operations would be compiled and released later on in a phased manner after the scanning is completed at the Scanning Centre in future. It may not be out of place to mention here that all 22 towns of Mizoram are Notified Towns, the number of which has increased from one in 1961 to 22 in 1991 which remained the same in 2001. However, the total percentage of urban population in the State has increased from 46.10 to 49.50 during 1991-2001. In addition to various tables and statements along with brief analysis, certain charts and maps have also been incorporated in this publication. v CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 MIZORAM PROVISIONAL FIGURES AT A GLANCE i) Number of Districts 8 ii) Area in Sq. Km. 21,087 i) Total Population Persons ' . 8,91,058 Males 4,59,783 Females 4,31,275 iii) Decadal Population Growth 1991-2001 (1) Absolute 2,01,302 (2) Percentage 29.18 2 42 iv) Population Density - (Persons per km ) v) Sex ratio - (females per 1000 males) 938 vi) 0-6 Population Growth 1991 - 2001 Persons 1,41,537 Males 71,817 Females 69,720 (1) Absolute 13,264 (2) Percentage to total population 15.88 vii) Literacy Persons 6,63,262 Males 3,51,851 Females 3,11,411 (1) Absolute 2,01,332 (2) Rate (%) 88.49 Per 1000 persons 885 VI CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 INDIA PROVISIONAL FIGURES AT A GLANCE i) Total Population Persons 102,70,15,247 Males 53,12,77,078 Females 49,57,38,169 ii) Decadal Population Growth 1991-2001 Percentage 21.34 Highest Percentage Growth 64.41 in Nagaland Lowest Percentage Growth 9.42 in Kerala iii) Population Density (Persons per Kml) 324 iv) Sex Ratio - females per 1000 males 933 v) Literacy Rate Persons 65.38 Males 75.85 Females 54.16 Highest Literacy Rate 90.92 in Kerala Lowest Literacy Rate 47.53 in Bihar VII CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 MAP 1 80· 84· 36" INDIA POSITION OF MIZORAM IN INDIA, 2001 BOUNOARY,INTEIlNATIONAL ___ BOUNDARY, STATEJUT'S ____ 32· KILOMETRES 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 500 c I " N A MYANMAR (BURMA) 20° BAY OF BENGAL ARABIAN SEA • Coco Is. (Burma) ~ . ~ ~.. Narco~dam I. (India) ~. , ; B~rran L (India) 120 ..Z , -:.. 'Q~ANDAMAN SEA -t- -t- o 0 ~/ "O~ ... ' "1 8' .... - 1J !II'; p. PONDICHERRY Indira Point ~ t1> I N D I A N c E A N 72° East of Greenwich 76' 88° 92° Based upon survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India, © Government of India, copyright 2001. The terTnorial waters of India extend Into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The Interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern areas (ReorganIsatIon) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified. MAP 2 92° 93° MIZORAM ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 2001 s KILOMETRES 10 5 0 10 20 30 t:1::t1::±1 ==:tl ==::II==::j1 - 24° 24° 23° <C BOUNDARIES: HEADQUARTERS : INTERNATIONAL STATE STATE ..... DISTRICT DISTRICT .. 22' R.D. BLOCK R. D. BLOCK 92' EAST OF GREENWICH 93° Based upon Survey of India map with the pennission of the Surveyor General of India. ® Government of India copyright, 2001 The IndO-Bangladesh boundry shown on this map is the one existing prior to th e conclusion ofthe agreement on May 16, 1974 between India and Bangladesh. ANALYTICAL NOTES POPULATION, CHILD POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 YEARS AND LITERATES - BY RESIDENCE AND SEX - STATE, DISTRICT, CITYffOWN - 2001 The Paper 1 of200l earlier released in March 2001 by this Directorate contained the data regarding provisional totals of persons - male, female; children of age group 0-6 years, density of population, sex ratio and percentage of literates among the population 7 years and above. In addition 16 what has been released through Paper 1 of2001 earlier, details ofthe population ofthe state with District wise break up, population of towns)n Mizoram and number of children in the age group of 0-6 years, number of I iterates of population 7 years and above and rural urban distribution of popu lation have been presented at Table 1. A scrutiny of the data given in Table 1 will indicate that among the 22 Notified Towns of Mizoram, the capital town of Aizawl is not only th~ largest town with a population of 229714, as many as 52 % of the total urban population of the state reside in this town and that B iate with a population of 2227 is having only 0.50 % population of urban areas of Mizoram. Another interesting information is that while the population of the largest town is 229714, the second largest town of Lunglei in South Mizoram is having only 47,3.55 inhabitants followed by Champhai with population of26430. Thus out of the total urban population of 441 040 residing in 22 Notified Towns of the state, total population of these three towns comes to 303501 which is 68.81% of the t0lli:' urban population.
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