e and tlul People of Iowa Cit" Established In 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto; International Leased Wire lflwa City, Iowa, Saturday, June 13, 1959 Rape Testimony: Detllan d Sum m it Meet, 'Premeditation' n Want Ad TALLAHASSEE, Fla. I.fI - A winds snake·like tilrough a lonely away but that the otber got into leen-age witness testified Friday woods. It is there that the coed the defendants' car after he that one of four white deCendants says she was raped seven times pushed her "just once, not hard." in the rape of a Negro coed told by the defendants. Hamlin testified: "He - Beagles him hours in advance that he was Earlier the Negro rape victim - said he had intercourse with Berlin ..Ultimatum Stands going out to get a Negro girl. was quoted as telling Beagles duro the girl one time" and "that the As the state neared the end , oC ing the alleged attack .. If you others had intercourse with the its case against the four white won 't tell anybody, I won 't tell girl, and that she did not cry out. ·' youths, Jimmy Cooper, a crew-cut anybody." Hamlin then turned to the con· In Technological World, Says Speaker- red-haired youngster in blue duhga· "I just want to go back to fession of the eldest defendant, Reds Want rees, took the witness stand. He school, ,, ' the girt said according to Willion T. Collinsworth, 23, and said he encountered ,defendant a confession made by Beagles after testified: "He said he saw all the David E. Beagles, 18, OD a Talla· his arrest and placed on the court others have intercourse with her hasseee street at 9: 15 p.m. May 1. record in the testimony of Deputy and that he had intercourse with Summit Meet In the course of their· conversa· Sheriff Raymond Hamlin Jr. her only once. [ asked him what tion Cooper testified: "He said he Excerpts from tile confessions she said when they were alone, Sell-€ommand Needed were ' related by Hamlin and an· and he said that she asked him 'S nigger -". other deputy who interrogated the if they were going to hurt her and Regardless ] It was about four hours later, white youths after their arrest he told her, "'no, sir.''' It is the fate of educators today according to the state, that Beagles May 2, despite vigorous defense Regarding Stoutamire, 16, Ham· to "stick ollr necks way out aod Ministers To Meet and three companions raped the objections. Tape recordings of the lin said of the time when the keep them out:' the Commence­ Negro girl repeatedly after abo confessions were brought into the white defendants first seized , the ment speaker told some 1,S40 new In Secret On Monday ducting her from a car where she courtroom but they were not coed: "Ollie said he told them, SUI graduates at the Fieldhouse was sitting with her Negro escort. GENEVA <UPI> - Ru ia's And· played because the court held they 'Turn that girl loose and let's get Friday morning. rei A. Gromyko Friday refused Other defendants are Willion T. were repetitious. away from here,' but nobody paid A. N. Jorgensen, president C CoJllnsworth, Patrick G. Scar· to withdraw hi Berlin ultimatum »amlin said Beagles told him any attention to him. He said that the University of Connecticut, told and d manded a Summlt meeling borough and Ollie Stoutamire. that when the white youths came girl didn't cry out in the woods, Iowa graduates and their familil1s on Mo cow ', terms. Gromyko 's CooPer admitted under cross· upon the Negro girl, her date and that the others had inter~ourse that higher education, rather than ledgehammer speech seemed to examination that he had disagree· another couple in a parked cal' with her and hc twice. r asked him stick to the rear of an advancing ma h any hope for agreement at ments in the past with Beagles "the couples in the car were hav. what she said and he said that the society, should work at shaping "a the Big Four Coreign mInisters over an unidentified girl and over ing intercourse." This has been llrst time she didn't say anything" decisively innuential community of conference. remarks Beagles accused him of denied by the coed and her com· and that "the second time she people around the world who can American omclal. said Gra­ making about the latter's sister. panions' from the witness stand. asked him if they were going to and do talk to each other, who myko's in Istence on II Summit con­ .' Late in the afternoon the 12 Beagles was quoted as saying hurt her and he said, 'No, they are have enough sense to see the other f renee regardle I of whal hap­ that one of the Negro girls ran not going to hurt you." jurors and two alteCliates, ac· fellpw's sense, enough knowled.e pens at the minlst f$ talk. indl· companied by the defendants, the to acknowledge ' their own igpor' cated the Soviets w ra preparing judge and the attorneys for both ance, and who guard the continuo to "write ofC" the conference. sides were taken to the scene oC Steel Stalem~te Stiffens; ity oC history and the divine spark One American official said it c the alleged crime. It is a tiny in man from the dark legions .C appeared "Gromyko was .ayin, clearing beside a dirt road that Chaos." the requiem (or this conference:' rg 'No To I ndividual Talks Whil. at preHnt It I. Import· Diplomatic sources said it I pos­ ' ant for thll country to .chleve a ible th re would be a lona "re­ NEW YORK (IP! - Positions stiffened Friday in the already slale· politi on of Idontlfic and mllit...., ces" by the nd oC next week /HIrlty with Runi., Jor,... _11 Panel Offers mated steel industry dispute, casting doubt on .... hen and how negot· rather than an outrlrht break-oft $lid, whfn We tet tI!w., w. mult or the talks, with the possibility iations might be resumed. k.., In mll)d th.. no marvel. of With lalks broken off for the second day in a row, both sides th mini ters could meet again at JLDER technology, no new bomb., M n lat r dnt . Nuclear lest held directly opposing views as to the basis for further discussion. new groupint. of tha Joint Chief,. U,S. cretory oC State Christian The United Steelworkers of Am· - - ------ --- ­ "0 crew·le .....bmarlnes firing at. Graduation By The Family Plan erica demanded that future talks un ...n tertetl CAn compare with A. Herter quickly convened on ex· Lb59~ lrnordinary se slon of the Western be with individual companies, Dis· the "wi.. HIt·commend whlc" THREE MEMBERS OF THE BILSLAND FAMILY, Sheldon, beum. alumni of SUI at commence· Detection Plan cussions in the past during cur· prIYents tho limo bomb. from tinisters to discuss th situation Tempers Fly ment exnciH. Friday. A fourth family member 'aklng a pictur. of the ,raduat.. il Roger BIIII.nd, caused when the Soviet Foreilln ,WASHINGTON (UPIJ _ A White rent negotiations have been on an f.llin, on tho tender skin of our who received hi, bachelor', degr .. in IMch_niul engineering from low. St.te Colleg. in Februery. _n n earth." Minister blandly sald he was glv. House panel of scientific experts indutsrywide basis. ,r.. The SUI ,raduat..- art (from left) Barb.r. Bit,land Han.en, who rec:elved _ B,A. degree and cer· ing neither "ultimatum nor Dik­ called Friday for a new series of The 12 major steel companies In German In discussing the American sys· tiflcate in dental hy,lene, and Keith and Margie Bill land, who received degree. In commerce. tat" - but the Allies must get out underground atomic and conven· gave a flat "no" answer to the tem of education, Jorgensen said of We t Berlin. lie demanded that tional explosions as soon as possible individual talks. that because it is a democratic sys· th Geneva meeUn, place "no ob· DE to help set up a fool·proof nuclear "No company represenlatives tem, it runs cettaln risks, just ~s Mother Of 'Dozen'- stacles" in the path oC a summit test detectioll system. will attend," said an indutsry state· Parliament Rift docs e 4eq)OCr~ ~iUW I!YjiI~. Eaubu5 l:Iits parley, Both II all'eed to • 'the panel, headed by Dr. Lloyd ment, after a poll ot the separate BONN, Germany ({JPI) - Eco· For fnstance, he s8Jd, there is the secret meeting on Monday, which Berkner, said it would be com· firms. nomics Minister Ludwig Erhard risk that some students wiIl waste will take lh conr renee into Its paratively easy for any nation to The conflict left prospects for Friday contradicted Chancellor their education, Still others, in Racial Issue Dr. Gilbreth Here June 23 Ixth week, But the W t show d cheat on a test detection system new meetings uncertain, with the Konrad Adenauer's version of his whom education has stimulated am· it had lItll or no hope. French set up now. It said new tests were expiration of the labor contract about·face decision to remain in bition which circumstances or lack Globe·trottlng, 81 ·yeaNlld Dr. ment of M chanical Engineering, Foreign Mini ter Maurice Couv-: needed to resolve present uncer· for half a million Steelworkers on oCfice and touched ofC a parlia· of talent will keep them from reo News Stories Lillian M. Gilbreth, an internation· the e "aiumni" will be oble to De Murvlll admiU d he felt "dis­ tainly in distinguishing an atomic June 30.
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