UNITED STATES POLO ASSOCIATION® 2020 PAST WINNERS OF UNITED STATES POLO ASSOCIATION® CHAMPIONSHIPS United States Open Polo Championship® 1904 Wanderers (C. Randolph Snowden, John 1919 Meadow Brook (Frederick H. Prince Jr., E. Cowdin, James M. Waterbury Jr., J. Watson Webb, Francis S. von Stade, Lawrence Waterbury) 4 1/2; Freebooters Devereux Milburn) 5; Cooperstown 4 at 3 at Van Cortlandt Park. Bala. 1905-1909 Inclusive-Not Played For. 1920 Meadow Brook (Frederick H. Prince Jr., 1910 Ranelagh (Riversdale N. Grenfell, J. Watson Webb, Robert E. Strawbridge Francis Grenfell, Earl of Rocksavage, Sr., Devereux Milburn) 12; Cooperstown 3 at Meadow Brook. Frederick A. Gill) 7 3/4; Point Judith 1921 Great Neck (Louis E. Stoddard, Rodman Perroquets 3 3/4 at Narragansett Pier. Wanamaker II, J. Watson Webb, Robert 1911 Not Played For. E. Strawbridge Jr.) 8; Rockaway 6 at 1912 Cooperstown (Francis S. von Stade, Bala. Charles C. Rumsey, Charles P. 1922 Argentine (Juan B. Miles, Juan D. Beadleston, Malcolm Stevenson ) 9; Nelson, David B. Miles, Luis L. Lacey) Bryn Mawr 5 3/4 at Narragansett Pier. 14; Meadow Brook 7 at Rumson. 1913 Cooperstown (Francis S. von Stade, 1923 Meadow Brook (Raymond Belmont, Charles C. Rumsey, Charles P. Thomas Hitchcock Jr., Robert E. Beadleston, Malcolm Stevenson) 7; Strawbridge Jr., Devereux Milburn) 12; Point Judith 2 1/2 at Narragansett Pier. British Army 9 at Meadow Brook. 1914 Meadow Brook Magpies (Norcross L. 1924 Midwick (Edgar G. Miller, Eric L. Tilney, J. Watson Webb, William G. Pedley, Arthur P. Perkins, Carleton F. Loew, Howard Phipps) 11; Point Judith Burke) 6; Wanderers 5 at Meadow Brook. 1925 Orange County (W. Averell Harriman, Narragansett 8 3/4 at Narragansett Pier. J.Watson Webb, Malcolm Stevenson, 1915 Not Played For. John C. Cowdin) 11; Meadow Brook 9 1916 Meadow Brook (Howard Phipps, Charles at Meadow Brook. C. Rumsey, William G. Loew, Devereux 1926 Hurricanes (Stephen Sanford, Eric L. Milburn) 8; Coronado 3 at Meadow Pedley, Capt. Charles T.I. Roark, Robert Brook. E. Strawbridge Jr.) 7; Argentine 6 at 1917-1918 Inclusive-Not Played For. Meadow Brook. 109 2020 UNITED STATES POLO ASSOCIATION® 1927 Sands Point (W. Averell Harriman, 1941 Gulf Stream (John H.H. Phipps, Michael Thomas Hitchcock Jr., John C. Cowdin, G. Phipps, Charles S. von Stade, Alan Louis E. Stoddard) 11; Army-in-India 7 L. Corey II) 10; Aknusti 6 at Meadow at Meadow Brook. Brook. 1928 Meadow Brook (Cornelius V. Whitney, 1942-1945 Inclusive-Not Played For. Winston F.C. Guest, Juan B. Miles, 1946 Mexico (Gabriel Gracida, Guillermo Malcolm Stevenson) 8; United States Gracida Sr., Alejandro Gracida, Jose Army 5 at Meadow Brook. Gracida) 11; Los Amigos 9 at Meadow 1929 Hurricanes (Stephen Sanford, Capt. Brook. Charles T.I. Roark, J. Watson Webb, 1947 Old Westbury (Clarence C. Combs Robert E. Strawbridge Jr.) 11; Sands Jr., Pedro Silvero, Stewart B. Iglehart, Point 7 at Meadow Brook. George K. Oliver Jr.) 10; Mexico 7 at 1930 Hurricanes (Stephen Sanford, Eric L. Meadow Brook. Pedley, Capt. Charles T.I. Roark, Robert 1948 Hurricanes (Stephen Sanford, J. Larry E. Strawbridge Jr.) 6; Templeton 5 at Sheerin, Peter Perkins, Cecil Smith) 7; Meadow Brook. Great Neck 6 at Meadow Brook. 1931 Santa Paula (Andres Gazzotti, Juan J. 1949 Hurricanes (J. Larry Sheerin, Roberto Reynal, Jose J. Reynal, Manuel Andrada) Cavanagh, Cecil Smith, Stephen Sanford) 11; Hurricanes 8 at Meadow Brook. 10; El Trebol 4 at Meadow Brook. 1932 Templeton (Michael G. Phipps, Winston 1950 Bostwick Field (George H. Bostwick, F.C. Guest, Stewart B. Iglehart, Raymond George K. Oliver Jr., Alan L. Corey II, R. Guest I) 16; Greentree 3 at Meadow Devereux Milburn Jr.) 7; California 5 at Brook. Meadow Brook. 1933 Aurora (Seymour H. Knox II, James 1951 Milwaukee (Pedro Silvero, Peter Perkins, P. Mills, Elbridge T. Gerry, Elmer J. George K. Oliver Jr., Robert A. Uihlein Boeseke Jr.) 14; Greentree 11 at Meadow II) 6; Meadow Brook 2 at Meadow Brook. Brook. 1934 Templeton (Michael G. Phipps, Winston 1952 Beverly Hills (Robert Fletcher, Tony F.C. Guest, Stewart B. Iglehart, Raymond Veen, Charles Robertson “Bob” Skene, R. Guest I) 10; Aurora 7 at Meadow Carlton Beal Sr.) 9; San Francisco 6 at Brook. Beverly Hills. 1935 Greentree (George H. Bostwick, Thomas 1953 Meadow Brook (Henry Lewis III, Philip Hitchcock Jr., Gerald Balding, John H. L.B. Iglehart, Alan L. Corey II, George Whitney) 7; Aurora 6 at Meadow Brook. H. Bostwick) 7; Chicago 4 at Meadow 1936 Greentree (George H. Bostwick, Gerald Brook. Balding, Thomas Hitchcock Jr., John H. 1954 C.C.C.-Meadow Brook (A. Donald Whitney) 11; Templeton 10 at Meadow Beveridge, George H. Bostwick, Alan L. Brook. Corey II, Harold L. “Chico” Barry) 10; 1937 Old Westbury (Michael G. Phipps, Cecil Brandywine 5 at Oak Brook. Smith, Stewart B. Iglehart, Cornelius V. 1955 C.C.C. (A. Donald Beveridge, William Whitney) 11; Greentree 6 at Meadow R. Linfoot, Paul W. “Bill” Barry, Harold Brook. L. “Chico” Barry) 9; Brandywine 8 at 1938 Old Westbury (Michael G. Phipps, Cecil Oak Brook. Smith, Stewart B. Iglehart, Cornelius V. 1956 Brandywine (Raworth Williams, W. Ray Whitney) 16; Greentree 7 at Meadow Harrington Jr., Clarence C. Combs Jr., Brook. William A. Mayer) 11; Aurora 10 at Oak 1939 Bostwick Field (George H. Bostwick, Brook. Robert L. Gerry Jr., Elbridge T. Gerry, 1957 Detroit C.C.C. (A. Donald Beveridge, Eric H. Tyrell-Martin) 8; Greentree 7 at Robert D. Beveridge, George K. Oliver Meadow Brook. Jr., Harold L. “Chico” Barry) 13; Aiken 1940 Aknusti (Gerard S. Smith, Robert L. 3 at Oak Brook. Gerry Jr., Elbridge T. Gerry, Alan L. 1958 Dallas (Raworth Williams, William R. Corey II) 5; Great Neck 4 at Meadow Linfoot, Charles Robertson “Bob” Skene, Brook. Luis Ramos) 7; Solo Cup 5 at Oak Brook. 110 UNITED STATES POLO ASSOCIATION® 2020 1959 Circle F (Delmer W. Carroll, W. Ray 1973 Oak Brook (Hugo Dalmar Jr., William Harrington Jr., William A. Mayer, Russell G. Atkinson, Charles W. Smith, Robert Firestone) 8; Aurora 7 at Oak Brook. D. Beveridge) 9; Willow Bend 4 at Oak 1960 Oak Brook C.C.C. (A. Donald Beveridge, Brook. Wayne Brown, Cecil Smith, Harold L. 1974 Milwaukee (Delmer W. Carroll, Thomas “Chico” Barry) 8; Royal Palm 5 at Oak Wayman, Harold A. “Joe” Barry, Robert Brook. A. Uihlein III) 7; Houston 6 at Oak 1961 Milwaukee (Guillermo Gracida Sr., Julio Brook. Muller, George K. Oliver Jr., Robert A. 1975 Milwaukee (James I. Uihlein, Thomas Uihlein II) 13; Beaver Ridge Farm 9 at Wayman, Harold A. “Joe” Barry, Robert Oak Brook. A. Uihlein III) 14; Tulsa-Dallas 6 at Oak 1962 Santa Barbara (Ronald Tongg, William Brook. R. Linfoot, Charles Robertson “Bob” 1976 Willow Bend (William S. Farish III, Skene, Roy M. Barry Jr.) 8; Royal Palm Charles W. Smith, Roy M. Barry Jr., 7 at Oak Brook. 1963 Tulsa (John T. Oxley, W. Ray Harrington Norman Brinker) 10; Tulsa 5 at Oak Jr., Harold L. “Chico” Barry, Robert Brook. D. Beveridge) 7; Crescents 6 at Santa 1977 Retama (William C. Linfoot, Guillermo Barbara. Gracida Jr., Harold A. “Joe” Barry, 1964 Concar Oak Brook (Leslie L. Linfoot, Stephen M. Gose II) 11; Wilson Ranch Charles W. Smith, Julio Muller, Jack 7 at Oak Brook. Murphy) 10; Solo Cup Crescents 9 at 1978 Abercrombie & Kent (Geoffrey Kent, Oak Brook. David Wigdahl, Antonio Herrera, Stuart 1965 Oak Brook-Santa Barbara (Ronald Mackenzie) 7; Tulsa 6 at Oak Brook. Tongg, Charles W. Smith, William R. 1979 Retama (William C. Linfoot, Guillermo Linfoot, Jack Murphy) 11; Bunntyco 5 Gracida Jr., Harold A. “Joe” Barry, at Oak Brook. Stephen M. Gose II) 6; Huisache 5 at 1966 Tulsa (John T. Oxley, W. Ray Harrington Retama. Jr., Harold L. “Chico” Barry, Jack 1980 Southern Hills (Seth W. Herndon Jr., S. Murphy) 10; Fountain Grove 5 at Santa Jake Sieber, Thomas Wayman, Ruben Barbara. Gracida) 9; Willow Bend 6 at Retama. 1967 Bunntyco-Oak Brook (Delmer W. 1981 Rolex A & K (Geoffrey Kent, Joel Carroll, W. Ray Harrington Jr., Jack R. Baker, Antonio Herrera, Stuart Murphy, Richard Bunn) 8; Milwaukee 2 Mackenzie) 10; Retama 9 at Retama. at Oak Brook. 1982 Retama (Stephen M. Gose II, Guillermo 1968 Midland (George Landreth, W. Ray Gracida Jr., Ruben Gracida, Carlos Harrington Jr., Roy M. Barry Jr., Harold Gracida Sr.) 11; Tulsa 6 at Retama. A. “Joe” Barry) 9; Milwaukee 8 at 1983 Ft. Lauderdale (John C. Oxley, Fortunato Memphis. Gomez Romero, Bart Evans, Ruben 1969 Tulsa Greenhill (James R. Sharp, Thomas Gracida) 8; Retama 5 at Retama. Wayman, W. Ray Harrington Jr., William 1984 Retama (Thomas H. Gose, Carlos G. Atkinson) 11; Milwaukee 10 at Oak Brook. Gracida Sr., Guillermo Gracida Jr., 1970 Tulsa Greenhill (James R. Sharp, Reuben Stephen M. Gose II) 12; Ft. Lauderdale Evans, Harold L. “Chico” Barry, Harold 9 at Retama. A. “Joe” Barry) 9; Oak Brook 5 at Oak 1985 Carter Ranch (Preston Carter, Guillermo Brook. Gracida Jr., Carlos Gracida Sr., Pablo 1971 Oak Brook (Hugo Dalmar Jr., Charles Rincon Gallardo) 10; Ft. Lauderdale 8 W. Smith, Allan D. Scherer, Robert D. at Retama. Beveridge) 8; Tulsa Greenhill 7 at Oak 1986 Retama II (Michael V. Azzaro, Thomas Brook. Wayman, Owen R. Rinehart, Thomas H. 1972 Milwaukee (William T. Ylvisaker, Gose) 8; Ft. Lauderdale 7 at Retama. Thomas Wayman, Bennie Gutierrez, 1987 Aloha (Robert Fell, Carlos Gracida Sr., Robert A. Uihlein III) 9; Tulsa 5 at Oak Guillermo Gracida Jr., Warren Scherer) Brook. 10; Los Potros 9 at Eldorado. 111 2020 UNITED STATES POLO ASSOCIATION® 1988 Les Diables Bleus (Ted Moore, Carlos 2002 Coca-Cola (Gillian Johnston, Adam Gracida Sr., Guillermo Gracida Jr., Snow, Miguel Novillo Astrada, Thomas Guy Wildenstein) 11; Coca-Cola 8 at J.
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