Clement Building Gets Bomb Threat Threat Follows Break-in Last Week by Sean Dougherty and Judy the chemistry building technician. incident to plague the Clements Sandford After searching the building he Chemistry building this week. On News Editors found nothing unusual. March 7, Professor Hereen discov> Larry Stiles, the Director of Ci- ered that $200 worth of microware nestudio was also informed. Stiles was stolen from the organic labo- Cinestudio cancelled its program decided to play it safe and cancel ratory. last Thursday night due to a bomb the evening movies. The microware kits are small threat on Clement Chemistry Vice-President Thomas A. Smith glass measuring units used in the Building that had been phoned in commented that "the decision to laboratory. that morning. close was theirs. We [Trinity Col- At 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, when The threat was received at lege] didn't do anything differ- Professor Hereen was in the lab Mather front desk at 7:35 a.m.. A ently. Don't give anyone the doing work, he found, "sawdust in male voice asked the front desk impression that any time we get front of a set of double doors which worker, Devon Schlickman, if he one of these things we will stop had been forced to release a bolt had a- pen or pencil handy. The campus activity. If we catch the that goes into the floor. The doors voice proceeded to tell Schlickman person who called it in we will take split at the bottom." that a student planned to set a severe disciplinary action." At 7:30 that evening, security bomb off in Clement Chemistry officers were locking up the build- Building at 10 p.m.. Thefts from Organic Lab ing and discovered that "one side The Hartford Police were in- of the door to Room 107 was dam- formed, as well as Carmon DeVito, A bomb threat was not the only Continued on Page 8 Dith Recounts Cambodian Escape by Gina M. Letellier not so lucky. Khmer Rouge. "They killed ba- Assistant News Editor Dith mentioned the scene in the bies, the elderly, they had no re- film in which he grabs a lizard to spect for life. Children were eat. "I wish I could have had that seperated from their parents and "I am not a hero, nor am I a lizard every day." In order to sur- from the age of 8 worked in the The Clement Chemistry Building: scene of the recent bomb scare and a politician. I am one of the eyewit- vive, he and his fellow prisoners forced labor camps," stated Dith. burglary. nesses of the Cambodian war that would eat, "insects, rats, scor- In order to survive, Dith hid his spilled over from Vietnam in pions, leaves, crap, frogs, anything past from the Khmer Rouge and 1970,"' Cambodian Dith Pran told you could to get protein. You don't pretended to be a .tavrar-elass t»xi a hushed audience March 4 in the say that it is ugly food, if you do driver. "You kept your mouth shut filled Washington Room. and don't eat it, you die first." and trusted no one, or you Although Dith said he was happy wouldn't survive," he remarked. Cave Smoking Area Dith Pran spoke about his expe- about the film, he wished it had Continued on Page 8 riences surviving as only one of the shown more about life under the by Jody Rolnick vision of Environmental Health. many Cambodians trapped when "This (enforcement of separate the communist Khmer Rouge came Tripod Staff Writer smoking sections) is a new addi- to power in 1975. As a prisoner in tion to our inspection policy and at his own country, Dith was forced "The cave is a place where peo- times we overlook this infraction," to work alongside his fellow Cam- ple hang out, kick back and said Mulden. ^bodians in labor camps for four smoke," said Chuck Caspari, '88." "We will investigate this partic- ""years. But not for long. In response to ular thing as soon as possible," he The award-winning film, The an inquiry from the The Tripod, added. Killing Fields, was based on both the state and campus center Present statistics cited by Dith's account of life and survival say that separate smoking and Mulden indicate that 33% of the under the Khmer Rouge. Accord- nonsmoking sections will be en- population smoke, "If we applied ing to Dith, "the film is very ac- forced in the cave. this formula and set a policy, then curate, we are very pleased with Under state law, restaurants 67% of the seats in the cave would how it turned out." with seating capacity of 75 or more be designated nonsmoking," Before discussing his experi- are required to provide nonsmok- Mulden said. ences and the film, Dith explained ing areas and post signs where "The most appropriate area for to the audience how Cambodia was smoking is permitted. The Mather nonsmokers would be from the thrust into the war, "how it spilled Campus Center Cave at Trinity middle of the cave back, the North over from Vietnam." As Dith ex- Dith Pran tells of Cambodian horrors in his lecture "Living in the College violates the law according end," said Mather Campus Center plained it, the communist Viet- Killing Fields." to William Mulden, Director of the Director, Ann Gushee. Cong had been using the Hartford Health Department's Di- "I don't think there'll be any re- Cambodian North Vietnam border sistance because people have be- throughout the war. The most ob- come more aware and hopefully vious use of the border was the Ho more considerate of other people," Chi Minh trail, used to transport Auction Raises $ 12,000 + Gushee said. arms.- Robert LaPrance, an engineer- People began to join the Khmer by David Copland exciting. They were the last item into the auction was a pair of tick- ing technician at Trinity, and his Rouge in greater numbers after Assistant News Editor in the live auction and it came ets to see a championship Whalers 17-month old daughter, Sarah, the war in Cambodia escalated, ac- down to a group of students game from Civic Center skybox were eating in the Cave last week cording to Dith. The Khmer Rouge headed by Bob Schneiders, '90, seats. Steve Gerber, co-Chairper- while several students at the next had always existed, explained Dith, Last Tuesday's Student Auction bidding against a doctor. son of the auction, will be taking table were smoking. but people joined it thinking that for Trinity raised $12,177 after The students ran out of money bids until March 20 in his campus LaFrance, a smoker himself, ad- they were supporting the govern- taxes to be used for financial aid. at $780 and were about to lose the mailbox #154. The ticket" donor is mits "I don't like being near smoke ment that had been deposed as the The auction funds put the Devel- 12 skybox seats when a third party Brewster Perkins, '65. when I eat and I don't think other war escalated. opment Office over their chal- offered them an additional $20. "Everybody had a good time, it people appreciate it," Dith remarked that he knew the lenged $200,000 mark to receive With the extra money the student ran very well," Gilmond re- Almost eight months pregnant, Khmer Rouge was "crazy" only an additional'-$100,000 from the group was able to claim the tickets marked. "It's a lot of work and it Assistant Dean of Students Paula hours after they had seized power. George I. Alden trust, according for themselves. will take a couple of days to sort Chu-Richardson says that she often "Would good people throw pa- to Corporate and Foundation Of- According to Thompson the doc- all of it out. Probably another auc- avoids the Cave due to the ciga- tients out of the hospitals...would ficer Carol C. Thompson. tor later donated $184 to Trinity tion will be held sometime in the rette smoke. they force people to leave the cit- Other sources of the $200,000 in- because it was thought at that time spring of 1989." Continued on Page 8 ies they lived in? If these were good cluded alumni donations as well as that the goal of $10,000 had fallen people, why would they do this?" $100,000 from the Connecticut just that short. After the dusi; Dith then referred to The Kill- National Bank and $50,000 from cleared it was found that the auc- ing Fields, admitting that the film the Dexter Corporation. Only tion actually exceeded its goal. A Printer Breakdown Forced may have been disturbing to some $10,000 were needed from the auc- Other notable items were a base- people. However, the film was not tion to go over the mark. ball autographed by Roger Cle- Cancellation of Last Week's as powerful as it could have been. "Everybody donated items, from mens that went to Chris O'Donnell, the President on down," said '87, for $150; and a day of sailing Issue. Apologies from the According to Dith, "we knew Thompson. "We had an interest- with President James English that Tripod Staff. that we would have to minimize ing range of gifts, from typed pa- went to Steve Gerber, '87, for an- the violence and blood for the pers to U2 tickets." other $150. President English ran Western audience in order to still Publicity Director of the auction, the bidding for his gift without the get the message through," but re- Matt Gilmond, '87, described the help of the auctioneer.
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