Directory. Brighton. [Sussex.)

Directory. Brighton. [Sussex.)

DIRECTORY. 721 BRIGHTON. [SUSSEX.) Butler Geo. S. esq. H Brunswick sq Critchett Richard, esq. 3 Powis place Falkiner Capt. Sir Charles, bart. Jt,!f. Butler J~ph. e!lq. 16 Hanover crescent Crosbie Mhs, 3t Bloomsbury place 18 Lower Rock gardens Butler Mrs. 12 Montpelier cre.qcent Crowdy Charles Whitton, )I.D. 5 Falkiner Saml. E. esq. 1 Norforlk sq Butterfleld Re•. Wm. M.A.21 Susseuq Clarenee !!quare Farrin M'"· 6 W e!ltern terrace Calthorpe Gordon, e~q. 1 Eaton place Croxton GPorge, esq. 3 Eaton place Fawcett Maj •r J. 3.') MontpPiiercrescnt Cam bell Mrs. 20 Oriental place Cuhit Thoma~, e<~q. 10 Sus~ex ~quare Fe•lrl Meyrick. e-q. 6 Norfolk ~'quare Carhampton Countes<~, 16Silwood place Cuerton Hen. e~q. 2 Montpelier place Fenton Mrs, 15 St. Ot-orge's place Carpenter C. esq. 45 Brunswick square Cunningham Mrs. 32 Egremont place Field Miss, 5 Wykeham terrace Carr Majo.r George, Furze hill Cureton Mrs. 17 Bedford place Field Mrs. 19 DeYonshire place Carr John, esq. 58 West !!treet Currie Mrs. 17 Upper Rock gardens FiP.ld Mrs. 28 West street Carr Mrs. W. Ogle, 4 Clifton road Curry Mrs. 138 Marine parade Fife M is<~, 6 Brunswick place north Carter Matthew, esq. 9 London road Dale Mrs.ll Crescent pi. Marine parade Finley William, esq. 1 Waterloo place Caton Thos. M. esq. 39 Regency square D' Alquen 8Montpelier terr~:~ce Fisher Rt. e~q. 12 Montpelierterrace Catt Charles, esq. 44 Middle street Dalrymple Major-Gen. Sir Adolphus, Fitzwilliam Mrs. 1 Crescent place Catt Charles, esq. 71 West street bart. 5 Brunswick terrace Fleet Wilham, esq. 2 Richmond terrace Catt Edmund, esq. SI York place Dancaster Misses, 38 Egremont place Flood Luke, esq. Dyke r<>ad Catt William,jun. esq. SO West street Dansey Mrs. 45 Lansdowne place Flood Wm. E. esq. 15 Egremont place Cazalet Peter C. ePq. 18 Lewes erescnt Danvers Mrs. 28 Montpelier street Ford Geo. Saml. e~>q. 46 Brunswick sq Chad wick Major W. 6 Montpelier terr Darby Mi;os, 71 Grand parade Forrest Mrs. 32 Oriental place Chalk Charles, esq. 55 Ship street Davidson Miss, 5 Marine square Foster Fredk. f'•q.3 Buckingham place Chandler Misses, 9 Oriental place Davies Henry, M.D. 63 Lansdowne pl Fox Misses) 4 Richmond terrace Chapman Misse<~, 145 Western road Davies Mrs. 38 Montpelier road Franz Augustus, esq. M.D. 11 OldSteine Chatfield Rev. R.LL.D. 7Montpelier crs Davison John, e~q. Furze hill Freeman Thos. esq. lb Montpeliercresct Chatfield Miss, 15 Regency square Deacon Chas. C. esq. 15 Lansdowne pl Freeman Tbos. esq. Western cottages Cbeesman George, eeq. jun. 3 Nrfik.rd Deffiis ~lrs. 24: Marine square Fry William, e~q. 6 Dorset gardens Cheesman John, esq. 30 Devonshire pl De Gourdrion Col. 17 Dorset gardens Fryer Mi~s, 16 BruJJswick square Cheesman Mr. John, 25 Egremont place Delamaine Edwd. esq. 28 Richmond pl Fuller Charles, esq. 29 Regency square Cheesman llrs. 24 York place De Linder Baron Hu~o, 51 Lnsdwn. pl Fuller Edward, esq. 6 Codrington place Chilton Mr. John, 2 Ditchling terrace Dempster Mrs. 42 Grand parade Fullerton Mrs. 11 Bloomsbury place Chinery Mrs. 7 Western cottages Dempster Rd. esq. 13 Hanover crescent Furher Miss, 1 Norfolk road Chowns Mr. John, 87 London road Dennaurl Madame, 12 Clifton road Furner Edmnd.Jo~!eph,e•q.lli King's rd Churchill Mrs. Fredk. 47 East street Derby Cobhett, esq. 12 RE>gency square Gain~ford John, esq. 4 London road Clark EbPnezer, esq. 19 Old Steine Dering HeneagP, e~q. 54 Regency sq Gain!lford J. esq. 19 Hanover cre8cent Cla.rke Rev. Saml. 9 Hanover ~rescent Deverell Mrs. 3 Brnnswick terrace Gale Mrs. 26 Egremor.t place Clarke George, esq. 64 Marine parade Devonshire Duke of, 1 Lewe9 erescent Gale Mrs. 11 Mor~tpelier villas Clarke Somers, esq. 27 Oriental place Dick Sir Pa!~:e, bart. Port hall,Dyke rd Go.rbett Mrs. 9 Bedford place Clay Thomas, e8q. 39 Cannon place Dill Jolm, e!'q. 21 Re~eney square Garnett Misses, 32 Lansdowne place Cleaver Miss E. 3 Upper Rock gardens Dill Richd. M.D. 21 Regency square Garuntt Miss, Montpelier road Clifton Lt. Gen. Sir A. B. 52 Old Steine Dingle John K. esq. 38 Bloomsbury pi Geere George, f'SQ. 37 Grand parade Cloves Mrs. 18 Regency square Dixon I.ieut. Jas. R.N. 26 Grand parade Geor!fes Capt. Henry, 13 Silwood place Clulow Mrs. 4 Western terrace Dixoa James L. 26Grand parade Ghrimes Wm. esq. 13 Clarence square Clulow Wm. Silwood place Dixon Miis Harriet, Victoria rolld GibsonWm. J. esq. 9 Bloomsbury place Clutterbuck Mrs. P. 31 R~ency square Dixse Miss, 15 Grand parade Gilhertson J. M. e~q. 10 Bloomsbury pl Clutterbuck Robert, esq. 36 Sussex sq Dolby Mrs. 24 Grand parade Gilburd Mr. Fredk. 10 Dorset ~ardens Cobb George, e~q.1 Hampton place Domville Misses, 3 New Steine Gill Mi~s, 25 Brunswick square Cobby Charles, e-<q. 47 London road Donne Mis", 15 York place Glaisyer Mr'l. Elizabeth, ll North st Cobham Mrs. 4 Silwood place Dornford Miss, 11 Marine square Glaisyer Thomas, e~q. 18 York place Cochran John,esq. 4 Clifton terrace Douglas Mrs. 136 Western road Glyn Rd. Uarr, esq. 22 Brunewick sq Cock burn Mrs. 1 Upper Brunswick pl Douglass Rev. C. E. B.A. 74 Upper Glynn Miss, 13 St. Geor~e's place Colbatch John, esq. Ditchling road North street Goffe Mrs. t5 Upper Rock ~ardens Colbatcb Mrs. 13 Richmond place Down Capt. Ricbd. 13 Grand parade Gold~mid Sir Isaac L. bart. Wick house Col bran Hen. Baker, esq. 2 Norfolk rd Down Edward, esq. 13 Grand parade Gold~mid Mrs. 8 Silwood Jtlace Col by John, esq. 34 Monfpelier road Drummond Col. Edwd. 83 Western rd Goodhall Thomas, e~q. 8 Charlotte st Colclough 16 Montpelier yilJa Drummond Rev. S. R. 11 St. Geo.'s pi Gordon Sir 0. bt. I Brunswick terrace Colegrave Major Wm. 44 Brunswick sq Drummond Georgel esq. 2-1: Regency sq Gore Lady Grace, 26 Bron!'wick square Coles Charles, esq. 38 Norfolk square Drysdale Mrs.14 Brunswick terrace Gorringe John, esq. 2 St. Geor~e's place Coles Richard, esq.I2 Lansdowne place Duke Edward, esq. 3 Queen's road Gorringe Mr. William, 4 Rose hill east Collens Mrs.Sarab, 41 Russell square Dunnage Miss, 2t Norfolk road Gos!lip Mrs. 51 Waterloo street Collingwood John, esq. D_yke road Dunnage Thos. esq. 5 Lansdowne place Gould Misse!l_z 8 Adelaide crescent Combe Mrs. 2 New Steine DuPreRev. W m.M.M.A.58Montpelier rd Goulty Rev. J. N. 174 Wrstern road Compton Lady, 2 Adelaide crescent Durrant Mrs. 4 Brunswick place Graham Capt. T. Wm. 3 Brunswick sq Coningham Wm. e'!lq. 26 Sussex equare Dyer Arehibald, esq. 21 Hanover ere& Graham Mrs. 4I ~:lontpelier road Connop Misses, 35 Marine parade Dyke Thomas, esq. 3 Lennox place Grabam Reginald, esq. 25 Norfolk 11q Consell Misq, 30 Western cottages Edmonds Miss, I Gloucet~ter place Grant Capt. Sir Rd. R.N.3Adelaideerea Constahle Mr. Wm. 16 Egremontplace Egles Gabriel, esq. 6 St. George's place Gray Mrs. 11 Powis place Cooke Rev. Thos. 12 St. Heorge's place Elam Tbos. W. esq.3Atlingworth street Green John, esq. 3<1 Lansdowne place Coombe Rev. Tbos. M.A. 6 Clifton road Elliot Capt. Hen. 65 Regency square Green Miss. Furze hill Cooper Rev. Wm.Hen. M.A.44 Sussex sq ElliottRev.Hen.Venn,M.A.31Brnswk.sq Green Ml'l!.-82 London road Cooper Frederick, esq. 49 Ship street,& Ellis Charles, esq. 7 Codrington place Ureenfield Rev. E. Wrn. 6 Brum1wk. pl Maltravers street, Arnndel Ellis Mrs. 40 Lansdowne place Greenland Capt, Geor!':e, 3 Clarence sq Cooper Jsaac, esq. Bristol road mwes Cary C. esq. 3 Arundel terrace Greenwood Tbos. esq. 18 Gloucester pi Copeland Chas. esq. 1 College gardens Empson Miss, 8 Norfolk road Grenville Mrs. 147 Western road Copeman Miss, Clifton hill English Willio.m, esq. 6 Grand parade Griffith Misses, 25 Montpelier crescent Cordy James. esq.l2 Grand parade Erskine Rt. Hon. Lord DavidMontagn, Griffitb Thomas, tlsq. 4 St. Peter's pl Corley Charles,esq. 5 Bedford square 15 Portland place Griffiths E. C. e•q. tH Lansdowne place Corney Mr. James, 146 Western road Esmand Mrs. 11 Richmond place Griffiths Mrs. Clitton hill Cornford Edwd. esq. 28 SussPX square Evans Capt. Gustavus, 21 Lnsdwn. pl Grimble Mrs. 6 Portland place Cotrerill Rev. H. M,A. 133 Marine par Evans Hugh Robert, esq. Bristol road Groom Miss, 57 Old Steine Cowderov Mr. John, 8 Crescent place Everest Mrs. 6 Wykeham terrace Guillod Mrs. Montpelier place Cowie Matthew Benjamin, x.D. 37 Everet Mrs. 5 Vine place Guinness Mrs. 14 Hanover erescent London road Fabian John, esq. 6 Clarence eqnare Gwynne Mrs. 7 Marlborough place Cox Benjamin, esq. 22 Richmond place Fo.itllfull George, esq. I6 Ship street Hack Danl. Pr{or, e11q. 9! Trafalg-arst Craven Chas. J. esq. 33 Sussex square Faithfull Geo. jun. esq.lS Vine place Haine!! Miss, 19 Lower Rock gardens Crawford Jas. Hen. esq. 23 Bmswck. aq Faithfull Mrs. H. Montpelier terrace HKII Rev. Hy. F. B.A. 18 Western cotts Crealoek Wm. B. esq.88 Sul8e:x: square Faithful! Wm. John, esq. 2. Qaeen'e rd Hall Fredk. F. esq. 31 Montpelier ~est CriebeU Capt.Wm.:a.N.l7 Lantdownepl Falconer Mr~ 8 Wykeham terrae~ Hall Mine&, 9 Suenx square ~Z2 .

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