600 ULROME. EA8T RIDING YORKSHIRE. [KELLY's name from one Ulf, a Saxon landowner, and was originally subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and called" Ulfreham." The church of Rt. Andrew, rebmlt of turnips. The area. is 1,594 acres of land; rateable value, stone and cobbles in the Early English style, on the site of £r,gg8 ; the population in r8gr was 198. an earlier structure, is supposed to have been built before the Parish Clerk, John Sowden. Conquest; it consists of chancel, nave, south porch and a · western tower containing one bell: there are 105 sittings. Letters through Hull, via Lowthorp, arrive at 10.30 a.m. The register dates from the year 1710. The living is a vicar- The nearest money order office is at Skipsea & telegraph age, average tithe rent-charge £32, net yearly value £ 1 12, . office at Lowtborpe including 28 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and WALL LETTER Box cleared at 2.40 p.m held since x868 by the Rev. Edward Arthur Tickell M.A. of Parish School (infants), erected in 1874, ~or 15 children; Balliol College, Oxford. John Rickaby esq. is lord of the average attendance, 15 ; Mrs. Dalton, m1stress manor and principal landowner. The soil is light loam ; The elder children attend the school at Skipsea Tickell Rev. Ed wd.Arthr. M.A. Vicarage IIancock William, chief boatman, Coast Smith John (Mrs.), farmer guard station Smith Thomas, farmer COMMERCIAL. Mercer George, farmer Stephenson Marmaduke, shopkeeper Barugh John Broadley, farmer, Ulrome Pearson John, shopkeeper Stephenson Thomas, farmer gr:'l.nge Peckett Thomas, farmer Thompson Habershaw, farmer Bell Thomas, farmer, Allison Lane end Pinkney Henry, wheelwright Watson Thomas, farmer Boynton William, farmer Sharp John William, farmer WALKINGTON is a township, parish and considerable · the parish is in the manor of" Provost's Fe~" of which ~Ir. village, on the road from Beverley to Howden, 2~ miles Barnard is lord, except a very small portion, which lies in south-west from Beverley and 2~ north-east from Little the manor of Beverley chapter. The township is usually Weighton station on the Hull, Barnsley and West Riding I returned as two united constablewicks, manors, townships junction railway, in the Holderness division of the Riding, 1 or fees, called "~owden Fee" and "Provost's Fee;" the wapentakes of Harthill and Howdenshire, North Hunsley latter was anciently the fee of the Provost of Beverley. The Beacon petty sessional division, Beverley union and county principal landowners are C. E. G. Barnard esq. of South county court district, rural deanery of Beverley, archdeaconry Cave, Edward Richard Bradley Hall Watt esq. J.l'. of High of the East Riding and diocese of York. The church of All Hall, Bishop Burton, Arthur Wilson esq. J.P., H.F.H. of Hallows, partly rebuilt in 1818, is a building of stone, in the Tranby Croft, the rector, Thomas Staveley Stephenson esq. of Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts Walkington House, Major J. D. Ferguson-Fawsitt D.L., J.P. and a western tower with small pinnacles, contaming 3 bells: John ::-Jbaw esq. of Swanland and Lord Grimthorpe; there the stained east window was inserted by Major J. D. Fergu- . are also several small owners. The soil is clay on the east son-Fawsitt, to Annie Eliza his wife, who reseated the and mole or chalk on the west; excellent sheep farming church in I 886, at a. cost of £200 ; a. brass lectern was pre- land. The chief crops are wheat,. oats, barley and turnips. sented in 1888 at a cost of £105, by Major Fawsitt, in The area of the township is 3,725 acres; rateable value, memory of his wife, his father (a former rector) and mother: £5,714; the population in 188r was 978, including 264 there are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year inmates and 52 officials in the East Riding Lunatic Asylum. 1752. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge Parish Clerk, John Spencer. £389, net yearly value £755, including 537 acres of glebe, PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Sophia Binnington, receiver. Letters with residence, in the gift of R. Hill Dawe esq. and held are received through reverley by foot post, arrive at 8.25 since 1891 by the Rev. Mit;hael Watson Bodley Dawe M.A. of a.m.; dispatched at 4.15 p.m. Bishop Burton is the Balliol College, Oxford. The rP.ctory house, much improved nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders are by the present rector, adjoins the churchyard, from which issued here, but not paid it is approached by a fine avenue of trees. There 1s a The East Riding Lunatic Asylum, in this pari~h & Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1887, to replace one built in 1822, about one mile from Beverley, was erected in 1871, at~ and a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in 1879. William cost of about £43,000, & is an extensive pile of red Sherwood, in 1537, devised certain rent-charges, cottages brick, relieved by white brick and stone dressings, in the and srt acres of land in Walkington, for the use of the poor Italian style; it covers about 2 acres & includes & and the reparation of the road from Walkington to Beverley: superintendent's house & a chapel in the Gothic style, the rents now amount to upwards of L,'Bo zearly. The & was considerably enlarged in I8go by the addition of a. school land yields an annual income of about 4· About a new wing to the female side, providing for 40 11.dditional quarter of a mile north-east from the village, on the road to beds at a cost of £1,300 & is now ( 1893) being further Beverley, are the remains of one of the ancient crosses which extended at the male end of the building; the number of marked the limits of the sanctuary of Beverley; it stands beds are now 327: attached is a farm of about 120 acres; on the footway, and consists of about 30 inches of the shaft Murdoch Donald Macleod M.D. medical supt. ; Archibald inserted in a large stone. There is another of these crosses Robertson Douglas L.R.C.P.Edin. assistant med. officer; inside the hedge on the road from Beverley to Bentley, and Rev. W. A. Pearman, chaplain; C. H. Hobson, Beverley, one on the road to Bishop Burton. Walkington Hall, the clerk to the committee; J. W. Arnott, clerk to the asylum property and residence of Major John Daniel Ferguson- A School Board of 5 members was formed November 12, Fawsitt D.L., J.l'. is an ancient mansion of brick in the 1873 ; F. G. Hobson, Beverley, clerk to the board Elizabethan style, pleasantly situated in a well-wooded park Board School (mixed), erected in 1876, for 150 children; of about 6o acres. The greater part of the land belongs to average attendance, 100; J. H, Truscott, master; Mrs. the Bishop of Durham's manorial liberty of Bowdenshire, Edith Truscott, mistress and Is called "the manor of Howden Fee," and the rest of CARRIER TO BEVEHLEY.--Geo. Ridsdale, sat. ; to Hull, tues PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blakeston James, chimney sweeper Leaper George Hugh & Mark, farmers, Cla.rke Goorge Boynton George, blacksmith Manor farm Dawe Rev. Micbael Watson Bodley M.A. Brabhs Robert, farm bailiff to Thomas Lythe Samuel Thompson, builder [rector], The Rectory S. Stephenson esq. Wolds Maffim Arthur, Dog & Duck P.R Dawe R. Hill, The Rectory Capes Setb, bailiff to T. H. Sample esq. Maffim James, market gardener Douglas Archibald Robertson L.R.C.P. of Beverlcv Martin Wm. King, police constable Edin. (assistant medical officer), East Carter James, thrashing machine ownr MathisonJas.Arthr.bailiff toJ.Shaw esq Riding asylum Dean John, farm bailiff to Thomas S. Oliver Ann Maria M. (Mrs.), beer retlr Duggleby Mrs Stephenson esq Page Edward, shopkeeper Ferguson-Fawsitt Major John Daniel Dearing Richd. farm bailiff to William Ridsdale George, carrier & shopkeeper D.L, J.P. Walkington hall Catterson esq. of Beverley, Broadgate Ridsdale Robert, market gardener Ferguson Fergus Dewson Edward, farmer Screeton Thomas, farmer Macleod Murdoch Donald M.n. (medical Dimsdale William, carpenter Gpence Thomas, trainer & farmer superintendent), East Riding asylum DunningRt. frmr .&millr .(wind& steam) Spencer John, shopkeeper, parish clerk Oliver Mrs Farrow Edwin, shopkeeper & assistant overseer Page Mrs Ford Thomas William, butcher Stephenson Thomas Staveley, farmer& Stephenson Thomas Staveley, Walking- Gardham George, farmer landowner ton house Haldenby William, farmer, Wolds Thorpe George, market gardener Wilson John Holmes Herbert Wheatley, butcher Thurlow Moses, farm bailiff to theEas' COM!IfERCIAL. Holmes Thomas, farmer Riding asylum Anderson Josiah, market gardener Holmes William, farmer Twidle Richard, farm bailiff toThomll8 Anderson Thomas, shoe maker Hudson Anthony, shoe maker S. Stephenson esq. Rectory farm Anthony Robert, farm bailiff to Edwd. Kirby Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper Walkington Cricket Club (J. H. Mathff-. Wm. Sheardown esq. of Beverley Lawson Henry, wheelwright & smith son, hon. sec) Appleton James, tailor Lawson John, Ferguson-Fawsitt Arms Webster James, market gardener Barr William, farmer, Lion's Den farm P.H Witty Michael, farmer .
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