_ CloH^l SWieA. fH^ikln Lists IjEAPER JHOO Americana Largest Weekly for Public Employeew X N T XllfHnv See Page IS II01J.V1S noiidYo Vol. XXVI, No. 37 Tuesday, 18, 1965 frice Ten Cents iz\ HStVttd 0 d aUkOO »VliOff£ LEGISLATURE PA JOB PROTECTION MEASURE FOR NON-COMPETITIVE AIDES On Civil Service Day Nassau CSEA To Companion Bill Also Hear DA, Wm. Cahn Miss Civil Service Judges William Cahn, Nassau Approved In Albany County district attorney, will be guest speaker at a general (Special To The Leader) meeting of the Nassau chap- ALBANY, May 17—Legislation which would give job Named; Discounts Set For protection to some 18,000 non-competitive State employees sailed through the Legislation last week and is before the Governor for action. New Yoric State Exhibits The bill, one of the top-priority- measures sponsored by The Civil Candy Jones, formerly one of the nation's outstanding Service Employees Assn., would msi^^mmmrnmrn models and now director of her own modeling school in New grant employees In the non-com- York City, will again serve as one of the judges who will petitlve class, with five years of award fdur crowns to the winners of The Leader's Miss Civil service, the right to written Service Contest May 31 at the charges and a hearing in dis- World's PaU-. ciplinary actions. Also serving as judges will be A companion measure, which Jerry Pinkelstein, publisiher of CSEA feels will overcome previ- The Leader; William J. Murray, ous objections to the tenure bill. administrative director of the State Civil Service Dept.; George J. McQuoid, deputy regional direc- WILLIAM CAHN tor of the U.S. Civil Service Oom- ter, Civil Sei-vice Employees Assn., mlsslon; and Anthony M. Maurl- on May 19 at 8 p.m. ello, member of the New York Irving Plaumenbaum, chapter City Civil Service Commission, president, said the meeting would Twenty-four girls will compete be held In the Nassau County Po- for the titles of Miss Civil Service lice Dept. Auditorliun In Police in four classifications-—State, Fed- Headquarter.s, Franklin Ave.. eral, New York City and county. Mlneola. Judging will take place as part Topic of Cahn's speech for the of a 5-hour program to be held nigiht will be "The Operation of EDWARD S. LENTOL In the Singer Bowl at the Fair. the District Attorney's Office In the third year In succession it State Pavilion Discounts Nassau County." Flaumenbaum has been approved by the Legisla- Arrangements have been made said the entire membership of the tuer The previous two years, Gov. to secure discount prices for pub- chapter and their families have Rockefeller has vetoed It because (Continued on Page 12) been Invited to the meeting. of reasons which are now over- come in the companion bill. Sponsors of the bill are Sen. Governor Vetoes Bill Edward S. Lentol, (D-Bklyn.), ORIN S. WILCOX chairman of the Senate Civil Service Committee, and Assembly- also passed both Houses and has man Orin S. Wilcox (R-Jeffer- Restricting Removal gone to the Governor. This bill son). former chairman of the would require the State Civil Civil Service Committee in that Sei-vlce Commission to create a For Overtime Eligibility House and sponsor of the bill in list within the non-competltlve previous years. ALBANY, May 17—Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller has vetoed class of all ositions involving a bill which would amend the Civil Service Law and pro- policy-making functions or du- Meanwhile, a CSEA-sponsored Leader Poll On hibit the removal of any employee or group of employees ties requiring personal confidence bill that would give State Cor- 'Other than department heads from the provisions of the between the employee and the rection Officers a half-pay retire- appointing officer. Positions on ment allowance after 25 years of Wagner-Lindsay rules of attendance requiring this Ilk would be excluded from service passed the Senate and compensation for overtime work. mediate assistants,'' the bill the provisions of the tenure bill. (Continued on Page 16) In disapproving the measui'e. would make a considerable num- Contest Begins Passage of the main bill makes Governor Rockefeller said: ber of supervl-sory and profes- EW York City's forth- "This bill would amend the sional personnel eligible for over- Ncoming mayoralty cam- Civil Service Law to discontinue time compensation without offer- Oswego PW Chapter Hazel Abrams paign, a dull affair until the the authority of the Director of ing any justification for such Injection of Congressman the Budget to make rules govern- action. If there are positions Names New Officers Has Surgery John V. Lindsay last week Into the ing the eligibility of employees of which, in the opinion of the spon- OSWEGO, May 17—The Oswego Hazel Abrams, statewide secret- race, has now become the political the Executive Department to sors of this measure, should be County State Public Works chap- ary for the Civil Service Em- contest of the year and once again earn overtime compensation. Included among those eligible to ter, Civil Service Employees Assn., ployees Assn., last week under- we are going to conduct an in- "Under this bill, all employees earn overtime compensation and held their annual election of offi- went emergency smgery for an formal survey of our readers on except "department heads and which are not now included, the cers recently. appendectomy, The Leader haf their choice for tlae ballot box theU' Immediate assistants" would appropriate course of action is to Those elected for the coming learned. next November. I become eligible to earn overtime make use of the administrative year are; LT. Prlns, president; A member of tdie family said While we do not pretend that compensation. Besides introducing procedures which are already es- C.J. Popp, vice president; R.T. Miss Abrams condition waa good this kind of a survey Is as sci- Into the law the new and un- tablished under the law. Mollson, secretary; and W.J. Sdani- following the operation. Sht is la (Coutiuued oa Page 2) I necessarily imprecise term of "im- "The bill i« (llaa<pproved.** gus, treasurer. Albany Memorial Hospital. Page Eight CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, May 18, 1965 DON'T REPEAT THIS Police Conference Meeting (Continued from Page 1) office. It would, In fact, put him end to Wagner's ambitions In both •nitlflc M a regular poll, the re- in a position ot such strong con- State and national politics. In view of the great Importance Opens In Rochester; 800 sults of our samplings over the trol in the State GOP picture tha-t years have been unusually suc- he could go to the next national to Wagner of winning, the OMiful In their finding's. Republican convention as the "smart" people In politics are at a For that reason, we are once State's new sti-ong man. The rea- total loss why the Mayor, even as Delegates To Discuss Plans again asking our readers to let us son for this is obvious. When you this column Is being written, con- know whom they feel will emerge beat a Robert P. Wagner you are tinues to press his fight against ROCHESTER, May 17—Don't try any funny business In the victor in the forthcoming race really beating somebody — not fellow Democrats instead of seek- Rochester this week—the place is swarming with policemen. between Mayor Robert F. Wagner only the Mayor of New York but ing unity for the most dangerous Eight hundred strong, representing some 206 police de- and Congressman John V. Lind- a national political figure. battle of his oareei'. As we went to partments and 50,000 police officers, delegates tic the an- say. Comments may be included in With such an Important win be- press, word had It that Wagner nual convention of the Police Conference of New York, ar© was still Insisting that Democmtlc letters to this column and we hind him, Lindsay could well attending bualneas sessions at the State Committee Chairman Wil- would appreciate them being stand as the GOP Vice Presiden- Hotel Manger here. liam McKeon resign and was con- signed, although this is not neces- tial or even Presidential candidate The sessions open today (Mon- tinuing hU war against Assembly- sary. in 1968. man Stanley Stelngut of Brook- day) at 4 p.m. with oommittee Because a victoi7 by either Importance to Wagner lyn. meatings, Secretary of State John Wagner or Lindsay will have P. Lomeneo and State Comptrol- ramifications beyond New York Should Lindsay lose, but pile up Against a candidate so glamor- ler Arthur Levitt are schedule to dty, we want the opinions of our a really good size vote, the defeat ous as Lindsay, Wagner needs all address the opening banquet in suburban and upstate readers as would not harm him too much. He the help he can get—both locally the Manger Grand Ballroom. would remain in Congress and— well. and from Waahington, D. C. Tueaday's session will include win or lose — get the largest "Lindsay has very much to gain Therefore, the need for party haj'- committee reports, the annual re- amount of nationwide exposm-e In should he win the "Grand Pi-lze" mony would seem imperative to port of the president A1 Sgag- his political career, exposure that ol the New York City Mayor's both Wagner and his advisors. It lidne of the New York Port Au- will still be useful to his future may be, however, that Wagner thority Police Department and a plans; and certainly for his Con- CIVIL SEKVICE may be planning to use his war general business meeting during LEAnER gressional district.
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