X, X, 3pYEA RýS.OF tHE, ANTIA. RTHEJ.&MÖVEM SANC 0 N-sBATTLEFACES FLNAL TEST IT ALL $TARTFD in Juum, 1959. Na-ful;~ adi.. i. -påign. He-e the ~g. of nartu, to the SouthAfricanaflästapartheictlawsbud Anti-Apartheld Movement in 1960. lå,lglits. But tio luý,ýý i-,ýgh F-lial.ýlfflatthemelgt SouthAfrieasoc -ffil, '..,mal'relations -pati.. of N amibi. .14 andýhite.,rkpritymieinRhn~asoon . iefAlbert Lu=P becanv, ajo, ecjinOfef the African ftte, A..,With Na ut % , itýmtwrýl the gowth of the 'Unh.ly Alhafft,ý, ý,,L:fg ofýabqyeott,<ýfy tIe.,apallleiýdý,ýginu,andtheillegalIStnit1, r itli Portugu~ mlornal tookbffearftpaigriMýln Imp~ ce ofa ~ ased anta-a~ eld lake decisive action to help end apautheid. símiiar mam ýpaig- I. AUS" Aýh ýAgaimtAputhid, Sheffiéid 1989 F All'itriff HEAD CRW94EP th.,e,ý;-tide Th campag of a lifetime Archbishop Trevor Huddleston, the Anti-Apartheid Movement's presidenti s knowsss thruldoa he world , his Aarid agfug parheid. South Afican authqr and artst Hilda Bernstein asked him about the AAM's successes and falu e. Trevor Hud leston:Wen we startedi1 nobodyknewathinglabutapartheid o had to explain it in the most elementary way. Remember, Sduth Africa was still a member of the Commonwealth. People had only heard of South Africa as a member of'the club' of colonies that Included Australia and Canada. It didn't occur to anyone to consider South Aftica' internal conditions. Hilda BernsteinI expeieced the sam reaction when I took rpt trial to feinessan. I a told: 'We do n'f pushbooksa au Sout Afia tere's no inte req whtser So I suppose in a sense the growth of the Anti-Apartheid Movern has beeni it e growth of the struge inside South Africa. er Tambo, now ANC p rest, wa I think one eement that began o makseg peop~ples tink asmllan's 'windofeangeC speehad a ct eske . Ieemedtoestablishaturningpoint.Let'slkaboutwhatyouhitheAAM asae i r the Bu te talyw t Shape March1960;thatwastheoneevntyi tiat broug bot a new con partid. Aprteidisnowuniversallyce laresect h tio scc Shqarpeille wa likea declatonof war agat thepeope. And it couldn't be ignored. Tell theideaofsoind of b I s. me abouthsee teoationotheMovemenL TheWembleypopconcert ain atndthis one ativity reacedpepealoethwol.Wtaebgrssfncily -s Therere variouspeople, notablyCanon CollinandMichael Scott, who had take t - but it weno t p Issue ofpartheid. When it was decided to lmhaunfedi oraiton al meting wa before. Even in a small place keMartiuwe ather aculo erte held. Julius Nyerem, then leading TA T ai, was he,and assim nevrvered dall seenthe cocert. Inhiscommitmentonht4path h, A. ThewholeReleaseMandlasi eetcrqtonoriiiaie opltca a vi It's in cstgt ~ c hoewmasny leigfiguresfromsthe chrh haplydafnaetl ITethmva h lrmcfrneq Iiderpesoiadtlw*paie role yourself, Canon Collins, MichaelSctt adishs p Ambrose Reeves . South Africa, heyl in 198'. Not evoneo ytc scc ,boye At o oped parallel to CND; Canon Collins was, of course, involved in is moved by the destruction of children;i is the confe e altl Ad both orgarniaations. wa brouightin aspresident of tfie AAM when Ambrose Rteeves, the has led lotthe formation or strengthening of s many groups, such as lawyers, doctqa, previous resident, died. Bet it has been these undividuals 4 no t" ii ?a an alwaysseemstomethehandofdeath. atlheebeenAAM'i -arosm and failures? You never thoughtyouwouldbecomeadiplomatdidyou~? Trheyhayeoteiisprungfrinthe fact thatw ontIheamvmetta argdya* ....... i~s ............. ..........ehe -oeirv~ am no g iipontc AtrS?4Vtefrinsct trd, pvDooes aprthei dis wel scome. Arid we' relo volunteers very much; thet ,imeehet'nere. the ourt tie, h mi,'Wel, rchbsho, wemustagre toeifer.4W attitud0esV andcirvaryng ttitdesandbeig vountersthetcom eandth . go.Als sort.Wesnl'ifr edn g~ cdfi~ iffrIbecausyouthinyocuhn s11ermns hyhv lthemeanswelac the situh i don't belieethegovernment you ay. And there been onisattonal inconsistency, our objectives remain the same, asd tiatingwtheh. utodifferuseyou sms h . wtikleY WhataretheimmediateobjectivesoftheAAM? independently - erespont ts Wth a go srrnment s totally esiant to any action, wle have to go over the heads o~f And the (tire I knowpeol mutcntnl ekny. ste s ht1 tjie government to the people. Therefore this year we are cocentrating on two things: the prdgnosis, hoelo wefgore chan oums Secondly, we need to renew the boycott movement, to put on more pressure so that the It could end toorrow. If Etst and West were to say: endit qow, orelse ...itwould collape. governmenat w~iavto take no~tice. Unihyd,itgeson.It'snotamhatterofguessngthenumbekjrofya e,ten - it's From the very beginning the consum~er boycott has bee mi atiy. At fis, h p toYou People. I government woldn'tl tanykndofboycott,even iderit,aowehave oet moreimpatient andradilad every dbecause thed now very longway in theseasethat theycnt avoid itow; it issue. The conumer t ys, 'As we atre maing progpu'eri thepost boycott, picketing shops, is the first way to get publicity and moblilse the young. apartheidSouth Africa.' Ithink we've got to felon with the revoiution and then talks For the cultural dspots boycott t seems to be a tr ublesome time. People want . Otherwise, if we put it to the fore, we am going to delay the endingof apartheid. I dear, simple policy, and when it becomes more flexibleIt worryingt n ind thisitoleable.Icosd end tomorowit ould,l erale to hayeareitanceculturefromwhichthetreartme1,lttueaecmn.W aeey ears?Would there he any need for the AAM? Theameistru frsprt whchhas bensuh sucesul boycott. Sp rspropl cinside o as Iex tody. P'erhaps there woulbe the6'nedtoresomesupposrtive rolei,but IllIs oudenmdetoconfrontthei sof te t fr u sy e e needed, it would be in a different form. We have our job to Ito majorityfromsport. today,andthenwecanthnaboutthuture when apartheid ha h gone. AFR iTh. National Union Vent5ckatapttdlnmethnt~athi I99,ter m So.sampa~stPa moveranarpowa Masslier-u-onslbvn. ntel onsi III#l netmjrrgby tour and ag supplyingeadtte : stpsUimee.)pro ;>' apartheidegimeapartiheid.Coadis aane d a purl-ott Soth Ari's -SouthAi F EER UIVERSTY A RU Sofldrt reeings to the Anti-ApartheiMoveen on it 30thAnniersary an the en ofaar#i SA /oNl eol SCrtd Road~, -- - - Solidarity.greetingsi .rm the Boy'cott Apartheid 891 Victory to SWAPO! salutsthe Ant -Aparfllw Movemn f the role thas ELT"Aisn mgi n thatcampaigns fr t endof ELTSAI&CuswJd lea cllaaion wihaatedOucren THE UNION OF COMUNICATIONI rersag200,000post adtelecm worker ilBitain, paytribute tote cge iad term inti the mebr of the PostOffice d Teleommmiatin Workers The United N~ationsAsoitnadUNYuh Anti-Aparhaid MoventadANws WIN LI 0a M-., sndsestwiamtoth eial Summerissueonthesituationfacing oni 30t Anivrs the wods 12 million refugees "ilntervie ith Glenys Kinnock on Mozambique Wewillcontinuewithyouto m janPierre Hoc UNHCR) speaks out " MPs debate Charter 87-aCharterfor fightthisap l i eglmeuntil rfugees Order copies (35p each plus 20p p+p) by freedom is achieved in w~ritingtUNT!,UNAYouth3WNhitehallCourt,LondonSWIA2EL. SouthernAfric AND HOPES THAT ALL THE WORK IT HAS DONE TO BRING AN END TO THE RACIST O EDUNDANIN THE NEAR FUTURE J uF4tuu w a rir auutuI 311lUI! I CAWRBM ox 2190,LondoWCIN3XX Fýigýýhting aparthi Ba*m eufle, tlien ÅÅM pmeýdmt. "&ý~ omof a i m~. raRiff which mt.bl~ the R-y--tt M ýhý 19 60.. of world-f~ms perfomm. d= in London ýnX98ý,tp de Duleie Sep~bý, Thenkin with Mick MeGahøy, Att.ýki.g ýp.,thrid[": g againýt a rugbytourin 1981 A m=lve pro~ gr~ P ýV BOUWS ,6it Aftwa (right), while pmtestý fortaBcs with Ma Thatc1ier in 1984 right) lends hi8 weight to a d fl- .ýh.thýdr.~ tion th. withdýýw«l rif B-1.yý B..k £,.. goth imolvýent in South Afilca. J~ JixclksQn (far ieR's London HQ in 198rx eidoön'-all frons wo the The AAM thflo eethto.ghthe.ddtattol of Rta Mouoee. Thos group took a N~~ Your boot «.g u ut tho ott of L-odon to 1971. .ltors and l*eao Common In 1986.~ Gi cttwr [ 4 1 Meettog of the Axohh1ohops: Trevor Hoddieaton aod Deanmood Tut, 41 c~elehtat the F-do March fxooo Gleogoar to Loudun in 1988 oýotbhighigtsD~f the esoPug. for the.ese.f Neloo __________________ Mandeln ad all poitical petoee Labour Members ofPar'lmen-t SOLIDÄRITY GREETIIN4S - i 1 proc for Southrn A Aiiti-Apartheit w~fr han" bee ~o~j off thei r land no the o~ernrowded honneland,. Under ,-1,1dT 3~~ ri t~ ~~~~nn~eri- I-e a n rd 20 e-ole die e-er, d-e on 30) year of with affliate in Britain of the Internationzal D<.efneand Ald ~e, for Southerf Affloa Addne.ine ChristianAJ ______ CHUCE tN ACTION WITH THEWOR Now! TODOYCw0rriA ver since. In that sam nfiles away, Japan~s in style ad em bur AAKs around t heir commitnmt t. g.alot oinprachenliv WoIhk international confemenvsaudo~ 'i, Thie fonmation in 1'979. t 'ula Jlaoration itfl Soff gave imp.etus to internauia gp k, adptdb the UN in 1977 I ne ofte"'tffipuqýot!0rako. ally,-,odtoatd~gicW ag- sine ånJa been that ageinst Sheli, Il.a.te Jni r 1986 and involving AAMi in EEC eounties, Scandinavia and Australia in Beugian ~eet apartheid fruit, 1974 ,AM1saroundtheworldhueais And the70111hirthda ofNeso theregie heithurtshylaftim Mlandela ini July 1988 sav, thems pca protestsa gaiiOt sporting linknoa cular upoorge of solidarityacinnth rghyan rcket, with South Africa isoroftIntrntoaanti-apartbeid, streeto and public huiidina ireamied, e"rd and ptiioIn etgi*d. Millions of peopig å fn- pur i what'was at nrce a trbutei t.I the hest-lovedl living South Afican and c Nowthework aon,ndwitläixiösia,of Europeinoportantstepahaveheentaken to .gl.e rimäteaktioia~ t'laboationbyý boyco tt '1,{umoýearuEconomnic onununitymora C, nni- 0iA~~.T 6ftef>UW* 'thfemmtio i ILcR lý - f"M the ~rots and Asia All hecausa foyer Apartheid h Ulnited Nation independent action even diplosnatic rel 'Luthk bov-t n :S *ARTWORK - 30 years of the kpartheid Movement. TR~ADE o6 1 stk~t, EQUAL E:(HANGE:, CAMPAIGN C~rETRAJG(CAr'T, II Southemfria'.
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