WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1940 flUttirlirBtMr Citntbiii^XfraD - -Avefage Dally Circulttioii' ■* The Weather For the Slontb of .May, 1940 Mrs. Georg. Armatrong o f 'Clin­ E. J. Murphy left this morning ute talk by a recruiter for the F o r e s t of C. (4. Weather iturcaa .John Jenney, one of the agents Unless ths present rainy weath­ U. 8. Navy during which nil th™ Mr». CJccell* Wandt of Birch er ends shortly, It Is feared by for Eastern Point where he will street has left for Camp Wawe- of the Travelers Insurance Com­ ton atreet who is spending aqm. Seek Recruits advantages to a Navy enlistment pany who qualllled In the contest farmers that large parts of their time at her cottage at Coventry attend a two-day's convention of 6 , 4 0 1 Cloudy preceded by light abew- About Town nock. Owaisaa./ Stouth Casco, the Connecticut Pharmaceutical will be recounted. ■ A '40 minul spend the for new business written during crops will be ruined.Already po­ Member of the Audit erx; Friday fair, dot much ehaaga Maine, where tatoes have suffered heavily, and lake, entertalnwl a group of gtrla Asaoclatlon. ForUeSeNayy motion picture, on life in the Nav;Hr w In temperature. remainder o f the past year, is In Canada as a from this town last evening at a ■will be shown following which Bureau of Clrcalatioiis Lodgr*. No. 71, KnlghU. of guest of the company. He will re­ growth of practically every crop '■ -J', Pythias, «ill hold Its election of Is halted. This, coupled with the picnic aupper. Following the meal there will be a question and an­ Manche$tet City of Village Charm turn Friday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hultgren of swer period. Recruiting offlcer.s offiesra tonight at 8 o’clock, st Jo.*j> A'. LSmberton / of 114 late planting season may further games and atunta were enjoyed. 25 Hemlock atreet celebrated their Special Program to Be Oranfs Hall. L*ster Smith of Chestndt street is a gncfti destroy produce. A real shortage from Hartford and New Haven Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daugh­ Mra. Armstrong gave a card party 20th anniversary laat Saturday. will havctcharge. „ T (Classiaed AdvartMng ea Paga l$| MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JUNE 27. 1940 (l<X)URTEEN PAGES) Hartford wIH attend as the repre- jVan(»rbilt Hotel during his stay of farm products U seen by many. Friends helped them celebrate with Pregenledi at Legion VOL. LIX., NO. 229 PRICK THKKB CKN'TS seatatlv# a t ths grand chancellor. In-l^ew York City. ters of Union Veterans, has re­ Monday evening for her mother ceived an' invitation to attend and a group o f her friends. a party given at Bolton Lake. They Home Here July 2. reception Friday evening at' 8 The Talcottvllls Fife and Drum received aa presents a coffee table Corpa will stage ' -a huge- Block I ' ----- ' A o'clcK;k, in honor of .Mrs. Iva The G.O.P. final meeting and and some money. They had re­ ALICE COKRAN .Standlsh of WIIHmantlc, the le- Dance. .Saturday evening at Tal- freshments and enjoyed dancing. Tfavy Night” jvlll be observed (Known .As |ueen Alke) cottvllle Center. The Corps will lawn party acheduled for today at here Tuesday, Jdly 2, when a PINEHUaST FISH! ccntly appointed Department the home of Mr. and Mrs. George S riR IT l AL 5IEDIUM N ¥ b t i ,^*s . .Senior Vice President. All mem­ also present Ita annual I-awn Car- Murton T. Allen of 37 Doine group of Unjt^ States-Navy re­ Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son KHklNII ‘rtlval Saturday afternoon and eve­ H. Waddell on Porter street, post­ cruiting oJfiMra will come to the ••NlTSWBBUpIDCOUra bers are urged to attend this re­ poned on account of unfavorable street who has been gravely ill is Bom With a Veil. ception, which la given by .Mary ning. slowly Improving. Legion Home on Leonard street In Readings Daily 9 A. 51. to 9 P. M. MACKEREL weather until tomorrow afternoon, the Inferests of recniltlng men Todd Uneoln Tent, No. l.l, In Odd will take place regardleas of Or ny Appointment. Ri the Service, Fellows . hall, ' 803 .Main street, The local State Trade School A drill will be held by members for the Navy. All men of the of the People for SO Years. 15c lb. wesUier. That Is, the closing busi­ ages, 18 to 31, who are lntercste<l WIIHmantlc. ' will close for Its annual aiimmer ness session of the season will be of Hose Co. No. 2 of the Manches­ I ll Church Street, Hartford, Conn vacation after sessions of Friday, ter fire department Friday eve­ are cdirfllally Invited to attend. Phone 6-2237 raalem llallhiit. held In the Waddell home, rain or The program Includes a 20 mln- Rostem Salmon. Due to the rain today. Globe August 9, ;and will reopen on Mon­ shine, soon after two o'clock. ning. lladHrK-k - .Sole - Rod Tereh Hollow pool was ■ not opened as day, September. 9. and noiinder Fllleta had been planned by the recrea­ tion committee. The pool will be­ There will b« a special meeting gin, Ita 'Slimmer usage on the first of the Legion Fireworks commit­ b u t t e r f is h pleasant day. tee at the Legion home on Leonard Mobilization ' fsr tCon street at seven o'clock sharp to­ Summer Sun * Fashions CHOCOLATE COOKIES 15c lb. The Ta« Collsctor has adver­ night. All member* of the com­ prMed recipe ee beck ef seek bee tised the commencement of the mittee are urged to attend as un- ( <h1. Pollock. second town tax payment period sisually Important business will be For Your Children - Steaming nams. Vvhlch opens July 1 and ends the transacted. Crisp, sun-catching clothea j^our "small Entraarrs to Puiiaiiia (jinal Mined l>y IJuilcd Stales 15c 2 bars 25c <’howder riains. final day of the month. All prop­ ' fry” wiH play happily In dll aummer. erty taxea must be In full by the : .St. .John's Sewing club will meet oover Withholds final day or interest Is added to thia evening at 7 o'clock with Mrs. Asks Time to Dicker: 4: — ---------- TENORB, NRW CROP. 4RRSRY the amount billed. Joseph Wrobel of 24 North street., Little I Girls*- ■ Shorts ' Smart little shorts with pleated fronta Support Awaiting GREEN BEANS.2 qts. 23c and lastex backs In blue qr brown. Sizes 4 to 8. Reports ‘Red’ Troops Fresh Peas....% . 2 ijls. 2.1c .'^mall, Tender » SQUASH HALE'S SELF SERVE 69c NaHrc Beds Average 5c to 8c each Test of Strength The OriginnI In New Rnffland! Golden Carrots encumbers. Cauliflower Ripe Tomatoes, Boys’ Shorts at Frontier Only Balloting Can De­ Game Warden Poor Shot Boys' washable shorts with lastex So Rear Escapes Death AND HEALTH MARKET backs. In white, blue, or tan. Sisea 4 to termine Backing for Small I.Ink Rett.v Crocker 10. Former President and Springer. N. M.. June 27.—(47 Hoover Expects Peace j Postiioncmeiit o f Dead* SAUSAGE niOCOLATI^ CHIP —A Springer couple encounter­ Nazis Oeeiipy COOKIES?! THURSDAY SPECIALS 59c and $1.00 Disclose How Far Wlll- ed ft fftt bc«r Ip-the mountains Hefore November Vote ' line Sought Little Recipe Now In Racks kie Has Pierced De­ and gave chase'In tjieir car. A 29e lb. wheel pinned one of. bruin’s Scetion East Philadelphia, June 27.—(>R— i More Than Five Houra Cireen Stamps (iiven With Cash Salen. paws. Visitors to former President \ Boys’ Suits fenses o f Others. Herbert Hoover reported today | Before Expiration of 1 I-b. Beef Mver— GOLD MEDAL They called "Wild BUI” Sleeveless broadcloth sulta with zipper that he believes Europe will be | Vj Lb. Ilacon— "R H chcn-lcatcd’* 8 I.h*. Bulletin! Letcherr deputy game warden, Of Bordeaux at peace before the November i Ultimatum Calling for etoslng. White blouaea with blue or , who decided to kill the animal Itoth for .... aqua shorts. Sizes 3 to 6 years. Convention, Hall, Philadel­ elerllon. ' Immediate Return of 39c FLOUR 29c Friend's Beans 2 ^ 25c as a menace to stock. He haul- ' Mr, Hoover Is confident that ^ phia, June 27— (A P )— With ed out his six-gun. European peace would aid the : Bessarahia and Other/ Hurt Olney The first shot made the bear R4*|»ort 'Attacks o f Weak Have one of theae Genuine Spring l.ninb Shoulders—cat 8 to 10 $1.19 , ten'candidates placed in. nom­ Republican campaign, they: blink. The second blew out a ‘ Enemy Naval Fiirccs said, reganlless of who Is nom- ' Conressions to S02 chops off—use rest for atewing. Baby Shop. ination for the presidency, tire. The third hit the radiator Sauerkraut l.ge. Can inated for president. I 9c the Republican National Con­ and another punctured the gas On Northern (loast of BnUctin! LAMB SHOULDERS lb. 18c vention recessed at 1:45 p. tank. France' Are Repnlsed. Play Clothes for Summ^Activities m., (e.s.t.), until 3:30 p. m„ Letcher decided to get his Bucharrat. June 27e—( Order lAibnters for-Friday and Saturday Delivery. when it will start balloting on rifle but the motorists' hearts -*>The Rumanian govci Wesson Oil "‘ 45c >. 25c You'll enjoy your Summer •pliD' actlvltlca softened. They moved the auto Berlin, June 27.—((O - German British Expect • to the extreme In your comfortable and attrae. a 1940-party nominee. The United States has mined both entrances to the Panama Canal (alwve) and haa rushed rail­ tonight officially off bruin's paw and he fled into road artillery to the Atlantic side of the Canal Zone nnd placed the zone's def.-'nse forces on virtually troops have begun the occupation ('sinpAre tive sport togs from Hale's.
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