DRAWN & QUARTERLY winter 2021 CYClopedia EXOTICA AmiNDER DhALiwal BILLIONAIRES Darryl CUNNiNghAm HEAven No Hell miChAEL DEfoRgE Tono MonogaTARI ShigERU mizUki Red FloWERS YoShihARU TSUgE KING-CAT CLASSIX JohN PoRCELLiNo CYClopedia EXOTICA AMinder DHALIWAL A comic about dating, the art world, and being a cyclops, from the creator of the wildly popular Woman World Following the critical and popular success Through this parallel universe, Dhaliwal of Woman World—the hit Instagram comments on race, difference, beauty, comic which appeared on 25 best of and belonging, touching on all of these lists—Aminder Dhaliwal returns with issues with her distinctive deadpan Cyclopedia Exotica. Also serialized on humour steeped in millennial refer- Instagram to her 250,000 followers, this ences. Cyclopedia Exotica is a triumph graphic novel showcases Dhaliwal’s quick of hilarious candor. wit and astute socio-cultural criticism. PRAISe FOR AMinder DHALIWAL In Cyclopedia Exotica, doctor’s office “Hilarious, silly, and surprisingly deep all waiting rooms, commercials, dog parks, at the same time.”—Wired, Best Comics and dating app screenshots capture the of 2018 experiences and interior lives of the cyclops community; a largely immigrant “Quietly hysterical…Dhaliwal manages to population displaying physical dif- both critique society and deliver a lot of ferences from the majority. Whether laughs.”—Boston Globe they’re artists, parents, or yoga students, the cyclops have it tough: they face “Sly and quietly devastating.”—NPR, microaggressions and overt xenophobia Best Books of 2018 on a daily basis. However, they are bent on finding love, cultivating community, “One of the most remarkable, funny, com- and navigating life alongside the two- passionate, acerbic, hilarious comics.” eyed majority with patience and the —BoingBoing occasional bout of rage. april 2021 • $24.95 USD/$29.95 CaD • B&W • 6 x 8 • 268 pageS COMiCS & grapHiC NOVelS/liTerarY • iSBN 978-1-77046-437-7 • paperBaCk Aminder Dhaliwal grew up in Brampton, Ontario and received a Bachelors of Animation from Sheridan College. She has worked as Director at Disney TV Animation, Storyboard Director at Cartoon Network, and Storyboard Director on the Nickelodeon show Sanjay and Craig. Her first book with D+Q, Woman World, was serialized on Instagram be- ginning in March 2017 and garnered over 250,000 followers. Woman World appeared on 25 best-of-the-year lists, was nominated for the Eisner, Ignatz, Harvey, Ringo, and Doug Wright Award, and was named a YALSA Great Graphic Novel for Teens. It has been optioned for television by Felicia Day. Dhaliwal lives in Los Angeles. BILLIONAIRES DarrYl CUNNiNgHaM An informative and funny deconstruction of how the giants of American capitalism shape our world In Billionaires, Daryl Cunningham offers how Amazon’s litigiousness and predatory an illuminating analysis of the origins and acquisitions made them “The Everything ideological evolutions of four key players Store,” and how the Kochs’ father’s refiner- in the American private sector—Amazon ies literally fueled Nazi Germany. founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, media mogul In criticizing the uncontrolled reach of Rupert Murdoch, and oil and gas tycoons power by Rupert Murdoch (in fueling the Charles and David Koch. What emerges is far right), the Koch Brothers (in advo- a vital critique of American capitalism and cating for climate change denial), and the power these individuals have to assert Jeff Bezos (in creating unsafe working a corrupting influence on policy-making, conditions), Cunningham speaks truth political campaigns, and society writ large. to power. Billionaires ends by suggesting Cunningham focuses on a central ques- alternatives for a safer and more just society. tion: Can the world afford to have a tiny praiSe fOr DarrYl CUNNiNgHaM global elite squander resources and hold “It can take other authors whole books to unprecedented political influence over say what Darryl can say in a single illustra- the rest of us? The answer is detailed tion.”—Jon Ronson, The Psychopath Test through hearty research, common sense reasoning, and astute comedic timing. “Tremendously well researched…I’m al- Billionaires reveals how the fetishized free ways in awe of the amount of information market operates in direct opposition with that Darryl manages to pack in to every the health of our planet and needs of the one of his comic books.”—Robin Ince, most vulnerable—how Murdoch’s media BBC’s The Infinite Monkey Cage mergers facilitated his war-mongering, april 2021 • $24.95 USD/$29.95 CaD • 4-COlOr • 6.3 x 9 • 272 pageS COMiCS & grapHiC NOVelS/NONfiCTiON • iSBN 978-1-77046-448-3 • paperBaCk Darryl Cunningham is the cartoonist of five non-fiction books, including Supercrash: How to Hijack the Global Economy, and Billionaires. His comics explore subjects as diverse as mental health, science, econom- ics, and politics. Cunningham has given talks at the London School of Economics and the City of Arts and Lights, Valencia. In 2015 he was one of 30 world-renowned photographers, painters, sculptors, writers, filmmakers and musicians who were invited to contribute to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Art of Saving a Life project, to promote vac- cination in the developing world. In 2018 he was awarded an Honorary Degree of Master of Arts from Leeds Arts University. Cunningham lives in the United Kingdom. HEAven No Hell MICHael DEFORGE “One of the most inventive and prolific cartoonists working today.”—Vulture In the past ten years, Michael DeForge of an ordinary person coming to grips has released eleven books. While his with a world vastly different than their style and approach have evolved, he has initial perception of it. The humor is never wavered from taut character stud- searing and the emotional weight lin- ies and incisive social commentary with gers long after the story ends. a focus on humor. He has deeply probed Heaven No Hell collects DeForge’s subjects like identity, gentrification, best work yet. His ability to dig into a fame, and sexual desire. subject and break it down with beauti- In “No Hell,” an angel’s tour of the five ful drawings and sharp writing makes tiers of heaven reveals her obsession him one of the finest short story writers with a haunting infidelity. In “Raising,” of the past decade, in comics or beyond. a couple uses an app to see what their Heaven No Hell is always funny, some- unborn child would look like. Of course, times sad, and continuously innovative what begins as a simple face-melding in its deconstruction of society. experiment becomes a nightmare of PRAISe For MiCHael DEFORGE too-much-information where the young “One of the comic-book industry’s most couple is forced to confront their ter- exciting, unpredictable talents.”—NPR rible choices. “Recommended for You” is an anxious retelling of our narrator’s “Another DeForge classic—tender, favorite TV show—a Purge-like societal depressing, and overflowing with his mind- collapse drama—as a reflection of our melting, uber-satisfying surrealist style.” desire for meaning in pop culture. Each —Interview Magazine of these stories shows the inner turmoil MarCH 2021 • $21.95 USD/$24.95 CaD • 4-COlOr • 6.5 x 9 • 228 pageS COMiCS & grapHiC NOVelS/liTerarY • iSBN 978-1-77046-435-3 • Hardcover Michael DeForge is a cartoonist, illustrator, and community organizer in Toronto, Ontario. Tono MonogaTARI SHigerU MizUki The beloved mangaka adapts one of his country—and the world’s—great works of supernatural literature Shigeru Mizuki—Japan’s grand master challenge of following in their footsteps. of yokai comics—adapts one of the most As Mizuki wanders through Tono he important works of supernatural literature retells some of the most famous legends, into comic book form. The cultural equiva- manifesting a host of monsters, dragons, lent of Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales, Tono and foxes. In the finale, Mizuki meets Monogatari is a defining text of Japanese Yanagita himself and the two sit down to folklore and one of the country’s most discuss their works. important works of literature. This graphic Translated with additional essays by novel was created during the later stage of Mizuki scholar and English-language Mizuki’s career, after he had retired from translator Zack Davisson, Tono Monogatari the daily grind of commercial comics to displays Mizuki at his finest, exploring the create personal, lasting works of art. world he most cherished. Originally written in 1910 by folklor- ists and field researchers Kunio Yanagita praiSe fOr SHigerU MizUki and Kizen Sasaki, Tono Monogatari “Shigeru Mizuki resurrected Japan’s folk celebrates and archives legends from the creatures as pop culture for the masses.” Tono region. These stories were recorded —Matt Alt, The New Yorker as Japan’s rapid modernization led to the disappearance of traditional culture. “Shigeru Mizuki’s excellent little spooky This adaptation mingles the original text comics [are] humorous, satirical, and folk- with autobiography: Mizuki attempts to loric, populated with countless Japanese retrace Yanagita and Sasaki’s path, but ghosts and fairies.”—Satoshi Kitamura, finds his old body is not quite up to the The Guardian feB 2021 • $24.95 USD/$29.95 CaD • B&W • 6.45 x 8.765 • 296 pageS COMiCS & grapHiC NOVelS/MaNga • iSBN 978-1-77046-436-0 • paperBaCk Shigeru Mizuki (1922-2015) was one of Japan’s most respected artists and a forefather of manga. He invented the yokai genre with Gegege no Kitaro and founded the gekiga—dramatic manga—movement with autobio- graphical wartime accounts such as Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths. He received the Kodansha Manga Award, Eisner Award, and the Angoulême Award, as well as the Shiju Hosho Medal of Honor and the Order of the Rising Sun. Shigeru Mizuki was a specialist in stories of yokai. He was a member of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology, and traveled to over sixty countries around the world to engage in fieldwork on the spirits of different cultures.
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