Ukraine vital records available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is complete for these (27) towns Town, record type Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments Aleksandrovka, Chigirin births 1859, 60 2289317, 2289318 Aleksandrovka, Chigirin deaths 1857-59, 61, 62 2289317, 2289318 Aleksandrovka, Chigirin marriages none Aleksandrovka, Chigirin divorces none Berezna, Chernigov births 1875, 77-80, 82 2091571, 2091574, Berezna, Chernigov deaths 1869, 75, 78, 79, 81, 82 2091570, 2161325 Berezna, Chernigov marriages 1875-79, 82 2091571, 2091572 Berezna, Chernigov divorces none Burty, Cherkassy births 1854-62 2289313 Burty, Cherkassy deaths 1855, 58-62 2289313 Burty, Cherkassy marriages 1856-59 2289313 Burty, Cherkassy divorces none Byshev, Kiev births 1854-56 2410368 Byshev, Kiev deaths 1854-55 2410368 Byshev, Kiev marriages 1854-55 2410368 Byshev, Kiev divorces 1854 2410368 Chigirin, Kiev births none Chigirin, Kiev deaths none Chigirin, Kiev marriages none Chigirin, Kiev divorces 1857 2289317 Dmitrevka, Chernigov births 1881 2091570, 2091574 Dmitrevka, Chernigov deaths 1881 2091570 Dmitrevka, Chernigov marriages 1882 2091572 Dmitrevka, Chernigov divorces none Gostomel, Kiev births 1855 2410368 Gostomel, Kiev deaths none Page 1 of 19 Last updated May 25, 2015 Ukraine vital records available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is complete for these (27) towns Town, record type Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments Gostomel, Kiev marriages none Gostomel, Kiev divorces none Ignatovka, Kiev births 1854, 1855 2410368 Ignatovka, Kiev deaths 1854 2410368 Ignatovka, Kiev marriages none Ignatovka, Kiev divorces 1854 2410368 Kamenka, Kiev births 1890-94 2289402 Kamenka, Kiev deaths 1868 2289402 Kamenka, Kiev marriages 1860 2289318 Kamenka, Kiev divorces 1857, 58, 64-66 2289317 2008420, 2008421, 2008474, 2009080, 2009094, 2009915, Kerch, Taurida births 1857-1886 2009923, 2010571, 2041505, 2041506 2008420, 2008421, 2008474, 2009080, 2009094, 2009915, Kerch, Taurida deaths 1857-1886 2009923, 2010571, 2041505, 2041506 2008420, 2008421, 2008474, 2009080, 2009094, 2009915, Kerch, Taurida marriages 1857-1886 2009923, 2010571, 2041505, 2041506 2008420, 2008421, 2008474, Kerch, Taurida divorces 1857-1886 2009094, 2009915, 2009923, 2010571, 2041506 Korsun, Kiev births 1854, 57, 58, 59, 61 2289315, 2289316 Korsun, Kiev deaths 1857, 60 2289316 Korsun, Kiev marriages 1856, 60, 62 2289315, 2289316 Page 2 of 19 Last updated May 25, 2015 Ukraine vital records available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is complete for these (27) towns Town, record type Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments Korsun, Kiev divorces none Kremenets, Ternopil births 1870-86, 88-1906 2086060 through 2086066 1870-78, 1880-87, 89, 90, 92-97, Kremenets, Ternopil deaths 2086060 through 2086066 1900-02, 05-07 Kremenets, Ternopil marriages 1899, 1900-02, 04 2086064, 2086065 Kremenets, Ternopil divorces 1904 2086065 Makarov, Kiev births 1854 2410368 Makarov, Kiev deaths 1854 2410368 Makarov, Kiev marriages 1854 2410368 Makarov, Kiev divorces none Medvedovka, Chigirin births none Medvedovka, Chigirin deaths none Medvedovka, Chigirin marriages 1860 2289318 Medvedovka, Chigirin divorces none 1858, 68, 69, 78-85, 87, 89, 90, 92- 2063515, re-photographed in Mokraia Kaligorka, Zvenigorodka births 1900, 02, 04, 07, 09, 11, 14, 16 2289319 Mokraia Kaligorka, Zvenigorodka deaths none 2063512, 2063513, re- Mokraia Kaligorka, Zvenigorodka 1854-58, 60, 61, 63-86, 88, 90-92, photographed in 2289318, marriages 94-98, 1901, 02, 07, 08, 09, 13 2289319, reorganized chronologically Mokraia Kaligorka, Zvenigorodka none divorces 2289314, 2289315, 2289403, 1845, 46, 48, 50-52, 59. 61, 62, Moshny, Cherkassy births 2289404, 66?, 86, 89. 90?, 93, 191? 2289406, 2289407 1845, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 73, 93, Moshny, Cherkassy deaths 2289314, 2289404 1917, 18 Page 3 of 19 Last updated May 25, 2015 Ukraine vital records available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is complete for these (27) towns Town, record type Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments 1846, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 62, 66, 88, Moshny, Cherkassy marriages 2289314, 2289315, 2289404 95, Moshny, Cherkassy divorces 1846, 59?, 61 2289314, 2289315 Motyzhin, Kiev births none Motyzhin, Kiev deaths none Motyzhin, Kiev marriages 1854 2410368 Motyzhin, Kiev divorces 1854 2410368 Novgorod Severskiy births none Novgorod Severskiy deaths none Novgorod Severskiy marriages none Novgorod Severskiy divorces 1910 2101469 1876-81, 84, 86-88, 1890, 91, 93, 2068071, 2083438, 2087050, Olshana, Zvenigorodka births 94, 95, 97, 98, 1900-03, 05, 06, 09- 2083438 and 2087050 records re- 12 photographed in 2289320 2087050, 2087050 records re- Olshana, Zvenigorodka deaths 1903 photographed in 2289320 2083438, 2083438 records re- Olshana, Zvenigorodka marriages 1902, 03, 04, 09-12 photographed in 2289320 none Olshana, Zvenigorodka divorces Repki, Chernigov births 1875, 76, 79-82 2091571, 2091574 Repki, Chernigov deaths 1875 2091572 Repki, Chernigov marriages none 2091574 Repki, Chernigov divorces none Rzhishchev, Kiev births 2289445 1854 2410368 Rzhishchev, Kiev deaths 1852, 1854 2410368 Rzhishchev, Kiev marriages none Page 4 of 19 Last updated May 25, 2015 Ukraine vital records available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is complete for these (27) towns Town, record type Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments Rzhishchev, Kiev divorces none 2083581, 2087365, 2087366, Shpola, Zvenigorodka births 1857-62, 87, 96?, 1903, 08, 10, 11 2289316, 2289317, 2289319, 2289320, 1854, 55, 57-60 2289316, 2289317 Shpola, Zvenigorodka deaths 18--? 2083581, 2289320 Shpola, Zvenigorodka marriages 1854-56, 58-61 2289316, 2289317 1856, 57, 59-62 Shpola, Zvenigorodka divorces 2289316, 2289317 Tagancha, Kanev births 1855, 59, 61 2289316 Tagancha, Kanev deaths 1858, 61, 62 2289316 Tagancha, Kanev marriages 1855, 58 2289316 Tagancha, Kanev divorces none Topilnya, Kiev births unknown 2087050 See Olshana on this reel. Topilnya, Kiev deaths unknown 2087050 See Olshana on this reel. Topilnya, Kiev marriages unknown 2087050 See Olshana on this reel. Topilnya, Kiev divorces unknown 2087050 See Olshana on this reel. Zlatopol, Chigirin births 185-?, 60 2289317 Zlatopol, Chigirin deaths 1860, 61 2289318 Zlatopol, Chigirin marriages 1858, 61, 62 2289317, 2289318 Zlatopol, Chigirin divorces none 1868-71, 75, 77, 82, 87-89, 189-?, Zolotonosha births 2289320, 2289321 1909 1876, 83, 85, 88?, 91, 92, 93, 97 Zolotonosha deaths 2289163, 2289321 98?, 1900, 17 1874, 75?, 82, 93, 93, 97, 98, 1901, Zolotonosha marriages 2289320, 2289321, 2289322 06, 07 Zolotonosha divorces none Page 5 of 19 Last updated May 25, 2015 Ukraine vital records available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is complete for these (27) towns Town, record type Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments Zvenigorodka births 1899, 1904 2083433 Zvenigorodka deaths none Zvenigorodka marriages none Zvenigorodka divorces none Page 6 of 19 Last updated May 25, 2015 Ukraine vital records images available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is not complete for these (27) towns Town Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments 2154894, 2289161 through 2289167, 2289403 through 1837-1849, 50-62, 64, 67-99, 18--?, Cherkassy, Cherkassy births 2289407, 2289442, 2289443, 1900-1920, 19--? 2291238 through 2291241, 2292949 1837-49, 62-63, 66-68, 70, 72, 79, 2289163, 2289167, 2289403, Cherkassy, Cherkassy deaths 91, 93, 95-96, 99, 1903-04, 07, 17- 2289405, 2289442, 2291241, 18 1909 2292949 2289160, 2289162, 2289163, 1854, 56-62, 65, 68-69, 75-78, 80- 2289166, 2289317, 2289402 Cherkassy, Cherkassy marriages 82, 87-89, 93-94, 18--?, 1901, 05, through 2289406, 2289442, 08, 19--? 2289443 1855-57, 59-60, 62, 67-68, 70, 72- 2289164, 2289403, 2289405, Cherkassy, Cherkassy divorces 74, 81, 87, 89, 93, 94-96, 1903, 2289407, 2289442, 2289443 1916 1875, 77-84, 89-94, 98, 1906, 10, 2091571, 2091574, 2091575, Chernigov, Chernigov births 12-13 2091577, 2101058, 2125338 2101468, 2101469, 2091570 1875-78, 82-84, 87-91, 93-95, 99, Chernigov, Chernigov deaths through 2091572, 2091575 through 1901-03, 05, 06, 08, 13-15, 17-18 209157 1877, 79, 82-88, 94-95, 1901, 2091571 through 2091573, Chernigov, Chernigov marriages 1904-05, 07, 10-12, 14-15, 17-18 2091576, 2091577 Chernigov, Chernigov divorces 1877 2091571 2154894, 2289160 through Dakhnovka records are among 2289167, 2289402 through those for Cherkassy and Dakhnovka, Cherkassy births Undetermined 2289407, 2289442 through Cherkassy district on some or all 2289443, 2291238 through of these reels. 2291241, 2292949 Page 7 of 19 Last updated May 25, 2015 Ukraine vital records images available on microfilm at the Family History Library Ukraine SIG microfilm scanning is not complete for these (27) towns Town Years FHL microfilm nos. Comments 2154894, 2289160 through Dakhnovka records are among 2289167, 2289402 through those for Cherkassy and Dakhnovka, Cherkassy deaths Undetermined 2289407, 2289442, 2289443, Cherkassy district on some or all 2291238 through 2291241, of these reels. 2292949 2154894, 2289160 through Dakhnovka records are among 2289167, 2289402 through those for Cherkassy and Dakhnovka, Cherkassy marriages Undetermined 2289407, 2289442, 2289443, Cherkassy district on some or all 2291238 through 2291241, of these reels. 2292949 2154894, 2289160 through Dakhnovka records are among 2289167, 2289402 through those for Cherkassy
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