Newsletter of the Museum Archives Section Museum Archivist Winter 2011 Volume 21, Issue 1 From the Co-Chairs It has been an exciting year for the Mu- Newsletter editor: Adrianna Del seum Archives Section and we are Collo, Associate Archivist, Met- grateful to the out-going Chair, Lelani ropolitan Museum of Art; Dawson, for passing the torch and ori- enting us to our new responsibilities. Web liaison: Matt Herbison, Ar- Thanks also to incoming members of chivist, Drexel University College the Steering Committee for their will- of Medicine, Archives and Special ingness to serve – we look forward to Collections. working with you! The new officers include: It was great to see both old friends and new faces at the An- Francine Snyder Susie Anderson Chair elect: Leanda Gahegan, Reference nual Meeting in Washington DC Archivist, National Anthropological last August. We had a strong Archives, Smithsonian Institution; turn out of seventy-five members at the business (please see page 4 for a sum- section meeting and presented a full mary; complete minutes are available on Recording secretary: Megan Finn agenda of reports and five-minute re- the MAS website ). Senseney, Archivist for Hire; pository updates, as well as discussing future session topics and other MAS (Continued on page 2) Museum Archives in the 21st Century: Reaching Beyond the Archives Walls By Deborah Wythe archives, are taking advantage of the Deborah Wythe has been head of Digital Collections and Services at the Brooklyn former, but are only just beginning to Museum since 2005. Prior to that she served as Museum Archivist, starting work in think about the latter. 1986 as an NHPRC project archivist. At the Brooklyn Museum, we have a small but highly motivated Technology (This article is an adaptation of part of a whether or not they take advantage of team that is thoroughly committed to paper delivered at the First International online technologies. Efforts of the past community. Shelley Bernstein, our Seminar on Museum Archives hosted by five years or so have brought much Technology Chief, is always looking for the Museum of Contemporary Art at the more information and many digital as- ways to provide information and con- University of São Paulo, Brazil on the topic sets to the people via the Web and tent and at the same time involve, inter- of archives for the 21st century and draws have made everyday procedures and in- act with, and expand our community. on a 2009 SAA presentation about the house interactions much easier through We enjoy two-way communication on Brooklyn Museum’s Flickr Commons pro- network connections. In the meantime, our website as comments and tags open ject.) though, the Web has undergone a revo- connections. On our website and be- lution—really continuing revolutions— yond, we are trying to tie everything Even a decade into the 21st century, transforming it from an information together so that collections, exhibitions, most archival projects still employ tra- source to a place of interaction and research, and events overlap as they do ditional archival principles and tools, community. Archives, including museum (Continued on page 2) Page 2 From the Co-Chairs (Continued from page 1) seems to be on the minds of many mu- tions in SAA (over 900 members seum archivists and was frequently strong!) and represent a considerable Since the meeting, we are pleased to touched upon during our recent survey. knowledge base within the profession. announce that the session, To better address the needs of our “Cooperation Makes it Happen: Collab- members, especially those who can’t Whether you are seeking information oration in Museum Archives,” was se- attend the Annual Meeting and network from your peers or to share accom- lected by the Program Committee for during the conference, we have re- plishments and lessons learned, please next year’s conference. The session was inaugurated the MAS working group to use the Museum Archives section as created from a topic suggested and create a Museum Archives online re- your forum; your experience will bene- enthusiastically received during the sec- source-sharing platform for the section fit us all! Thanks in advance for your tion meeting. It was further developed (for more information, see page 5 for participation – we look forward to en- by MAS members into a diverse panel minutes from the WG meeting). Watch gaging in a lively dialogue with you. discussion featuring archivists who have the listserv for details on how you can participated in a variety of collaborative be involved. Best regards, projects and are eager to share their expertise. An open discussion will con- We would also like to encourage mem- Francine Snyder and Susie Anderson, clude the session. Bring your collabora- bers to take advantage of other re- Museum Archives Section Co-Chairs tion questions, suggestions, and experi- sources produced through the section, ences! We hope to see you there. such as the newsletter, listserv, and Indeed, the theme of cooperation website. We are one of the largest sec- Wythe (Continued from page 1) Brooklyn Bridge for presentation as a ues to grow. “digital collection” on the Museum in real life. website. We provided an email link for Building on that experience, in spring of We look for potential visitors every- the project and soon started getting 2008 Shelley and I started talking about where, and not just those who may messages saying, “look at my cool Flickr Commons, which had launched in come through the doors. Our guiding Brooklyn Bridge images,” which in- January with collections from the Li- principal has been “Go where people spired us to launch a group pool on brary of Congress. We certainly had gather; don’t wait for them to come to Flickr and link it back to the ‘hidden treasures’ ourselves and we you.” As a result, we have learned that “community” tab on the Museum’s were very interested in tagging, a fea- some things are best done on an insti- Brooklyn Bridge page. Within a month ture we planned to use on our own tution’s own website, while others be- we had 99 members and more than 450 collections pages. What did we have long elsewhere. On our website and images. There are now 580 members that stood up to the “no known copy- beyond, we are trying to tie everything and more than 2,600 images. Four years right restrictions” standard and was together so that collections, exhibitions, after launching the project, there is still digitized and ready to go? Thousands of research, and events can overlap as interest in it and the community contin- early 20th century images that we had they do in real life. digitized during our Mellon Museum Archives initiative project: already on Probably the most exciting series of our website, but not getting much traf- projects that reaches beyond the Muse- fic. Metadata was available in an Access um’s website revolves around our use database. A natural fit. of Flickr, the popular online photo man- agement and sharing website. Many Museum Archivist Angie Park zeroed in people think of Flickr as a place to on groups of images to release; first— show friends and family pictures of their things that would make a splash, like latest vacation or their kids Others use scenes of Egypt and hand-colored lan- it as a way to expand their audience as tern slides of the Paris Exposition of a photographer. Our first excursions 1900. I crunched the Access data, ex- into Flickr built on the Museum’s com- ported captions, and created JPG deriv- munity to bring together our collection atives. Shelley uploaded the images, and photographers’ responses to it. added the captions, and defined sets for gradual release. The whole project took In 2006, we launched a METRO grant- only about three months to implement. funded web project to digitize every- thing in the Museum’s art, libraries, and We immediately began getting tags and archives collections relating to the Harper’s Weekly, October 26, 1912, cover. Wythe (Continued on page 3) Page 3 Wythe (Continued from page 2) smaller shows were not documented. Flickr gets indexed really quickly and In one case, a one-man Art School comments from users, along with cor- has a very specific photo-centric audi- show, we were able to acquire some rections and amplifications of our data. ence. If you want website traffic, go images from the artist after he asked This had a big effect on staff workflow, where the people go, and the more that question. since each of those comments and cor- places the better. rections had to be researched and re- Recognizing that we provide a wealth of sponded to. Volunteer Ed McLoughlin Our collections pages are getting more information and links about current worked on research, Angie responded and more integrated. While we shows, from press releases and didac- to the community members and updat- launched the art collections first, in tics to images of works in the show, we ed our internal database, and Shelley early fall 2008, we soon added archives also wanted to provide that kind of made the online data updates. I correct- and library collections as well. A collec- broader context for past exhibitions. ed the occasional flipped image—it’s tions search for “Schenck,” for exam- We scanned and OCRed press releases amazing how many people will immedi- ple, produces images of art objects, and added them to the webpages. A ately notice something like an Egyptian artists, exhibitions, and materials from long-range project is to merge data site where the figures are in the wrong the library.
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