THE DANGEROUS GA (OF THE ECC/END TO END CONSCRIPTION) A CONVERSATION WITH OUR WOMEN AND OUR YOUNG PEOPLE Gabrielle Malan ( A I INTRODUCTION * Reco'«s, T-shirls & bultons • At the end of April this year there suddenly appeared i Meanwhile we have hearri is , in Johannesburg pamphlets from ECC: End Conscrip­ tion Campaign. (Afrikaans END). Afrikaans copies launching out, dislribuling re c o ^ r® ,Campai9n is ions among children and L ^ p o o p i e ^ bUl' W0re ]aAnfded ° Ut by certain young people outside several Afrikaans High Schools on the Reef. ^ -o n ^ E ^ S°P • The pamphlets stated the case of the ECC and invited \ military service and encouranp^h that be,itf,e the pupils to join in a picnic at Zoo Lake. They were st'iption. (See Ecc _ ^ e„aiion cl con- old. You can participate in a campaign for a Just eace at a non-racial picnic. Come along! Join in games kite building, and painting. Come sing along with us! a Americans against the war in V il! War to inf'uence I justness”. My husband and I nam and Question its ® The Picnic during one of the mass strepf 10 NeW York in 1Q67 war. People like Jane Fonda ancM/p3’ h9ld f° profest the We sent an observer and received the following feed­ back. There were no white children. About 200 “• children from Soweto turned up and a number of white leaders. (Note that the leaders were white.) a fte r 2 0 years to his universl i fmm h- r.eC6nt,y returned i Freedom songs were sung and kites were constructed ed the attack. An older and wi J ° h he had launch- and Mandela’s name painted upon them. The so- Jhe students of a new generationfh^h t aCJmitted before called “ Peace-ribbon” was also painted. It was an ob­ further the aims to the Marxists in Am been used to vious attempt at involving Afrikaans-speaking child­ What a terrib,e mistake he had made.03' n° W rea,is' ren with the ECC, even though it did not succeed. i CHURCHES ° Disco’s j I At the end of May we discovered ECC posters near our I to further"1 i n the USA wpre used local High School. They were pasted to garbage bins I unusual in those years to hear™Pa,9.n- 11 was nothing on the pavement. Now the children were invited to par-! text as Matthew 5, only to declaim ™miSter ann°unce his ticipate at a disco. I nam for the next 30 minutes ,he War in Vief' | ___________________________________________ __ _____ • We ourselves heard such a sermon in a church on River­ side Drive in New York. Freeze Move^n'eli"9 ll^em inL5^ 1^ 0^ 1^ ^ PeaCe and in Europe two years aqo undpr Th h Pr° teSt marches In the course of many years the churches in the USA had, than Dead.” 9 U der the banner: “ Better Red, of course, been prepared for this sort of thing by the preaching of the “ Social Gospel” — i.e. a gospel that Let us look at the ECC in SA and thQ- , stresses the horizontal relationship with the world around among our young people and schoolsT ^ pn9erous 9ame us, while the relationship toward God is neglected. campaign against the SADF and SA Policp fh pr0paganda arguments and their deliberate distortion% S u ^ a c t t CAMPUSES The older ones among you will remember that those were the years of great unrest on the American campuses. The CC^NSCRIPTION^IN S A ?T WANTS T° END slogan of the time was “ Make Love, Not War.” This was part of the process to enervate the future 1 mo— ,- « soldiers of the USA. Are we not hearing the same sounds in our own country? emergecMn A r " had ^ Small wonder that the Americans lost the war and gave Vietnam into the hands of the Communists. Shortly after­ ;“ s r SACC s s s e wards Laos and Cambodia also fell into their hands and so a large part of Indo-China was lost to the West. 3 Sash a, its annua, con- ban in that s lm e year ° f° Unded in D^ PIOUS FRAUD j. What appears today like an innocent movement working nesburgWlCape ToL^Durban^Po f p,i-Ve are Johan- for a “just peace” or initiating “ constructive projects” in maritzburg and Grahamstown.’ El,2abeth. Pieter- the community, will be proved tomorrow as the cunning fraud of a hidden agenda to weaken the SADF so that the Marxists can bring about the country’s downfall, as they B?sehops" WCo^feareendc i° rande 1 h ° ^ ' h e S A' Ca,ho,ic did in Vietnam. Nusas. and the student movement 6 Active support is obtained from the SACC (and its Western Province Council of Churches), the SA WHAT LINKS DOES THE ECC HAVE WITH THE Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Anglicans, the ANC/UDF/SA COMMUNIST PARTY? Methodist Church, the UDF, the Black Sash and PFP- Youth. Individuals who support the organization are ^Peter Hathorn, representative of the ECC, said in Nov. ’85 Bishop Tutu, Allan Boesak, Mrs Sheena Duncan, Arch­ in London: ‘‘The ANC is now entering the effective stage bishop Denis Hurley, Sir Richard Luyt (the erst-while of their operations, due to the ECC’s work." vice-principal of UCT), and others. It is obvious from ANC pamphlets that they cannot take over SA on their own. So they must muster support within AIMS OF THE ECC the country. The UDF and the ECC are used for this pur­ pose. The ANC writes: “ Delay your call up, devise tactics 1 To end conscription; of resistance and devote your energies to the most impor­ tant immediate task — building a broad front to oppose 2 To allow citizens of the RSA a choice in doing Na­ the SADF” (ANC pamphlet, June ’85) tional Service with the SADF; They resume: “ Your task is to build organizations which 3 To create alternative projects to National Service, e.g. are able to reach into homes and win comrades for community projects, and organized resistance." 4 To oppose the use of soldiers and National Ser­ The ANC further appeals to the while youth: "White youth vicemen in the black townships. — refuse to be conscripted into the SADF . join the anti­ conscription campaign." FUNDING X"The UDF works closely with the ECC. So the general leader of the ECC in Port Elizabeth is also the regional The ECC is mainly funded by the SACC, which, in turn, ob­ chairman of the UDF, for instance. tains monies from the WCC and other foreign organiza­ tions and churches. (See Aida Parker Newsletter/Apr. ’86) The general leader, Laurie Nathan of Cape Town, has col­ THE UNDERGROUND AGENDA lected funds and support during his travels overseas. The Western Province Council of Churches (WPCC) has XThe moment the enemy (the Marxist) goes underground, already appealed to the National Council of Churches and he works with the concepts of conflict and destruction. the Presbyterian Church of the USA for financial and Thus the ECC supports Swapo and the ANC and they are moral support. trying to persuade the youth to do the same. They said: “ Support the colossal movement, the freedom struggle of the ANC and Swapo, the campaign to isolate the apartheid ° Oliver Tambo of the ANC said on Ethiopia’s Radio regime and the implementation of international sanctions against SA.” Freedom: The ANC is not concerned about those who scream Here we see the true aims of the ECC! Lenin had already for peace, except in so far as we can use them to sow said: "We consider it our duty to support pacifists (those opposed to war) — it will help us to discourage the confusion or even division. Anyone who says that enemy.” “ peace” can be achieved by a peaceful struggle, is ready to capitulate.” (SABC News Commentary on the ANC, 22/5/86) THE AGENDA ABOVE-GROUND As soon as the enemy moves above-ground, he uses flat­ tery and fine-sounding words like “ peace” and “justice” Thus, when the ECC talks about a “just peace” , we should Because these words represent certain Biblical concepts know exactly what they mean by it. to the Christian, the uninformed, gullible person is easily ooled. Christians, especially, should be warned that the HIDDEN AIMS OF THE ECC FOR THE “PEOPLE’S WAR” Marxist means something totally different to what we understand by these words. Years ago the Communists hi­ They project the SADF as a “threat to peace” , since jacked an emotionally charged concept like “ peace” for the SADF, according to them, is used to keep the body their own purposes. When they use the word, they actually politic in power — “ an unjust system.” read it as “the Marxist struggle until victory is won.” So too, should the word “just” be read in this context. In 1979 They want to undermine public support for the armed they already acknowledged that “ there would only be forces. peace when all countries had embraced Communism.” They want to weaken the Security Forces and cast © Winnie Mandela, who works for so-called “ peace” in slurs upon them, especially upon the SADF. SA, said in a moment of truth (when the underground language popped up above-ground): — They want to discourage and destroy the Cadet System in white schools. “ We will liberate this country with our match boxes and our necklaces!” — They want to brand the SADF as the “ military arm” of the Nationalist Party.
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