SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AMENDMENT FILE NO. HA06-027-07 LOCATION OF PROPERTY 2855 Stevens Creek Boulevard (Southwest corner of Forest Avenue and Monroe Street). ZONING DISTRICT Commercial General GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Regional Commercial PROPOSED USE Site Development Permit Amendment to allow two solar canopies above parking for EV charging stations and associated equipment within an existing parking lot on an approximately 22.6-gross acre site. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS Exemption in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(e) for New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures APPLICANT ADDRESS Electrify America 354 Marble Arch Avenue San José, CA 95136 OWNER ADDRESS Westfield Valley Fair 2855 Stevens Creek Boulevard Santa Clara, CA 95050 FACTS AND FINDINGS The Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement finds that the following are the relevant facts and findings regarding this proposed project: 1. Project Description. The project consists of a Site Development Permit Amendment to allow two solar canopies above parking for EV charging stations and associated equipment within an existing parking lot on an approximately 22.6-gross acre site. The project would be replacing existing parking spaces with electric vehicle parking spaces. The project also includes enclosures for the associated equipment. 2. Site Description. The subject 22.6-gross acre site is currently developed with a mall (Westfield Valley Fair shopping center) and is located at the southwest corner of Forest Avenue and Monroe Street). The project area is surrounded by a residential to the north, parking to the west, the. 200 East Santa Clara Street, 3rd Floor Tower, San José, CA. 95113 tel (408) 535-3555 www.sanjoseca.gov File No. HA06-027-07 Page 2 of 9 3. General Plan Conformance. The Envision San José 2040 General Plan Land Use/Transportation Diagram designation for the subject site is Regional Commercial. These commercial areas attract customers from a regional area and play an important fiscal and economic role for the City. This designation is applied to the Westfield Valley Fair regional shopping center located at the northern boundary of the Urban Village. This designation supports a very wide range of commercial uses, which may develop at a wide range of densities. Large shopping malls, and large or specialty commercial centers that draw customers from the greater regional area are appropriate in this designation along with office uses ranging in intensity up to a 12.0 FAR. The project is located within the Santana Row/Valley Fair Urban Village. The subject site is developed with Westfield Valley Fair shopping center. The project would be replacing existing parking spaces with electric vehicle parking spaces. The solar canopies would facilitate the use of the electric vehicle charging stations. The electric vehicle charging stations would support the regional shopping center (Westfield Valley Fair) and their customers. The project is consistent with the following policy of the Envision San José General Plan: Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Source Policy MS-2.7: Encourage the installation of solar panels or other clean energy power generation sources over parking areas. Analysis: The project includes solar canopies over an existing parking area to facilitate the use of electric vehicle charging stations. 4. Zoning Ordinance Conformance. The project site is located within the CG Commercial General Zoning District. Section 20.100.610 of the City of San José Municipal Code states that a Site Development Permit is required prior to the issuance of any building permit for erection, construction, enlargement, placement or installation of a building or structure on any site. The proposed canopies are defined as a structure. Therefore, the issuance of a Site Development Permit is required prior to the issuance of any building permit. a. Development Standards. The front setback requirement is 15 feet. The canopies would have a front setback of over 23 feet. The maximum height is 65 feet. The canopies would be approximately 18 feet high. Therefore, the canopies meet the setback and height requirements. b. Parking. The shopping center requires 7,601 parking spaces. The site currently has 8,328 parking spaces. The project would remove 49 spaces for 14 electric vehicle spaces would be provided. The project would result in a net decrease of 35 parking spaces for a total of 8,293 parking spaces. The project meets the parking requirement. 5. Design Guidelines Consistency. The project is a commercial use and is therefore evaluated under Commercial Design Guidelines. The canopies consist of aluminum poles and solar panels on the top. Pursuant to the Commercial Design Guidelines, the areas not used for the parking spaces and associated equipment would be landscaped. The project would maintain the existing perimeter landscaping and would provide approximately 1,300 square feet of new grass area, shrubs, and vines. Pursuant to the Commercial Design Guidelines, mechanical equipment should be screened from view of the public streets and neighboring properties. The project would conceal equipment behind a metal fence that is painted green and screened with vines. File No. HA06-027-07 Page 3 of 9 6. Environmental Review. Under the provisions of 15303(e) for New Construction of the State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this project was found by the Director of Planning to be exempt from the environmental review requirements of Title 21 of the San José Municipal Code, implementing the California Environmental Quality Acts of 1970, as amended. The categorical exemption includes accessory structures. The proposed project includes the addition of two solar canopies for electric vehicle charging spaces. The project is located in an urbanized area. The subject site is served by public services such as water, sewer, trash and is not in an environmentally sensitive area. Based on the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency, the subject site is in an Urban-Suburban land cover area. Additionally, the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation in that the project meets the intention of the land use designation. 7. Site Development Permit Amendment Findings. Chapter 20.100 of Title 20 of the San Jose Municipal Code establishes required findings for issuance of a Site Development Permit Amendment. a. The Site Development Permit, as approved, is consistent with and will further the policies of the General Plan and applicable Specific Plans and Area Development Policies. Analysis: As discussed in the General Plan section above, the project would support the use of the regional shopping center (Westfield Valley Fair) by providing electric vehicle parking spaces. b. The Site Development Permit, as approved, conforms with the Zoning Code and all other provisions of the San José Municipal Code applicable to the project. Analysis: As discussed above, the project conforms to the development regulations for the Commercial General Zoning District as set forth in Section 20.40.200 of the San José Municipal Zoning Code. The canopy conforms with all setback, height, and parking requirements. c. The Site Development Permit, as approved, is consistent with applicable City Council policies, or counterbalancing considerations justify the inconsistency. Analysis: The project is consistent with City Council Policy 6-30 Public Outreach Policy for Land Use and Development Proposals. A sign describing the proposed project has been posted at the project site since September 16, 2020. A notice of the hearing was sent to surrounding neighbors and property owners within a 500 feet radius of the subject site. d. The interrelationship between the orientation, location, and elevations of proposed buildings and structures and other uses on-site are mutually compatible and aesthetically harmonious. Analysis: The canopies would be located over an existing parking area. They would facilitate electric vehicle charging stations, which would serve the customers of the regional shopping center. The location and orientation of the canopies are compatible with the shopping center and adjacent parking areas. They are compatible with the height and massing of the shopping center. The modern design of the canopy is aesthetically harmonious with the shopping center buildings. File No. HA06-027-07 Page 4 of 9 e. The orientation, location and elevation of the proposed buildings and structures and other uses on the site are compatible with and are aesthetically harmonious with adjacent development or the character of the neighborhood. Analysis: The subject site is located at the southwest corner of Forest Avenue and Monroe Street. The canopies would be would be set back over 23 feet from the front property line. The solar canopies would be located over an existing parking area and would break up an urban area. The canopies would buffer the adjacent properties and residences from the shopping center. The colors and materials of the canopy are aesthetically harmonious and compatible with commercial character of the neighborhood. f. The environmental impacts of the project, including but not limited to noise, vibration, dust, drainage, erosion, storm water runoff, and odor which, even if insignificant for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), will not have an unacceptable negative affect on adjacent property or properties. Analysis: As described above, the project consists of the installation of two solar canopies
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