1948 =::::::,- GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Fair skies and continued moderate temperatures are predicted for today, but the thermometer will owaf1 drop to about 5S tonight. Iowa City, lowa, Thursday, Sept. 12, 1946-Five, Cents WSB Holds F.irm Despite Threat 'of General Strike By T81 ASSOCIATED PRESS from the aclion taken by the acllon:> of one A)' more CMU un- refusal by the hoard to approve ... Ion and the Sailor. Union of the A fight "to the bitter end" was board last night. Ions. " higher walle increases obtllned by PaeUie In free eollectlve bu· pledged last night by leaders ot Earlier, AFL strike leader t le­ While th b board mel in Washing­ the AFL men in collective barllain­ ..alom. eRn only be re,arded a. Ing. In aUaek upon labor'l funda­ striking AFL seamen when the graph d Philip Murray. CIO PI' s­ ton to con~ider wh Ih r 118 Aug. mental rl,hls e erywhere. 'Ve. wage stabilization board refused ident, and WHll30l Green, h d of 23 } Ultng thaI AFL n mu I ac­ M x Korenblatt, chaftman at e pt a $17 .50 r be won by CIO the seamen's joint trike commit­ therd re, ur&,e lbal a %4 · hoar to change Its decision limiting the AF'L, call1ng for Il n tion-wide work loppare be alled by .all wage gains by AFL men to those w~lkout cf union members If the s!lilol's ~houh.l b uph Id or re­ te , said in New York the ttle­ I rsed, AFL stl ik leaders tele­ gr ms were sent l!ter a committee Amerlean Illbor In the event the obtained by CIa sailors. board held firm. grapl tid hllip Murray. CIO PI' s­ meeting. WSB does not reverse Itae1I:' The joint strike committee of Joseph Curran, pre ident at the Id 1 t. nnd William Gr n, head of The telegrams askinll for ijle • • • the Seafarers International union CIO National Maritime union. the AFL, ('Illhng fOr the nationwide work stoppage read: In W hinllton, a cro spokes­ and the Sailors Union of the Pa­ co iled an emergency session of the wolkout if the board held ftrm. • • • man said ther was "absolutely cific sent a telegram to WSB NMU national council to dlscus~ ';I'he heamen's offici lB also "ConUnued refusal bJ t b • no chane " the CIO would order SMILING CHARLES O'NEILL ot Altoona, Pa. (left); representinr co~1 mine operators, and amm"r <:hainnan W. Willard Wirtz de­ Hnatlonal strike action. to be ef­ asked the two nationol union heads w ...e .Iablllaalion board w ap­ such a demonstratlon in tiew of John L. Lewis, head of the United Mine workers, (rlrM), conferred yesterday with Adm. Ben Morreell clal'ing "we are fighting this beef (ective at 8 a. m. Friday morning to wlthdraw their representatives prove the lacre... seeured b, Murray's pOllcy of observlni con­ (center), coal mines administrator, In Washlnrt.on. The &,overnment-called meellnr was desl&'lIed as a to the bitter end and will continue Sept. 13 ." The meeting will be from the WSB In the event ot a lhe eatarers lblernaUonal un- tracts. IlIOn to restore the federally controlled mine!! to private operation. (AP Wlrepbolo) this strike until victo} y is ours." held in New York tomorrow af­ • • • ternoon. * * * • .. * The union leaders earlier had This followed a day-long , trote­ * * * * * * * * * asked national CIO and AFL gy meeting of the committee lor beads to call a nationwide walk­ maritime unity, a group of seven ,Board Offers out U tbe board refused to re­ ulliuns, six of thel'll CIa and on New Independent., to chart a course of sdnd till previous rnling. • • • actftm in connection with the btrll< Chairman Willard W. WIrtz an­ of the AFL unions. Confrao 10 Settle nounced in Washington that the • • • • Claims Allies Let board had voted foul' to two-the A formal announcement pled­ Harmful Propaganda labor members dissentinll--to af­ .ed the "tulle t possible support" firm its Aug. 23 ruling, which set to allY unions aWII ted with the Soft Cool Dispute Enter DP Camps oft the grea test maritime strike in cOllllllittee which ml,ht l.ake the nation's history. "Immedlat strike action and : WASHINGTON (iP)-The coal the operators together in the hope LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. (JP}-F.H. In that ruling, the board de­ raise demands to dlmlllile d~ ­ mines administration handed a they could mpke a private agree- LaGuardia, dil'ector - general of clared that any wage Increase for I'rlmk lory In~ulUes In the In­ able-bodied seamen exceeding the dustry." set of proposals for a new contract menl. UN~A, yesterday backed up Yu- $17 .50 a month given in June to to John L. Lewis and the soft coal Lewis, making no new demands goslav charges that Allied military • • • the CIa unions would seriously The statement pledged that all operators yesterday and asked for the time being, placed the' bur- offitials had permitted the dissem­ weaken the government's wage SUdl unions and their membership them to try it for size. den on the operators to make an illation of propaganda in displaced stabilization pl'ogro)'Tl . of some 200,000 would observe • • • offer. persons camps against the govern- U Lewis and the operators Wirtz said there "is no appeal" picket lines and support any other like It, or can use It as the basis The operators' committee asked ments of Yugoslavia and Poland. for an &4rreement of their own. for a reces.; in the conferences un- In an appeal for speed in dealing til Friday at 2 p. m .• explaining It tbe bUwnlnous coal mines desired to study Moreell's pro- with the refugee problem which which tbe &,overnment has been posals. U~RRA wlll turn over to the OPA Grants Flour Millers operating tor nearly f 0 u r _ntbs can be restored 10 pri­ Moreel said both sides indicated United Nations by next June at vate operation.. they preferred that the govern- the latest, LaGuardia told the • • • ment relinquished control of the economic and social council that Temporary Price Increase . The contract suggestions, based mines. such propaganda had created a on the government's own agree­ Lewis put it thiS way at a news serious l;>roblem. JOSEPH CURRAN (left). president of the National Maritime union. New York, and lIarry BrJdl'etI, ment, signed by ~wis and Sec­ conference which followed the . He. pla<:ed the bl/lme directly WASaJNGTON lIPl-Flour mJlL- now..are lJgper a. empo(ary; ill­ pre~ld nl of CIO 1011.- bOfeolen. all ranclseo, wenl Into a huddle ,estuh, at a p clal meetlnlr 01 10', l'jItary of Interior J. A. 'king end­ closed sessIon between the score ers w re granted a price increase crease or one-cent a loal granted upon the "highest I vel of military committee for maritime unit)'. Curtan declared that hit union would ,0 011 atrlke unl !I the blrber ill8 the 5l1-dpy strike last May 29, o f UMW I es d ers an d th e opera- of 20 cents per 100 pounds yester- In August. pa, 80urht by AFL strikers Is "applied to the wbole Industry," (AP Wirephoto) were' otlered by Admiral Ben tors' committee: autl}ol'ilY" which he said held "dis- day and OPA said the result The agency sold the flour boost Moreell, the coal mines adminis­ "We still would like to know turbing and alarming views" on would be a retail increase of one applies to all millers and brings trator. what the operators have to ofter Ithe qu~stlon of handUng tile 83.0, to two cents on a five-pound increases since Jule 30 to a total U:S. Hits Bulgarian .Moreell, anxiQus to get his al1- in lieu at the existing government 000 displaced persons now , In package of flour . of $1.45 a hundred pounds tor navy staff at nearly 300 enlisted control. As far as we're concerned camps in occupied territory. OPA officials told reporters that PociGc coast areas, and $1.38 for AFL Chiefs Step In !)len and officers back on navy the government is free to return "The Yugoslavs and Poles," he the millers' increase is temporary all olhel' ureas. Claims on Greece tasks again, had called Lewis and the mines tomorrow morning. said: "haVE! been subjected to pro- and should not increase retall The increase is temporary, the . • • • \ paganda that accounts for their bread prices. pricing agency explained, pending I"\It the rovermnent doesn't resistance to returning home." Earlier the price agency raised Paris Representatives compl tion of a cost stUdy includ­ To End N. Y. Strike want to return tbe mines until LaGuardia addressed the dele- Its ceilings on work gloves, cer­ Ing such factors as higher priced Ask Demilitariz.ation Ohio GOP's a new acreement Is slrned. tben gates at the opening meeting of tain cotton rugs, and window and wheat, increased cost of bags, lind responsibility is on the opera- the council's third session aiter picture gloss. the recent return to the customary Along Frontier Line NEW YORK (JPj-Unlon leaders tors to say on wbat terms tbey hearing the Yugoslav represen- Many Celllnrs Off milling extraction rate. pled lied last night that thoulalds would employ the miners. tative, Stane Kl'asovec, demand It also abol,ished price lids 81- PARtS (.IP)-American d legates Temporary A~o of striking AFL truck drivers . Lash Truman, • • • immediate action to restore to together on n widely assor~d list In two statements to the peace "It is plain and simple, There YugoslaVia 167 Yugoslav vessels ranging from razor blades and The increase in cotton rugs Is conference yesterday assailed would return 10 work today as is nothing involved, nothing ob- w/lich he said were held in the television sets to baby carriages a tempora ry one of 15 to 20 per­ Sovi t-support d Bulgarian claims higH officials of the International tuse.
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