If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PUBLIC SAFETY NEVADA HIGHWAY PATROL 555 Wright Way Carson City, Nevada 89711 RICHARD H. BRYAN WAYNE H. TEGLIA Governor (702) 885-5300 Director Mr. Wayne R. Teglia, Director Department of Motor Vehicles & Public Safety 555 Wright Way Carson City, Nevada 89711-0525 Dear Mr. Teglia: I submit with satisfaction the Nevada Highway Patrol's Annual Report for fiscal year 1985/1986 to you, to Governor Richard Bryan, and to the people of the State of Nevada. I say "satisfaction" because large­ scale increases in the responsibilities of the Division occurred and significant progress toward meeting them was made during the fiscal year. "Growth necessitates change" is a maxim which applied to the Division this past year. The 1985 Legislature mandated the integration of the enforcement operations of the Motor Carrier Division with our own and assigned responsibility for establishing the Criminal History Repository to us as well. These requirements, as well as evolutionary changes experienced in the years since 1979, created a need for a complete structural reorganization of the Nevada Highway Patrol. Accordingly, a reorganization plan was developed and implemented. The Division now consists of four major command units, each with a different but equally important role to fulfill in reaching Division goals. The pages that follow summarize the strides taken toward realization of those ends. Approximately two hundred applicants were screened for possible employmant with the Division, with ten candidates eventually selected for training. This group became Academy XXI, the first to graduate from the new Division training facility in Carson City. Shortly after the graduation, Academy staff began conducting in-service training for commissioned members of the Division. The facility itself was expanded, adding three classrooms to enable P.Q.S.T. to conduct training simultaneously with our own. The Commercial Enforcement Section was created by combining our existing personnel with those from the Motor Carrier Division's enforcement detail. With the experience and resources gained the Division expects to reduce the frequency of accidents and other incidents involving motor carriers //q 01) TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER TO THE DIRECTOR •••••••••••••••••.•• eo. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 1 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE •• 0 ••••• It •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 0 ••••• !I • lit • •• 3 NEVADA HIGHWAY PATROL ORGANIZATIONAL CHART •••••••• " ............... 0 ••••••••••••••• eo ••• II ••• " 4 HEADQUARTERS OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ................................ It •••• " • • • • • • •• 5 GENERAL SERVICES BUREAU ••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• 6 geCJlIi~ AUTOMATED SERVICES ••• eo. " if .... II •••••••••• ~"' ....... 0 • • • • • • • • • • •• 7 SUPPORT SERVICES .......... " .. ~l . 6 . .Ret~ ................. III •• 8 TRAINING SECTION ••••.•••• 'A ~~ tJt-sytiON S ............... 9 FEDERAL PROJECTS •••••••••••••••••••• O •••• ~ •••••••••••••• fI ... 10 COMMUNICATIONS BOARD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 FIELD OPERATIONS REGION I •••..••.•.•••.•••••••.•••..•••.•••• 9 ................ 17 REGION II ................ II • " •••••• II •••• It • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 18 REG ION I I I .•••• 0 ••••••• It 0 • " •• ~ •••••••••••••••••• III ••• " • • • • •• 19 COMHERCTAL ENFORCEMENT SECTION •••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• 20 MAJOR INCIDENTS & INVESTIGATIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• 22 SPEer AL EVENTS ••••••••••••••• e ••••••••••••••••••••••••• iJ ••• " •• '" •• " •• 25 STATISTICAL SECTION •• 8 •••••••• 01 ••••••••••••••••• II ••••••••••••••••••• 27 COVER: NEVADA HIGHWAY PATROL FLAG, DONATED TO THE DIVISION BY THE MEMBERS OF THE NEVADA HIGHWAY PATROL ASSOCIATION. operating in the state and to better monitor the shipment of hazardous materials over our highways. Work began on the physical plant required to house the Nevada Criminal History Repository computers. When completed, the system will enable law enforcement statewide to track a particular criminal or identify trends in criminal activity. The Nevada Highway Patrol has always responded with dedication to increased demand for its services and the past year has been no exception. With continued support from you, the Governor and the citizens of Nevada, we look forward to accepting the challenges in 1986/1987 and beyond. incerely, oonel ~~ief Nevada Highway Patrol JHS:PS:pd lleC0.9U1Zlli9 tLai .saft nn~ ettrtltnl L191una~ lralJ~­ porJaiton 15 a matttf" of mrportant Jnttrt~t to all flte pte-pIt ot tltt state, 3n~ thai an a~tquatt hlJhma9 $!lsftm mlfit tftleltut mana9tmmi an~ tonlroI If ¢$smilaI to the gtntral mtlfar~ ot flu ~t-att It IS Ollr purp(B~t:; 'ito :Stn't flu h~Lm89 Uitr:s of fk Aaft; to InSUrt ~att ttonomltaI an~ UllogubIt U~t of tk L19hmags by alIntJatln~ human sutf~r'ln9 nub lo~,$ from moior v~hlele a~el}.¢nts tbra t~ueatlon a~ enfore~ment mt~ W'siftau(:¢ to aJ91neerlu9; to proftef the p¢ott:tul 39'alll:ft 1tlolmet or bt~or:brr; to a$~lst tlto.sst mho art In ~l$trt~" anb to rt,fpttt tk tott$ftfuil0naI n9Lfs of all to hbt:rfy ¢9UaI.ty an~ {UftIttA> (3) .-- ,-- .-- ,-- ,-- .-- ,-L- ,-- .-L r'- r-- ;::c ;::L g. UI :; z ~~ ';, ~~ ila· ig i· !J2; 0 ~i ii..g- UI •• l wl~ W ~i~ '., Ali I. i~ i=;:, r-- i 15 •• •• •• H· ~i mai ·I~ <ltd( -,- -,- '-- '-- 0", T '-r- '-r '-0 - -,- - .- -a: ;1 -' Z;:, ~ d( if! ,L 'IT'" .- ,-L- .-- .-L ,-L ,-- ,L -z ill1 a; ;::1 a:_0 0 ::\I I~ !, OiiI aJ: &~; ~. Oil· ~~ Eh 19l £iU '~t ~il i- i:~ "'I- 0 ~~ hI !~ Hi §i~ HI I;-. :10 0 iS h~ ~~j ~rY H! ~5 U e~ aI' a •• :I'"0 '--J'-- '--•• ~ '-- L.- -,- L-- 0 - '-0 '-0 - 0 ;::L l~5 ~i ~ ~ ~[@ L---i- ..J o ,.--- a: zO l­ 0:': --' e( '"1~ft 0", Q. IU > '--' a: ~ ;:, :r: « Cl a: ~ ;:,'" 111 oCt UI o Z 0 ~ i= UJ « Z a: 0. '"0 ,-- CI -' ••03 1 ii:'" H• ~ ,.--- = r- €U r-- x-· L ,.:- -~ r:- I i' r- zo a>0'" !i1 ",0 ill nl~ IJ Cl:o( III '- '-- <---J -' IIJo ~ ;: r- r-- r- r- Ea a:;:, e51 IUd( O- "'", a -'a: '-- <;:, a: 111 '"Z o'" h ~l Ii -,-'-0-,- H E A D ~ A R T E R S OFFICE OF THE CHIEF The Office of the Chief is responsible personnel and issue new for the coordination of personnel identification cards to eacb administration activites within sworn member. Also during the Division. These duties include the fiscal year the section developing Division Rules and began working on a reclass­ Regulations, policies and procedures ification to bring the ranks regarding personnel administration, of the Commercial Enforcement providing Division dignitary services Section in alignment with that and Division public affairs coord­ of the Traffic Section. ination in accordance with state laws, rules, and guideli.nes, and Recrui tment during fiscal receiving and reviewing complaints year 1985/1986 consisted of against the Division for internal­ one testing period in which affairs investigations. approximately two hundred applicants lo1ere tested, The section is also responsible for resulting in approximately 75 recruitment, examination and back­ background investigations ground investigation of applicants being conducted and the event­ for employment with the Division. ual employment of 10 law enforcement cadets to attend During fiscal year 1985/1986 the the training academy in Office of the Chief worked on January, 1986. numerous projects. With the merger of the Motor Carrier Division's Commercial Enforcement Section into the Highway Patrol Division it was necessary to realign all inentification numbers for sworn COL. James Struemph, Chief Nevada Highway Patrol (5) GENERAL SERVICES BUREAU Personnel of the General Services Bureau (GSB) are responsible for a variety of programs, functions, and operations within the Division. Maintenance of the Criminal History Repository, Management Information System, and other Division computer operations occupy some GSB personnel. Others are concerned with the purchasing of necessary supplies, vehicle fleet management, main tenance of Division records and the State communications network, and training of Division personnel. Federally-funded projects increasingly contribute to Division efforts. The importance of properly developing and reporting these grants is evident and these functions are carried out by GSB. In general, GSB provides Field Operations with the resources Major William Yukish necessary to attain Commander Division goal s. (6 ) AUTOMA~rED SERVICES SECTION This section is responsible for all A contract was granted for computerized functions and data modification of the existing pr0cessing activities within the NHP bunding facility to Divi~ion. The section includes contain the new computer Headqu~rters computer operations, equipment, provide space for data entry, Control Point Officer, the new Nevada Criminal History analysis/programming and, new for Records Repository, and upgrade this fiscal YCAr, Criminal History the power supply to the Records. facility. Work under both of these contracts is currently The section is responsible for two progressing. rna; or compu ted zed s~m terns: The Nevada Highway Patrol t1anagement NHPMIS has remained an ef­ Information System (NHPMIS) and the fective producer of data for Nevada Criminal Justice Information the management of the Highway System (NCJIS). Patrol. Additionally, through participation in MCSAP, the NCJIS has undergone considerable Motor Carrier Safety Assistance change dudng the year. The Criminal program, Commercial Enforcement
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