Sorted by Zone Municipality 1 Bauline 1 Bay Bulls 1 Biscayan Cove 1 Chamberlains 1 Conception Bay South 1 Flatrock 1 Foxtrap 1 Goulds 1 Hogan’s Pond 1 Holyrood 1 Kelligrews 1 Lawrence Pond 1 Logy Bay 1 Maddox Cove 1 Manuels 1 Middle Cove 1 Mount Pearl 1 Outer Cove 1 Paradise (Avalon Pen) 1 Petty Harbour 1 Portugal Cove 1 Pouch Cove 1 Quidi Vidi 1 St. John’s 1 St. Phillip’s 1 Salt Harbour Island 1 Seal Cove (Avalon Pen) 1 Shoe Cove (Avalon Pen) 1 Torbay 1 Upper Gullies 1 Wedgewood Park 1A Bell Island 1A Lance Cove 1A Wabana 2 Admiral’s Beach 2 Admiral’s Cove 2 Aquaforte 2 Bauline East 2 Biscay Bay 2 Brigus Junction 2 Brigus South 2 Burnt Cove 2 Calvert 2 Cape Broyle 2 Cape Race 2 Cappahayden 2 Colinet 2 Fermeuse 2 Ferryland 2 Forest Field 2 Gaskiers 2 Gulch 2 Harricott 2 Kingman’s 2 La Manche (Avalon Pen) 2 Long Beach (Trepassey-Av Pen) 2 Mahers 2 Mall Bay 2 Markland 2 Mitchells Brook 2 Mobile 2 Mount Carmel 2 New Bridge 2 O’Donnells 2 Path End 2 Peter’s River 2 Point La Haye 2 Port Kirwan 2 Portugal Cove South 2 Renews 2 River Head (St. Mary’s Area) 2 St. Catherine’s 2 St. Joseph’s (Avalon Pen) 2 St. Mary’s 2 St. Shotts 2 St. Stephens 2 St. Vincent’s 2 Salmonier 2 Tors Cove 2 Trepassey 2 Witless Bay 3 Adams Cove 3 Avondale 3 Bacon Cove 3 Bareneed 3 Bay de Verde 3 Bay Roberts 3 Bishop’s Cove 3 Blackhead (Con Bay North) 3 Blow Me Down 3 Brigus 3 Bristol’s Hope 3 Broad Cove 3 Brownsdale 3 Bryants Cove 3 Butlerville 3 Caplin Cove (C Bay North) 3 Carbonear 3 Cavendish 3 Chapels Cove 3 Clarke’s Beach 3 Coley’s Point 3 Colliers 3 Conception Harbour 3 Country Road 3 Cupids 3 Daniel’s Cove 3 Dildo 3 Emerald Vale 3 French’s Cove 3 Freshwater 3 Gallows Cove 3 Georgetown 3 Grates Cove 3 Green’s Harbour 3 Gull Island 3 Halls Town 3 Hant’s Harbour 3 Harbour Grace 3 Harbour Grace Southside 3 Harbour Main 3 Heart’s Content 3 Heart’s Delight 3 Heart’s Desire 3 Hibb’s Cove 3 Hopeall 3 Islington 3 Job’s Cove 3 Kingston 3 Lakeview 3 Lead Cove 3 Long Beach (C Bay North-Av Pen) 3 Makinsons 3 Marysvale 3 New Chelsea 3 New Harbour 3 New Melbourne 3 New Perlican 3 North River 3 Northern Bay 3 Old Perlican 3 Orchre Pit Cove 3 Perry’s Cove 3 Port de Grave 3 Red Head Cove 3 River Head (Harbour Grace) 3 Salmon Cove 3 Shearstown 3 Sibley’s Cove 3 Small Point 3 South Dildo 3 South River 3 Spaniard’s Bay 3 Tilton 3 Turks Cove 3 Upper Island Cove 3 Victoria 3 Western Bay 3 Whiteway 3 Winterton 4 Angels Cove 4 Argentia 4 Blaketown 4 Branch 4 Cuslett 4 Dunville 4 Fox Harbour 4 Freshwater (Placentia Area) 4 Gooseberry Cove 4 Great Barasway 4 Jerseyside 4 Long Cove 4 Long Harbour 4 North Harbour (Avalon Pen) 4 Patrick’s Cove 4 Placentia 4 Point Lance 4 Point Verde 4 Rantem 4 St. Bride’s 4 Ship Harbour 4 Thornlea 4 Whitbourne 4A Bellevue 4A Bellevue Beach 4A Chance Cove 4A Chapel Arm 4A Fair Haven 4A Little Harbour 4A Norman’s Cove 4A Old Shop 5 Adeytown 5 Arnold’s Cove 5 Aspey Brook 5 Britannia 5 Burgoynes Cove 5 Butter Cove 5 Caplin Cove (Trinity Bay) 5 Clarenville 5 Clifton 5 Come By Chance 5 Deep Bight 5 Deer Harbour 5 Elliott’s Cove 5 Elliston 5 Garden Cove 5 Georges Brook 5 Gin Cove 5 Goobies 5 Gooseberry Cove 5 Hatchet Cove 5 Hickman’s Harbour 5 Hillview 5 Hodge’s Cove 5 Lady Cove 5 La Manche (Isthmus) 5 Little Heart’s East 5 Long Beach 5 Lower Lance Cove 5 Milton 5 Monroe 5 North Harbour 5 North West Brook 5 Petley 5 Queen’s Cove 5 St. Jones Within 5 Shoal Harbour 5 Somerset 5 Southern Harbour 5 Southport 5 Sunnyside 5 Swift Current 5 Traytown 5 Weybridge 5 Woody Island 6 Allan’s Island 6 Andersons Cove 6 Baine Harbour 6 Bay L’Argent 6 Bay View 6 Beau Bois 6 Best’s Harbour 6 Black Duck Cove (Burin Pen) 6 Boat Harbour (Burin Pen) 6 Brookside 6 Bull Cove 6 Burin 6 Collins Cove 6 Corbin 6 Creston 6 Davis Cove 6 English Harbour East 6 Epworth 6 Fortune 6 Fox Cove 6 Frenchman’s Cove (Burin Pen) 6 Garnish 6 Grand Bank 6 Grand Beach 6 Grand Le Pierre 6 Great Paradise 6 Greeleytown 6 Harbour Mille 6 High Beach 6 Isle Valen 6 Jacques Fontaine 6 Jean de Baie 6 Lamaline 6 Lawn 6 Lewin’s Cove 6 Little Bay (Burin Pen) 6 Little Bay East 6 Little Harbour East 6 Little Harbour (Burin Pen) 6 Little Paradise 6 Little St. Lawrence 6 Lord’s Cove 6 Lories 6 Marystown 6 Merasheen 6 Monkstown 6 Mooring Cove 6 Mortier 6 Parkers Cove 6 Petit Forte 6 Point au Gaul 6 Port Anne 6 Port au Bras 6 Red Harbour 6 Rock Harbour 6 Rushoon 6 St. Bernard’s 6 St. Joseph’s (Burin pen) 6 St. Lawrence 6 Salt Pond 6 South East Bight 6 Spanish Room 6 Terrenceville 6 Toslow 6 Winterland 7 Belloram 7 Boxey Harbour 7 Camp Boggy 7 Conne River 7 Coomb’s Cove 7 English Harbour West 7 Furby’s Cove 7 Gaultois 7 Harbour Breton 7 Head of Bay D’Espoir 7 Hermitage-Sandyville 7 Jersey Harbour 7 McCallum 7 Miller’s Passage 7 Milltown 7 Morrisville 7 Mose Ambrose 7 Pass Island 7 Pool’s Cove 7 Rencontre East 7 Round Harbour 7 St. Alban’s 7 St. Jacques 7 St. Joseph’s Cove 7 St. Veronica’s 7 Seal Cove (Hr. Breton Area) 7 Stone Valley 7 Wreck Cove 8 Amherst Cove 8 Bloomfield 8 Bonavista 8 Brooklyn 8 Bunyan’s Cove 8 Burnside 8 Cannings Cove 8 Catalina 8 Champney’s 8 Charleston 8 Charlottetown 8 Culls Harbour 8 Dock Cove 8 Dunfield 8 Duntara 8 Eastport 8 English Harbour 8 Glovertown 8 Goose Cove (Bonavista Pen) 8 Gooseberry Island 8 Happy Adventure 8 Jamestown 8 Keels 8 King’s Cove 8 Knights Cove 8 Lethbridge 8 Little Catalina 8 Lockston 8 Maberly 8 Melrose 8 Musgravetown 8 New Bonaventure 8 Newmans Cove 8 Old Bonaventure 8 Open Hall 8 Paradise (Bonavista Pen) 8 Plate Cove East 8 Plate Cove West 8 Port Blandford 8 Port Rexton 8 Port Union 8 Portland 8 Princeton 8 Red Cliff (Bonavista Pen) 8A St. Brendan’s 8 St. Chad’s 8 Salvage 8 Sandringham 8 Sandy Cove (Terra Nova) 8 Saunders Cove 8 Shalloway Cove 8 Southern Bay 8 Spillars Cove 8 Stock Cove 8 Summerville 8 Sweet Bay 8 Terra Nova 8 Tickle Cove 8 Traytown (Glovertown Area) 8 Trinity (Bonavista Pen) 8 Trouty 8 Winter Brook 9 Badger’s Quay 9 Benton 9 Brookfield 9 Cape Freels 9 Cape Freels North 9 Cape Freels South 9 Carmanville 9 Centreville 9 Dark Cove 9 Davidsville 9 Deadman’s Bay 9 Doting Cove 9 Dover 9 Frederickton 9 Gambo 9 Gander 9 Gander Bay 9 Greenspond 9 Hare Bay 9 Indian Bay 9 Ladle Cove 9 Lumsden 9 Main Point 9 Middle Brook 9 Musgrave Harbour 9 Newtown 9 Noggin Cove 9 Pound Cove 9 Ragged Harbour 9 Shamblers Cove 9 Templeman 9 Trinity (Centreville Area) 9 Valleyfield 9 Wareham 9 Wesleyville 9 New-Wes-Valley 10 Barr’d Islands 10 Deep Bay 10 Fogo Island 10 Hare Bay (Fogo Island) 10 Island Harbour 10 Joe Batt’s Arm 10 Little Seldom 10 Sandy Cove (Fogo Island) 10 Seldom 10 Shoal Bay 10 Stag Harbour 10 Tilting 10A Change Islands 11 Appleton 11 Back Harbour 11 Baytona 11 Bayview 11 Birchy Bay 11 Boyd’s Cove 11 Bridgeport 11 Brown’s Arm 11 Campbellton 11 Carter’s Cove 11 Chanceport 11 Clarkes Head 11 Cobb’s Arm 11 Comfort Cove 11 Cottlesville 11 Cottle’s Island 11 Crow Head 11 Dorman’s Cove 11 Durrell 11 Embree 11 Fairbank 11 Farewell 11 Gillesport 11 Glenwood 11 Green Cove 11 Harts Cove 11 Hatchet Harbour 11 Herring Neck 11 Hillgrade 11 Horwood 11 Kettle Cove 11 Laurenceton 11 Lewisporte 11 Little Burnt Bay 11 Luke’s Arm 11 Moreton’s Harbour 11 Newstead 11 Newville 11 Norris Arm 11 Norris Arm, Northside 11 Pikes Arm 11 Port Albert 11 Porterville 11 Purcell’s Harbour 11 Rodgers Cove 11 Stanhope 11 Stoneville 11 Strong’s Island 11 Summerford 11 Tizzard’s Harbour 11 Toogood Arm 11 Twillingate 11 Valley Pond 11 Victoria Cove 11 Village Cove 11 Virgin Arm 11 Wild Cove (Twillingate Area) 11 Wings Point 12 Badger 12 Bishop’s Falls 12 Botwood 12 Cottrell’s Cove 12 Fortune Harbour 12 Grand Falls-Windsor 12 Leading Tickles 12 Northern Arm 12 Peterview 12 Phillips Head 12 Point Leamington 12 Point of Bay 12 Red Cliff (Grand-Falls Windsor) 12 Thunder Brook 12 Windsor 12A Buchans 12A Buchans Junction 12A Millertown 12A Millertown Junction 13 Back Cove 13 Baie Verte 13 Bayside 13 Beachside 13 Bear Cove (Baie Verte Pen) 13 Beaumont 13 Big Falls 13 Birchy Cove 13 Bobby Cove 13 Brent’s Cove 13 Brighton 13 Burlington 13 Card’s Harbour 13 Coachman’s Cove 13 Coffee Brook 13 Fleur de Lys 13 Galeville 13 Hampden 13 Harbour Round 13 Harry’s Harbour 13 Jackson’s Arm 13 Jackson’s Cove 13 King’s Point 13 La Scie 13 Little Bay (Baie Verte Pen) 13 Little Bay Islands 13 Lushes Bight 13 Middle Arm 13 Miles Cove 13 Ming’s Bight 13 Nippers Harbour 13 Pacquet 13 Pilley’s Island 13 Pollards Point 13 Port Anson 13 Purbeck’s Cove 13 Rattling Brook 13 Robert’s Arm 13 Round Harbour (Baie Verte Pen) 13 St.
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