—V f J C,, «* ■ 'X • • • V -T K ttfA r, JW 3V-«rif»^ xMki' 1 1 ti~ 1 - rn iiiitTianum < war m x Mmsspshg LS 4 ';, N « i ntWdttiiw ’ : rat Mm Wei* -Birtsd jKanrtfPster lEttrnitts ij^rolb Ju ly 18, 1868 masabera for mission and charlt surveys and audita o( accounting u 1 0 , 6 5 5 Pair, 00*1 tauighL Fair, t s t f studying the word of Jehovsh snd able endeavors in their own dis* Auditors Nced^ syatema, operations, procedures, WiU hesr the prlnclpsl epeech of and internal cnntrols of manufac­ MiuWsr of th* Audit or tomorrew. V v .Itricts. ■ - turing and othdy ■duatrial Bniis B ufiuu at CTreuMMsua the sssembly, ’’ After AnMsgeddon r Iv illfl? t o O P C E O f t . The delegates are io select new By Armed Forces Manchr$ter—^A City o f VUiagm Charm * ^ -.God’s New Worid,” to be deliv­ *■ V © © JippoJecU for the next two years engagsd in Govarnmafit work. In tlM »b««ice or CS»p^ Nor- ered by the Wstch Tower presi­ Some auditora will be required on dent, N. H. Knorr, Sundsy, st 4 from tho many which are being internal audiUiig duUea withiB the mn ilorohoU oT 0>o SolvoUon Miss Emily Klssmann. of Zion submitted lor r their consideration ’The Board o f U. 8. Civil Service (OteoMflod AdvorUafaig on Pago 18) MANCHES'TER. CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1953 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CBNti Army, tho vMpor .m., following s muslcsl progrsm Department of Defenae. v YOL. LXXII. NO. 251 gy the Convention orchestra. Uitheran Church, who has been In Nlgerial Hongkong.---- - ---------Mexico. Examiners, Armed Forces Audit Persona tntaraated In thaae posi- at 7 p.m. in COnUr Pork will l« elected delegate from the Upper India, and olher foreign as well as Agencies, 180 Varick street. New conducted by Rev. Jota R. Neit- Sunday will be ’’Islands of the tlona ahould apply direct to the Connecticut VaUey Zone of the home mission fields. Yerk, N. T., announced today that Board of U. S. Civil Sarvica team - bort, mlnleter of tho Oominunlty Pacific Day," snd speakers are ex­ Lutheran Women’s Missionary Rev. R. C. Muhly, of Twin Falls. It has immediate vacancies fbr pected from Australia, the Fiji inera^Armad Forcra Audit i^en- X Baptist Oiurch. In esse of Leagtie to represent 18 societies at Ida., will speak at the opening auditors with aalapies ranging 180 Varick itreat. Kaw Ybrk, tiu meetlnj will be bcld in the Islands, Hawaii, Indonesia, New the International OonvenUon of service of the convention on the from 35,940 per year to 38,380 per Ike Labels Zealand and the Philippine Re­ T. or may telaphons ALgonquin dtsdel. The morning holiness the League, to be held in Portland. general theme of "Saved to Serve." year. 7700., eXtesiaion 374 for additlanal Bueting St 10:60 wiU be In chsrge public. Ore.. July 28 and 29. will leave to­ Music will be furnished by a mass The present vasancles are loepi Death Claims tnformatlan. o( Col. Edwin J. Perrett of Brook­ Branch servants and representa­ morrow by United Airlines. choir from various parts of Oiygon ed In New York City, Roche^dr, East Reds field street. , tives were listed on the program Mrs. Sadie Fulk Roehrs. of Fort and Washington. ''x N. Y., Boston, Mass., Burlblj R I 6 . $ 6 .5 0 V A L U E S . ....................... • • HOW t4 .tt for reports and speeches on the Wayne, Ind., is president of the Speakers' for other sessions in­ N. J.; and Bridgeport, Cm^i; Crlstoforo Colombo Society of­ other days of. the week, named clude Rev. Carl H. Bensene of ^ ^ e Board of Exaddnme stated organteation, which numbers ap­ 6 U D I0 L I R E © . $ 5 .9 5 V A L U E S ..................... ........ H O W S 4 .4 T ficers will be st the Itslisn-Ameri- "Earth’s “Four Quarters Day.” proximately 140,000 members, in Seattle, Wash., president of the thkt six years acCodnUng or ‘Bankrupts’ esn Club tonight st 8 o’clock to "North America Day." "Islands of 3,400 societies and 3.6 districts, Northwest District; Rev. Amos A. auditing experience ,dre required collect dues, inssmuch ss the next the Atlantic Day," "South America three of them being in Canada, Schmidt, of Portland, executive for these positions, but that a de­ REG. ^4,95 VALUES ........... • • H O W t 3 .7 1 meeting wlU not tske plsce untU Day." ’’Aala Day." "Africa Day” gree in accounting may be subatl- BOUQUETS _ Washington, July 23—(A’j'yfY! and the remainder vin. the .United secretary pf the District; RevjWm. Quanficn, Va,, Jtily-2#—(A’) Bimdsy, Sept. St. and 'TCurope Day." ’ " States, Including Alaska and ii. HlTlmer, of S t Louis; 'Wcr.r tuted for-three jreara o^- the re*- MISHtYCUT — A blood clot in his heart T * quired experience. To be qualify­ REG. $3V95 VALUES .... ...... H O W l i f t According to Mr. Kalina, at­ Hawaii. representing the general Board of took the life of Sen. Charles * ; — President Eisenhower to­ Riv. Jsmes R. Bull of the Tsl tendance at the assembly exceeded Missions; Rev. Werner Kuntx. of ing such experience must have day called the Reds of East 'The two-day convention will be been in the field o f public account­ WOODLAND W-. Tobey, the fiery N ew ; . eottyiile Congregstlonsl Church by over 4.000 that of August. I860, held In the Civic Auditorium in Detroit, secretary o f the Board for R E G . $ 2 .9 1 V A L U E S ...........H O W $ 2 .2 2 Germany, "bankrupts" and snd his fsmlly hsve returned from when the convention was held in .....Foreign Relief; and Mrs. Fred ing or industrial cost accounting Hampshire Republican who: Portland, and it is expected that | Foreign or auditing. Persona having simi­ predicteid eventual "liquida­ Wolfboro on. Lske Winnepeessu- New York. there will be an attendance ofof!Goetz of Cadott. Wise., a promi­ GARDENS used a ready store of Bible: | kee .where they speit^, their vses- nent educator. lar experience In government also 1«8 WOODLAND STREET quotations to fight crime or | tion of the present Commu­ 1.500 women, ’The business pro­ may qualify. TIRRY CLOTH ’ ^ The ,4ir Road Back tlon. gram, however, will be carried out Miss Kissmann will remain in TEL- MI-3-8474 anything else he opposed. > nist dictatorship and the So­ Portland several additional days ’The auditors appointed to these First Army Gives by .300 delegates Important career positions will be Last night, Just two daya a fto r' viet occupation.” A/e John J. Jeffers of Osklshd Open DsHy Until 9 P. M. General Clark '■ Z two major projects for the o take ‘ ^e two ^ . ^ c o n v ^ required to perform accounting hla 73rd birthday, Toboy died at The Pfeaident, here for confer­ atreet. hss been trsnrferred from past biennium, which the Interna-j temrs. to M t ^ H ^ th^ Pullover and Coat the nearby Bathesda (Md.) Naval ences of defense leader*, made Laclclsnd Air Force Bsse. 8sn Blood for Korea tional organization has Just com- River Highway to Mt Ho«m^ the HoapUal of coronary thrombooti. public a message he haa sent to Antonie. Tex., to the Ellington, pleted. ara 370,000 toward the hos- ^ o n d Ha had suffered an attack In his Chancellor Adenauer of West Ger­ Tex., AFB. Office yesterday afternoon. many calling anew for free elec­ P‘tal in Ambur India, and 37.5.000 epend a ^^rS.VfxrithMt^'Murielfew days-with Miss Muriel To meet the recent appeals for for the True Light Chinese Mis SWEATERS "There will never be another tions in Germany and "the forma­ Delays Report Palmer. R.N.. a former resident of Mrs. Frsncls E. Mlney, 34 U n ­ blood, officers, enlisted men and Sion in New York City. In addi­ d » ■ ’ Senator Tobey,” said Senator Ke- tion of a free all-German govern­ Manchester, who is - located In fauver |D-Tenn.), who headed the ment, leading to unification" of y dsn street, returned home todsy civilians of First Army Area posts tion, approximately three times irln , ore " ■' ■ X from the Deseoness Hospitsl in have donated 1,447 pints during these amounU were contributed by Klamath Fslls. ore. REG. $1.69 VALUES .. .v .................... .. H O W | l . l f crime investigating committea on the country. N Boston where she underwent sn the month of June to the American ' which Tobey nerved. Eisenhower said, too, that the Panmunjom, July 25— ( ^ — Military periiqnnel hsadinf f®p operation. She Is getting slong "His outstanding contribution Idea of free elections and unifica­ Red Cross Blood Bank for the White and colors to fit »II he»d sizes. With REG. $2.50 and $2.95 VALUES ...... H O W t l . f f Korea frqjn Japan were ordered to give up a>nis and ammu­ very well. Armed Services In Korea. First on tha committee will be remem­ tion la In no way Incompatible with nition at Tokyo's Tachikawa AUrport tonight a^id mounting Army Headquarters announced to­ or Without chin straps. bered around tha nation," Kefau- creation of the E\iropean Defense George Wtllisms of this town day. REG. $3.95 VALUES ............... ................. H O W $ l . l f ver added. "People always re­ Community, which provides for a reports that a Korean truce may be signed withid a matter NOTICE ^ of hours. An important annpifhce-'------------------ - will plsy the pert of Dr. McPhsll in In addition to the above. Fort NOTICE sponded to him after hla stern lec­ European army Joining the forces the presentstion of "Rsin” st the ture*." fieaater Chnrlee W.
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