13 Posters sessions Monday 23 July, 11.00am2.45pm Topic A Precision measurements 01 Atom interferometry Mo001 A digital atom interferometer with single particle control 57 Mo002 Interferometry with chip based atom lasers 57 Mo003 Precision interferometry with BoseEinstein condensates: toward a new measurement of the ne structure constant 58 Mo004 Quantum feedback control of atomic coherent states 58 Mo005 A novel cavitybased atom interferometer 59 Mo006 Coherent population transfer of cold 87 Rb atoms by counterintuitive light pulses 59 Mo007 Quantum Ramsey interferometry 60 Mo008 The generation of entangled matter waves 60 Mo009 An optical ionizing time-domain matter-wave interferometer 61 Mo010 Highsensitivity large area atomic gyroscope 61 Mo011 Design of novel cold atom gravimeter integrated on chip and study of its theoretical performances 62 02 Atomic clocks Mo012 Suppression of the blackbody radiation shift in atomic clocks 62 Mo013 Magic radiofrequency dressing of nuclear spins in optical atomic clocks 63 Mo014 Optical pumping and spin polarisation in a Cs atomic fountain 63 Mo015 A mobile atomic frequency standard with cold atoms 64 Mo016 Laser excitation of 8eV electronic states in Th +: a rst pillar of the electronic bridge 64 toward excitation of the Th229 nucleus Mo017 Portable frequency standard with strontium in optical lattices 65 Mo018 A neutral mercury optical lattice clock 65 Mo019 87 Sr lattice clock as a reference for the characterization of a Ca+ ion clock 66 15 Precision measurements and tests of fundamental physics Mo020 Precise measurement of vibrational frequencies of 174Yb 6Li molecules in an optical lattice; toward the test of variance in mp/me 66 Mo021 Phase noise of an atom interferometer for equivalence principle test in space 67 Mo022 Towards realization of the EPR experiment for atoms created via molecular dissociation in pulsed supersonic beam 67 Mo023 High precision atomic gravimetry with Braggbased beam splitters 68 Mo024 Thermal eects in the CasimirPolder interaction 68 Mo025 The gfactor of hydrogen and lithiumlike silicon 69 Mo026 New perspectives on the search for a parity violation eect in chiral molecules 69 Mo027 Heralded entanglement between widely separated atoms 70 Mo028 Determination of the ne structure constant and test of the quantum electrodynamics 70 Mo029 Development of a double MOT system and spectroscopy of iodine molecule at 718 nm toward the electron EDM measurement 71 Mo030 Direct measurement of the proton magnetic moment 71 Mo031 Intracavity twophoton spectroscopy and a potential handsize secondary frequency standard 72 Mo032 Towards the absolute calibration of the reference line for muonium 1S2S spectroscopy 72 Mo033 Imaging the buildup of a quantum interference pattern of massive molecules 73 Mo034 Electric dipole moments and parity violation in atoms and molecules 73 Mo035 Precision magnetometry with spinpolarized xenon: toward a Neutron EDM comagnetometer 74 14 Topic A Precision measurements 19 Spectroscopy Mo036 Large scale CIV3 calculations of nestructure energy levels and lifetimes in co XIV 74 Mo037 Relativistic eects on the hyperne structures of 2 p4(3P)3 p 2Do, 4Do, 2Po in F I 75 Mo038 Dual frequency comb spectroscopy in the near IR 75 Mo039 Theoretical and experimental study of polarization selfrotation for Dopplerbroadened rubidium atoms 76 Mo040 Observation of enhanced transparency by using coherent population trapping than typical EIT system in the Rb cell 76 Mo041 Nonlinearly optical generation of atomic dispersive lineshape to laser frequency stabilization. 77 Mo042 Singletstate spectroscopy of the negatively charged nitrogenvacancy center in diamond 77 Mo043 Photoionization microscopy 78 Mo044 Photon recoil heating spectroscopy of metal ions 78 Topic B Ultracold gases 06 Bose gases Mo045 Experimental techniques for studying two-dimensional quantum turbulence in highly oblate BoseEinstein condensates 79 Mo046 Beliaev theory of spinor BoseEinstein condensates 79 Mo047 Trap loss of ultracold metastable helium: nonexponential onebody loss and magneticelddependent two and threebody loss 80 Mo048 Quantum criticality of spin1 bosons in a 1D harmonic trap 80 Mo049 Measurement of momentum distribution of one dimensional quasiBEC using focusing techniques 81 Mo050 Feshbach spectroscopy of an ultracold 85 Rb- 133Cs mixture 81 Mo051 Quantum tricriticality and phase transitions in spinorbit coupled BoseEinstein condensates 82 Mo052 Melting of fractional vortex lattice in a rotating spin1 antiferromagnetic BoseEinstein condensate at nite temperatures 82 Mo053 BoseEinstein condensate in a highly anisotropic dressed quadrupole trap 83 Mo054 Quantum and thermal transitions out of the pairsupersolid phase of twospecies bosons in lattice 83 Mo055 BoseEinstein condensation in quantum crystals: the quest of supersolidity 84 Mo056 Quantum Monte Carlo study of a resonant BoseFermi mixture 84 Mo057 NonAbelian spin singlet states of bosons in articial gauge elds 85 Mo058 Conned pband BoseEinstein condensates 85 Mo059 Negative magnetoresistance in disordered ultracold atomic gases 86 Mo060 Faraday imaging of BoseEinstein condensates 86 Mo061 Ab initio stochastic description of 5 uctuating quasicondensate experiments 87 Mo062 Prethermalization in an isolated manybody quantum system 87 Mo063 Thermodynamic analysis of a trapped BEC using global variables 88 Mo064 A 1D Bose gas in a box trap on an atom chip 88 Mo065 Vortex dipole in a dipolar Bose Einstein condensate 89 Mo066 A mesoscopic gas of spin 1 bosons 89 Mo067 First and second sound in an ultracold Bose gas 90 Mo068 Time averaged optical traps with an all optical BEC 90 Mo069 Breathing oscillations of a trapped impurity in a Bose gas 91 Mo070 Healinglength scale control of a BoseEinstein condensate’s wavefunction 91 Mo071 A spin Hall eect in ultracold atoms 92 Mo072 The roles of the two zero and adjoint modes in the dynamics of dark soliton 92 Mo073 Mode competition in superradiant scattering of matter waves 93 Mo074 Nucleation of vortices in a Bose Einstein Condensate 93 Mo075 Nonequilibrium dynamics of an unstable quantum manybody pendulum 94 15 Topic B Ultracold gases 09 Dipolar gases Mo076 Nonadiabatic preparation of spin crystals with ultracold polar molecules 94 Mo077 Thermodynamics of Spin 3 ultracold atoms with free magnetization 95 Mo078 BoseEinstein condensation of erbium 95 Mo079 Quantum phases and anomalous hysteresis of dipolar Bose gases in a triangular optical lattice 96 Mo080 Properties of ultracold ground state LiCs molecules 96 Mo081 Formation of ultracold fermionic NaLi Feshbach molecules 97 Mo082 Soliton lattices in dipolar BoseEinstein condensates 97 10 Fermi gases Mo083 Spininjection spectroscopy of a spinorbit coupled Fermi gas 98 Mo084 Towards local probing of ultracold Fermi gases 98 Mo085 Mesoscopic transport of ultracold fermions through an engineered channel 99 Mo086 Two-component Fermi gas of unequal masses at unitarity: a quantum Monte Carlo approach 99 Mo087 An impurity in a Fermi sea on a narrow Feshbach resonance: a variational study of the polaronic and dimeronic branches 100 Mo088 Fermionic Qfunctions 100 Mo089 Topological phase transition and majorana fermions in spinorbit coupled Fermi gases 101 Mo090 Revealing the superuid lambda transition in the universal thermodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas 101 Mo091 Spindepairing transition in one-dimensional two-component Fermi gases 102 Mo092 Higher order longitudinal collective oscillations in a strongly interacting Fermi gas 102 Mo093 Towards strongly repulsive fermionic potassium 103 13 Optical lattices Mo094 Anomalous concentration of atoms in standing light wave 103 Mo095 Kleintunneling of a quasirelativistic BoseEinstein condensate in an optical lattice 104 Mo096 Negative absolute temperature for motional degrees of freedom 104 Mo097 Tunable gauge potential for spinless particles in driven lattices 105 Mo098 Robust critical states appear in ultracold atom gases 105 Mo099 Strong suppression of transport due to quantum phase slips in 1D Bose gases 106 Mo100 Generation of tunable correlated atom beams in an optical lattice 106 Mo101 Dynamic structure factor of BoseBose mixtures in an optical lattice 107 Mo102 Optical ux lattices for ultra cold atoms using Raman transitions 107 Mo103 Nonequilibrium dynamics, heating, and thermalization of atoms in optical lattices 108 Mo104 Reservoirassisted band decay of ultracold atoms in a spindependent optical lattice 108 Mo105 One-way quantum computation with ultranarrow optical transition of 171Yb atoms 109 Mo106 Highresolution optical spectra of bosonic ytterbium atoms in an optical lattice: Comparison between numerical calculations and experiments 109 Mo107 Analysis for diusion of fermion in optical lattice by lattice oscillation 110 Mo108 A diusion Monte Carlo approach to boson hardrods in 1D optical lattices 110 Mo109 Phase diagram of 1D fermionic optical lattices with spatially alternating interaction 111 16 Topic C Quantum 16 Quantum information Mo110 Highrate entanglement of two ions using single photon detection 111 Mo111 Heralded photonic interaction between distant single ions 112 Mo112 Development of iontrap technologies for quantum control of multispecies ion chains 112 Mo113 Coherent manipulation of optical properties in a hot atomic vapor of helium 113 Mo114 Longlived qubit from three spin1/2 atoms 113 Mo115 Adiabatic passage at Rydberg blockade for singleatom loading and quantum gates 114 Mo116 An elementary quantum network of single atoms in optical cavities 114 Mo117 Addressable
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