E1482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 30, 2018 Celano’s retirement from the Tustin Police De- vated to the position of General in the Royal RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING partment. Lao Army. SERVICE OF MR. CHARLES SHAW Over the twenty-seven years Chief Celano Currently, Captain Nao Shoua Xiong of has served the City of Tustin, he has been an Wausau, WI leads the WLVA as their presi- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS outstanding leader during his four years as dent, and has been at the forefront of assist- OF FLORIDA Chief of Police. ing the Hmong community in all aspects of life IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During his tenure, Chief Celano oversaw the in Wisconsin. Tuesday, October 30, 2018 creation of the award-winning Neighborhood On behalf of the residents of Wisconsin’s Improvement Task Force, and led the depart- 7th Congressional District, I would like to Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, it is my great ment through the Commission on Accredita- thank the Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America honor to rise today and recognize the achieve- tion for Law Enforcement Agencies national for their service to our country and our com- ments of Mr. Charles ‘‘Chuck’’ Shaw, an edu- accreditation process, making Tustin Police munity. cator, public servant, community leader, and Department the eleventh in the State of Cali- distinguished resident of Palm Beach County, Florida. Mr. Shaw has dedicated 55 years of fornia to hold such a distinction. f service to his community and has played a Chief Celano is one of the finest members HONORING TREVINO’S AUTO MART pivotal role in the success it enjoys today. For of our Orange County community and I am his outstanding work, the Kiwanis Club of confident he will find success in the next chap- HON. VICENTE GONZALEZ Westside, West Palm Beach will be presenting ter of his life. OF TEXAS Mr. Shaw with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Shaw is originally from Martinsburg, lating Chief Celano on an outstanding career West Virginia, but moved to Florida with his serving the City of Tustin. I wish him the abso- Tuesday, October 30, 2018 family when he was five years old. He grad- lute best. Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I uated from Forest Hill High School in 1966 f rise today to recognize Trevino’s Auto Mart, a and later earned both a bachelor’s and mas- TRIBUTE TO LOU AND ALVIN family owned business in McAllen that, for thir- ter’s degree in Education from Florida Atlantic BARKER ty years, has been a model small business. University. Throughout its tenure, Trevino’s Auto Mart has In 1970, Mr. Shaw began his career in edu- survived periods of economic instability and cation as a teacher at Berkshire Elementary HON. DAVID YOUNG fierce competition. School, where he served for six years before OF IOWA In 1988, Trevino’s Auto Mart had just two becoming Assistant Principal at North Grade IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cars on its lot. Now, after years of hard work Elementary and then Principal of Westward El- Tuesday, October 30, 2018 and providing quality service, Trevino’s Auto ementary. He also served as Principal of Mart has nearly eighty cars and has earned Northboro Elementary, Okeeheelee Middle Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise the respect of many in the Rio Grande Valley School, and the new Greenacres—Liberty today to recognize and congratulate Lou and and across the state of Texas. Park Elementary school, where he was the Alvin Barker of Bedford, Iowa, on the very As a member of the National Independent first person ever to serve as Principal. Mr. special occasion of their 70th wedding anni- Automobile Dealers Association, Trevino’s Shaw was later appointed at the district level versary. Auto Mart has demonstrated its commitment as Area Superintendent, Department Head, Lou and Alvin’s lifelong commitment to each and Director of Governmental Relations. Dur- to upholding an unparalleled standard of eth- other and their family truly embodies our Iowa ing his tenure in these important positions, he ics. Finally, as the only independent dealer values. As they reflect on their 70th anniver- lobbied at the state and federal levels for adult with a partnership with BBVA Compass, sary, may their commitment grow even strong- and community education. Trevino’s Auto Mart has shown that it too can er, as they continue to love, cherish, and Mr. Shaw’s dedication to youth development compete for more business and clients. honor one another for many years to come. extended beyond school administration. He Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to represent the served for 25 years as the President of the on their 70th year together, and I wish them hardworking individuals at Trevino’s Auto Mart Palm Beach County Youth Football League, many more. I ask that my colleagues in the and recognize this second-generation family the Palm Springs Athletic Association, and the United States House of Representatives join owned business for its three decades of suc- Lake Worth Bronco and Pony League. For his me in congratulating them on this momentous cess in the 15th District of Texas. contributions, he was nominated and inducted occasion and in wishing them both nothing but f into the Palm Beach County Sports Hall of continued success. Fame. In 1988, Mr. Shaw was elected to the LUNCH AND LIFE PROGRAM f City Council for the Town of Greenacres, Flor- ida. He served 22 years and was appointed to HONORING THE LAO VETERANS OF HON. ED PERLMUTTER serve as Deputy Mayor. Mr. Shaw also served AMERICA OF COLORADO on the board of Trustees Florida Education In- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vestment Trust, the Florida Labor Relations Board, and the Palm Beach County Safety Pa- HON. SEAN P. DUFFY Tuesday, October 30, 2018 OF WISCONSIN trol Board. In 2012, he was elected to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Palm Beach County School Board and re- today to recognize and applaud the Lunch and elected in 2016; he currently serves as Chair- Tuesday, October 30, 2018 Life Program for receiving the Golden Mayor’s man. Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, I proudly rise Award for Excellence. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize and today to honor the Wisconsin Lao Veterans of From its humble beginnings of about six stu- thank Mr. Charles ‘‘Chuck’’ Shaw for his dedi- America, Inc. (WLVA), an organization found- dents in 2000, the Lunch and Life Program cation to the education, mentoring, and per- ed in 1991 to serve the Lao Veteran commu- has grown to become one of the primary con- sonal development for the youth of Palm nity in Wisconsin by advancing the opportuni- nections between Mines students, Calvary Beach County. I wish him many more years of ties and recognition for those who fought in Episcopal Church, and the Golden community. continued success. the CIA’s secret war in Laos. During the fall and spring semesters, several f This organization has been instrumental in hundred students and members of the Golden ASKING NICELY WILL NOT MAKE helping the Hmong-Lao veterans to adjust to community from different countries and walks RUSSIA COMPLY WITH THE INF life in the United States, and has shaped their of life, come together to enjoy a homemade TREATY experience here in Wisconsin through assist- meal and great hospitality. To date, more than ance in assimilation, recognition, and societal 26,000 meals have been served to students, advancement. thanks to the ongoing contributions of about HON. TED POE OF TEXAS WLVA was founded in 1991 by General 20 hardworking volunteers in the community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Yang Pao, who was the commander of the I congratulate the Lunch and Life Program ‘‘Secret Army’’ which was conscripted by the for receiving this well-deserved honor by Tuesday, October 30, 2018 CIA to fight against the People’s Army of Viet- Mayor Marjorie Sloan. I thank them for their Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, since 2014, nam. He was the only ethnic Hmong to be ele- contributions to our community. the Russian Federation has been in violation VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:33 Oct 31, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30OC8.035 E30OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS October 30, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1483 of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces First World War, Putin today is rearming the that prompted Moscow to sign the INF Treaty (INF) Treaty. Despite four years of patience Red Army and attempting to undo the humilia- in 1987 in the first place. We must do this and asking nicely, the Kremlin doubled-down tion Russia experienced with the collapse of again. In this dangerous new era of great on its aggressive development of dangerous the Soviet Union. American political, eco- power rivalry, we cannot rely on Russian new nuclear delivery systems. Just in March, nomic, and military strength—along with the goodwill, but rather American strength. Putin unveiled several new nuclear weapons persistent rise of democracy among the former And that’s just the way it is. featuring simulated displays of strikes on the Soviet republics—have always stood in the f United States homeland. These provocative way of Putin’s grand ambitions. As have the acts and renewed Russian aggression dem- treaties that his predecessors signed with the TRIBUTE TO ELLEN AND TOM onstrate we are in a new Cold War where we United States, which Putin sees as a major CAMPBELL cannot be handicapped by agreements Putin source of the Soviet demise.
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