SM ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Non-Profit ed THE TRINITARIAN U.S. Postage vid P A I D o 6413 S. ELATI ST. Permit No. 5377 LITTLETON, CO 80120 Denver, CO /11 vices taking ANE ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED oyed, he added. oyed, uerto Rico and the aría is located. For- lost homes, especially to Rico with 200mph e ch building was spar anta M uer been destr iocese of P e D The parish has also been pr oads impassable, life continues s ch of S ’ for Continuing Anglicans on the the chur d , Please see HURRIC ed water damage, but has continued ore than month after Hurricane Mary than month after Hurricane ore ches hav arishioners hav HURRICANE M Alto sus- Trujillo mission in The ACA still without water and/or are areas Many The cathedral church of Justo y Pastor of Justo The cathedral church P DEVASTATES PUERTO RICO PUERTO CHURCHES IN slammed into P the electric grid and mak- winds, destroying ing many r to be har damage. tained water damage, with ser Tony Deacon place in the home of the Rev. parishioners lost the Many de la Fuente. of their homes. roofs is said. Distribution Garcia Bishop power, accu- are he noted. Supplies also a problem, mulating at ports of entry because comput- and all paperwork unreliable must ers are U.S. island commonwealth. suffer Juan to hold services, the Rt. Rev. reports of the Anglican Church Bishop B. Garcia, in America ing spiritual support for people whose chur the Limin, where of Querada in the area parish chur tunately Caribbean. /16 JIM SIEBOLD DREAM FULFILLED A .ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/ANGLICANCATHOLICCHURCH THOLIC ADOR: STORIES AND STORIES PHOTOS/3-7 ECU TRINITARIAN .ANGLICANCA OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH / NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2017 CHURCH / NOVEMBER-DECEMBER ANGLICAN CATHOLIC THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF WWW THE ANGLICAN JOINT SYNODS • OCT.2-6,THE 2017 ‘WE ARE NOW ONE’ NOW THE 2 THETRINITARIAN NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2017 METROPOLITAN’S MESSAGE THETRINITARIANSM VOL. XXXVI, NO. 6 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2017 ‘FORTY YEARS LONG…’ THETRINITARIAN, the Official Gazette of the Anglican EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is Archbishop Haverland’s munion with those three Churches, and recommends that Catholic Church, was first published in April 1979 as the of- charge to the XXII Provincial Synod on Oct. 4, 2017 in this Synod ratify our actions symbolically by accepting the ficial voice of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity. In 1982, it be- Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Ecumenical Relations Department report. came a churchwide publication of The Anglican Catholic • As I have said recently in THETRINITARIAN, this hap- Church. Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, py development is not a panacea. It will not make dysfunc- It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known tional parishes suddenly successful or inadequate priests PUBLISHERS The College of Bishops my ways; unto whom I sware in my wrath, that they should competent. Failure can be pooled and extended. But the real- not enter into my rest. [Psalm 95.10-11] ity is that the certain trumpet of Continuing Anglican wit- EDITOR ness has been muted by our past divisions. Too often efforts John Omwake n the Name of the Father, and have been wastefully duplicated, rival parishes have weaken- P.O. Box 6785 of the Son, and of the Holy ed each other, and unscrupulous persons have evaded reason- Christiansburg,VA 24068-6785 Ghost. Amen. able control or discipline by jurisdiction-hopping. All four Phone: (540) 381-3517 A Roman Catholic theolo- of our Churches have some strong parishes, able bishops, Email: [email protected] I gian of my acquaintance once said of effective parish priests, and resources, and in many cases our BUSINESS/CIRCULATION/ the late Father Andrew Greeley, for strengths should prove to be complementary and mutual- ADVERTISING MANAGER whom my acquaintance did not have ly reinforcing. It is my hope and my expectation that grow- Paul Holmes a high regard, that Andrew Greeley ing unity will encourage growth in a synergistic fashion. 6413 S. Elati St. never had an unpublished thought. Now let me return to the fortieth anniversary of the Littleton, CO 80120 I am not quite that bad, but some of Congress of St. Louis. The tremendous hope and enthusi- Phone: (303) 798-6948 you at least will know at least some- asm which marked the Congress led to a sad history of di- FAX: (303) 798-9435 Email:[email protected] thing about my pet peeves and the- vision, squabbling, and confusion. We do not need to re- ological opinions. One of them is THE MOST REV. hearse the reasons, nor do we need to parcel out blame. There SUBSCRIPTION POLICY my dislike for the use of the American MARK were many good people, much sincere effort, and — yes — THETRINITARIAN is published in two editions — print confection called the Venite, exulte- much solid and lasting achievement. But we decidedly failed and digital.They are identical in content and appearance.An- mus, in substitution for Psalm 95. HAVERLAND to rebuild an attractive, compelling, successful and united nual subscription rates are US$22 for the digital edition Psalm 95 is the canticle used in the Continuing Church. Our potential too often was squander- only, US$25 for the print edition only, and US$28 for both pre-Reformation office of Matins and is used in every An- ed. It’s as if the children of Israel, after crossing the Red Sea, editions. Rates outside the USA are slightly higher; for spe- cifics, kindly contact the Circulation Manager.Additional do- glican Prayer Book save the American. But in addition to had deposed Moses, split into half a dozen parties, headed nations above the subscription rates are greatly appreciat- its firm place in tradition, there are several reasons to pre- in half a dozen directions, none of which carefully heeded ed, and are tax-deductible for U.S. readers under the provi- fer Psalm 95 to the alternative. For one thing, Psalm 95 is the pillar of fire or the cloud of smoke. Yet somehow we have sions of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Act of the an actual psalm, while the other is not. For another, chap- found our way to more or less the same destination, now United States of America. ters 3 and 4 of the Epistle to the Hebrews contain an exten- convinced that either we must grow more and more togeth- sive meditation upon Psalm 95, which is particularly pertin- er or wither apart. Bulk rate is US$2 per copy, payable in advance. For rates ent to morning prayers and daily self-examination. I would like to assure you that in the last year, as the lead- outside the USA, kindly contact the Circulation Manager. Perhaps most importantly, however, my text from this ers of our four Churches have had monthly conversation, ARTICLES AND PHOTOS psalm, with its reference to Israel’s forty years in the wilder- we have operated by consensus. On a number of occasions Due to increased postal costs, articles and photographs will ness contains one of those rich themes which weave togeth- issues have arisen which could have ended our cooperation not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, er several layers of the Old Testament with both our Lord’s or might at least have blunted the degree of our agreement. stamped envelope. life and gospel and also the history and calendar of the On such occasions we have always decided to move forward ____ Church. In addition to the forty years of the Exodus, we together, adopting the position that was necessary to per- The presence of an advertisement in THETRINITARIAN have Psalm 95’s reflection upon that and then Hebrews’ reca- mit such unity. This approach has not meant the compro- does not necessarily imply that the product or service has pitulation of that reflection. We might add the forty years mise of essential principles, but rather the opposite. Nothing the endorsement of the newspaper’s Publishers, the ACC of the reigns of David and Solomon, the forty days of Noah’s essential has been sacrificed, and all of us have agreed that College of Bishops. flood and of Elijah’s journey to Sinai, our Lord’s forty-day the Affirmation of Saint Louis, imperfect though it may be, ____ fast, the forty days of his Resurrection appearance, and the sets the essential parameters for our agreement and cooper- Send news and photos to: P.O. Box 6785, Christiansburg, annual Lenten fast. Of course we know that forty is a con- ation. That is, we returned to our initial position before the VA 24068-6785,or email to [email protected]. ventional biblical figure for “many,” for a long period, and, splitting and fussing began. To return to my image of the in the case of forty years, for a full generation. But a surpris- Exodus, it is as if we agreed that the Ten Commandments Send circulation, change of address and advertising ing number of these examples of biblical and ecclesiastical will do after all and then decided to resume our journey correspondence to: 6413 S. Elati St., Littleton, CO 80120. forties — in fact all of them apart from the forty days be- together. tween Easter and the Ascension — involve periods of test- The result will be, as I keep saying, a Church that will DEADLINES FOR NEXT ISSUE ing and trial, penitence, and even punishment. Forty is “the be big enough that we probably will find that it includes Editorial: December 18, 2017 Advertising: December 15, 2017 day of temptation in the wilderness,” when man usually errs some people we don’t like.
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