2014 Harrow/OLA Peewee Provincial Championship PEEWEE 'B' Round-Robin in each Group (3 games each). Top two teams in each Group advance to single elimination round Group 1: Owen Sound Orillia 1 Beaches 1 Newmarket 2 Group 2: Hamilton 1 W.Durham Six Nations 2 Clarington 2 Group 3: Guelph 1 Newmarket 1 Milton 1 K-Waterloo 1 Group 4: C.Wellington 1 Oakville 2 Gloucester 1 Whitby 2 Owen Sound Beaches 1 Hamilton 1 Six Nations 2 P1B P2B P3B P4B Orillia 1 Newmarket 2 W.Durham Clarington 2 Guelph 1 Milton 1 C.Wellington 1 Gloucester 1 P5B P6B P7B P8B Newmarket 1 K-Waterloo 1 Oakville 2 Whitby 2 Orillia 1 Newmarket 2 Six Nations 2 Hamilton 1 P39B P40B P41B P42B Beaches 1 Owen Sound W.Durham Clarington 2 Milton 1 Guelph 1 Gloucester 1 Whitby 2 P43B P44B P45B P46B Newmarket 1 K-Waterloo 1 Oakville 2 C.Wellington 1 Six Nations 2 Clarington 2 Beaches 1 Newmarket 2 P77B P78B P79B P8OB Hamilton 1 W.Durham Owen Sound Orillia 1 C.Wellington 1 Whitby 2 Guelph 1 Newmarket 1 P81B P82B P83B P84B Gloucester 1 Oakville 2 Milton 1 K-Waterloo 1 Elimination Round 1st place Group 1 P115B 2nd place Group 4 P141B 1st place Group 3 P116B 2nd place Group 2 P147B 1st place Group 2 P117B 2nd place Group 3 P142B 1st place Group 4 P118B 2nd place Group 1 2014 Harrow/OLA Peewee Provincial Championship PEEWEE 'C' Round-Robin in each Group (3 games each). Top two teams in each Group advance to single elimination round Group 1: Brampton 2 Nepean 2 Barrie 1 Cambridge 1 Group 2: Sarnia 1 Peterborough 2 Cornwall Oshawa 1 Group 3: Mimico 2 Oakville 3 Innisfil St.Catharines 1 Group 4: Huntsville Welland Sudbury 1 Kawartha Lakes Brampton 2 Barrie 1 Sarnia 1 Cornwall P9C P10C P11C P12C Nepean 2 Cambridge 1 Peterborough 2 Oshawa 1 Mimico 2 Innisfil Huntsville Sudbury 1 P13C P14C P15C P16C Oakville 3 St.Catharines 1 Welland Kawartha Lakes Nepean 2 Cambridge 1 Cornwall Sarnia 1 P47C P48C P49C P50C Barrie 1 Brampton 2 Peterborough 2 Oshawa 1 Innisfil Mimico 2 Sudbury 1 Kawartha Lakes P51C P52C P53C P54C Oakville 3 St.Catharines 1 Welland Huntsville Cornwall Oshawa 1 Barrie 1 Cambridge 1 P85C P86C P87C P88C Sarnia 1 Peterborough 2 Brampton 2 Nepean 2 Huntsville Kawartha Lakes Mimico 2 Oakville 3 P89C P90C P91C P92C Sudbury 1 Welland Innisfil St.Catharines 1 Elimination Round 1st place Group 1 P119C 2nd place Group 4 P139C 1st place Group 3 P120C 2nd place Group 2 P146C 1st place Group 2 P121C 2nd place Group 3 P140C 1st place Group 4 P122C 2nd place Group 1 2014 Harrow/OLA Peewee Provincial Championship PEEWEE 'D' Round-Robin in each Group (3 games each). Top two teams in each Group advance to single elimination round Group 1: Mississauga 2 Kahnawake Hamilton 2 Caledon 2 Group 2: Nia-on-the Lake 1 Northumberland Wallaceburg Kingston Group 3: Akwesasne 1 Sault Ste.Marie Guelph 2 North Perth Group 4: Whitby 3 Orangeville 2 Midland 1 Markham Mississauga 2 Hamilton 2 Nia-on-the Lake 1 Wallaceburg P17D P18D P19D P20D Kahnawake Caledon 2 Northumberland Kingston Akwesasne 1 Guelph 2 Whitby 3 Midland 1 P21D P22D P23D P24D Sault Ste.Marie North Perth Orangeville 2 Markham Kahnawake Caledon 2 Wallaceburg Nia-on-the Lake 1 P55D P56D P57D P58D Hamilton 2 Mississauga 2 Northumberland Kingston Guelph 2 Akwesasne 1 Midland 1 Markham P59D P60D P61D P62D Sault Ste.Marie North Perth Orangeville 2 Whitby 3 Wallaceburg Kingston Hamilton 2 Caledon 2 P93D P94D P95D P96D Nia-on-the Lake 1 Northumberland Mississauga 2 Kahnawake Whitby 3 Markham Akwesasne 1 Sault Ste.Marie P97D P98D P99D P100D Midland 1 Orangeville 2 Guelph 2 North Perth Elimination Round 1st place Group 1 P123D 2nd place Group 4 P137D 1st place Group 3 P124D 2nd place Group 2 P145D 1st place Group 2 P125D 2nd place Group 3 P138D 1st place Group 4 P126D 2nd place Group 1 2014 Harrow/OLA Peewee Provincial Championship PEEWEE 'E' Round-Robin in each Group (3 games each). Top two teams in each Group advance to single elimination round Group 1: Sun County Burlington 2 Oakville 4 Brampton 3 Group 2: Arthur 1 Six Nations 3 Gloucester 2 New Tecumseth Group 3: C.Wellington 2 K-Waterloo 2 Nepean 3 Sarnia 2 Group 4: Clarington 3 Halton Hills 2 Oshawa 2 Nia-on-the-Lake 2 Sun County Oakville 4 Arthur 1 Gloucester 2 P25E P26E P27E P28E Burlington 2 Brampton 3 Six Nations 3 New Tecumseth C.Wellington 2 Nepean 3 Clarington 3 Oshawa 2 P29E P30E P31E P32E K-Waterloo 2 Sarnia 2 Halton Hills 2 Nia-on-the-Lake 2 Burlington 2 Brampton 3 Gloucester 2 Arthur 1 P63E P64E P65E P66E Oakville 4 Sun County Six Nations 3 New Tecumseth Nepean 3 C.Wellington 2 Oshawa 2 Nia-on-the-Lake 2 P67E P68E P69E P70E K-Waterloo 2 Sarnia 2 Halton Hills 2 Clarington 3 Gloucester 2 New Tecumseth Oakville 4 Brampton 3 P101E P102E P103E P104E Arthur 1 Six Nations 3 Sun County Burlington 2 Clarington 3 Nia-on-the-Lake 2 C.Wellington 2 K-Waterloo 2 P105E P106E P107E P108E Oshawa 2 Halton Hills 2 Nepean 3 Sarnia 2 Elimination Round 1st place Group 1 P127E 2nd place Group 4 P135E 1st place Group 3 P128E 2nd place Group 2 P144E 1st place Group 2 P129E 2nd place Group 3 P136E 1st place Group 4 P130E 2nd place Group 1 2014 Harrow/OLA Peewee Provincial Championship PEEWEE 'F' Round-Robin in each Group (3 games each). Top two teams in each Group advance to single elimination round Group 1: Northumberland 2 London 2 Cambridge 2 Brantford Group 2: Lincoln Stayner Akwesasne 2 Midland 2 Group 3: Toronto Stars Simcoe Six Nations 4 Orillia 2 Northumberland 2 Cambridge 2 Midland 2 P33F P34F P35F London 2 Brantford Stayner Akwesasne 2 Orillia 2 Six Nations 4 P36F P37F P38F Lincoln Simcoe Toronto Stars Brantford London 2 Lincoln P71F P72F P73F Northumberland 2 Cambridge 2 Midland 2 Stayner Toronto Stars Simcoe P74F P75F P76F Akwesasne 2 Orillia 2 Six Nations 4 Northumberland 2 Brantford Midland 2 P109F P110F P111F Cambridge 2 London 2 Akwesasne 2 Lincoln Simcoe Orillia 2 P112F P113F P114F Stayner Toronto Stars Six Nations 4 1st place Group 2 P131E 2nd place Group 3 P134E 1st place Group 3 P132E 2nd place Group 1 P143E 1st place Group 1 P133E 2nd place Group 2 2014 Harrow/OLA Peewee Provincial Championship Iroquois Pad 2 Iroquois Pad 4 Time Arena Gm. Home vs Away Win Lose Time Arena Gm. Home vs Away Win Lose Friday August 1 Friday August 1 9:00 AM IP 2 P1B Owen Sound vs Orillia 1 Round-Robin 9:00 AM IP 4 P2B Beaches 1 vs Newmarket 2 Round-Robin 10:00 AM IP 2 P8B Gloucester 1 vs Whitby 2 Round-Robin 10:00 AM IP 4 P9C Brampton 2 vs Nepean 2 Round-Robin 11:00 AM IP 2 P15C Huntsville vs Welland Round-Robin 11:00 AM IP 4 P16C Sudbury 1 vs Kawartha Lakes Round-Robin 12:30 PM IP 2 P22D Guelph 2 vs North Perth Round-Robin 12:30 PM IP 4 P23D Whitby 3 vs Orangeville 2 Round-Robin 1:30 PM IP 2 P29E C.Wellington 2 vs K-Waterloo 2 Round-Robin 1:30 PM IP 4 P30E Nepean 3 vs Sarnia 2 Round-Robin 2:30 PM IP 2 P36F Akwesasne 2 vs Lincoln Round-Robin 2:30 PM IP 4 P37F Orillia 2 vs Simcoe Round-Robin 4:00 PM IP 2 P43B Milton1 vs Newmarket 1 Round-Robin 4:00 PM IP 4 P44B Guelph 1 vs K-Waterloo 1 Round-Robin 5:00 PM IP 2 P50C Sarnia 1 vs Oshawa 1 Round-Robin 5:00 PM IP 4 P51C Innisfil vs Oakville 3 Round-Robin 6:00 PM IP 2 P57D Wallaceburg vs Northumberland Round-Robin 6:00 PM IP 4 P58D NOTL 1 vs Kingston Round-Robin 7:30 PM IP 2 P64E Brampton 3 vs Sun County Round-Robin 7:30 PM IP 4 P65E Gloucester 2 vs Six Nations 3 Round-Robin 8:30 PM IP 2 P71F Brantford vs Northumberland 2 Round-Robin 8:30 PM IP 4 P72F London 2 Cambridge 2 Round-Robin McKinney Pad 1 McKinney Pad 2 Time Arena Gm. Home vs Away Win Lose Time Arena Gm. Home vs Away Win Lose Friday August 1 Friday August 1 9:00 AM MK 1 P3B Hamilton 1 vs W.Durham Round-Robin 9:00 AM MK 2 P4B Six Nations 2 vs Clarington 2 Round-Robin 10:00 AM MK 1 P1OC Barrie 1 vs Cambridge 1 Round-Robin 10:00 AM MK 2 P11C Sarnia 1 vs Peterborough 2 Round-Robin 11:00 AM MK 1 P17D Mississauga 2 vs Kahnawake Round-Robin 11:00 AM MK 2 P18D Hamilton 2 vs Caledon 2 Round-Robin 12:30 PM MK 1 P24D Midland 1 vs Markham Round-Robin 12:30 PM MK 2 P25E Sun County vs Burlington 2 Round-Robin 1:30 PM MK 1 P31E Clarington 3 vs Halton Hills 2 Round-Robin 1:30 PM MK 2 P32E Oshawa 2 vs NOTL 2 Round-Robin 2:30 PM MK 1 P38F Six Nations 4 vs Toronto Stars Round-Robin 2:30 PM MK 2 P39B Orillia 1 vs Beaches 1 Round-Robin 4:00 PM MK 1 P45B Gloucester 1 vs Oakville 2 Round-Robin 4:00 PM MK 2 P46B Whitby 2 vs C.Wellington 1 Round-Robin 5:00 PM MK 1 P52C Mimico 2 vs St.Catharines 1 Round-Robin 5:00 PM MK 2 P53C Sudbury 1 vs Welland Round-Robin 6:00 PM MK 1 P59D Guelph 2 vs Sault Ste Marie Round-Robin 6:00 PM MK 2 P60D Akwesasne 1 vs North Perth Round-Robin 7:30 PM MK 1 P66E Arthur 1 vs New Tecumseth Round-Robin 7:30 PM MK 2 P67E Nepean 3 vs K-Waterloo 2 Round-Robin 8:30 PM MK 1 P73F Lincoln vs Midland 2 Round-Robin 8:30 PM MK 2 P74F Stayner vs Akwesasne 2 Round-Robin Luther Vipond (Brooklin) Ajax Community Pad 1 Time Arena Gm.
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