E-ISSN 1471–0676 PLATINUM METALS REVIEW A Quarterly Survey of Research on the Platinum Metals and of Developments in their Application in Industry www.platinummetalsreview.com VOL. 50 OCTOBER 2006 NO. 4 Contents High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of the 158 Platinum Group Metals By R. Weiland, D. F. Lupton, B. Fischer, J. Merker, C. Scheckenbach and J. Witte Rhodium and Iridium in Organometallic Catalysis 171 By Robert H. Crabtree CAPoC7: The State of the Art in Automotive 177 Pollution Control Reviewed by Jillian Bailie, Peter Hinde and Valérie Houel The Platinised Platinum Interface Under 180 Cathodic Polarisation By Jacques Simonet SURCAT 2006 Conference 194 Reviewed by S. E. Golunski Reliability of Platinum-Based Thermocouples 197 By Roy Rushforth “Principles of Fuel Cells” 200 Reviewed by Tom R. Ralph 10th Ulm Electrochemical Talks 202 Reviewed by Sarah C. Ball Susan V. Ashton 205 By M. C. F. Steel Abstracts 207 New Patents 211 Indexes to Volume 50 213 Communications should be addressed to: The Editor, Barry W. Copping, Platinum Metals Review, [email protected]; Johnson Matthey Public Limited Company, Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 5HE DOI: 10.1595/147106706X154198 High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of the Platinum Group Metals PROPERTIES OF PURE IRIDIUM AT HIGH TEMPERATURE By R. Weiland and D. F. Lupton* Engineered Materials Division, W. C. Heraeus GmbH, Hanau, Germany; *E-mail: [email protected] B. Fischer, J. Merker and C. Scheckenbach Department SciTec, Precision-Optics-Materials-Environment, University of Applied Sciences Jena, Germany and J. Witte Melting Technology, SCHOTT Glas, Mainz, Germany In order to provide reliable data on the high-temperature deformation behaviour of iridium, the high-temperature material properties such as stress-rupture strength, high-temperature tensile strength and creep behaviour are determined for pure iridium in the temperature range 1650–2300ºC. Analyses of the stress-rupture curves and the creep behaviour of pure iridium samples at 1650ºC, 1800ºC and 2000ºC imply that the fracture behaviour is controlled by two different fracture mechanisms depending on test conditions, in particular applied load and test temperature. The existence of the different fracture modes is confirmed by SEM examination of the fracture surface of samples ruptured at high temperatures. Anomalies in the creep curves and the results of high-temperature tensile tests indicate that dynamic recrystallisation plays an important role in the high-temperature deformation behaviour of pure iridium. Due to their excellent chemical stability, oxida- A knowledge of the high-temperature proper- tion resistance, and resistance to the action of ties of a material, for instance stress-rupture many molten oxides, the platinum group metals strength and creep behaviour, is crucially impor- (pgms): iridium, platinum and rhodium are widely tant for the design of components used at high used for high-temperature applications involving temperatures. The current investigation is part of simultaneous chemical attack and mechanical load- an extensive test programme focused on the deter- ing (1). Although iridium is more sensitive to mination of the high-temperature mechanical oxidation than platinum or rhodium, it is the most properties of the pgms, such as the stress-rupture chemically resistant of all metals. Its resistance to strength, creep behaviour (3) and elastic properties attack by stable oxide melts is maintained up to (4). In this work new investigations into the high- temperatures above 2000ºC. temperature properties of iridium are presented for The melting point of iridium (2454ºC) (2) and the temperature range between 1650ºC and its high strength even at temperatures above 2300ºC. The results are discussed in conjunction 2000ºC make it a particularly suitable material for with data determined from earlier studies (3). applications under extreme thermal and mechani- cal conditions which preclude the use of platinum Methodology for Stress-Rupture alloys or rhodium. Important applications of iridi- and High-Temperature Tensile Tests um and iridium alloys are as crucibles for pulling The stress-rupture strength and the creep single crystals (e.g. yttrium-aluminium garnet behaviour of pure iridium and iridium alloys were (YAG)) and components for manufacturing and determined with a testing facility developed at the processing high-melting special glasses. University of Applied Sciences Jena. The testing Platinum Metals Rev., 2006, 50, (4), 158–170 158 Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of equip- ment for high-temperature creep measurements device, for the measurement of high-temperature ing technique using a digital pyrometer material properties up to 3000ºC, is shown (INFRATHERM IS10). The infrared pyrometer schematically in Figure 1. It consists of a gas-tight has a small measurement spot (approximately 0.5 specimen chamber which permits investigations mm in diameter). Due to the ohmic heating the either in air or under a protective gas atmosphere. highest temperatures are found in the central part In the case of iridium and iridium alloys, a gas mix- of the sample. This region is therefore scanned ture of argon with 5 vol.% H2 was used to protect continuously by the pyrometer via a tilting mirror. the material from oxidation and thus avoid a By storing the maximum value of emitted radia- reduction in cross-section of the sample due to tion, the maximum temperature at the surface of evaporation of volatile oxides (5, 6). the sample may be determined. This value is used The load can be applied in two different ways. to adjust the heating current via a thyristor regula- For the constant-load stress-rupture experiments tor connected to the primary winding of a 100 the load is applied via a steel pull-rod by means of kVA transformer. The sample, short-circuited calibrated weights. For the high-temperature ten- across the secondary winding of the transformer, is sile tests the specimen chamber is mounted in a heated by alternating current at 50 Hz. Over a zone commercial servomotor-driven test machine and 30 mm in length around the centre of the sample the steel pull-rod is connected to the load cell at the temperature usually does not vary by more the crosshead of the test machine. This allows a than ± 5ºC. Once “necking” occurs in the sample, controlled variation of the applied load. Non-stan- the temperature outside the necking region dard specimens (with typical dimensions of 120 decreases, whereas the temperature within the mm × 4 mm × 1 mm) were used for all measure- necking region remains constant at the intended ments. The samples were laser cut from hot rolled value. The design of the equipment thus guaran- sheet material. The sample orientation was chosen tees uniformity of temperature throughout the parallel to the rolling direction. duration of the test, despite the sample deformation. Direct electrical heating achieves high heating The strain is measured with a non-contacting and cooling rates for the samples. The ohmic heat- video extensometer consisting of a 17 mm charge ing method allows easy access to the sample, and coupled device (CCD) camera with 1280 × 1024 generally straightforward operation. pixel resolution. A special arrangement of telecen- The temperature is measured by a non-contact- tric lenses allows only near-parallel rays to pass the Platinum Metals Rev., 2006, 50, (4) 159 aperture, thus minimising perspective distortions material was then hot rolled at moderate tempera- caused by variations in the distance to the object. ture to 1 mm thick sheet. The iridium sheet was Both the CCD camera and frame grabber are con- finally subjected to a special annealing procedure trolled by “SuperCreep” software, developed at so as to recrystallise the deformed material without the University of Applied Sciences Jena, which significant grain growth. uses digital image analysis. As mentioned above, ohmic heating causes the Scanning Secondary Ion Mass highest temperature to be limited to the central Spectrometry (Scanning SIMS) part of the sample, to which creep deformation is The microanalytical investigations were per- normally also limited. Strain at this part of the formed with a Cameca IMS 4f-E6 scanning sample is determined by “SuperCreep” from con- secondary ion mass spectrometer. Secondary ion tinuous measurements of the distance between mass spectrometry (SIMS) allows the detection of two markers. Suitable markers for high-tempera- very small amounts of impurity elements in the ture tests on sheet materials are made by laser matrix. Since both the species of detectable sec- machining samples of the material with four small ondary ions and their detection limits differ as shoulders (Figure 2). The distance between the between the positive and negative secondary ion two corresponding markers on the same side of spectra, different primary ions were chosen for the the sample is 10 mm. Since the part of the sample excitation of the secondary ions. Oxygen primary between the markers experiences a uniform tem- ions were used for the investigation of the positive perature, the exactness of strain measurements can secondary ion spectrum emitted by the iridium be guaranteed, without their being influenced by samples. The emission of the negative spectrum the temperature gradients near the ends of the was induced by caesium primary ions. It could sample. thus be ensured that all possible impurity elements A detailed description of the testing facility and contained in the iridium samples were detected. the algorithm for strain measurement is given in Metallographically prepared samples were used (7) and (8). for the scanning SIMS investigations. So as to be able to investigate impurity levels both inside the Material Preparation grains and at the grain boundaries, areas of the The iridium raw material was melted inductive- samples containing grain boundaries were chosen. ly at 2550ºC in air in a zirconia crucible. After It should be mentioned that the intensity of the elemental analysis the ingot was forged at temper- emitted secondary ion spectrum is dependent on atures between 1400ºC and 1600ºC.
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