4 -• Third Year, Number if Monday, September 29, 1941 EsiaWished 1889 ilHERAID and Summit Recand FRED L. PALMER, Editor $2.50 A YEAR JOHN W. CLIFT, Editor Emeritus 3c A COPY J. EDWIN GARTER, Business Manager College Club Needs Refugee Artists Will Summit Republicans Council to Hold OUR TOWN ! Ten Thousand Books - Vj..». vj AUTUMN LEAVES Appear in Second. Attend l nion County Hearing October 7 The first leaf of autumn fell some time back. The trees For Annual Sale are turning rapidly. There's something in the morning air United Benefit (j.O.P. Annual Outing On Dog Ordinance that can't 1>e mistaken. Acorns drop from great heights and During the past few days tlio Refugee artists will provide the A lurge number of Summit He- On Tuesday pveniiig, (lii-ilicr 7. sometimes miss the busy autumn gardener. Daylight saving store at 19 Union place, which has entertainment for the Second Uni- linhllciinK headed by Mayor Ciuiilo in tlu> City Hall the Common ('i;iin- has been wrapped up for another winter. Organizations are •been lent to the College Club for its ted Benefit for Britain, .stated Max- V. Korsk'r were niiions the more c-il will have a public hearing mi an annual book sale, has been trans- meeting again and committees are farming. New.chairmen of well Lester after an orKfiimatm* than 5,000 who on Saturday after- ordinance concerning the niniml formed Into something resembling meeting held at his home Tuesday publicity committees are named and ask our advice. Another noon attended the I'nion County and licensing of dogs. Tins m-w the architectural interior of the evening, {ordiuaucc is roiiuiied under f'hap- Republican Committee nnnuul out- season is here and somehow, as usual, we are glad of it. Putelic. Library. Bookshelves, which It seems that there has heen tur .151 of l,aws of MM1 iiciitlly Speaking of autumn leaves—don't burn them in the street line ail available, wall space, are made available to Ihe conuniltee a ing in Furchor'u . drove, Knion. adopted by the Now Jerse\ Sl.iM1 and don't let them clog the gutters. The city has to spend your paralleled by five-self stacks ex- $w, select celebrities of the Euro- Sheriff-Alex Campbell was general, [Legislature. Under Iliis law tlio money cleaning the gutters and repairing the streets. tending from front to rear, while pean musical world, musicians aud chairman. j Stale designates' to .numU'ipalii ii*s the remaining floor space is nearly singers who had enjoyed enviable Patrons of Hie. outing included)" jonly the .right tu fix lieen.-.r -fees filled by nine long tables, donated i'feputations in their native coun- ADULT EDUCATION Robert J. Murphy, Si'., •of Summit, fw.ithiii certain limits and rwiiiirc.-i w fcy the Y. M. C. A. and hauled by tries, but who fled to America to chairman of (ho Union Comity lOxe- |that all previously enacted iinli- Tuesday and Wednesday evenings between 7:30, and 9:30 the Summit Express. The extensive escape the heel of he oppressor. inances on ihis subject In- repealed. and skillful carpentry has been Here thejr are unknown, hut, aaid cuUve Committee mid (\-miiciliiiaif at the High School you can register for Adult Education Frederick \\. Siller. ! So Lhiit all citizens,. in.i.v ln> done by Robert L. Hanson, Mason Mr. Lester, they are anxious to give familiar wUh Jhe main provisions courses. We are informed that most of the instructors who •A, Logan, William A. Sehmumacher Among the other Summit Repub- of their talent to a country that A. J. BARTHOLplVfEW WILLIAM I. McMANE of the new. Siato Law, a, nummary will be giving the courses will be on hand in case you want to and Enrich H. Wright, all amateurs has done so much lor their people. licans in attend the outing were follows: ask questions. and husbands of College Club mem- They will have thai opportunity in High School priBcirjal, who State Oomnritteenian and Slate Fish.', Director of the Union County- on Friday night addressed the Board of Chosen Freeholders All dog owners must prucuro ft If you haven't been keeping track of the story of adult bers. Summit at the High School on Pil- and (lame. Commissioner (loorge O. license and ot'l'k'ial' Mobil IIIK for Charles R. Scott Hi-Y Club. Warren; Director AV111. I. MrMane and resident of Summit who education in Summit and want to know what courses are avail- Although the sale will not open day evening, October 17. The com- each dog during tlie inonlli of Jan- until October 1$, the store is nowmittee has promised to release of the Board' of •Freeholders; Coun- was prominent Saturday at uary, yearly. Any newly ac<|iiircd able, you might run over to the High School Tuesday or Wed- open every, day from 8:30 a. m. to stories about these artists shortly. y Committee members, Mrs. Harry j the annual outing of the Coun- nesday, September 30, or October 1, and look over the list of don or any dog attaining licensing 5 p. m. for receiving books, music The menihers feel that Summit is City Snow Plow A. DeHow, Mrs. Austin Kelly, Mrs. ty Republican Committee in ago (7 months) must, he oipiipprd courses. and magazines. Many carloads are In for a real musical treat made C. W. Moll, Jesse Stout, .Norman S. Union. with the proper tag-'wilhin ten d;iys being unloaded by the soliciting dou'bly intriguing because of the (.inns, Di\ Robert S. Milligan and of acquisition or ago. attainment. CHORAL CLUB teams, who are combing Summit Interest every one will have in theloses Wheel And Renjamin Schepix.', • together with . The- Chief of Police or oilier per- and Short HIHB under the able di- Individual performers. Messrs. Moll Und DeBow. Also at- son.s duly authorized by Ihe govern- If you have any inclination to sing go to the Y. M. C. A.rection of Miss Evelyn Boy€ and There will be one big dance in tending were Judge John L. Hughes JManus To Address ing body shall promptly, after K<>1»- Tuesday evening—tomorrow night—at 8 p. m. It will be theMrs. E. Wallace Wilkinson. Other this benefit, the one being arranged Crashes Into Porch of The Third District: Court, Mr. rimry 1st annually, make a i-anvas opening rehearsal of the Choral Club which this Christmas will donations are brought by the donors for at Canoe Brook, taking plstee and Mrs. H. B. Collins, Mrs. L. II. Town Meeting On of the dogs In. the community and celebrate the 200th anniversary of the composition of Handel's themselves, and still more by mem- on Saturday night, October. 18. Looking forward to the ensuing McPoek, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Muller, shall report .his findings to • lie - City bers of th-e transportation commit- Health Commissioner Dr. John A. "Messiah" by singing it. The Benefit will be given for the winter and the anticipated snow, Clerk, local Hoard of Healfh and I lie tee, who" stand read? to pick up British War Relief Society, the Re- city authorities on Saturday were Podiciui, Alfred V. Swick, Francis State of the State Slate Department of,Health, lifliiu1. The Choral Club is also educational. While enjoying books at any'time In response to a fugee Relief Workrooms and themoving its onoand only snow plow Dooley, Mrs. Slgler with - her Ihe names and addresses of all don phone call to Mrs. Philip L. Law- yourself, if you like to sing, you get vocal training in chorus Save j<ho Children Federation, the to the central part of Summit for daughter, Janet, and son, Fred; Mr. ,At least 0110'flash (for jitiblit-a- owners with the registration niiin- rence, Su,-6-0354, or Mrs. Russell T. work, New members are most welcome, we are advised, and proceeds being divided equally a- general -overhauling. It had been and Mrs. J. Bindley. Hoff and their, tion) hot off the news win's of -ber of each dos and also iiaino.i tenor or bass" voices are especially needed. Kerby, Su. 6-2076. mong these organizations. All thestored In the Sewer Department son, Bryson, and daughters, Do- Monday's first post-primary execu- and addresses of all persons own- An energetic group of women, money realized^ will go to England, shed along Chatham road and hadlores and Gwendolyn; Gordon L. tive session of tho Summit. Intlo- ing or harboring unlicensed dn'4n. guided by Miss Caroline B. Hinman, each part through a different cha,h- gotten along on its Saturday jour- Murray, Charles Bakley, Mr. andjpenden! t Club was the confirmation For any one or more of the fol- PROGNOSTICATING FOOTBALL sorts the incoming 'books onto, nel. The committee is determined ney as far as 534 Morris avenue Mrs. Arthur Baker, John Colnngelo of Robert Cruise AlcMaiius's as- lowing reasons a dog may be pick- If you dreamily watch the falling leaves and wish they shelves labeled Fiction, Mystery to make the benefit a success for when at 3:10 one of the wheels (18 Orchard street), Andrew Mc- signment to address the club's third ed up and impounded by Ihe proper were dollar bills turn to the sports page and read about The Stories, Biography, History, Soci- there has heen no time during the came off. Namara and Rudolph Cummings, Town '.Mueling next. Wednesday official: The Now Providence delegation Summit Herald program of football prognosticating. Prophecy ology, Psychology, Science, Nature, war when American aid liaa been The machine being rather a top night, October 1st, at.
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