Adelaidean NEWS FROM ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY DECEMBER 4, 2000 Embarrassing health problems a silent epidemic PELVIC floor disorders may be much section has been supposed to lessen the floor problems after pregnancy are very likely,” 30% of women. more common than previously chances of resulting pelvic floor disorders, but he said. “The survey highlights the high prevalence and thought. the researchers discovered that birth by The cross-sectional population survey involved major social impact of pelvic floor prolapse and caesarean section reduces those risks only Adelaide University researchers, in the first more than 3000 South Australians. incontinence in our society,” said Professor comprehensive study of its kind in the world, slightly. Most of these complaints were still MacLennan. common among women who had never had a Urinary incontinence was found in 4% of men, have found a remarkably high prevalence of “It is a silent epidemic, as those with the vaginal birth. but in 35% of women aged from 15 to 95, pelvic floor disorders in the general population. increasing to 50% among older women. problem are often embarrassed to talk about it.” These disorders can be a serious cause of “It seems that caesarean section, contrary to More than 14% of women were found to suffer The results of the study are being published this discomfort and even disease, especially among popular belief, cannot avoid permanent from rectal incontinence of flatus or faeces, month in the British Journal of Obstetrics and women. The disorders may prompt incontin- connective tissue changes that seem to happen Gynaecology. while fewer than 10% of men suffered from the ence, vaginal or uterine prolapse, and during pregnancy,” said Associate Professor Alastair MacLennan of the University’s same conditions. The research will also feature in the December haemorrhoids. Bowel and bladder problems can issue of Climacteric, the journal of the add to a marked reduction in the quality of life. Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Other health factors associated with pelvic floor (Women’s & Children’s Hospital). International Menopause Society, which will Pelvic floor problems have traditionally been disorders were found to be weight, coughing, devote its editorial to a discussion of the associated with pregnancy, the bearing of large “Pelvic floor exercises and surgery can help, but osteoporosis, arthritis, and reduced quality of life. problem and a plea that it should receive greater numbers of children and with having them unless mothers avoid giving birth, by means Symptoms of haemorrhoids also increased with medical attention. delivered by instrument. Delivery by caesarean such as surrogacy or adoption, future pelvic age, appearing in 20% of men and more than —Rob Morrison Art history courses open British medal for physicist gallery to students ADELAIDE University and the Art Core subjects will be in European, Australian and Gallery of South Australia have Asian Arts, with elective subjects in areas such joined forces to provide new as contemporary art, Australian colonial and postgraduate courses in art history indigenous art, European paintings in 2001. connoisseurship, Japanese and Southeast Asian art, prints, drawings and photographs. The new courses are the first of their kind in Australia, drawing on existing teaching The Graduate Diploma and Masters programs strengths in the University’s Faculty of will also offer opportunities for internship or Humanities & Social Sciences, and making use curatorial placement at the Art Gallery. of the Gallery’s extensive collections and Students who enrol in an internship will not only curatorial expertise. experience work in the curatorial department, There are four new courses: a Professional but also have exposure to other areas of the Certificate, Graduate Certificate in Art History, Gallery’s administration, such as public Graduate Diploma in Art History, and a Master of programs, marketing and public relations, and Arts (Studies in Art History). sponsorship and registration. Each combines formal University lectures with “Collaboration with other institutions always sessions working with collection curators at the provides unique opportunities for staff and Art Gallery. In addition to developing an under- students. This will be an excellent example of Professor Tony Thomas. Photo: Brenton Edwards. standing of the study of the history of art, and the such profitable working together,” Professor Gillies said. goals and methods of connoisseurship, students THEORETICAL physicist Professor “abstract ideas have been developed to the point will have the opportunity to view and study “The Faculty is extremely pleased to be able to Tony Thomas has been awarded the where they can be tested experimentally… masterpieces not available for current viewing. offer these academic programs in conjunction Professor Thomas’s work has had, and continues with the Art Gallery, and we expect them to be Harrie Massey Medal from the UK “This is an exciting and intensive program, Institute of Physics. to have, a major international impact.” which we have developed in close collaboration in demand both locally and nationally.” Professor Thomas will be presented with the “It is a great honour to have one’s work with the Gallery’s Director, Mr Ron Radford. We —David Ellis recognised in this way,” said Professor Thomas, shall be offering a choice of early-evening medal during the 14th National Congress of the “however I must also acknowledge a courses to provide maximum flexibility for those Australian Institute of Physics, to be held at tremendous debt to my colleagues at the CSSM studying either for their personal or their Adelaide University from 10-15 December. and around the world. My own work has professional interests,” said the Executive Dean The medal, awarded biennially, acknowledges benefited greatly from the personal exchanges of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, outstanding contributions made to physics in which are essential to good science.” Professor Malcolm Gillies. Australia, or by an Australian physicist working “The program has been designed to encourage anywhere. The President of the Institute of Physics, students to consider fundamental questions and The citation describes Professor Thomas, Professor Sir Gareth Roberts FRS, will present problems in the history and historiography of art Director of Adelaide University’s Special the medal to Professor Thomas. as it relates to their own direct experience of Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of The award will be made during a special plenary original works. Matter (CSSM), as “one of Australia’s most session of the Australian Institute of Physics “By exercising the eye as keenly as the mind, outstanding theoretical physicists, who has Congress in Bonython Hall on 11 December at students will be able to exploit the incredibly made internationally recognised contributions to 5.45pm. After the presentation, Professor rich collections of the Art Gallery of South a tremendous number of problems in nuclear Thomas will deliver the Harrie Massey lecture, Australia,” he said. and particle physics”. entitled “Probing the heart of matter”. The lecture is open to the public and free of charge. This is the first time that a collaborative program One example of his research cited is the “cloudy in art history has been offered jointly by the bag model” invented by Professor Thomas and —Rob Morrison premier university and art museum of any his co-researchers. It led to three papers now Australian State, with academic and curatorial classified as famous by the SPIRES database at staff of the University and the Gallery providing The Art Gallery of South Australia. Stanford Linear Accelerator. See also our feature article on subatomic the teaching. Photo: David Ellis. “Wherever possible,” continues the citation, physics, page 5. INSIDE Stephen Cole Ethical issues a Summer’s here - Prizes matter of course time for school page 2 page 4 page 8 Approved For Print Post 565001/00046 For Print Post Approved PAGE 2 DECEMBER 4, 2000 ADELAIDEAN STEPHEN COLE PRIZES EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING DECEMBER is the month of graduations at “Because Physiology is studied by medical Adelaide University, a time to highlight students’ students as well as science students, I deal with achievements, their years of hard work, and the students from many backgrounds and cultures, realisation of their goals. which is something that I really enjoy about my But the graduation ceremonies also highlight the teaching,” she says. achievements of academic staff who play an “I have a particular interest in indigenous health, instrumental role in teaching those students. and also enjoy meeting and helping This year, during the graduations in Bonython international, as well as Australian students, Hall from 18-21 December, the Stephen Cole the with their studies.” Elder Prizes for Excellence in Teaching will be Dr Hudson’s philosophy on teaching is simple: “I awarded to four staff members who have made try to show enthusiasm, concern and respect for unique contributions to teaching at Adelaide all students and their learning,” she says. University. “I aim to integrate educational practice and scholarship by advancing or transforming For Department of Chemistry senior lecturer Dr knowledge in a creative, disciplined and Mark Buntine, teaching is as much about informed manner.” “hands-on” learning as it is anything else. Dr In an added bonus, Dr Hudson will receive her Buntine prides himself on making his teaching as Stephen Cole prize at the same December accessible, and easy to understand, as possible. graduation ceremony as her daughter, Dr Sarah “I’ve always been heavily into research but I Hudson, will receive her PhD in Obstetrics & also really enjoy my teaching, so receiving the Gynaecology. award is a very pleasant bonus,” he says. Making teaching as practical and as hands-on Dr Buntine specialises in the area of physical as possible is also Dr Gerald Schneider’s chemistry, which can be very costly to teach secret to teaching. due to the expensive nature of the equipment A lecturer in the Department of Mechanical needed for experiments.
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