Evaluation of the mineral resources of the pipeline corridor, phases i and ii Item Type Technical Report Authors Robinson, M.S. and Metz, P.A. Citation Robinson, M.S. and Metz, P.A., 1979, Evaluation of the mineral resources of the pipeline corridor, phases i and ii: University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory Open File 79-2, 272 p. Publisher University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory Download date 11/10/2021 10:10:17 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/11122/2135 Open File Report No. 79-2 EVALUATION OF THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE PIPELINE CORRIDOR PHASES I AND I1 M.S. Robinson G P.A. Metz 1979 EVALUATION OF THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE PIPELINE CORRIDOR PHASE I AND I1 Final Report Submitted. to U.S. Bureau of Mines Alaska Fie1 d Operations Center Juneau, A1 aska Grant No. 601 66180 June 1, 1979 Submitted by Mark S. Robinson and Paul A:Metz Mineral Industry Research Laboratory University of A1 as ka Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Summary and Conclusions . I_. I SectionI. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Valdez .-.7 I ::: quadrangle Previous Investigations 11 .,- Regional Geology and Petrology . 11 Structural Geology 20 Geochemistry 21 Mining Activity and Economic Geology 23 References Cited 26 Bibliography 2 9 Section 11. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Gul kana quadrangle Previous Investigations Regional Geology and Petrology Structural Geology Geoc hemi s try Mining Activity and Economic Geology References Cited Bi bl iography Section 111. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Mt. Hayes quadpang1 e ---- -- Previous Investigations 44 Regional Geology and Petrology 45 Structural Geology 52 Geochemi stry 53 Mining Activity and Economic Geology 55 References Cited - 60 Bibliography 64 .Section IV. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Big Delta quadrangle Previous Investigations 6 9 Regional Geology and Petrology 69 Structural Geology 7 0 . Geocherni stry 7 1 Mining Activity and Economic Geology 71 References Cited 74 Bi bl iography 7 5 Page Section V. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Fairbanks quadrangle Previous Investigations Regional Geology and Petrology Structural Geology Geochemistry Mining Activity and Economic Geology References Cited Bi bl iography Section VI. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Livengood quadrangl e Previous Investigations 95 Regional Geology and Petrology 95 Structural Geology 1 00 Geochemistry 1 02 Mining Activity and Economic Geology 1 04 References Cited 110 Bi bl iography ,112 -- . Section VII. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Tanana -_.p ad quadrangl e L. Previous Investigations Regional Geology and Petrology Structural -Geo1ogy Geochemistry - -- - Mining Activity and Economic Geology References Cited Bi b1 iography Section VIII. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Bettles quadrangle Previous Investigations 125 Regional Geology and Petrology 125 Structural Geology 127 I , . Geochemistry 1 28 Mining Activity and Economic Geology - 129 References Cited 131 I Bi bl iography 132 i, !- I t . iii 1r Page Section IX. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Wiseman quadrangle 4- Previous Investigations 134 Regional Geology and Petrology 134 Structural Geology 136 Geochemistry 137 Mining Activity and Economic Geology 137 References Cited '1 40 Bi bl iography 142 Sections X. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Chandalar quadrangle Previous Investigations Regional Geology and Petrology Structural Geology Geochemistry Mining Activity and Economic Geology References Cited Bi bl iography Section XI. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Philip Smith Mountains quadrangle Previous Investigations 156 Regional Geology and Petrology 157 Structural. Geo1 ogy 166 Geochemistry 167 Mining Activity and Economic Geology 169 References Cited 173 Bi b1 iography 175 Section XII. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Sagavanirkto k quadrangle Previous Investigations 177 Regional Geology and Petrology 178 Structural Geology 185 r.' Geoc hemi s try ,..I .I Mining Activity and Economic Geology 186 References Cited 189 Bibl iography 190 - I ! 5 List of Tables Page j: j: - k- Tab1 e 1. Val dez Quadrangle; Rock Sarnpl e Descriptions 193 - I? -: and Trace Element Concentrations ,?a ,?a 1;: 1;: Tab1 e 2. Val dez Quadrangle ; Stream Sediment Sampl e 195 . Trace El ement Concentrations i;;i- t., Table 3. MIRL Rock Samples, Chugach Terrane, 1976, 196 1eve1 s of Detection and Threshold Val ues / ma- 1.; 1.; - , -,' Table 4. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Chugach Terrane, 197 1976, Levels of Detection and Threshold Values 1; 1; Table 5. Gul kana Quadrangle; Rock Sample Descriptions and 1 98 , - Trace El ement Concentrations I.'. i .'. Table 6. MIRL Rock Samples, Amphi theatre Terrane, 1976, 200 9.. I,<. ,. ,., Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Tab1 e 7. Mt. Hayes Quadrangle; Rock Sampl e Descri ptions 201 . and Trace Element Concentrations Table 8. Mt. Hayes Quadrangle; Stream Sediment Sample, 204 Trace Element Concentrations Table 9. MIRL Rock Samples, Birch Creek Terrane, 1976, 205 Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Table 10. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Birch Creek Terrane, 206 1976, Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Table 11. MIRL Rock Samples, Amphitheatre Terrane, 1976, 207 Level s of Detection and Thresh01 d Values I i Table 12. Big Delta quadrangle; Rock Sample Descriptions 208 and Trace Element Concentrations - Table 13. Big Delta Quadrangle; Stream Sediment Sample 209 1, Trace Element Concentrations Table 14. MIRL Rock Samples, Birch Creek Terrane, 1976, 21 0 I.L-' Levels of Detection and Threshold Values - . Table 15. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Birch Creek Terrane, 21 1 1976, Levels of Detection and Threshold Values List of Tables Page Table 16. Fairbanks Quadrangle; dock Sample Descriptions, - 212 and Trace El ement Concentrations Table 17. MIRL Rock Samples, Birch Creek Terrane, 1976, 21 4 Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Tab1 e 18. Livengood Quadrangle; Rock Sample Descriptions, 21 5 -__and Trace Element Concentrations Table 19. MIRL Rock Samples, Birch Creek Terrane, 1976, 230 Levels of Detection and Threshol d Values Table 20. MIRL Rock Samples, Rampart Terrane, 1976 231 Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Tab1 e 21. Tanana Quadrangle; Rock Sampl e Descriptions and 232 Trace Element Concentrations Tabl e 22. Tanana Quadrangle; Stream Sediment Sample Trace Element Concentrations Table 23. MIRL Rock Samples, Kanuti Terrane, 1976, Levels of Detection and Threshol d Values Table 24. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Kanuti Terrane, 1976, 23 5 Level s of Detection and Threshol d Val ues Table 25. Bettles Quadrangle; Rock Sample Descriptions and 236 Trace Element Concentrations Table 26. Bettles Quadrangle; Stream Sediment Sample Trace Element Concentrations Table 27. MIRL Rock Samples, Kanuti Terrane, 1976, 239 Levels of Detection and Threshold Values - Table 28. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Kanuti Terrane, 1976, 240 Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Table 29. Wf seman Quadrangle; Rock Sample Descriptions and 241 Trace El ement Concentrations Table 30. Wiseman Quadrangle; Stream Sediment Sample 243 Trace El ement Concentrations List of Tables Page Table 31. MIRL Rock Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 1976, 244 Levels of Detection and Threshold Values - Table 32. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 245 1976, Levels of Detection and Threshol d Values Table 33. MIRL Rock Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 1977,, 246 Level s of Detecti on and Threshold Values ,/ ,-- Table 34. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 247 1977, Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Table 35. Chandalar Quadrang1 e; Rock Sample Descriptions and 248 Trace Element Concentrations Table 36. Chandalar Quadrangle; Stream Sediment Sample 249 Trace El ement Concentrations Table 37. MIRL Rock Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 1976, 250 Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Table 38. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 251 1976, Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Tab1 e 39. MIRL Rock Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 1977, 252 Levels of Detection and Threshold Val ues Table 40. MIRL stream Sediment Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 253 1977, Levels -of- Detection and Threshol d Values Table 41. Philip Smith Mountains Quadrangle; Rock Sample 254 Descriptions and Trace Element Concentrations Tab1 e 42. Phi 1ip Smith Mountains Quadrangle; Stream Sediment Sampl e Trace El emen t Concentrations r - 258 I? . Table 43. Philip Smith Mountains Quadrangle; U.S.G.S. Stream Sediment Sample Trace El ement Concentrations Table 44. U.S.G.S. Stream Sediment Samples, Brooks Range 260 Terrane, Levels of Detection and Threshol d Values Table 45. MIRL Stream Sediment Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 261 1 i: 1977, Levels of Detection and Thresh01 d Values List of Tables Page Tab1 e 46. MIRL Rock Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 1977, 262 Levels of Detection and Thresh01 d Values Table 47. MIRL Stream sediment' Samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 263 . 7976, Levels of Detection and Threshold Values Table 48.' MIRL Rock samples, Brooks Range Terrane, 1976, 264 -_Level s of Detection and Threshold Values .., Summary and ~onclusi ons The 800 mi 1e 1ong trans-A1 as ka pipe1 ine crosses. fourteen of . the 1 :250,000 U. S. Geological Survey quadrangles . Accofding to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Land Status Map, dqted March 1974, the Federal pipe1 ine corridor includes approximately 7500 square mi 1es. The pipe1 ine transects most of the. major geologic features of south central, interior and northern Alaska. From Valdez to Prudhoe Bay, the
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