80 BIBLE DOCTRINES 3. Give one reference which proves that false prophets have VISIons. 4. What does the failure of a prediction prove? 5 ... Will fals~e prophets perfor~ miracles? Give one text. ~. What is the object df these miracles? 7. What do t.hey tea<Jh concerning holiness? 8. What do they teach men to do? 9. What d-o they teach about the Sabbath? 10. Ilow d·o they treat the gospel? 11. How do they regard Christ? 12. How may we know them? One text. 13. I'rove that we should beware of them. LESSON LII. P]WPHE'.rS AND PROPHETESSES IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 1. r:rhat .whkh made it necessary for God to reveal his will to 111an through the spirit of prophecy was the new relatio1l8 caused by the fall and the plan of salvation through Ohrist; and since these new relations began at the fall and will end at the close of probation, therefore the spirit of prophecy did not stop at the cross, but will end when the perfect state is reached at last. (See second line under new relation.) 1 001'. 13: 8·)0. 2. r:l'here were· prophetesses, as ,yell as prophets, before Oluist; to wit, the pr-ophetess Deborah, who judged Israel ( Judges 4: 4), and the prophetess Huldah, who instructed Josiah, the king. 2 Kings 22: 12-17. 3. Besides the apostles and also Paul, who were especially in­ spired of the Lord, we find the foll-owing prophets in the Christian church: 'Agabus (A<Jts 11-: 27, 28), Barnabus, Si.uleon, Lucin;:; ~lan.aen (Acts 13: 1), Jlldas and Silas (Acts 15: 32). 4. The New Testament mel1ti-olls the following prophetesses: Anna, the prophetess ·(Luke 2: 36-38); Philip's f-our daughters were prophetesses. (A<Jts 21: 8, 9). 5. The New Test3;ment teaches emphatically that God will pour ont his spirit upon his people jn the last days, and that both 111en and women will prophesy till the last great day.> Acts 2: 17, 18, 2.0. 6. Those who live in the last days and wait. for the cOllling of- GOSPEL 11U1'.rllS 81 Christ will have the testimony of Jesus, which is the' spirit 61 proph- ecy. 1 Cor. 1: 6, "; Rev. 19: 10. ' , 7. But the true spirit of prophecy -will be found only in the' r'emnant (last) church w1.Iich keep the conlmandments of God. Rev. 12: 17; 19: 10. Note I.-Revelations through the spirit of prophecy are represented by the second line under liew relatiol1s; for it grew out of the new 'relations, which will continue till the: end of probation, therefore did not end at the cross. Note 2.-For a history and proof of how the spirit of prophecy has been manifested among the people of God who are looking fo~ elirist to come and keepinK the commandments of God, read Rise and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists, chapters IX to XVII, and the Great Secoi'ld Ad­ vent Movement, chapters XIII to XVI. QUE~TIONS. 1. Explain: the reason why God revealed his wi.ll. through prophets. 2. How long will he continue to do so? 3. Name two prophetesses in the 'Old Testament, and give ref- erences. " 4. N arne three prophets in the· Christian church besides the apostles. 5. 'Vho had four daughters who were prophetesses? Give rererence. .. 6. N anle the text proving that there will be visions and prophe- cies in the last. days. ' : 7. ProYe that those who wait rDr Christ to come will have the! spirit of prophe<:y. 8. Prove that the true spirit of prophecy wpl be round only anlong the remnant commandmeilt-~eepers. \ , . 9. What are they called who wait ror Christ' to come and keep the commandments of God? 'LESSON LII!. TESTIMONIES OF THE PROPHETS. 1. The childl~eri of Israel before Christ were called "'the con· gregation of the Lord," which was the Old Testan1ent name TOr the church of Goel. Dent. 23: 3; Ps. 22: 25; 'Reb.·2: 12; Acts 7: 38. .
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