Complete News, Pictures Full Local Coverage Presented Fairly, Clearly \ [Newspaper Devoted And Impartially Each Week » the Community Interest inkpenbent - Heaber Publish** Every Thuridnj PRICE EIGHT CENTS Bntoroil an Heronil Clan* Matter WOODBRI1JGE, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1952 nt IS Often Street. Woodbrldgi, N. J. XLIV—NO. 30 . at the Posl Offli-n, Woodbrldita, N. J. loss-Section Poll Shows »70,000 Cut Cast Set to Present 'My Friend Irma' School Drive \trong School Support On School |i|Ml.-s \ciU-: In an effort to gain a cross-section opinion of ,'iil!-,. Tiiwnshlp voters on the proposed $2,500,000 school Gaining Speed i'irl,Kram, 30 residents from all motion* of the community Cost Seen ,„. lioiirrt hy a staff reporter of The Independent-Leader, ' , virus. Tlie opinion of the 30 was unanimous In favor of i|!1|1,,s;,|, and eight replies which follow were typical of all Vogel Says New Sewers i,iit:iined.) Will Eliminate Need As Vote Nears By RUTH WOLK * AND WINDSOR J. LAKIS For Septic Tank Use WOODBRIDGE — With Louis 1STION: What is your opinion of the refcren- P, BOOK, consulting engineer, oui Carteret Plant 97 Civic Units 4 I,,, on the proposed $3,100,060 High School and the of town, further plaits on the Inman Avenue Grade School to be voted upon proposed $4,600,000 .sewage dis- posal plant and Incinerator, are Alibani Target Asked to Join L s|)[(ial Hoard of Education election on September being held in abeyance for the WOODBRIIX3E — 'himes. al- next few days, Mayor Hugh B. leged to be emanatins; from the U, Qulgley said today. CouncilEffort S. Metals Refining Co.. In Car- Isaac D, Parker, 2 Amherst Avenue, Colonia, In the meantime the sewer trret, were subject of discussion program was seen as likely to save WOOfiBRIDGE— Efforts to re- housewife: I am in favor of the referendum $70,000 in school building costs. a meeting of the Board of cruit 97 Township organizations ( as I believe tbe schools are definitely needed. As soon as Mr. Booz returns, the Health Tuesday. aind groups to distribute pamph- lets, circulars and to aid other- In fact the need is very great. My youngster mayor explained, all details will Commltteeman L, Ray Allbnnl wise in the campaign lor approval be ironed out to preparation for Above is the cast of the three-act comedy V> | Mosirs. Miss Rose Faubl, Miss Joan Slpcis. | who resides in the Hagaman started kindergarten this year and she has ren of the school referendum Septem- the necessary hearing before the be presented Saturday and Sunday hy the Carme- Miss Dorothy Lucas, Miss Barbara (,'lwpc.v, Miss Heights section of Port Reading, to be transported by bus to the Colonia State Department of Health even ber 23, are being made by the lite Players at St. Joseph's Home, Standing, left I)(|r()th Rl|skllli M|ss Rose MarU. Baki Mi« Bar. toltf the Board the fumes have School. I don't know where she will go next though the Township has been Citizens' Council, according to an 1 to rlttht, are: Richard Kurutz, Robert Zcher, Roh- ' 0* killed vegetation In the area and ordered by the courts to proceed announcement made today by C. year, possibly to Keasbey and she will have ert. Baduske„_.,.._•..., Roberi,_i.._it Simon!_•!„„„, Josep!„„«..»h, Simonsimnn , Stevmne, l>«ra Barany. Missing from the picture is Steve have made -several persona ill, Immediately with the construc- Danesecs and Robert Fustos. Seated, Miss Kath Greens. C. Bangert, president of the Coun- to ieave here before daylight and come home Health Officer Harold J. Bailey tion of the proposed plant. cil. after dark. September 25 has been set as reported the "Copper Works op> crates not only under the rules Mr. Bangert said Mrs. Nicholas • the date for the hearing, the Plennert, Council secretary mallrd. mayor said. Officials Shrug Off Suffering Incidents' to Test of the State Board of Health and the Carteret Board.of Health bo letters to the 97 organizations \li., Alfred Lehman, Normandy Road, Colonia, Yesterday, Township Attorney under the U, S, Public Health Saturday, and although no official B. W. Vogel stated that the re- u iv. tic: I don't believe that anyone Efficiency of CDService as well." He said it is acceptance has been received, the vised plans for the sewer dis- Puppy, but Kind Woman Doesn *t Mothers' Club of Colonia and civic posal plant will include Intercep- ISELIN—Man!s best friend found man very inconsider- his understanding the plant mea inns the need of the new schools. As WOODBRIDGE — Incidents to sures pollution of the air at all groups of Woodbridge Oaks, Crest- tors to take care of the proposed view Terrace, Colonia Village, and \ii-ktas said, we have to have the ate and decidedly unfriendly the other day judging from a test the efficiency of local Civil times, and when the pollution be- new high school. The area in letter received by' The Independent-Leader f-rorn Mrs. Chain O' Hills Park and the Better which the 'stadium Is located Defense and disaster control comes too high, the plant stops mis ami we might as well start out Gloria E. May, 165 Benjamin Avenue. » groups will be staged in the four ]diip. operation Immediately. Schools Association have promised does not have sanitary sewers. sections ' of the Township next to help. [til away. Anything that I might say in "Originally," Senator Vogel It seems that a little pooch—a "friendly and wonderful Mr, Alibani took issue with Mr. little dog"—according to Mrs. May was struck by a car in week, it was announced today. Bailey, He said that at times the Superintendent of Schools, Vic- di the schools has been said before said, "the high school plan's called Starting Monday in Fords, and tor C. Nloklas, will meet today nt for the construction of six or sev- front of the Iselin Firehouse on fumes are choking and "one can i-u ryonejknows all about it. I will the following three nights in hardly breathe." He related he 2 o'clock with representatives of en septic tanks at an approximate Green Street. The driver, who was Woodbridge, Iselin and Averiel In the PTA's, Home and School Cir- cost of $70,000. In all, probability not to blame, Mrs. May said, Colonia Girl, 2, Town's was in touch with plant officials im Hie referendum. that order, local lire companies, "but received no satisfaction." cles and the Citizens' Council to the construction of sewer facili- stopped his car but the dog, hurt 8th Victim of Polio auxiliary police, civil defense units discuss distribution of the pamph- ties for the new high school will and frightened, ran away. and the Red Cross will cooperate Finally, it was agreed Mr. Bailey let to be Issued by the Boaid of reflect a saving in the final cost Tomasso, 1355 Oak Tree Road, Iselin, real estate "Being an average, decent law- WOODBRIDGE — Two-year- to. demonstrate to the public the would invite plant officials to Education setting forth the needs |fn< of the structure." abiding American," (Mrs. May con- attend the next Board of Health old Patricia Tierney, daughter methods to be used in the event of for the new h(gh school and In- and insurance: I am definitely in favor of tinued, "the driver notified*. the a disaster. meeting on October 14 and that man Avenue grade school. Woodbridge Township police de- of Mr. and Mrs. James Tierney, The public will be Invited to the residents of Port Reading Next Tuesday, all the organiza- \ the referendum, As a real estate man I know partment, giving his name and 18 Highfield Road, Colonia, was view the operation of the casualty would be Invited to attend. license number. The police prom- tions that pledge their aid will at- ;; at first hand of the tremendous growth of Committee, B. of E. admitted to the Folio Ward of stations and a mobile address sys- tend a meeting with Mr. Nicklas ised to Investigate. This happened Perth Amboy General Hospital tem will provide running commen- to make final plans. on Thursday, September 4." tary on the operations at the the Township and the subsequent need of this week. She Is the eighth c%sc Citizens' Council Active In Accord on Debt The following day, Mrs. May scenes of the incident. The p,ublic Iselin Aid Squad schools. In my opinion there is no sense of Polio in the Township this address systeirt truck will tour Meanwhile, a whirlwind cam- wrote, the school children, re- paign to interest the voters of the WOODBRIDaE — Mayor Hugh ported an injured dog was lying season. each section of the Township on ^ adding on to the present high school as we the night of each Incident to In- Quarters Finished Townshtn, to get out and cast B. Quigley gave assurance yester- in the weeds near the school. It The youngster is "doing nice- then* ballots in favor of the new day that the1 Town Committee was the same little dog that had form the public df the location. fl, can uae -it as a mucrwieeded grade school. ly," according to the hospital All incidents will start at 7:30 schools, Is being planned by the will not pass or introduce any been hurt the previous day. The ISELIN—Iselin First Aid Squad Citizens' Council. A drive for funds ordinances which would increase Board of Health, she writes, was P. M. will reach a long-sought goat Sun- Each night during the week, the is being conducted with Mrs.
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