13 Februarie 2020 Prys: R6.40 Webblad: www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Inter-aksieTshepang Motaung (Potchefstroom Boys’ High), Clarissa Liebenberg (GIrls’ High), Morné Stafford (Gimmies) en Marli Badenhorst (Volkies) is gereed vir Saterdag, 15 Februarie se NW A-liga Interhoër op die NWU McArthur- stadion. Foto: Wouter Pienaar Elderly Jong Jool- man man vlotte convicted gee op skou of rower die na- murder pak week P.2 Bl.3 Bl.7 2 www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Potchefstroom Herald 13 Februarie 2020 68-year-old68-year-old68-year-old sentencedsentencedsentenced Doba Ephraim Maretlwa (68), was con- victedvicted ofof attemptedattempted raperape andand murder.murder. Photos:Photos: TsholofeloTsholofelo MotswenyaneMotswenyane tototo 252525 yearsyearsyears Tsholofelo Motswenyane Mamofutsana Setlhare Moletsane Although one of the women to stir traditional beer. As a result, (74), one of Paulina’s elder sisters, believes the 25-year sentence is An elderly man was recently con- Paulina had multiple open wounds said she could not believe it when lenient, they are all glad that he has victed of murder and attempted on her head and face. she heard about Paulina’s passing. been sentenced and will serve time rape. Based on the results of the foren- When she got to the scene, she in jail. Doba Ephraim Maretlwa (68) was sic and post-mortem reports, Lt-Col wanted to see if it really was her Doba was previously found guilty sentenced to 25 years imprisonment Thabo Maine of the local criminal sister. Because of the state Paulina of crimes like assault with intent to on Friday, 7 February. He is expec- record centre says Doba then was in, however, the officers could cause grievous bodily harm, house- ted to serve 20 years for murder dragged Paulina to an area near her not allow it. breaking, malicious damage to and five years for attempted rape. boyfriend’s house while she was During a break in the proceedings, property, crimen injuria, robbery, On 21 June 2017, Doba was unconscious. It is there where he Maria Setlhare, Paulina’s other rape and attempted murder. He arrested for the murder of Mapoulo attempted to rape her. Maine says sister, was in tears. served time in prison for some of Paulina Setlhare (55) and for at- she was still alive when the suspect Mamofutsana said she would be at his crimes, while other sentences tempting to rape her. tried to rape her. When he noticed peace if Doba were sent to jail for were suspended. According to Sgt Riana Keka, the that she was dead, he decided not to what he did. Doba was released on parole on investigating officer of the case continue and dumped the deceased’s The sisters and other women who 18 April 2017, a few months before before she was suspended, Doba body a few houses from his home. have been attending the court case he committed his most recent and Paulina were drinking alcohol On the morning of Monday, 12 since 2017, were present at the offences. together at his place in Ikageng on June 2017, a community member sentencing. Their uncle was also Doba’s defence attorney says they the evening of 11 June 2017. (Doba discovered the body on her way to there. will be filing for leave to appeal. lived in a shack, in his brother’s work and immediately contacted the yard). Doba and Paulina then had police. an argument about money for Sgt Keka said they found Paulina alcohol. During the altercation, Sgt on the ground with her tights and Keka says, it seems he started underwear around her boots. She hitting Paulina on the head with a had visible injuries on her face, wooden spoon that is usually used head, and thighs and was declared dead at the scene. The police then followed the trail to the yard where Doba resided. When they entered, they found more evidence pointing to him as the potential suspect. Maria Setlhare and Mamofutsana Setlhare Moletsane, the sisters of the late Mapoulo Paulina Setlhare. 13 Februarie 2020 Potchefstroom Herald www.potchefstroomherald.co.za 3 Adriaan Chambers wys na die plek waar die rower uiteindelik vasgemaak is. Foto: Dustin Wetdewich Dustin Wetdewich die man vas te maak,” verduidelik ou vas te maak. Ander bure het die heerders op ’n nuwe frekwensie in te hy. polisie en Mooirivier Beskerming stel. Dit is so belangrik en eintlik “Ek het net besluit, jy gaan nie ‘n Tydens die struweling het Adriaan gebel. Dit was werklik ’n spanpo- iets wat min mense aan dink,” vertel mes op my trek in my eie huis nie.” ligte beserings aan sy hand en been ging,” sê Jan. Volgens hom was die hy. Hoewel pa en seun na die voor- So vertel Adriaan Chambers nadat opgedoen. Volgens sy pa, Jan Cham- ambulansdienste op die toneel, maar val slegs met ligte beserings en ’n huisrower hom Dinsdagoggend, bers, het hy wakker geword nadat sy niemand is hospitaal toe geneem sowat R15 000 se skade kan weg- 11 Februarie omstreeks 01:30 met seun alarm gemaak het. nie. Beide Jan en Adriaan het stap, het hulle eers na die tyd besef ‘n mes wou aanval. “Hy het blou moord geskreeu. benadruk dat die polisie vinnig en wat alles kon gebeur het. Volgens Adriaan het hy wakker Nadat ek uit die woonstel gekom professioneel opgetree het. Hulle glo “My kop was baie naby aan waar geword van ‘n geluid, waarna hy het, het hy klaar die rowers onder dat die hulp wat die bure tydens die my selfoon en my oorfone gelê het. twee mans binne sy woonstel in Piet beheer gehad. Ek het die mes wat voorval aan hulle verleen het, vir Enige iets kon eintlik gebeur. Ons Bosmanstraat gesien het. Hy het hy in sy hand gehad het, wegge- ander mense in die stad ’n les kan het die situasie hanteer, maar besef opgespring, waarop een van die skop,” vertel Jan. wees. “Dit is so belangrik om jou nou eers dat dit baie erger kon rowers ’n mes uitgepluk het. Die Herald het kort na die voorval bure te ken en goeie verhoudings gewees het,” vertel Adriaan. “Ek het nie regtig gedink nie, bloot in ’n aanlyn artikel berig dat Jan met hulle te hê. Jy weet nooit Ao. Mpho Manyoba, polisiewoord- net gereageer,” vertel hy. Die rower aan sy kop met ’n mes gesteek is. wanneer jy hulle hulp gaan nodig voerder, het die voorval bevestig. Sy het probeer vlug maar Adriaan het Volgens Jan het hy ’n klein bese- kry nie,” verduidelik Adriaan. het ook bevestig dat die verdagte op die man ingehardloop, hom aan sy ring aan sy oogbank opgedoen, maar Jan is net so beïndruk met die ‘n aanklag van huisroof in hegtenis trui gegryp, omgedraai en in ’n dat hy dit moontlik gestamp het optrede van die bestuur van die geneem is. Volgens Manyoba was kopklem vasgedruk. soos wat hy na sy seun gehaas het. kompleks na die voorval. daar vyf verdagtes wat deel van die “Ons het so ‘n bietjie gestoei, toe “Dit was nie eers vyf minute nie, “Hulle het dadelik werk gemaak rooftog was. Die ondersoek duur kom my bure uit om ons te help om toe het die bure ingespring om die daarvan om almal se toegangsbe- voort. Peri Peri successfully arrest suspects with community help Peri Peri Community Safety admitted buying from the latter,” said Lucky. members recently apprehended explained Lucky. He said the arrests were achieved suspects of several crimes that Two men also stole a laptop in with the help of the community; the occurred in Extension 11, Tha- Thabeng, Ikageng. According to suspects were handed over to the beng and Marikana. According to Lucky, a community member saw police and they further advice Lucky Lerefolo, the president and the culprits in action and notified victims of the crimes to open cases co-founder of the watch group, a the Peri Peri. “The team in Ikageng with the Police. Some people end up man went to a resident in Exten- responded quickly, ensuring that the not opening cases, as a result the sion 11 and allegedly pretended laptop was given back to the owner,” occurrences are not investigated. to be an undercover police officer. “He asked to search the house for drugs as he told the people he was working with the police,” he said. The man allegedly attempted to rob the residents. The commu- nity heard the residents calling for help and immediately responded. “When we (Peri Peri members) got there, the suspect was handcuffed and we called the police,” said Lucky. In another incident, the Peri Peri members who were patrolling the streets of Marikana received a tip-off about where stolen goods were being sold. “They (the patrollers) went there with the The suspected two who allegedly stole the laptop The suspect who was allegedly selling stolen pro- The suspect who pretended to be an undercover alleged suspect and the buyer in Thabeng, Ikageng. perty in Marikana. police official, in extension 11. Photos: Provided 4 www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Potchefstroom Herald 13 Februarie 2020 Moet ons stop, of nie? Venessa van der Westhuizen Die stopstraat in MC Roodestraat voor die ingang van die Hoër Tegnie- se Skool is in Desember 2019 verwyder nadat die Verkeersdeparte- ment van J.B Marks besluit het dat dit eerder ‘n veiligheidsrisiko is. Dit het gekom na die publiek begin kla het dat motoriste, maar veral swaarvoertuie, die stopstraat veront- agsaam. Ondersoek is verlede jaar ingestel. Volgens ‘n verklaring van die DA het raadslid Chris Hattingh saam met die hoof van verkeer, Malcolm Grimbeeck, die stopstraat besoek en gevind dat daar tussen 12:30 en Mauritz Steenkamp, waarnemende hoof van die 13:05 op ‘n skooldag slegs drie uit Hoër Tegniese Skool Potchefstroom by die meer as 100 voertuie wettig stop, stopstraat wat nou verwyder is.
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