Aclvertiaement THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN AMICA MEMBERSHIP RATES: Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Continuing Members: $15 Dues Association, a non-profit club devoted to the restoration, distribu­ tion and enjoyment of musical Instruments using perforated paper New Members, add $5 processing fee music rolls. Lapsed Members, add $3 processing fee Contributions: All subjects of interest to readers of the bulletin are encouraged and Invited by the publisher. All articles must be received by the 10th of the preceding month. Every attempt will be made to publish all articles of general interest to AMICA members at the earliest possible time and at the discretion of the publisher. ADVERTISING - Line ad rate: 8<1 per word, $1.20 minimum. OFFICERS - Page rate: $12.50 per quarter page or multiple thereof. - Ad copy will be typeset (at additional cost) only if requested. INTERNATlONAL CHAPTER Each photograph or half-tone, $5.00 OFFICERS OFFICERS - Camera-ready copy that is oversized or underSized will be changed to correct size at your cost. PRESIDENT NO. CALIFORNIA - Camera-ready copy must reach the publisher by the 10th of Bob Rosencrans Pres.: Frank Loob the preceed.ng month. Vice Pres.: Howard Koff Cash must accompany order. Typesetting Or size alteration VIC E-PRESIDENT charges will be billed separately. Make checks payable to Bill Johnson Sec.: Dick Reutlinger AMICA INTERNATIONAL. Treas.: Bill Wherry SECRETARY Reporter: Diane Lillibridge - All ads will aprear on the last pages of the BULLETIN, at the Isadora Koff discretion of the publisher. SO. CALIFORNIA BULLETiN PublicatiOn of business advertising in no way implies AMICA's Pres.: Prentiss Knowlton endorsement of any commercial operation. However, AMICA re­ Tom Beckett Vice Pres.: Elliot Lacy serves the right to refuse any ad that is not in keeping with AM ICA's 6817 Cliffbrook Drive Sec.: Evelyn Meeder general standards or If complaints are received ind icating that said Dallas, Texas 75240 Treas.: Jim Christopher business does not serve the best Interests of the members of AMICA, according to ItS goals and by-laws. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Reporter: Bill Toeppe (New Memberships and TEXAS BULLETIN ADVERTISII\lG IS CASH IN ADVANCE Mailing Problems) Pres.: Dick Barnes Anita Nickels Johnson Vice Pres.: Doyle Cassel P. o. Box 666 Sec./Treas.: Tony Palmer Grand Junction, Reporter: James Guinn Colorado 8150 I MIDWEST TREASURER Pres_: Milton Cooperman Jack and Mary Riffle Vice Pres.: Jim Prendergast Sec./Treas.: Jim & Sue Worgull Reporter: Molly Yeckley Cover design created from a Pionala BOARD REPRESENTATIVES PHILADELPHIA AREA Pres.: Larry Cornell Nick Jarrett, N. California ad contributed by Mark D. Zahm. Vice Pres.: Ron Swanson Haden Vandiver, Texas Sec.: Barbara Macartney International AMICA 90 Ron Swanson, Philadelphia Treas.: Doris Berry AMICA Forum 93 Alan Mueller, S.O.W.N.Y. Reporter: Bill Pilgermayer Rolls and Music 94 Jim Weisenborne, Midwest SOWNY (So. Ontario, West N.Y.) Instruments - The Wangerin Pres.: Richard Drewniak Organ Player 96 Vice Pres.: William Ha tzenbuhler Sec.: Janet Drewniak Northern California 97 Treas.: Stan Aldridge iSouthern California 98 Reporter: Edythe Aldridge Texas 99 Felix Klempka Philadelphia Area 101 ROCKY MOUNTAIN Biographical Sketches: Pending Louis Moreau Gottschalk 103 Technicalities 110 to. Et Jnfernafionaf JlJJ(Jf8Jl • r---" Miss Luba Hambourg, sister of the late Mark Hambourg, the eminent pianist, witnesses the MORE ON MARK HAMBOURG signing of the trust deed of the British Piano BY FRANK HOLLAND Museum by its founder Mr. Frank Holland. Among the items in Mr. Holland's collection The article on Mark Hambourg by Emmet M.Ford on are piano rolls recorded by Mr. Hambourg. page 205 of the November, 1975 issue of the AMICA BULLETIN brought back nostalgic thoughts to me as founder of the (British Piano) museum in 1963. I passed the article on to Michal Hambourg, surviving daughter of Mark Hambourg and also a Patron of the museum. I am pleased to enclose her reply sent to me recently. "VeM Sbt, 1 wa;., veJr.y muc.h inteJr.C6ted to ftead Emmett Foftd'.6 aJtticte about my 6atheJr., MaJtfl HarnboMg, but would Ufle to amend c.eJr.:tain 6aw in thi.6 letteJr.. My gftandpaJten:t.6 weJr.e neveJr. impwoned in RUMia. 1 believe that they weJr.e politic.ally .6U.6pec.:t and c.arne to England thU.6 e.6c.aping aMC6t. My 6atheJr. gave many c.onc.eJr.:t.6 a.6 a boy pftod-<-gy in the yeaJt 1890 and many fuilngu.i.6hed mU.6iuan.6 helped to plan hi.6 6u.:tu.Jte. Finally due to the 9 eneJr.o.6ity 06 PadeJr.ew.6Ili, he Wa.6 .6ent to Vienna to .6tudy with the gfteat teac.heJr. Le.6c.heil.6flYi he Wa.6 twelve yeaJt.6" old and .6pent the next thJtee and a hal6 yeaJt.6 with Le.6c.he.-­ fu fly, mailing hi.6 debut aged MMeen with the Vienna PWhaJtmon-<-c. OftC.hC6:tJta c.onduc.:ted by Vft, Han.6 Ric.h:teJr., a U6e-long 6ftiend and mentOft. At that time he al.60 played wUh the BeJr.Un PWhaJtmon-<-c. undeJr. Under the Department of Education and Science, I WungaJt:tneJr.. Bftahm.6 Wa.6 pftC6 ent at thi.6 c.onc.eJr.:t and had the museum registered as a Charitable Trust 1 have the p!tOgJtam among my :tJtea.6Med mU.6ic.al mem­ in 1966, and the Trust Deed was witnessed by no oJtabilia. In 1895 my 6atheJr. embaJtfled on hi.6 6iJt.6t woftld tOM, then 60llowed tOu.Jt.6 in Bftdain, on the others than the Hon. Mrs. Dorothea Hambourg, wife Continent, and in the To the 6inC6t of Mark .Hambourg, and also by Luba Hambourg, Mark's U. S. A.. me, sister. The Trustees are, needless to say, delighted example 06 hi.6 playing an piano !tOlli i.6 the Vuo- to have these eminent names on this document. My Au !tOll No. 5699, "La SOMc.e, Op. 36, No.4" by LC6c.heil.6fly. FJtanfl Holland ha.6 thi.6 !tOll in hi.6 mother, Daisy Kirby, remembers playing way back in 1900 with three of Mark's sisters, Galia, Mania and, c.ollec.ilon and it i.6 a U6e-Ufle ftepftoduc.ilon 06 the maJtveUoU.6 eneJr.gy and mU.6ic.aU:ty a6 my 6atheJr.'.6 of course, Luba, who helped in founding the museum playing. in its early days. Unhappily, Luba died later in All good wi.6hC6 1966. yOu.Jt.6 .6inc.eJr.ely Mic.hal HamboMg" Mrs. Hambourg expressed interest in the music rolls, and mentioned that she remembered going with Mark to Leipzeg to make several rolls of music for the DEA and Triphonola systems. AMICA ITEMS AMICA TECHNICALITIES BOOKS: Volume I AMICA Stationery. $3.20 (letter size), $1.75 FOR SALE (1969-1971). $5.50 postpaid; Volume II (1972­ (note size). including mailing "harges. Fine 1974), $7.50 postpaid; or order both sets for quality stationery with ornate AMICA borders. AMICA BULLETINS, BOUND ISSUES: 1969, $12.50 postpaid. Reprints of interesting techni­ Each packet contains 25 letters and matching $9; 1971, $15; 1972, $15; 1973, $15. 1974 calities articles which have appeared in the envelopes. Send orders to Robert Lemon, 4560 unbound sets, $15; 1974 bound sets, $18; AMICA Bulletin, arranged and indexed into Green Tree Drive, Sacramento, CA 94823. 1975 bound, $18, P RIC ESIN CLU DE appropriate categories, spiral bound to lie flat. POSTAGE AND HANDLING. Spiral bound to Send orders to Howard Koff, 2141 Deodara "They All Laughed When I Sat Down At The lie flat. Send to Mary Lilien, 4260 Olympiad Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022. Piano, But When IT Began To Play ..." Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90043. This sound and color super-8 movie, produced ROLL LEADERS: DUO-ART, Authentic. For AMICA Sterling Silver Pins, $4.25, inclUding by AMICA members, is again available for loan order sheet, see the April, 1973 Bulletin. Nick mailing charges. Lapel pin or tie tack wit~ to AM ICA members and chapters. For more Jarrett, 3.622 . 21 st Street, San Francisco, CA AMICA design. Order from Robert Lemon, information write to Howard Koff, 2141 94114. 4560 Green Tree Drive, Sacramento, CA 94823. Deodara Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022. - 90 - Jnfernafional JlJ!{J(8Jl following which he joined the Bureau of Standards FOUR NEW HON-ORARY MEMBERS APPROVED in Washington. During 1922 he received his doctor's BY ALF E. WEROLIN degree from Clark University, using as his thesis the work he had done at the Bureau of Standards. At a recent Board of Directors meeting (via mail), four new honorary members were unanimously approved: For a short period thereafter he worked at the Washington Navy Yard developing submarine mines, and it was from here that he joined the American Pauline Alpert - Bronx, New York. Piano Company. His assignment: lito develop a better Duo-Art recording artist; made recordings for other player pianos and record players; composer Ampico reproducing pianoJl' What a change! From rockets, submarine mines and other explosive devices, and arranger. to developing that most explosive of all automatic Dr. Mana-Zucca - Miami Beach, Florida. musical instruments - the Ampico Re-Enacting Piano! Ampico recording artist; recorded accompaniments In 1924 the American Piano Company decided to es­ for own compositions; composer of over 1100 tablish a fully equipped research laboratory in the pieces. new Chickering Hall in New York under the direction of Charles Fuller Stoddard, the inventor of the John Duke - Northampton, Massachusetts. Ampico. Mr. Stoddard realized the need for a phy­ Ampico editor. Recording artist for Ampico and sicist and mathematician in undertaking more ad­ Duo-Art. vanced research in the operation of reproducing instruments.
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