High Burden of Stroke Risk Factors in Developing Country: the Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina DOI: 10.5455/msm.2017.29.277-279 Received: September 25 2017; Accepted: October 8 2017 © 2017 Marija Bender, Edin Jusufovic, Vesna Railic³, Sima Kelava, Selma Tinjak, Damir Dzevdetbegovic, Dario Mot, Mensuda Tresnjo, Sandra Lakicevic, Natasa Pejanovic-Skobic, Osman Sinanovic This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ORIGINAL PAPER Mater Sociomed. 2017 Dec; 29(4): 277-279 High Burden of Stroke Risk Factors in Developing Country: the Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 ³ 4 5 1University Clinical Marija Bender , Edin Jusufovic², Vesna Railic , Sima Kelava , Selma Tinjak , Hospital Mostar, Damir Dzevdetbegovic6, Dario Mot7, Mensuda Tresnjo8, Sandra Lakicevic1, Herzegovina-Neretva 1 Canton, Bosnia and Natasa Pejanovic-Skobic , Osman Sinanovic² Herzegovina ²University Clinical ABSTRACT better health planning. Hospital Tuzla, Tuzla Introduction: The burden of stroke has been Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina, stroke, case- Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina increasing worldwide, especially in developing fatality, epidemiology, hospital-based. ³General Hospital Brčko, countries. Very few data regarding epidemiology District Brčko, Bosnia of stroke are available in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Herzegovina (BH). Patients and methods: We undertook a ret- 1. INTRODUCTION 4County Hospital „Fra Mihovila Sučića“, rospective hospital-based study in all hospitals Stroke affects 33 million individuals worldwide Herzeg-Bosnian Canton, existing in five cantons and one district of BH. The every year and two-thirds of all strokes occur in Bosnia and Herzegovina patients were recruited between January 1st, 2014, developing countries (1, 2). The burden of stroke 5 County Hospital st „Dr. Safet Mujić“, and December 31 , 2014, and only first-ever-in- has been increasing worldwide, especially in de- Herzegovina-Neretva lifetime strokes (FES) were included for evaluation. veloping countries (3, 4). Very few data regarding Canton, Bosnia and epidemiology of stroke are available in Bosnia Herzegovina Results: A FES was diagnosed in 1479 patients (age 6General Hospital „Dr. 71.83 ± 11.703 years) during the study period. FES and Herzegovina (BH), mainly because it is one Mustafa Beganović“, occurred in 709 men (47.9%; age 69.64 ±12.002 of the rare countries in Europe that does not have Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and years) and 770 women (52.1%; age 73.85± 11.051 official Stroke register (5-7). In order to describe Herzegovina stroke subtypes, risk factors and case fatality in 7County Hospital Orašje, years). Stroke was categorized into ischemic stroke Posavina Canton, Bosnia (IS), primary intracerebral hemorrhage (PICH), sub- BH, we preformed a retrospective hospital-based and Herzegovina arachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and cerebral venous study in five cantons and in one district in BH. 8 General Hospital Konjic, thrombosis (CVT), which was diagnosed in 84%, Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Bosnia and 12,2%, 3,4% and 0,4% cases respectively. Early 2. SUBJECTS AND METHOD Herzegovina 28-day case-fatality was 18.5 % for all patients and We studied retrospectively stroke patients hos- st Corresponding author: both sexes combined. Short-term case-fatality was pitalized between January 1 , 2014, and December Marija Bender, MD. significantly greater in women (P=0.007). Among 31st, 2014, in all hospitals existing in the study University Clinical Hospital Mostar, all patients with FES, 87% had hypertension, 35% area. We used World Health Organization (WHO) Herzegovina-Neretva diabetes mellitus, 39% hypercholesterolemia and definition of stroke: “rapidly developing clinical Canton, Bosnia and almost 25 % atrial fibrillation. Discussion: This is signs of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral Herzegovina. Mob.: 0036763044104. E-mail: the first study that provides us with information function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or lon- marijabender@yahoo. on epidemiology of stroke in BH. More than 90% ger or leading to death, with no apparent cause com, of patients had one or more modifiable risk fac- other than of vascular origin”. We categorized, tors and the number would be even higher if we based on clinical and cerebral imaging, stroke included smoking. The early stroke case-fatality subtype as ischemic stroke (IS), primary intra- was lower than that observed in other low- to mid- cerebral hemorrhage (PICH), subarachnoid hem- dle-income countries. Conclusion: All modifiable orrhage (SAH) and cerebral venous thrombosis stroke risk factors, especially high blood pressure, (CVT). Transient ischemic attacks were excluded. should be understood as a major public health Stroke risk factors were identified, including hy- problem in BH and efforts should be focused on pertension, blood pressure (BP) ≥160/90 mmHg the primary prevention of stroke. Our emphasis (or any treatment for high BP); diabetes mellitus, is on the designing of a stroke register in BH for a fasting glucose level 7 mmol/L or plasma glucose Mater Sociomed. 2017 Dec; 29(4): 277-279 • Original paper 277 High Burden of Stroke Risk Factors in Developing Country: the Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina 11 mmol/L at any time of day (or if treated with insulin or with Canton Area (km²) Population oral hypoglycemic agents); hypercholesterolemia, total cho- Posavina Canton 324.6 39178 lesterol level ≥ 5.6 mmol/L; atrial fibrillation (ECG or Holter Tuzla Canton 2,649.0 501340 recordings). The stroke was considered non-fatal if the patient Herzegovina-Neretva Canton 4,401.0 222745 was alive 28 days after stroke onset. All data were extracted West Herzegovina Canton 1,362.2 78568 from the hospital patient’s records. Herzeg-Bosnian Canton 4,934.9 67777 District Brčko 493.0 75545 3. STUDY AREA Total 14,164.7 985153 Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country in Southeastern Table 1. Geographical Area of the Study and its Population Europe, located on the Balkan peninsula. According to the World Bank, it was an upper middle-income country with both sexes combined. Intracerebral hemorrhage at 36% had Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 7123 convertible marks (U.S. the overall highest fatality rate (P<0.001) (Table 3). Short-term dollars 3958) in 2014. Life expectancy of population is 73.33 case-fatality is significantly greater in women (P=0.007). years for males and 79.55 for females (8). The entity of the FBH is divided into ten cantons and all of these cantons have 5. DISCUSSION their own cantonal governments, which is under the law of We preformed a retrospective hospital-based study in order the Federation as a whole (9). This study was conducted in to describe stroke subtypes, risk factors and 28-day case fatal- five cantons and in one district, which are presented in Table ity of stroke in different cantons of BH. The frequencies of IS, 1. We detected all hospitals existing in the study area: County PICH and SAH in our study of 84%, 12.2% and 3.4%, respec- Hospital Orašje in Orašje (Posavina Canton); General Hospital tively, are similar to those reported by EROS investigators (10). „Dr.Mustafa Beganović“ in Gračanica and University Clinical The median age for FES was 72 years, which is only one Center Tuzla in Tuzla (Tuzla Canton); County Hospital „Dr. year older than in other European countries and conflicts Safet Mujić“ in Mostar, General Hospital Konjic in Konjic and with the finding that average age of FEV incidence is 6 years University Clinical Hospital Mostar in Mostar (Herzegovina- younger in LMIC than in HIC (10, 11, 22). In BH, like in most Neretva Canton); County Hospital „Fra Mihovila Sučića“ in studies, women got their first stroke on an average 4,2 years Livno (Herzeg-Bosnian Canton); General Hospital Brčko in later than man (13). Brčko (District Brčko). Among all patients with FEV, 87% had hypertension, 35% Statistical Analysis diabetes mellitus, 39% hypercholesterolemia and almost SPSS software for Windows (version 20, SPSS Inc., Chicago, 25% AF. Only 7 % patients did not have any modifiable risk IL, USA) was used for the statistical analysis of the data. Chi- factors and 65% had two or more. Our data clearly showed a square test was used for the comparison between categorical high prevalence of these risk factors. That can be explained variables. P < 0.050 was considered statistically significant. by assuming that large segment of BH population still lives in poverty and low socioeconomic status is associated with 4. RESULTS higher prevalence of vascular risk factors (14). Since most of Between January 1st, 2014, and December 31st, 2014, 1938 these risk factors are preventable, our emphasis would be on patients with stroke were hospitalized. Mean age was 72.20 better stroke prevention strategies. (± 11.164 SD) years. Among all identified cases, 930 (48.0 %) The early stroke case-fatality (18.5%) is lower than that occurred in males and 1008 (52.0%) in females. Among all observed in other low- to middle-income countries (11, 12), but hospitalized patients, 459 (23.7%) had a recurrent stroke. still higher than the goal set for 2015 (15%) in the Helsingborg A FES was diagnosed in 1479 (76.3 %) patients (age 71.83 ± Declaration 2006 (15). We found no differences in early case- 11.703 years; range 19 to 97 years). FES occurred in 709 men fatality between hospitals and since early case fatality is an (47.9 %; age 69.64 ±12.002 years) and 770 women (52.1%; age indicator of hospital performance, we can say that quality of 73.85± 11.051 years). In FES, brain imaging was performed care is the same in all hospitals (16). Our data show significant in 100% of patients and stroke was categorized into IS, PICH, SAH and IS PICH SAH Total Risk Factors (n=1242) (n=181) (n=50) (n=1473) CVT, which was diagnosed in 84%, No.
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