IUPAC - NIST Solubility Data Series 66

IUPAC - NIST Solubility Data Series 66

IUPAC - NIST Solubility Data Series 66. Ammonium Phosphates Cite as: Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 27, 1289 (1998); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.556030 Submitted: 01 January 1997 . Published Online: 15 October 2009 Jitka Eysseltová, and Thedford P. Dirkse ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 93. Potassium Sulfate in Water Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 41, 013103 (2012); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.3679678 IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 73. Metal and Ammonium Formate Systems Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 30, 1 (2001); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.1354207 Erratum: “IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series 66. Ammonium Phosphates” [J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 27, 1289 (1998)] Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 29, 1643 (2000); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.1347985 Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 27, 1289 (1998); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.556030 27, 1289 © 1998 American Institute of Physics and American Chemical Society. IUPAC - NIST Solubility Data Series 66. Ammonium Phosphates Jitka Eysseltova´ Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Thedford P. Dirkse Calvin College, 3201 Burton Street, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 Received January 1, 1997; revised manuscript received October 26, 1998 The solubility of ammonium phosphate is reviewed. Many ammonium phosphates can be described in terms of the ternary system: NH3 –PO5–H2O. However, this system differs from systems like the sulfates and halates in that it has a marked tendency to form condensed oligophosphate ions. The literature survey covers the period up to 1988. © 1998 American Institute of Physics and American Chemical Society. @S0047-2689~98!00406-1# Key words: ammonium compounds; aqueous solutions; solubility; phosphates. Contents 7.1. NH4H2PO4 – Urea–H2O.................. 1376 1. Preface................................... 1290 7.2. NH4H2PO4 – Organic Compound–H2O..... 1382 1.1. General Description of Ammonium 7.3. NH4H2PO4 –Urea–NH4NO3 –H2O.......... 1386 Phosphate Systems...................... 1290 7.4. NH4H2PO4 –NH4NO3 –H2O.............. 1391 1.2. Procedure Used for Evaluating Binary 7.5. NH4H2PO4 –(NH4)2SO4 –H2O............. 1397 Systems............................... 1291 7.6. Other Ternary Systems With the Ammonium 1.2.1. Anhydrous solid phases NH H PO Cation as the Common Ion................ 1402 ~ 4 2 4 1 and (NH ! HPO ).................. 1291 7.7. NH4H2PO4 –MH2PO4 –H2O ~MisK , 4 2 4 Rb1,Cs1,Tl1) ........................ 1408 1.2.2. ~NH4!2HPO4•2H2O................. 1291 1.3. Choice of Material for This Volume and its 8. Reciprocal Salt Systems With NH4H2PO4 8.1. 1 1 2 Organization........................... 1291 Solubility in the 2NH4 ,2K uu2H2PO4 , CO22 –H O System..................... 1414 1.4. References for the Preface................ 1292 3 2 8.2. NH1 ,Na1 H PO2 ,NO2–H O .......... 1415 2. Introduction to the Solubility of Solids in 4 uu 2 4 3 2 8.3. NH1,K1 H PO2,NO2–H O............. 1423 Liquids................................... 1292 4 uu 2 4 3 2 8.4. NH1 ,K1 H PO2 ,Cl2–H O............ 1438 2.1. The Nature of the Project. ............... 1292 4 uu 2 4 2 9. Ternary, and Higher, Systems With (NH )HPO 2.2. Quantities and Units Used in Compilation 4 4 9.1. (NH ) HPO –Urea–H O................. 1442 and Evaluation of Solubility Data.......... 1294 4 2 4 2 9.2. (NH ) HPO –Organic Compound–H O .... 1446 3. Oligophosphate Systems..................... 1299 4 2 4 2 9.3. Solubility in the (NH ) HPO – 4. Ammonium Orthophosphates.................. 1300 4 2 4 (NH ) CO –H O System................ 1448 4.1. Binary Systems: Phosphate–Water......... 1301 4 2 3 2 9.4. (NH ) HPO –NH NO –H O............. 1449 4.2. Crystallization Fields of Individual 4 2 4 4 3 2 9.5. (NH4)2HPO4 –(NH4)2SO4 –H2O........... 1451 Ammonium Phosphates.................. 1313 9.6. Solubility in the 5. Systems Made by Adding a Component to the ~NH4!2HPO2–~NH4!2S2O9–H2O System..... 1453 NH3 –H3PO4 –H2O System 9.7. Solubility in the NH4Clo–~NH4!2HPO2–H2O 5.1. Solubilities in the NH3 –H3PO4 – HNO3 System................................ 1454 –H2O System.......................... 1330 9.8. Solubility in the 5.2. Solubilities in the NH3 –H3PO4 –H2SO4 NH2HPO4–~NH4!2HPO2–H2O System....... 1454 –H2O System.......................... 1346 10. Quaternary Systems With (NH4)2HPO4......... 1455 5.3. Solubilities in the NH3 –H3PO4 –HCl–H2O 11. Systems Index.............................. 1460 System................................ 1354 12. Registry Number Index...................... 1466 6. Systems Formed by Adding a Component to the 13. Author Index............................... 1467 NH4H2PO4 –(NH4)2HPO4 –H2O System 6.1. Solubilities in the NH4H2PO4 –(NH4)2HPO4 List of Figures – Urea– H2O System..................... 1358 1. Ammonium phosphates in the NH3 –P2O5–H2O 6.2. Solubilities in the NH4H2PO4 system................................... 1291 –(NH4)2HPO4 –K2SO4 –H2O System. ..... 1373 2. Composition of solutions saturated with both 6.3. Other Systems.......................... 1375 NH4H2PO4 and ~NH4!2H2P2O7............... 1297 7. Ternary, and Higher, Systems With NH4H2PO4 3. Solubility data for NH4H2PO4................ 1304 0047-2689/98/27„6…/1289/182/$89.001289 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 27, No. 6, 1998 1290 J. EYSSELTOVA AND T. P. DIRKSE 4. Solubility data for ~NH4!2HPO4.............. 1304 cause of page limitations, all this material has not been cov- 5. Solubility of (NH4)3PO4 in the NH3 –H3PO4 – ered in this volume. H O system at 273 K....................... 1314 2 1.1. General Description of Ammonium Phosphate 6. Solubility of (NH ) PO in the NH –H PO – 4 3 4 3 3 4 Systems H2O system at 298 K....................... 1314 7. Solubility branch of (NH4)2HPO4 in the Many ammonium phosphates can be described in terms of NH –H PO –H O system at 273 K........... 1314 3 3 4 2 the NH3 –P2O5–H2O system, Table I and Figure 1. How- 8. Solubility branch of (NH4)2 HPO4 in the ever, this system differs from other systems such as sulfates NH3 –H3PO4 –H2O system at 298 K........... 1314 and halates in that it has a marked tendency to form con- 9. Solubility branch of NH4H2PO4 in the densed oligophosphate anions. Thus, e.g., along the line rep- NH –H PO –H O system at 273 K........... 1315 3 3 4 2 resenting the ratio of NH3/P2O552 in Figure 1, the 10. Solubility branch of NH H PO in the 4 2 4 compounds NH4H2PO4 $5%,(NH4)2H2P2O7$12%, NH –H PO –H O system at 298 K........... 1315 3 3 4 2 (NH4)3H2P3O10 $13% and (NH4)4H2P4O13 $15% may be 11. Solubility branch of NH4H2PO4 in the found. NH3 –H3PO4 –H2O system at 323 K........... 1315 Figure 1 serves as a guide for arranging and organizing the 12. Curves of simultaneous crystallization of two material contained in this volume. The following five para- solid phases in the NH3 –H3PO4 –H2O system... 1315 graphs give a further explanation of Figure 1. 13. Solubility in the NH H PO –urea–H O 4 2 4 2 1. The line depicting the ratio NH3:P2O556 ~line r56! system................................... 1376 marks the limit of neutralization. Basic systems containing 14. Solubility in the NH4H2PO4–CS~NH2!2–H2O excess NH3 lie to the right of this line. No additional solid system................................... 1382 phases exist in this region. Completely or partially neutral- 15. Solubility in the NH4H2PO4–methionine–H2O ized phosphates lie to the left of the line. system................................... 1383 2. All the solid phosphates mentioned in this volume may 16. Solubility in the NH4H2PO4–NH4NO3–H2O be classified into series depending on the degree of conden- system................................... 1391 sation of the anion: orthophosphates, diphosphates, triphos- 17. Solubility of NH4H2PO4 in the phates and tetraphosphates. However, all members of these NH4H2PO4–~NH4!2SO4–H2O system.......... 1397 series cannot be individually depicted on Figure 1 because 18. Solubility isotherms in the points referring to individual partially neutralized phosphates NH4H2PO4–NH4Cl–H2O system.............. 1404 must also indicate the water of hydration content. Thus, 19. Solubility in the NH4H2PO4–KH2PO4–H2O ammonium dihydrogenphosphate, NH4H2PO4 $5%, and system at 273 K........................... 1408 diammonium dihydrogendiphosphate monohydrate, 20. Solubility in the NH H PO –KH PO –H O 4 2 4 2 4 2 (NH )H P O H O, appear at the same location ~point $5% system at 298 K........................... 1409 4 2 2 7• 2 on Figure 1!. 21. The solid phases are NaH2PO4•2H2O and 3. Systems consisting of ammonia, the respective acid and NaNO ................................... 1415 3 water are ternary. For congruently soluble phosphates ~both 22. The solid phases are NaH PO 2H O and 2 4• 2 completely and partially neutralized! the respective binary NH H PO ............................... 1415 4 2 4 systems ~phosphate-water! can be understood as a binary 23. The solid phases are NH4H2PO4 and NH4NO3... 1416 section of the basic ternary system. 24. The solid phases are NH4H2PO4 and NaNO3.... 1416 4. Each system consisting of two phosphates belonging to 25. Solubility in the NH4H2PO4–KNO3–H2O the same series, e.g., NH4HPO4 –(NH4)2HPO4 –H2O, is also system................................... 1423 a ternary system. However, such ternary systems can also be 26. Solubility in the H4H2PO4–KCl–H2O system.. 1438 considered as subsystems of the primary ternary system 27. Solubility of ~NH4!2HPO4 in the (NH3–H3PO4 –H2O in this instance! and will be discussed in ~NH4!2HPO4–~NH4!2SO4–H2O system......... 1451 terms of this latter system. However, quaternary systems and systems of a higher order formed by adding another compo- nent to the above-mentioned ternary system will be evalu- 1. Preface ated separately. It should be noted that a system consisting of two phosphates belonging to a different series is ternary Phosphates, in general, have some properties that compli- ~pseudoternary! only in special cases determined by pH, sta- cate a study of these compounds. This behavior is discussed bility constants of the species involved and solubility of pos- elsewhere.1 Ammonium phosphates also have these charac- sible solid phases.

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