[email protected] www.churchstoke.org CYNGOR CYMUNED YR YSTOG CHURCHSTOKE COMMUNITY COUNCIL 2 Rowes Terrace, Plough Bank, Montgomery, Powys. SY15 6QD Clerc i’r Cyngor | Clerk to the Council: E J Humphreys MA Oxf, CiLCA, FSLCC MINUTES of FULL COUNCIL ORDINARY BUSINESS MEETING on Tuesday 30th October 2018, 7.30pm at Churchstoke Community Hall 1.0 Attendance, Apologies for Absence, Dispensations, and Declarations of Members’ Interests: to record attendance, to receive and resolve if desired on apologies for absence, to receive declarations of interest from Members in accordance with Part III of the Local Government Act 2000, which established the Local Government Code of Conduct for Members, and to note Members’ dispensations (papers 1a-b previously circulated). Attendance: Cllr D L Powell (Chairman), Cllr G Jameson, Cllr G Frost, Cllr M J Jones, Cllr J Jones, Cllr R K McLintock, Cllr A Richards, Cllr B L Smith (Vice- Chairman), Cllr C P Smith, D N Yapp. The Chairman welcomed Mr E Evans representing the Churchstoke Football Club to the meeting. Apologies for absence approved by Council: None. Other apologies for absence reported to meeting: Cllr J N Wakelam. Other Members not present: None. In attendance: E J Humphreys (Clerk to the Council). Declarations of Members’ interests: Members declared personal / prejudicial interests at the start/ during the meeting as follows: Agenda Item Councillor Nature of Declaration Number Personal and prejudicial interest as Planning 6.5 M J Jones a member of Powys CC Planning Applications Committee 2.0 Public Participation: to receive members of the public who wish to address the council in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. Any member of the public wishing to speak must notify the Clerk to the Council no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. None. 3.0 Guest Churchstoke Football Club (CFC): to welcome representatives of the CFC to describe its ambitions and fundraising objectives to meet the Minutes Ordinary Business Meeting 301018 Approved by Council.docx Page 1 of 13 [email protected] www.churchstoke.org requirements of the Football Association of Wales for playing and spectator facilities. The Chairman welcomed Mr E Evans as representative of the CFC to describe the club’s ambitions and fundraising objectives to meet the requirements of the Football Association of Wales (FAW) for playing and spectator facilities. Items highlighted included: • Basic information about the club playing in Tier 3 and Tier 6 of the Football Association of Wales leagues • Running costs per season • Progress in recent years with 1st team moving from Tier 6 to Tier 3 between 2014-15 and 2018-19 • FAW strategy for the status of football in Wales, the change to the leagues structure, and the exiting and proposed league structures and what it means for CFC’s options and those which would need CCC’s support • Challenge facing CFC if it aims to continue Tier 3 status • Possible sources of funding • The desire of the CFC Committee to explore opportunities of Tier 3 and areas of development that would be required • The start of a feasibility study for the remainder of this calendar year • The benefits to the community that would be a consequence of development work. The Chairman thanked Mr Evans for the clear information sharing presentation. 4.0 Minutes of Meetings 4.1 To approve & sign the minutes the minutes as a correct record of Full Council Ordinary Business Meeting 25th September 2018 at Hyssington Village Hall (paper 4.1 previously circulated). The minutes of the Full Council Ordinary Business Meeting 25th September 2018 at Hyssington Village Hall were reviewed. RESOLVED: The minutes of the Full Council Ordinary Business 25th September 2018 at Hyssington Village Hall are approved and signed as a correct record, with typographical errors corrected. 4.2 Matters Arising from Minutes for Information: to report matters arising for information from the minutes of Full Council Ordinary Business Meeting 25th September 2018 at Hyssington Village Hall. 4.2.1 (8.1) Potter Notice Board The Chairman reported that the new notice board at the pottery car park has been installed. 4.2.2 (12.1a) Land Registration at Hyssington The Clerk reported that further documents for land registration at Hyssington Village Green have been retrieved from the council’s solicitor and passed to Cllr R K McLintock for transfer to the Friends of the Green and Horsewell (FOTGAH). 5.0 Governance Minutes Ordinary Business Meeting 301018 Approved by Council.docx Page 2 of 13 [email protected] www.churchstoke.org 5.1 Electoral Matters: Hyssington Ward: further to the elections 4th May 2017 and the Declaration of Intent to Co-Opt dated 8th May’17, to receive nominations and to co-opt to fill the 1 remaining vacancy on the council for Hyssington Ward. The Chairman reminded Members of the two remaining vacancies in Hyssington Ward following elections on 4th May 2017, and of publication of intent to co-opt. The Clerk reported no expressions of interest have been received. Action – Members to seek 5.2 Dates of Meetings: to amend date of meeting from 29th Jan’19 to 22nd Jan’19, to enable the council to meet the precept request deadline of the billing authority on 25th Jan’19. The Clerk reported that the deadline for submitting the precept request to the billing authority is 25th Jan’19 and recommended that Council moves the date of its meeting from 29th Jan to 22nd Jan in order to meet the deadline. RESOLVED: Council amends the date of meeting in January from 29th Jan’19 to 22nd Jan’19 to meet the precept request deadline. Action – Clerk to process 6.0 Planning Matters 6.1 Planning Specific Correspondence: to receive, and resolve if desired, planning specific correspondence: 6.1.1 Powys CC: Powys Local Development Plan (LDP) Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG): to receive for information notice of adoption of Powys LDP SPG Oct’18 on Planning Obligations, Biodiversity & Geodiversity, and Affordable Housing (paper 6.1.1 previously circulated). Council received notice of adoption of Powys LDP SPG October 2018 on Planning Obligations, Biodiversity & Geodiversity, and Affordable Housing. Noted. 6.1.2 Planning Aid Wales: to receive information on training opportunities (papers 6.1.2a-b previously circulated). Council received and noted information on training opportunities as follows: a) Planning Aid Wales: Introduction to Planning Enforcement, Wed 17th Oct, at Brynmawr b) Planning Aid Wales: Understanding Community Infrastructure Levy & S106 Contributions, Thu 18th Oct at Caerphilly c) Planning Aid Wales: Introduction to Planning, Wed 8th Nov at Llandrindod Wells d) Planning Aid Wales: Planning4Communioties newsletter Oct’19 bulletin. 6.1.3 Other Planning Specific Correspondence: to receive for information (if any). None. 6.2 Powys CC Planning Determinations: to report from Powys CC notifying the community council of planning decisions in the community council area if any. Ref. Site Powys CC Decision Minutes Ordinary Business Meeting 301018 Approved by Council.docx Page 3 of 13 [email protected] www.churchstoke.org P/2018/0538 Land adj Lynwood, Churchstoke Approved 18/0349/FUL Satipanya, White Grit Approved 18/0352/CLP Development at Hyssington Farm Approved 18/0381/HH Coot Meadow, Churchstoke Approved 18/0399/FUL The Firs, Churchstoke Approved 18/0441/HH Camlad View, Old Churchstoke Approved 6.3 Planning Inspectorate Appeals: Notice(s) of Appeal: to receive & resolve responses to Notices of Planning Appeal including but not limited to those listed below. Later Notices will be considered at the discretion of the Chair. Ref. Appellant Site Description None. 6.4 Pre-application Consultations by Developers: to receive & resolve responses to pre-application consultations by developers including but not limited to those listed below. Later applications will be considered at the discretion of the Chair. Ref. Applicant Site Description rec. None. 6.5 Planning Applications: to receive & resolve responses to consultations; full application(s) detail(s) at http://pa.powys.gov.uk/online-applications/?lang=EN including but not limited to those listed below. Later applications will be considered at the discretion of the Chair. Declarations of Members’ Interests: • Cllr M J Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the meeting for this item. RESOLVED: CCC responds to planning application consultations as follows: Ref. Applicant Site Description rec. 18/0529/HH Mr & Mrs New House, Erection of replacement S Richardson, New White Grit conservatory/ garden House, White Grit room 18/0556/OUT Miss Delves, The The Firs, A489 Outline: Erection of 2 S Firs, Churchstoke from junction with detached dwellings and C2193 by Todleth garages, together with House to Castle the formation of new Road, vehicular access' and Churchstoke associated works 18/0711/FUL Mr A Jones, The The Broads, A489 New agricultural building S Broads, Churchstoke from Junction with over base of old C2147 by Ivy buildings House Lodge to junction with C2193 by Todleth, Churchstoke Action – Clerk to process Minutes Ordinary Business Meeting 301018 Approved by Council.docx Page 4 of 13 [email protected] www.churchstoke.org 6.6 Applications for Works to Trees Subject to Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area – to receive & resolve responses to consultations including but not limited to those listed below. Later applications will be considered at the discretion of the Chair. Ref. Applicant Site Description rec. None. 6.7 Planning Enforcement: 6.7.1 From Powys CC to CCC: to report for information, planning enforcement matters within the community (paper 6.7.1 previously circulated). Council received and expressed dissatisfaction at the Powys CC response to CCC’s enquiries regarding outstanding planning enforcement matters as follows: Ref./ Site Description M2003/1168: Land Installation of a static caravan on the development site.
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